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Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 4 - Game Over


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Sounds more like a Flavorcop to me. Are you allowed to post the flavor onto here (not that you should do that yet)?

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Psych I mess with your gut every game so I'm not surprised

@refa: As for mitsuki she was like "via is acting weird are they always this way" then turned around and was like "via is 100% town bc of insomniac shenanigans" but in the em game was like "I think you're town because of what you've been saying in the em pregame" so. Idk

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Personally, I think it's more likely to be between SB and Weapons (because I'm reading you as town and Iris got roleblocked by Mitsuki and why would she roleblock a scumbuddy) but I just wanted to reveal the whole thing in case other people thought differently.

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Also Elieson, I'm kind of curious about this. You don't have to answer if you think it'll screw over town or whatever, but what happens if one of the drivers gets culted (and presumably vanillized) but is still alive? Will the other driver just function as a one sided redirect?

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I'll have to interrogate Paperprims about that, because I have 0 info about what happens if one of us is culted (or killed, for that matter)

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argh wrote post got deleted

Mitsuki's BBM case smells kind of like a bus maybe because I want Prims to be scum (OH AND POSTS DON'T GET AUTOSAVED ON MOBILE BUT THEY GET SAVED ON COMPUTER WTF), mainly because that came out of nowhere with pretty contrived reasons, and she jumped off it as soon as she could. Not that strong of a point overall though. Also this section looked way longer on mobile. Actually the pretty contrived reasons makes no sense if they were scumbuddies so idk.

Boron lost points for the same reason as before. Somebody else did the same thing too but idr who.

SBKay (worst hydra ever, come on Kay) made a really good post on Refa. Most recently, I also found Refa's Boron vote yesterday to be out of place and I'm still wary of the rolefishing ED1. Even more recently, Refa's flipped Mitsuki analysis is significantly scummy. It sort of feels like he's trying to drive town in certain directions (Mitsuki wouldn't bus, 1v1 between me and SBKay, that's not how flipped analysis works). I also don't like how Refa said his role would be broken as scum to as a deflector.

I don't think Rein is obvtown, mainly because something he did yesterday really does not sit well with me. Like, I wouldn't be surprised if Mitsuki/Refa/Rein are doing a Super Conspiracy but not that worth pursuing for now.

Can I get a LAL on Elieson???? Why did you claim 0-shot of all things?

##Unvote, ##Vote: Refa

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Okay so SB your other action is a single shot night kill?

Maybe I missed this but how does BBM giving Quote Insomniac abilities verify that he is town?

To elaborate, I am Rapier, a Town Rolecop whose can only discover a player's flavor.

This is Poly right? Did you happen to get a result last night?

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This is Poly right? Did you happen to get a result last night?

It's FFM.

Also: The cases on Refa look pretty good but I'm not quite convinced (people on the EM game can confirm I was townreading him on my overnight read, but I didn't get very far on that so it's not exactly solid).

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Actually the cases on me are shit but I don't want to waste all of my time responding to them because it'll just be a huge waste of time and effort on my own part. If you're not convinced that I'm town now, nothing short of a cop scan will convince you so why even bother.

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Okay so I've got my days townreads

Rein (well duh)
Iris (targetted by Mitsuki n1 with the roleblock since bear was able to bus)

Bear (targetted by Mitsuki n1 with the #irc action and early d2 vote)

Elie (if I'm going to assume Bear is town then Elie is also very likely town but I can see a situation where this might not be the case)

Refa (targetted Blitz? to get a huge list of stuff and Mitsuki was pushing him d1)

and I have pretty much shit for scumreads so I have a couple of questions before I try to push someone, some I've already asked but no ones been on yet:

SB your other action is a single shot night kill or you can shoot someone when you get lynched?

Maybe I missed this but how does BBM giving Quote Insomniac abilities verify that he is town?

FFM did you happen to get a result last night?

Refa can you explain your role in some detail?

Weapons can you tell us what you were targetting BBM for/what results you got?

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Refa can you explain your role in some detail?

Basically I can target as many people as I want. Not outing what happens when I target them or any other potential limitations on my role.

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Why is Iris town due to the hook? Quote was the one who claimed hooked for N1+2.

Rein tracked Mitsuki to Iris, bear and Blitz. You know bear succeeded yourself and Blitz is kind of dead. Via has to have been hooked by someone else.

Also hahaha Elieson can't fakeclaim unless it's Weak Watcher Survivor Rogue 2x Vig but also I'd like to point out that my neighbor and I weren't on equal grounds in terms of claiming too, so I could've been an assclown and fullclaimed pre-Rein, but that would've been unfair to da bear. As it is, I claimed without his permission and had to justify why later on.

Okay, why did you fake it in the first place? It doesn't make sense to me and I have no idea why bear went along with it, or why you drove the people you did.

I feel so dumb saying this but the only Refa!meta I can think of is LightYagami!Refa. This seems plausible, but in all actuality I'm so null on Refa that it's hard to tell. TBH i feel like SB's subtly rolefishing here, despite Refa's claim sorta being out in the open. Also, did Refa really lead the marth Turbo? IIRC, Mitsuki'd been pushing Refa all day yesterphase, and if anything, I'd have a slight townread on Refa due to that.

How was it rolefishing? I never asked Refa to out anything that he was doing. And uh, yes Refa lead the turbo on Marth and encouraged basically everyone to join the wagon. I don't think Mitsuki ever committed to voting Refa either so I don't see why she couldn't have been trying to distance from him.

Do you think that Bear and I are scum Co-Drivers then?

Prims is a host, so yeah I can definitely see him doing that. You're both individually scummy and I can't see why you two have done the things you have (Eli's fakeclaim, the Refa/Psych drive) as town.

Refa refusing to answer my case and deciding there's a 1v1 between me and Weapons for weak reasons is scummy as fuck. Why would you not try and convince people that you're town? It reads like you gave up on defending yourself and just want to see who you can get lynched instead to save yourself that way.

@Beli: the vig and the vengeful aren't part of my role. I'd guess the vig came from Blitz and the vengeful came from me winning at epicmafia. I don't really appreciate all the rolefishing you're doing tbh. Also bear being part of the chaintrack doesn't mean he has to be town either.

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Refa refusing to answer my case and deciding there's a 1v1 between me and Weapons for weak reasons is scummy as fuck. Why would you not try and convince people that you're town? It reads like you gave up on defending yourself and just want to see who you can get lynched instead to save yourself that way.


I honestly wonder how you're going to justify saying stuff like this if I ever get lynched and flip town.

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Done moving in and stuff. Let's get this started! To simplify things, I am just going to say who everyone visited except in cases where there is some conflict (also, I think it is a bit too close to quoting role PM because I have no flavor with any of this).

[spoiler=results]Bear targeted Refa.

Refa targeted everyone except Elieson and Psych.

BBM targeted nobody.

Beli targeted nobody.

Blitz targeted Elieson and SB/Kay (?)

Boron targeted nobody.

Eury targeted nobody.

FFM targeted Eury.

Iris targeted nobody.

Kay/SB targeted Psych.

Mitsuki targeted Blitz, Iris, and Bear.

Proto targeted Blitz.

scorri targeted Via.

Shinori targeted Via.

Via targeted nobody.

Weapons targeted BBM.

Psych targeted nobody.

Elieson targeted Psych.

Lastly Iris wasn't going to visit anyone (second part of Mitsuki's role).

Whew that's a lot!

I too am sorta questioning Refa a bit... roles could lean either way as a town role that messes with town or as a mafia role that can abuse Mitsuki's role, but comments like his previous post are really not helpful and the one that was like "nothing can convince you I'm town" so I would appreciate a bit of justification on that front.

FFM, why did you out what you outed? It was not that significant and didn't really accomplish anything except outing yourself pointlessly over something that didn't really do much. I guess mafia knows you're a visiting role anyway but narrowing down specifics isn't useful regardless.

I have a kinda bad headache and also now it's Juliette time apparently so I'll post some more later I guess.

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One of those people who visited me roleblocked me. So either it is Boron eho is mafia or Shinori who for some fucking reason thinks I'm CL and if it was town who roleblocked me I will become a serial killer irl I swear to fucking god

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FFM, why did you out what you outed? It was not that significant and didn't really accomplish anything except outing yourself pointlessly over something that didn't really do much. I guess mafia knows you're a visiting role anyway but narrowing down specifics isn't useful regardless.

I know little about the meta of the players of this game and I was trying to see if Manix is notorious for being a cult leader/scum.

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(I really dont think it was town who roleblocked me. The only reason I can think of one of those two using a one-shot roleblock on me and being town is because Shinori said he thought I was CL, and if he really roleblocked me for that reason without reading the rest of the game I will be VERY annoyed. Boron stated multiple times that she thought I was town in game. So if she is the one who rbed me, she is likely scum. Keep in mind I softclaimed a provable role yesterday and got roleblocked.)

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