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Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 4 - Game Over


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Hi. I'll be extremely busy over the weekend. Got signholding and an interview and will not be around my computer much at all. So I'll be heavily inactive over the weekend. If you would like to sub me out because of that that's fine.

And yeah I hooked levy.

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How do youknow it wasn't scorri who hooked Quote?

because I took Scorri's slot you buttkush

that and Shinori just claimed it but THAT'S BESIDE THE POINT

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what are we arguing over now

why would shinori roleblock bizz i don't think he gave motive

this honestly seems like all the info we got will make it really easy considering a mass claim and POE lets us basically nail the scum

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guys im alive ive been out of my dorm like all day and really busy with like orientation activities and stuff

i am going to bed now but i will wake up early tomorrow and post i promise

wow i have no idea how mitsuki died but good job dayvig or whatever

ok talk to you guys tomorrow im sorry

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Will make a more substantive post in a few hours probably maybe I dunno.

what are we arguing over now

why would shinori roleblock bizz i don't think he gave motive

this honestly seems like all the info we got will make it really easy considering a mass claim and POE lets us basically nail the scum

Shinori thought Bizz was the Cult Leader or something? Honestly I think he's more likely to be town from rolespec alone considering that there's already a flipped Scum!Roleblocker (also his use of it was consistent with what he said previously).

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Oh, and I could totally go for a massclaim at this point but it's probably better for people who haven't actually claimed to voice their opinions about that (my fullclaim won't really help us catch scum because it's such a weird role).

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Also how many actions do people think scum would have in this game? Honestly inclined to dismiss people who took no actions (I mean there could be a ninja scum but then they'd take the kill instead of Mitsuki; maybe the CL is a NINJA CL but yeah CL rules) at this point.

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Oh I didn't realize roleblock was a part of Mitsuki's role. Well whatever but please don't roleblock me again if you're town, I'd appreciate that thanks. Even if Shinori's town I'd still like to know from him why he did it, even if what I assumed is true.

I do have an action but I don't want to out who I targeted unless/until I have to. Being roleblocked makes it look like I didn't do anything I guess.

My vote is staying on SB because idk he still really bugs me @___@ and I know Eclipse has an excuse for having not done much but Boron was kind of unmemorable, and so far most of Eclipse's content in prodding & questions (and poking me about SB which I still don't fully understand) so I feel weird about her slot too.

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I thought Shinori was town anyway but wow this whole thing just sucks

sorry, I won't keep bringing this up lmao please continue scumhunting and let's not spec about Shinori anymore

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Fuck sorry I keep spamposting.

But on the subject of a massclaim ehhhh, I dunno. Rein just basically outed everyone who has actions so I guess it wouldn't matter THAT much but idk I'll wait to see what everyone else thinks about it I guess. I'll claim if I have to since I keep crumbing it like an idiot but only if I have to.

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Actually thinking about it, massclaim is probably not a good idea with Cult still alive. Somehow I forgot about them, heh.

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ughhhhh. right. whatever

I think it was easy to forget with Psych's whole "WAIT I MIGHT BE A VANILLA AND CULT MIGHT NOT EXIST" which I still don't understand either but it made me assume that maybe there just isn't a cult and Psych just misread his role I mean why else would Eclipse be playing /shot (THIS IS A JOKE I PROMISE)

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I don't really appreciate all the rolefishing you're doing tbh.

Also bear being part of the chaintrack doesn't mean he has to be town either.

lol that's a weird comment. I don't really care what you appreciate, but everyone - except Weapons who was outed by Refa - had already volunteered most of the information that I'm just trying to clarify so if you consider that rolefishing that's your thing. Not like they are required to answer the question.

Yes I know but it makes him more likely to be town because Mitsuki gains less information by targetting a mafia than he would by targetting a cit (because he would already know all the actions his mafia buddies took). Conversely, Bear could be faking his inactivity/headache/forgetting/whateverlameexcusehehas so it's also possible he's mafia and they planned it this way because they knew he had an active role. I can spin this however but I'll consider him town until I decide to not.

If we massclaim I can only prove that I am the role I say, I can't prove that I'm a cit (though my role is def more townie than not) so I guess I don't really care either way.

Honestly I'm kind of willing to lynch Shinori on the simple fact of him/her roleblocking Quote.

##Vote Shinori

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