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how to be a true fan of fire emblem


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and also what waluigi said. real fans get that 1% crit from an enemy that kills like raven or somebody that shouldn't ever be getting killed.

plus, to have played at least 3 games in the series. doesn't matter which (fe1, fe3: book 1 only, fe11 for example).

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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Don't use Haar in FE 10, Titania in 9, Seth in 8, Marcus in 7, Caeda in 11, Palla and Catria in 12/3, Sigurd's Silver Sword in 4, and Roy in 6, cause seriously, Roy is a terrible unit.

I'm half a fan now.

Also, you need to recognize Gonzales as bad.

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- Become obsessed with finding the way to beat each level in as few turns as possible

- Debate tier-lists for years that come down to ranking one character over another due to one shove that shaves one turn in one chapter.

- If someone suggests anything other than a LTC play SHUN THEM! FOR THEY ARE UNCLEAN AND HERETICAL CASUALS!

- Mock Snowy.

- Only play the older games. Anything not at least two games old is FAR too modern to be a 'good' Fire Emblem game. Remakes don't count.

- Play Bulwerk Saga and the like. They are REAL FE games! Not like that stupid, filthy, heretical, casual-friendly, Awakening!

Okay. For real, all you have to do is like FE and play a game or two. There is no initiation rituals or anything though I'm sure some of the members here would enjoy making you run around naked while they swat your rear with paddles.

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I'm half a fan now.

Also, you need to recognize Gonzales as bad.

Someone's never played Hard Mode.

Also to be a true fan you have to enjoy the series and play a few of the games, nothing special. And not argue about pointless crap which is 99% of serenes.

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You have to have purchased Awakening and got morbidly dissapointed with it. Then you have to think to yourself "What have we done to deserve such a lame excuse for a Fire Emblem game?" Awakening was originally meant to introduce the western audiences to the Japan-only games, but the dating simulator-esque system horribly overrides that. A true fan would be decently interested in the past games after playing Awakening, not use it as a dating simulator that shouldn't belong in the series to begin with!

tl:dr, don't ever play Awakening as your first game in the series.

Everything else I would've said has already been said by others.

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Be ShadowOfChaos


Excuse me, I hate my past self.

If being a true fan means having waifus, then I quit.

Pfffhahahahaha. Magnificent. Simply magnificent.

Now excuse me while I go sig what Sara. said.

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You mean Doma's Remains.

You'd know that if you were a true fan.

yes I know its called doma's remains I was calling it by its localized name for diversity

becides I personaly find demons ingle to sound much more threatening than a corpse

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The anti-Awakening-ness some people have in this topic is terrible though.

Welcome to the FE fandom! We do nothing but bash games with flawed stories or poor balance (Or worse, impractical outfits), unless they're FE1 through 12. That is the mark of a true fan, see...

Edited by Alg
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Welcome to the FE fandom! We do nothing but bash games with flawed stories or poor balance (Or worse, impractical outfits), unless they're FE1 through 12. That is the mark of a true fan, see...

Saying "unless they're FE1 through 3, and 9" would be more accurate.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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