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Who do you plan to use for your mains for this game?


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Still in progress

After doing a little bit of testing with Dark Pit, I think he's going to be somewhere in my secondary list. He's not quite on Falco's level, but I feel more comfortable with him than I do Lucina (and most of the cast).

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Ness: Kid was heavily buffed, and he can use Lucas PK Thunder. Yay!

Toon Link: Bomb spam has been something I've done since Melee. They're great and quite versatile.

Marth: Well, he's been buffed since E3, so I am happy.


Lucina: The only FE13 Lord I like, but I still wish that if Marth was gonna get cloned, it should have been Eirika, Roy, Lief, or Seliph... Because there IS a pile of FE games with nothing...

Villager: Loved him in the demo, may use him.

In all honesty, I didn't care much for the newcomers this time.

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I'm literally glued to Samus now, because people constantly make mistakes in For Glory, and I love punishing people's mistakes and sloppy aerial play.

If I'm not playing Samus, Lucina Toon Link and ZSS are my

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Now that I've had the game for a little bit, I'm surprised that I'm not feeling Jigglypuff or R.O.B. this game. Villager is one of my secondaries, alongside Pit and I guess Robin, but Fox is my main. Fits my rushdown play style perfectly

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Iunno. I might main Marth/Lucina, since I've really been trying to get the hang of tipping with Marth, and end up seconding Ike/Robin/Shulk/Link/Falcon. Meh.

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So in the end:

Mains: Dr. Mario, Lucina, Pac-Man

Secondaries: Rosalina & Luma, Duck Hunt

I can play as a lot of characters for fun in casual play, although there's some of them I need to try better, including all custom moves.

Jigglypuff, Ike, Ganondorf, Villager, Olimar Mega Man and Luigi are the only characters I feel I can't play as. Can't exactly point out WHY, but I just can't do anything with them. Once I'm done playing every mode with them, I probably won't touch them again.

Edited by Jave
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revising my list to be


considering having Lucario / Zelda / Charizard / Shulk / Robin / Ganon / Rosalina as secondaries or tertiaries

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Since having the opportunity to try out the characters...

Mains: Peach, Zelda, Zero Suit Samus

Secondaries: Ness, Lucina, Sheik, Rosalina & Luma

I guess I never got the hang of Dark Pit. I dropped Palutena / Little Mac too. I just can't seem to get a hold of them. I'm pretty decent with Mario, Link, and Pikachu, but that was for demo purposes and I'd never play with them competitively, so I've dropped them from my secondaries list.

Ness, I'm having a bit of trouble with, so I don't think I'd call him my main. Maybe later when I get a bit better with him.

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I have no real mains since Snake is gone. I still miss him.

Though I favour using Robin, Marth, Ike, Captain Falcon and Ganondorf. I'm very happy that Ganondorf''s attacking speed is improved.

Bowser, Peach and Rosalina are fun to play too.

I only ignore Dr. Mario, Dark Pit, Baby Bowser, Wario, Wii-Fit-Trainer, Paulutena (unusable) and all the Pokémon except for Pikachu.

Edited by TalesOf Hysteria
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My current mains are Ganondorf, Marth, and Zero Suit Samus with Link as my secondary. Hoping to add more people to this like Shulk and Dark Pit. And I'm really loving the buffs Ganondorf got.

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After much testing (for very tiny amounts of "much"):

Mains: Falco, Marth

Secondaries: Dark Pit, Fox

Will try to pick up: Rosalina

I figured this out when I realized that I unlocked most of the cast using Marth. Now that Fox is less prone to running off the stage, I can sort of play him. Being in the opponent's face is a little odd for me, but I can somehow do it with Falco. Dark Pit is in there because he amuses me. I'm still figuring out Rosalina.

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My list hasn't changed, though I was disappointed in the nerfs Ike had gotten. Luigi got nice buffs though and I no longer have to worry about Ike being gimped out of a Quick Draw recovery, so I suppose the good outweighs the bad.

Robin and Duck Hunt Dog are proving to be hard for me to pick up, but I'll figure them out someday.

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My list hasn't changed, though I was disappointed in the nerfs Ike had gotten. Luigi got nice buffs though and I no longer have to worry about Ike being gimped out of a Quick Draw recovery, so I suppose the good outweighs the bad.

Yeah... They basically buffed everyone else while leaving Ike relatively similar. He's a bit faster, but is weaker, heavier and still has bad recovery.

A shame, really... Nintendo really has a thing when it comes to nerfing awesome characters/buffing stupid ones.

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