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Who do you plan to use for your mains for this game?


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I think it's more strange that they nerfed his strength after making the KO zones farther out. >_>

But yeah, the balancing team was stupid with Ike. Yet they apparently did Bowser, another slow heavyweight, correctly. Just...I don't get it.

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Yeah... They basically buffed everyone else while leaving Ike relatively similar. He's a bit faster, but is weaker, heavier and still has bad recovery.

A shame, really... Nintendo really has a thing when it comes to nerfing awesome characters/buffing stupid ones.

So far it seems to me that they nerfed D.K. and Jigglypuff, which is a shame because I've been using D.K. across all three games, and since I first got the series

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So far it seems to me that they nerfed D.K. and Jigglypuff, which is a shame because I've been using D.K. across all three games, and since I first got the series

I always hate it when they nerf the original characters. I mean, besides fox and pikachu, a lot of the original characters haven't been very good since 64.

Though it's good to know that some characters like C.Falcon, Mario, Yoshi and Link seem to be buffed considerably.

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Main: Ike

Secondaries: Shulk, Robin

Trying to Learn: Pit, Greninja, Pac-Man

I'm still hanging on to my main from Brawl, Ike. As for secondaries, Shulk plays pretty similar to Ike, so I'm loving him. I'm not quite as good at Robin yet, but I love his moveset so I'm definitely going to keep practicing. Originally, I planned to use Wii Fit Trainer as a secondary, but I just cannot see myself getting a feel for her weird hitboxes. I also originally looked down on Pac-Man since his moveset looked really boring and uninspired, but I (sadly) found that he fits my playstyle incredibly well.

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Primary Mains: Kirby, Ganondorf, Shulk

Secondary Mains: Dark Pit, Capt. Falcon, Samus

Tertiary Mains: Ike, Mario, Link, Marth

All of the other characters I said I was going to use either didn't fit my play style/were hard to control (Roy, Greninja) or were too slow for my own comfort (Palutena, Robin). I didn't expect to add Samus or Ike to my list of mains, they sort of came to me. Recently I've been getting better results in For Glory with Dark Pit than with any of my other mains, so I'm really concerned if I will end up dropping my current mains in favor of him.

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I've been enjoying Sheik and Zero Suit Samus. I like superior killing power over Sheik, but I like Sheik's projectiles more than Zero Suit Samus'.

Pit/Dark Pit also seem quite decent, so I'll probably use them as secondaries.

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Absolute primary main: Marth. The big man himself.

Absolute secondary main: Pit, my favorite Nintendo character as of Uprising

People I mess around with frequently enough to he considered pocket characters:

Diddy (he's so stupid good in this game)

Kirby (not too much now, but I have a history with the character)

Sheik (I love Ninja characters)

Shulk (it's fucking Shulk, yo)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Still waiting on the Wii U version.

My plan is to main Ike as I did in the previous, along with Shulk as a possible secondary. There looks to be some moveset similarity with the two, such as both characters have a 3-hit attack comprising of a punch, kick, and slash, as well as a neutral aerial attack that swings in a wide arc. They even share the same damage animation.


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Dropping Lucina for Marth because tipper (still gonna use her, but less than Marth).

Picking up Bowser.


Tink, Link, Sheik, Marth.

[spoiler=others]Secondaries (need some work as well):

Bowser, Lucina

Gonna work on:

Robin, Mario, Shulk, Zelda (again), Samus, Mii Gunner, Lucario.

Stretch goals:

Ganon, Ness, Kirby.

EDIT: well I mean, they could all use some work, including the mains

just, some guys more than others

Edited by Euklyd
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lucario seems to still be my soul mate... secondaries are kirby, bowser, jigglypuff, rob, and dark pit (i hate his guts but he works).

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Marth is now moving up as one of my primary mains. I blame Conquest and the fact that I almost pulled off a Ken Combo in so many For Glory matches for doing this.

I'm afraid that Shulk has to move down to being one of my secondaries now. His attacks are actually pretty slow but not to the point of discomfort.

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Revising my list a second time.

Mains: Peach, Zelda, Zero Suit Samus

Secondaries: Ness, Rosalina & Luma, Marth

I replaced Lucina with Marth, and just dropped Sheik entirely. I'm starting to really enjoy the tipper; at first thinking I'd stick to Lucina for balanced power. Plus the blade animations look really pretty when they're outlined. Ness, I'm getting pretty good with now, but I don't think I'm ready to call him my main just yet.

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After a considerable amount of playing, I think I've come to conclude that...

My mains: Marth, Pikachu, Toon Link (in that order).

Marth is just nice, especially when I can get early KOs with a lucky tipper.

Pikachu has a bit of time getting KOs at times, but keeping distance with Thunderjolt makes things easier.

Toon Link is... a projectile game, I guess? Something I do often is use his bow + boomerang, then while the opponent is (ever so momentarily) stunned, I rush in and use up-smash a few times.

My secondaries: Robin, Ike, Lucina

I want to say I use these often, but honestly, I don't stray from my mains much.

Ike is mostly for 4-player matches. Robin isn't bad, by any means, but I find him a bit too slow for my tastes, since I like rushing my opponents, instead of just sitting back and waiting for my opponents's to attack me (which I notice a lot of players do). Sometimes I'm punished for being too aggressive, but I don't like (and try not) to play the wait game.

Practicing: a lot.

I like most of the characters in this game, and I want to eventually become decently proficient with all the characters, but we'll see about that.

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My "main" Newcomers : Robin, Rosalina & Luma

My main veterans : Ike, Yoshi, Pikachu

Secondaries: Bowser, Meta Knight, Lucina, Palutena, Shulk

Well, I haven't fought yet against real presons because I don't have a wireless connexion, nor did I found anyone to play with, but I practiced much with Robin (but he's a bit slow, that's true), and Rosalina and Luma (I try to fight efficiently with Luma... That's not easy watching both of them when they are at opposite sides of the screen)... But, I fight with them so frequently they become my "main" newcomers

I oftenly smash with veterans like Ike (but I KO as many time as I am KO'd, so I'm not sure I can call him a "main"...), Yoshi (He's... much more powerful than in Brawl, isn't he ?) and Pikachu.

But I try to practice with Palutena, Shulk and Lucina/Marth, and Bowser and Meta Knight were some good experiences in Brawl, so I just keep them

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My mains list looks something like

Marth, Ike, Zelda, Link, Shulk and Pit.

While I can use some others really well like Falco, Sonic, Doc, Ness, Robin etc etc.

I'm still kind of a jack of all trades but I think I finally found my main "crew"

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Charizard and Robin are the mains I'm training with right now. I am the blood of the dragon.

Currently my Charizard is a bit better due to his sheer bulk and power, and I'm not quite accustomed to the planning ahead and keeping track of ammo needed for Robin heh.

Secondarily, I use Lucina/Marth, Samus, Greninja, Kirby, Meta Knight, and Palutena in For Fun matches most of the time.

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