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Might be a good idea to preload some money to your eShop account ahead of time. Servers are likely going to be really busy with all the hype and so the less time you need to spend on the eShop, the better.

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Might be a good idea to preload some money to your eShop account ahead of time. Servers are likely going to be really busy with all the hype and so the less time you need to spend on the eShop, the better.

I personally prefer not to do that because the lowest amount you can load on there is $10 and I'm surely not going to spend that much on Corrin. I don't like putting money on my account that I won't spend.

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After tax its like 5.83 or something.

So its not like you are camping on a tonne of extra money

I don't like keeping money in accounts though I'm with you thefe

Edited by Elieson
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Plus if anything ever comes up that you want, you've got 4.17 waiting for you.

That being said, I can relate to you on there. I've still got 100 Wii Points on my Wii from like 5 years ago that I have no idea how to use.

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Plus if anything ever comes up that you want, you've got 4.17 waiting for you.

That being said, I can relate to you on there. I've still got 100 Wii Points on my Wii from like 5 years ago that I have no idea how to use.

I do too and the annoying thing is you can't just pay the remainder of the price with a credit card on Wii like you can on Wii U. I went to buy Megaman X on Wii (since it isn't available on Wii U) but it would have meant buying at least 1000 more Wii Points leaving me with like 400 in the end so I just said nope to that transaction.

BTW Characters are available on Eshop now. Can't seem to play them yet though.

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In a complete inverse of what usually happens, i managed to purchase the characters early on before the servers had trouble but now have to wait for the game to perform the update to actually install them, which is usually done for me by the time I wade through the eshop trying to give them money.

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In a complete inverse of what usually happens, i managed to purchase the characters early on before the servers had trouble but now have to wait for the game to perform the update to actually install them, which is usually done for me by the time I wade through the eshop trying to give them money.

This is me right now too.

It's giving me around 3 hours remaining...

I feel like we borked the server.

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You need to load the game from the main menu, not the quick start menu.

That's what I did.

But I think I figured out the problem, it's actually still downloading. I just noticed it on the download management page.

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I'm going to use the black and gold Corrin palette, because female Corrin and awesome colors! In fact, a lot of Smash characters have black and gold palettes or black and gold on one of their palettes. :P

I wonder if Sakurai is a Steelers fan lol

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Well in half an hour I've gone from a six minute download to a five minute one so I don't think I'll be playing these characters tonight. I'll just have to see them in the morning which was what I originally planned for anyway.

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