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Super Smash Bros. 3DS/Wii U Tournament Hub (Please see post #1644)

Ema Skye

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@ Quint















sorry not sorry if i misspelt anyone's names

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When will the correct bracket be posted? Or, is the bracket from standard signups the correct bracket?

The real bracket will be posted a few days before the tourney starts (probably Monday).

Quint, the image uses the Challonge names, which one is you? I'm on phone now so I'm limited.

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The real bracket will be posted a few days before the tourney starts (probably Monday).

That's what I was hoping for. I'd rather not feel obliged to pick X based on my opponent being Y, so it's a relief to see that.

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I've got clearance to host a "Newcomer tournament."

This is like the "Original 12" tournament, except that, as you may guess by the name, you can use only the 12 newcomer fighters to Smash (Dark Pit and Lucina not included).

Tournament is scheduled to play between Saturday 29th November to Monday December 1st, but of course you can start playing your matches on Friday if both you and your opponent are comfortable with doing so.

Signups will open up a week before, on the 22nd November. 16 spaces.

However I'm still wondering whether or not I should allow people to use Dark Pit and Lucina. You can vote here (Straw Poll).

First off, why would you ever want to single out a specific newcomer? Who cares if they're clones, they're still newcomers so they should have all the right to enter! You're pretty much trying to ban one of my two newcomer mains under blind biasing and blatant favoritism.

Also, there's 17 newcomers (counting the three Mii Fighter classes), not 12.

Edited by Kiseki
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First off, why would you ever want to single out a specific newcomer? Who cares if they're clones, they're still newcomers so they should have all the right to enter! You're pretty much trying to ban one of my two newcomer mains under blind biasing and blatant favoritism.

Whoa, calm down. I'm pretty certain he's not trying to spite anyone, not even close, he just disqualified them because they're clones of veterans. Personally, I don't agree with that, but he put up the poll because he realized that people might want to allow them.

I'm near 100% certain "blind biasing and blatant favoritism" never entered the equation.

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Dang I get to pick last in the drafts. But at least that means I get to pick two in a row right?

And on the subject of Dark Pit and Lucina, I said no. They might be new comers and have differences to the veterans but they're still using pre-existing movesets. The point is to experience the new things the game has to offer, having Lucina and Dark Pit is just using a style we're familiar with already with some tweaks.

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Dang I get to pick last in the drafts. But at least that means I get to pick two in a row right?

Yes, that's exactly what it means.

Jedi where are you. We need you to advance the draft.

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Yes, that's exactly what it means.

Jedi where are you. We need you to advance the draft.

pretty sure he's got class or other job corps activity right now

I think

EDIT: [10/28/14 4:56:58 PM] RayFa³: *college

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First off, why would you ever want to single out a specific newcomer? Who cares if they're clones, they're still newcomers so they should have all the right to enter! You're pretty much trying to ban one of my two newcomer mains under blind biasing and blatant favoritism.

Also, there's 17 newcomers (counting the three Mii Fighter classes), not 12.

You are assuming I've banned the two characters from the tournament when I haven't. That's the whole point of the poll - so a majority can decide whether or not they will be playable. Regardless, even when Nintendo first revealed the two characters on their main sites, the "newcomer" label wasn't given to either of them. So there's that.

Accuse me of being "biased" or having any sort of "favouritism" again and I will make sure you don't play in this tournament.

I'm debating with myself whether Mii characters should be usable or not. Personally I think there's too many available variables with them considering you can change their weight and height, but they are indeed newcomers so are very much free to use, too. But remember, there is to be no equipment allowed on the Mii, as with every other character. Custom movesets only. If anyone has an opinion on why the Mii Fighters shouldn't be allowed, I'm interested in hearing it.

Allowing Dark Pit and Lucina has won out over disallowing them (thanks to the 14 who voted).http://strawpoll.me/2879139/r

17 confirmed playable characters in this tournament:

- Bowser Jr.

- Dark Pit*

- Duck Hunt Duo

- Greninja

- Little Mac

- Lucina*

- Mega Man

- Mii Brawler

- Mii Gunner

- Mii Swordfighter

- Pac-Man

- Palutena

- Robin

- RosaLuma

- Shulk

- Villager

- Wii Fit Trainer

So I'll post the Challonge signups a week before the tourney begins. A specific time will be posted closer to the date.

Edit: I've also drafted my character for the draft tourney. Next up is Febro.

Edited by Raven
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Super Smash Bros. 3DS Draft Tournament

In this tournament, 16 participants will choose 3 playable characters each through a drafting process. These characters cannot be repeated and must be used through the whole tournament.


- To join this tournament, a Challonge account is REQUIRED. There will be no private requests to join. To join this tournament go here and sign up.

- Items will be completely turned off.

- Winner is best 2 out of 3 matches. Finals are best 3 out of 5 matches.

- 3 stock, 8 minutes.

- Custom moves are allowed, equipment is not.

- You can only use the three characters you draft for the whole tournament.

- You can't use the same character twice in one round of matches, except for the finals, where two different characters are allowed to repeat (although you have to use your three characters for the first three matches).


- Once all 16 participants have signed up, the drafting process will begin. The participants will be organized randomly (join order doesn't matter here) and will pick their characters one at a time.

- Drafting will take place in the Comments section in the Challonge page.

- Once the drafting order is decided, the 16 participants will choose one character each, then the second character will be picked in reverse order. That is, the participant who picked his first character last will pick his second character first, the one that picked his first character second-to-last will pick his second character second, and so forth until everyone has two characters.

- Finally, the third character will be chosen in the same participant order of the second character, thus drafting a total of 48 characters.

- Once a character is drafted by a participant, no other participant can draft said character.

- Mii Fighters are banned and will remain undrafted.

Remember, to join, go to the Challonge page of the tournament and sign up. No other forms of joining will be accepted.

I put together a little spreadsheet to make things a bit easier for those just curious about information related to the Drafting Selections. Javeman, hook me up with your gmail if you want right to edit it yourself (I'll maintain it though because i have a thing for spreadsheet maintenance).

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I'll record this as a sub, since SR_Kill hasn't even appeared in thread or anything to confirm to my knowledge.

Gemma replaces SR_Kill as Comet's teammate.

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I've recently been curious about something...

Is stalling of any sort legal? Should it be legal?

I know from researching tourney rulesets for Melee and Brawl that stalling is usually banned and is generally hated on by many players. I'm asking this now because when I was facing PJSalt in the Original 12 tournament he circle-camp stalled our first match as soon as I managed to take a stock off him for the whole 5 minutes left of the match and caused the match to time out. He then cheesed victory for the second game by stalling out the majority of the match. Sure, it's a legit strategy, but it takes the fun away from Smash in record time. Now I'm left thinking whether he's been taking advantage of the lenient rules for all of his tournament victories.

@Ice Sage

Will you be available for Teams practice tonight?

Edited by Kiseki
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from what he told me he stalled because it was on a stupid stage (i think he said nonomega gerudo valley?) so he just wanted to pretty much show why it was banned in like every tournament ever, I think it was only not banned because of the spirit of the tournament (IIRC there was a stage for each of the original 12?)

in most tournaments it's pretty hard to stall on the more normally legal stages like yoshi's or battlefield

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I've recently been curious about something...

Is stalling of any sort legal? Should it be legal?

I know from researching tourney rulesets for Melee and Brawl that stalling is usually banned and is generally hated on by many players. I'm asking this now because when I was facing PJSalt in the Original 12 tournament he circle-camp stalled our first match as soon as I managed to take a stock off him for the whole 5 minutes left of the match and caused the match to time out. He then cheesed victory for the second game by stalling out the majority of the match. Sure, it's a legit strategy, but it takes the fun away from Smash in record time. Now I'm left thinking whether he's been taking advantage of the lenient rules for all of his tournament victories.

@Ice Sage

Will you be available for Teams practice tonight?

yeah i'm available today. added you. mine is 1048-8056-7132

pm whenever you're ready~

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I've recently been curious about something...

Is stalling of any sort legal? Should it be legal?

I know from researching tourney rulesets for Melee and Brawl that stalling is usually banned and is generally hated on by many players. I'm asking this now because when I was facing PJSalt in the Original 12 tournament he circle-camp stalled our first match as soon as I managed to take a stock off him for the whole 5 minutes left of the match and caused the match to time out. He then cheesed victory for the second game by stalling out the majority of the match. Sure, it's a legit strategy, but it takes the fun away from Smash in record time. Now I'm left thinking whether he's been taking advantage of the lenient rules for all of his tournament victories.

@Ice Sage

Will you be available for Teams practice tonight?

stalling across the smash games is different for each one. in melee, it wasn't that big of a deal since aggression was typically rewarded, but was still possible, and the stalling in that game isn't possible in 4. melee stalling is basically doing refreshing invincibility on the ledge (doesn't really get you anything) or doing infinites like wobbling above 300%. stalling at the ledge is possible but you can still get hit unless it's something like the hax dash (drop off ledge, waveland on stage, waveland back to ledge), which is really technical so that person runs the risk of messing up. brawl is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more stally than melee because of the physics rewarding defensive play and not being physically hard to do.

if by stalling, you mean running away and shooting projectiles, then that's just something you have to get used to. run around, shield them, and don't get grabbed while doing so. do that, and you might be able to get some hits in. once you get the percentage lead, just play their game and don't get hit.

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