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Super Smash Bros. 3DS/Wii U Tournament Hub (Please see post #1644)

Ema Skye

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Did you have to do something during the end of our second match, Elie? I don't mind redoing that match

Nah it's fine. Lexi woke up with a potty emergency, but I'll let it ride. Not that important to me tbh (I got priorities and you know where they lie~)

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Hey horace, I'm available atm, if you can't then tomorrow by the same hour. Just in case, tell me when are you available to do the match, I might jump in during the day but don't take it as 100% sure.

I'll be around most of the day tomorrow, I'll check periodically throughout the day to see if you're around, but if you wanna just play at this time tomorrow i'll be around.

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Oops, I wasn't aware I was supposed to update it. At any rate I think I've done it now.

Void we can try our game again when you're online.

Also can you update your match on Challonge? http://challonge.com/ssbdraft

I am ready now, I'll host the room.

Edited by Terriermon
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Crap, I can't play right at this moment because I'm expecting the food to be delivered anytime soon. Will you be around in an hour or two? Do you have Skype, because I'm more accessible there than here.

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Don't worry about it, enjoy your food! also gimme some

I do not have skype and I will not be available two hours from now unfortunately. How about tonight at 9ish EST?

Wow I really lost track of time with this one haha. It's supposed to be done tonight. I'm usually more on top of things, my apologies. If my time isn't good and people are waiting then you can eliminate me for the sake of timely tournament progression. I do not mind, I secretly hate you all anyway.

Gotta go now, I'll be back in later.

Edited by Terriermon
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