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Super Smash Bros. 3DS/Wii U Tournament Hub (Please see post #1644)

Ema Skye

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also Elieson from my understanding of how camping works you're entirely wrong

but I'm not an expert

I thought stalling was like, hopping off-stage as puff and drawing out the clock

I thought camping was like projectile camping from outside the reach of your opponent, or something like that?

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Did you actually read pkl's post?

I, myself, have smashed with him and know pkl's skill. Being the victor of tournament(s) because of strategies like camping? Try again...

yeah this! PKL is the best smash player i faced. I always love playing against him. its so much fun.

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I don't think PJS should quit the tournament.

Yeah some people get salty because he is stupid good and wins every SF tourney he enters, but really he's got more experience with SSB4 and Smash in general than a lot of people so it should be expected.

Someone has to win, but imo participation is the most important.

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I thought stalling was like, hopping off-stage as puff and drawing out the clock

I thought camping was like projectile camping from outside the reach of your opponent, or something like that?

you're correct, but I was talking about

**and like I said too, if you're skillful enough to even be put in a position where stalling/camping would net you the lead, then it's a sign of the match's likely outcome. It only reinforces your skill, which should push us to strive to exceed it

camping is gonna be good for some characters regardless of the players' skill.

for example in the Original 12 tournament I was able to beat Zuko, who is considerably better (more skillful, etc) than me by hardcamping with Link

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pkl, you can quit if you want to. i don't blame you, since it seems like there were a few people who seemed to be whining about your dominance (and that's pathetic imo).

sure, i'd be fine with doing our matches tonight.

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I don't recall anyone whining about his dominance... Though I remember suggesting that every tourney winner be excluded from the next one. But I wasn't directing this at just PKL, it was directed at all of us, myself included.

I would've assumed that he dropped out because he's tired of winning all the time...

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Reason: I don't think anyone even wants me to enter.

Hey, just because I said something doesn't mean that you should be melancholy about it. I'll be more than glad to face you again in a tournament and have a few matches against you at some point in the future.

If you really are going to drop out and retire, then I'd love to see you come out of said retirement at some point. Everybody, me included, will wait for that day to come.

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I do think stalling out a match to win by time out, while legit, is pretty freaking terrible and rude and I wouldn't want to play against anyone who does that, unless the stalling happened at something like 30 seconds or less left on the clock and the staller had over 100 damage and the opponent was too low to reasonably KO in time. I didn't see the match in question, but it did sound like PJSalt basically just threw common courtesy out the window...I know people will do what it takes to win, but if there was someone I knew who did that regularly, I'd probably refuse to fight them. It's the kind of thing that makes competitive play look bad, like having fun is meaningless to winning, and it's not like these tournaments have any sort of prize other than bragging rights.

However, just getting my ass kicked fair and square? Bring it on. From what I've heard, I'm pretty sure this is the way PJSalt usually wins his matches, and there's nothing to complain about there.

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the thing is that some people just have fun by winning, and that's probably the most optimal way to play this game. it's completely legit, and if you can't deal with it, then you aren't good at the game...

playing to win: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxokFBgv8YA

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I also recall someone making comments like "Looks like PJSalt is going to win... again." a few tournies back.

I don't want PJSalt to quit the Draft tournament. If PKLucas is willing to give him back the spot and PJSalt is willing to take it back, I would prefer that.

Besides, in this particular tournament most participants are using certain characters that are out of their confort zone, so that should make it more interesting.

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the thing is that some people just have fun by winning, and that's probably the most optimal way to play this game. it's completely legit, and if you can't deal with it, then you aren't good at the game...

The only person who has fun that way is the person doing the stalling. Not the opponent, not any spectators.

Depending on what character and what stage, it's totally possible that the one stalling is at a serious advantage and it has nothing to do with the other person not being good at the game (and if it truly is an optimal way to play, that kind of supports this idea). I've dealt with stallers online and I beat them, but that doesn't mean I'll be okay with it. It is legit, I agreed with as much, but that doesn't mean anyone should do it, especially in a situation where nothing is at stake.

If PJSalt had any plans to win through extended stalling, then I say stay out. We can't exactly make it a rule, but we can strongly discourage it.

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I have been having wi-fi problems since yesterday, and can't play doubles without a large amount of lag, and my internet is not getting fixed until Monday. I feel like I need to drop out.

Trust me I want to participate but lag is not fair in tournaments.

Edited by Steel Waluweegee
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If PJSalt had any plans to win through extended stalling, then I say stay out. We can't exactly make it a rule, but we can strongly discourage it.

it's been made super clear already that he had no plans to do so, and in fact only circle camped to demonstrate how awful a pick Gerudo Valley was

not sure what we're arguing about here

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it's been made super clear already that he had no plans to do so, and in fact only circle camped to demonstrate how awful a pick Gerudo Valley was

It wasn't super clear, apparently, but if that's the situation, then very good. I have no problems with him if it's not something he'll be doing.
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It wasn't super clear, apparently, but if that's the situation, then very good. I have no problems with him if it's not something he'll be doing.

he literally said so himself pedit: not quite true

whoops, he didn't say it outright in this thread

Won 2-0 vs Kiseki. Is Gerudo Valley really legal here? Stage is so bad. I could circle camp all day long with Pikachu lol. GGs tho.

Horace had it correct, though

from what he told me he stalled because it was on a stupid stage (i think he said nonomega gerudo valley?) so he just wanted to pretty much show why it was banned in like every tournament ever, I think it was only not banned because of the spirit of the tournament (IIRC there was a stage for each of the original 12?)

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Well, whatever the case, it's his choice alone whether or not he wants to rejoin. I think most people don't have a problem with him being in, though it would be nice to see someone else win a tournament for once, lol.

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Unfortunately I feel there are really only 3 tournament stages: Battlefield, FD, and Yoshi's Island. Some others like Prism Tower and Arena Ferox are close but yeah things like gerudo valley should not be in it.

However this could be alleviated when the wii u one comes out with the stage builder and hopefully they can be shared (they might have said you could share em but idk)

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Well, whatever the case, it's his choice alone whether or not he wants to rejoin. I think most people don't have a problem with him being in, though it would be nice to see someone else win a tournament for once, lol.

I feel like this tournament might be the best chance not-PKL has of winning, actually.

Probably not much of one, but more than other chances.


(or he's good enough with his not-mains that he can still take us apart just as well :V )

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i can sub in for waluigi if need be

also I'm gone for the rest of the day today and actually haven't looked at the bracket yet so i don't know who my partner is/who i'm playing, but i'm avaliable from around 11AM MST onwards tomorrow all day, that should be before the first deadline.

Edited by General Horace
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As far as I know, if you sub for waluigi, you team up with Zukonima against Euklyd and I.

Regarding availability I'm really restricted to play like after 8pm PST (10pm COT), I really can't before because life or University stuff, so if you guys aren't available by that hour then I'll have to cede my spot, not only for this tournament but the others I've deliberately signed up since finals and projects are coming :(.

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