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Super Smash Bros. 3DS/Wii U Tournament Hub (Please see post #1644)

Ema Skye

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honestly its mostly been quint who's been unavaliable for the most part and im sure the weekdays won't do anything to alleviate that fact

i'm generally avaliable from around 4-11 MST on weekdays anyway

elie it also couldn't hurt to post when you're avaliable, quint posted something a little while back then never really said anything for the next few days

also there's not much point in having tournament deadlines if they're not going to be anywhere close to being enforced, people sometimes do have to make themselves avaliable for these timewindows, and its really not fantastic to make yourself avaliable for something then not ending up having to do so in the first place

i understand stuff can come up, but when it happens multiple times in every tournament, well, might as well not have any deadlines at all

Edited by General Horace
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I will be better about that. This weekend in particular was busy as heck. For future reference, 6-9p EST is about the only time i'm NOT available, with my new office.

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Jave's draft tournament has been booked for this Thursday and it will be starting on Thursday with no exceptions unless Jave chooses to postpone it.

This means that if the teams tournament is not done by Thursday, I will forcibly be ending it. I hate to be a hard ass, but given how much of a mess communication has been in the team's tournament, I'm not going to have it running parallel with another tournament in this thread.

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Guys, first of all sorry for not appearing during the weekend, things and stuff are draining my time, but as good news, I'll be doing some matches tonight 8pm PST with Void for the Road to Wii U tourney, and the teams tournament so we can try to get this done already.

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So um, is round 1 of the doubles even finished or is the doubles tourney dropped?

I'm sure it's still ongoing, although very slowly. So far the only match I know of that's been done was me and Ice Sage against Jedi and Febro.

EDIT: Elieson's matches are also done.

Edited by Kiseki
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Jedi needs a sub, and Horace's internet is out for the night.

I'm incredibly available to continue, and Jotari's flexible with my time now. If we can find a sub for Jedi this might actually finish

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Doubles Tournament Team Jedi x Febro has replaced Jedi with Sheikant.

Due matches are:

Sheikant x Febro vs Monado_Boy x PKLucas

Zukonima x Horace vs Quintessence x Euklyd

K1seki x Ice Sage vs Elieson x Jotari

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So,Sara, K1seki, Ice Sage when will you guys be available to fight? I think agreeing to a set time should be more effective than waiting for everyone to happen to be online at once.

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I'm definitely available 3 - 7pm EST and 9 - 11pm EST, just letting the people in my match know.

I'm available at those times too. Febro told me he will be available in approximately 6 hours and 30 minutes from now. Now we just need Shulk.

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I can be available for the next 5 hours, and then i'll have a 4 hour stretch where I'm not available.

I'll be available for a little over 3 hours from now, that gives about an hour overlap between me and Sara. Hopefully our opponents will be available at that time.

Edited by Jotari
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Well, back from school. I'm not exactly sure how much time I'll have tonight, though. The time I'm available will definitely be at least the next 2 hours and 30 minutes, but depending on what's planned for the evening I may be available for most of the evening. (I'm usually busy on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, but not always)

Edited by Monado Boy
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Well I will be busy after 5:30 tonight, and I may not be available for the rest of the night. Sorry about this. (This is why I only sign up for tournaments that are supposed to happen on the weekends.)

Edited by Monado Boy
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Well I will be busy after 5:30 tonight, and I may not be available for the rest of the night. Sorry about this. (This is why I only sign up for tournaments that are supposed to happen on the weekends.)

What time is it over there now?

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4:25. I only have an hour of free time left, give or take 15 minutes.

Well, Febro just got done with school like 5 mins ago and is walking to his house, so it takes like an hour he said. Hopefully he picks up the pace and gets there in 30 mins or so

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