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I can't understand SF's logic


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now that said i can see, like, putting dozens of hours into fucking electricity and magnetism because you have to for a degree and not enjoying it, but that's a category of things strictly separate from "leisure time" because fuck e&m

I put all my effort into increasing my magnetism.

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Fire Emblem Awakening is a bad game for all the same reasons Candy Crush is a bad game. It's addictive by way of encouraging mindless grinding and character supports. It's the ultimate in time wasting tedium.

Fire Emblem Awakening is a good game for the fact that aside from how flawed the game's mechanics are and how much they destroyed actual balance, it sure is really goddamn fun to fuck around with it.

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oh i could answer the question

for real i put several hundred hours into it and you don't play a game you don't like that much. i think awakening was a highly excellent game that had flaws, but all the fire emblems before it had various flaws themselves so \o/?

exactly this

also agreeing with Klok and Makaze

too lazy to type out my own thoughts

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oh i could answer the question

for real i put several hundred hours into it and you don't play a game you don't like that much. i think awakening was a highly excellent game that had flaws, but all the fire emblems before it had various flaws themselves so \o/?

IMO We're a bunch of snarky-ass critics and are have a predisposition to hate everything, that's why people here are so hard on fe13. It's a good-verygood game but it has flaws that the lot of us are forced to notice and hate

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IMO We're a bunch of snarky-ass critics and are have a predisposition to hate everything, that's why people here are so hard on fe13. It's a good-verygood game but it has flaws that the lot of us are forced to notice and hate

they're huge nerds

that's your answer tbh

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My interest in the series has waned over time, but I thought Awakening was certainly one of the better games on the 3DS. The customization of the main character's really neat, and leveling up and getting new classes is always fun. The only problem is that the gameplay suffers from an open-ended approach. One of the things that drew me in with the first American release was a need for efficiency. Since it was a linear game you had a limited amount of gold, experience, etc. that you had to allocate. Multiple playthroughs were required to really get a good feel for the game. These days you can really just grind everybody to have max stats, get everything in one go around.

In turn, that's been one of my least favorite things about the games, from the perspective of a new player-it has the old-fashioned, almost arcadey level structure one level leads to being plopped into the next etc, and yet it pushes you ever onward like a strategy game.

Speaking of, one of the things that worried me while playing strategy games like Civ for a long time was that since there were no levels, and it just went from start to finish whether you won or lost, there weren't really "checkpoints" of the kind where you'd know you had everything you needed to survive going forward (until you've played the game a lot, and unless you've saved a lot. I mean there's no game-provided ones, at any rate). In something like an arcade game or anything with an analogous kind of level structure, you (usually) can infer you have all the shit you need to beat the level because the developer's given you most everything you're gonna get, and you know you can advance to the next part by performing well. But in this kind of strategy game, when you're new it's hard to be sure if you haven't done something like make a critical mistake hours ago. That doesn't mean I don't love the games, of course, especially by now, but there's this sense of dread hanging over the affair sometimes. And also sometimes lot of save-scumming tbh, though I've been trying to cut back

By now I know that Fire Emblem generally balances the progression such that you don't have to worry that much about whether your party can get you past the next level or if you've fucked yourself up somehow, and it even tends to provide some ways out as you go forward in case you lose dudes, but at the time? I circumvented the shit out of that pressure. Stopped short of boss abuse, but did I ever use the heck out of the arena. (I love pretty much everything about Genealogy's version of it, in turn- gives your guys mostly-guaranteed access to a boost so you can feel like they're more ready for the level coming up, even gives the odd non-level or gold reward for it, but you can't farm forever)

RE topic: part of it is that there's a lot of people talking about the game, and a lot of people who joined after the game hit due to it. There's just plain a lot of opinions being put out there.

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Awakening is an awful game. I'm glad I only have to play it on my commute for about an hour every day.

But in seriousness: Awakening did a lot of things wrong, which make it tough to call it an objectively good game. However, what it does do is set up a system which is fun to play with and use, in spite of the game's many faults. So I say the game is very fun, and I enjoy it a lot and will continue playing it, but I don't think it's necessarily an exceptionally good game.

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Awakening is all right.

I find it enjoyable. I got a 3DS for that game and I'm still playing Awakening, even now. Even if the game is easier to "break" than previous games, you have to go out of your way to make yourself super broken compared to your enemies as well.

On the flip side, I find that the game's story has more plot holes than previous FE games I've played. I feel that Awakening at times sacrifices character development and lords making difficult decisions to ensure that that the avatar remains in the spotlight. In a way, it feels more "simplistic" and "black and white" compared to previous FEs.

Whether you enjoy the game or not is highly dependent on what the specific player enjoys. Someone who liked previous FEs for the story, the characters, or the gameplay may be a bit disappointed in Awakening - although by no means does this mean they'll hate it. A lot of my friends who've only played Awakening enjoy it, though.

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it sounds like shit tbh but i've never played it and i'll freely admit that

can't comment on the gameplay for obvious reasons (beyond 'vaguely not liking the sound of it but having no idea how it plays out in practice), this is just a reaction towards the pandering/flat characters/etc

Edited by Parrhesia
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i think all the people complaining are the ones who ragequit lunatic+

I don't think most of the people are complaining because it's ~too hard~ :P:

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Have played FE6-13 and FE13 is my second least favourite FE game behind FE11 for many reasons.

I'm a Fire Emblem player, who expects good game mechanics and a decent story. And in FE13 lots of game mechanics are gone:

  • no long range tomes except for dark magic
  • no light magic, so no magic weapon triangle
  • no staffs like sleep, silence, beserk
  • no ballistas
  • always defeat boss or rout missions (boring! similiar to all the seize missions in the DS-games)
  • pair up function is no alternative for the classical "rescue-take-drop" and shove
  • the idea in lunatic + of luna skills is just a stupid idea to make a game artificially harder
  • no canto for mounted units
  • no steal option

If at least most of these classic mechanics would exist in FE13, I would have a much better opinion for sure. So I go for FE6-10.

Edited by TalesOf Hysteria
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  • always defeat boss or rout missions (boring! similiar to all the seize missions in the DS-games)

So I go for FE6-


i really wanted to pick this post apart but i'm trying to learn to not fight people about fe13 so i'm settling for this ;~;

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it's a fun game. probably the most accessible fe game. the storyline on the other hand is kinda like an arc from dragonball z lol.

just play it. easily one of the best games on the 3ds

i doubt fe13 gets as much hate as 4 does

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fe11 is objectively better than fe1 and the first half of fe3.

This person knows.

A lot of people who find FE11 to be the worst FE have likely never played FE1 or FE3 Book 1 and also likely have no intention on playing them.

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No one hates fe13 more than RangerJackWalker. Source: RangerJackWalker

No one hates fe fans more than Crash. Source: the banlist

I'm still relatively convinced that no one hates fe more as a whole than Ein. Source: NY Times

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