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Also, Euklyd, have you told anybody that you were targeting me last night? Because it was most likely an Infiltrator that gave me the radio and I doubt it's a coincidence that you decided to inspect me on the same night.

Yes, I am still claiming that I did not have the radio before D2 and I would really appreciate it if Euklyd can privately ask Reinfleche about whether or not he sees items before or after they were transferred.

Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if Euklyd is an Infiltrator that gave me the Radio to set up this whole mislynch. I know I didn't have the radio at N1, so either a) Euklyd is lying, b) Reinfleche's announcement didn't apply to Euklyd's role, or c) Reinfleche genuinely made a mistake in sending Euklyd's results. Even if you think d) I'm lying, then you have to ask the question of why the hell Euklyd did not find my REX Key?

EDIT: No, Blitzy. Euklyd said something along the lines of "talk to the other scumteam" first, so it wouldn't be possible to fool them anymore. I clarified the specifics since there was no point in hiding it anymore.

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well, since you know about the stuff I talked about last night, you do know where I stand, my thoughts seriously haven't changed much, but I do think we should all wait till Euklyd gives us an update on the Key he may or may not have found on Proto.

I will let other people decide on what to do about Proto after Euklyd confirms it.

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Euk not seeing the key is an interesting detail in the event that Proto really had it.

Since he already claimed having a key and I don't see how the keys would really do anything other than activate Blitz's whatever he might as well say WHICH key it was, otherwise the other keyholders are just going to stand there shrugging like "hey there's 3 keys it's possible that he has one" instead of counterclaiming if they happen to have the key that he claims to have had.

e: I typed "start" instead of "stand" for some reason?

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I gave Blitzy my Key, so that should be enough confirmation that I really did have a key, regardless of which one it was.

It's up to Blitzy on whether he wants to announce which Key I had, because I personally don't think it matters.

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Ok I see where you guys are coming from.

Still think Proto's vanishing time was extremely convenient but I'll


for now.

@SB just a reminder to answer this since it's important

Would like Rapier and SB (I think) to clarify if they were suggested to target Walrein by someone, or if they made the decision themselves.
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that reminds me, SB said he was gonna make an interesting post, I just don't see him around anymore (I am kinda looking forward to it)

also, someone needs to look into these investigative roles (BY THIS I MEAN YOU, REFA), we definitely have too many for all of them to be town.

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Too lazy to respond to all of the "cases" on me because they're all wrong anyways.

Refa at first needs to answer who he selected as backup townleader though, before we select a new one

Blitz, it should be obvious to you lol.

that reminds me, SB said he was gonna make an interesting post, I just don't see him around anymore (I am kinda looking forward to it)

also, someone needs to look into these investigative roles (BY THIS I MEAN YOU, REFA), we definitely have too many for all of them to be town.

HEY MAN FUCK YOU (yeah, this is probably something I should do, isn't it; at least my excuse this time is that it's NOC).

Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if Euklyd is an Infiltrator that gave me the Radio to set up this whole mislynch. I know I didn't have the radio at N1, so either a) Euklyd is lying, b) Reinfleche's announcement didn't apply to Euklyd's role, or c) Reinfleche genuinely made a mistake in sending Euklyd's results. Even if you think d) I'm lying, then you have to ask the question of why the hell Euklyd did not find my REX Key?

If you flipped FOXHOUND, then Euklyd would look really bad; regardless of whatever else you're saying (and I think that they're all good points), the way Euklyd pushed you makes me more inclined to believe that he's town than scum. Anyways yeah, no easy scum lynch 4 me. : <


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Wait, I have one nagging suspicion. Who would give a communication device like that to FOXHOUND!Proto? Like, what's the point of doing that? Now, items are taken if the owner is killed, right? So wouldn't it be possible for US Government!Proto to have killed BBM and taken his item (note that this only works if the item was a factional thing, otherwise I'd assume it'd be in BBM's Role PM) instead of having it handed over to him? Thus when Euklyd checked things out at the end of the night, Proto had already given the key and Proto got the communication device from BBM (note that this only holds true if scum gets the item at the end of the day, and SOMEHOW I doubt Rein will be nice enough to clarify this one but we should ask regardless and by we I mean someone else). Thoughts because this seems pretty legit to me.

##Vote: Proto

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in that case, I am cool with it, but like I was saying, stop procrastinating and get on with it and out some tentative scum possibilities before the end of the night, especially if our comms are out as they are (I miss my comms)

and Refa, I am still sticking to what I thought earlier, as in my thoughts regarding my post in PM hasn't changed


like I said, my reads are the same, but I want to wait till Euklyd responds.

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Most of the investigative roles on my sheet (SB, Rapier) have claimed and I'd prefer not to out the third one on public if necessary (I'll tell you about it tonight). As for the other ones, I would honestly like some clarification on Euklyd's; nothing to do with me suspecting him, but it MAY conflict with another claim I've received (at least from what I can tell). Not really bothered by Walrein's claim, it'll be obvious later on if he's a liar.

EDIT Actually I think I already told you about the third one haha.

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Would like Rapier and SB (I think) to clarify if they were suggested to target Walrein by someone, or if they made the decision themselves.

I targeted Prims, not Walrein, or else I wouldn't have seen what actions were done to hm.

Dude they whole point of changing the town leader is that several people don't trust Refa (Prims was also on this towards N1 end) and that Euk is ridiculously town if Proto flips scum (which he will). Letting Refa appoint a different leader would just enable wifom shenanigans which scum!refa loves to play around with.

Multiball shenanigans etc. I'm not saying Euk is scum but he could be guiltying the other team for towncred (although the way he's posting today makes me feel like he's town.)

@Euklyd: As in, when I go through my logs and find that someone else other than you, Blitz and Prims has claimed to have spoken to Proto then that player has a high chance of being scum. My memory could be wrong though. If it is, ignore my last post and this post.

AFAIK, BBM never claimed his role.

Town can talk to scum as well, this logic doesn't work lol.
I'd rather just have OC back and talk to people now tbh. There's already been a lot of info revealed today that would be better off kept private and we don't need any more coming out. It's not like these conversations can't be continued in OC either.
Was gonna post that but apparently this isn't 100% anymore? Can Blitz confirm he got the Key at least? Trying to wrap my head around Refa's Proto case but I don't really get it.


Isn't Euklyd the third info role???

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SB, Mitsuki asked you if someone told you to target Prims (answer: it was Prims), or if you came to the decision yourself.

Can you explain what you don't get about my Proto case because it makes perfect sense to me...

EDIT Wait, I misread that first part. Wow, I suck at reading.

EDIT 2 I was going to make another edit but then I forgot what it was going to be. RIP in pieces.

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[spoiler=Prims Logs][18/10/2014 17:54:08] 【Prims】: js my character is Psycho Mantis, I do not mind you telling people this so feel free to use it as a chip to get info, but I'm not claiming my role

[18/10/2014 17:54:19] 【Prims】: only Refa knows my actual role, keep that in mind if I die

[18/10/2014 17:54:52] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: Okay

[18/10/2014 17:59:27] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: I might just keep your role to myself for now though

[18/10/2014 17:59:42] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: I don't know the source content but is that character really significant?

[18/10/2014 18:02:04] 【Prims】: it could imply things about his role

[18/10/2014 18:02:08] 【Prims】: he's a psychic, sooo

That is why I thought that Prims was a cop at first.

[spoiler=Euklyd Logs][20/10/2014 16:02:21] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: Hi

[20/10/2014 16:02:29] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: What do you think of the game so far?

[20/10/2014 16:02:30] Eukatastrophe: yo

[20/10/2014 16:52:40] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: Hey Eukyld

[20/10/2014 16:52:44] Eukatastrophe: yo

[20/10/2014 16:52:46] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: What do you think of the game?

[20/10/2014 16:52:53] Eukatastrophe: uh

[20/10/2014 16:52:54] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: Are you town?

[20/10/2014 16:53:02] Eukatastrophe: yeah totally

[20/10/2014 16:53:11] Eukatastrophe: I'm the towniest of town

[20/10/2014 16:53:16] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: Lol

[20/10/2014 16:53:19] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: Who's scum?

[20/10/2014 16:53:29] Eukatastrophe: like all the lurkers

[20/10/2014 16:53:30] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: I'm off work so I got time to converse now

[20/10/2014 16:53:41] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: Example?

[20/10/2014 16:53:54] Eukatastrophe: honestly I'm townreading basically everyone I've talked to

[20/10/2014 16:54:25] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: Do you have the lurker's names though?

[20/10/2014 16:54:36] Eukatastrophe: Larsa off the top of my head

[20/10/2014 16:54:42] Eukatastrophe: is Rapier playing this game?

[20/10/2014 16:54:47] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: Yes he is

[20/10/2014 16:54:52] Eukatastrophe: then him too :V

[20/10/2014 16:55:11] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: And I forgot he existed until you mentioned him again

[20/10/2014 16:55:35] Eukatastrophe: this is probably the least serious I've been in a mafia game

[20/10/2014 16:55:37] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: I'll get around to prodding him again

[20/10/2014 16:55:39] Eukatastrophe: besides eimm

[20/10/2014 16:55:41] Eukatastrophe: er

[20/10/2014 16:55:42] Eukatastrophe: including

[20/10/2014 16:55:44] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: I think Larsa could be scum

[20/10/2014 16:55:47] Eukatastrophe: including eimm

[20/10/2014 16:55:58] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: Cause I prodded him twice

[20/10/2014 16:56:09] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: And he's read my PM but did not reply

[20/10/2014 16:56:27] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: Apparently, BBM prodded him in IRC too

[20/10/2014 16:56:53] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: He talked a lot about non-content stuff but disappeared when he was asked for reads

[20/10/2014 16:57:01] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: Oh, I meant Blitz

[20/10/2014 16:57:01] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: Not BBM

[20/10/2014 16:57:03] Eukatastrophe: iirc Blitz said similar-

[20/10/2014 16:57:04] Eukatastrophe: lol

[20/10/2014 16:57:14] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: 12:38 Blitz hello

12:38 Blitz sorry I am late

12:38 Blitz I forgot the PC had turned off in the middle

12:38 Larsa No you're good, no worries. Im just chilling anyways. Cant ever sleep early, haha. Whats going on?

12:39 Blitz nothing much

12:39 Blitz just talking to a few guys

12:40 Larsa word, word. im just reading, and browsing the web.

12:40 Blitz lol

12:40 Larsa Trying to figure out how to scumhunt in OC as well. Out of my niche.

12:40 Blitz well, Prms told me ou were doing that

12:40 Blitz IMO, OC is more fun than NOC

12:42 Larsa Figures, haha. Prims is a cool dude from what I've seen of him thus far. But NOC has been my game for about 5 years prob, I quit for about a year, then came back to it. I've hopped around on various sites, MS, SWF, and the like. OC is new to me, but once I get the hang of it Im sure Ill like it.

12:42 Blitz cool

12:42 Blitz yeah, Prims is cool

12:42 Larsa The scene on my site got mad shitty, and reduced to meta slinging, so me and a few others have branched out and explored the web to find better mafia scenes. I got turned onto SF by a friend.

12:42 Blitz who have you talked to so far?

12:42 Larsa Prims, Refa, and Mancer.

12:43 Blitz wow, nice story

12:43 Blitz I hope you guys stay here

12:43 Larsa Mancer is overly interested in claims, Prims seems more interested in guiding me into OC, and Refa claims to be town leader.

12:43 Blitz Prims might not be the best OC guide, lol

12:43 Blitz he is one of the people who prefer NOC to OC

12:43 Larsa Hahaha, I can imagine. He told me he was new to it also.

12:44 Larsa Rein gave me links from Koaz to famliarize with OC so Ive done a bit of reading on it

12:44 Larsa havent read an OC game though, thats next.

12:44 Blitz lol

12:45 Blitz well, it is hard to read OC

12:45 Blitz cause, most talks happen out of thread

12:46 Blitz so, what do you think of the game so far?

12:48 Blitz Larsa?

[20/10/2014 16:57:26] Eukatastrophe: lmao I was just reading that

[20/10/2014 16:57:28] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: He gave me the logs

[20/10/2014 16:57:37] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: Lol

[20/10/2014 16:58:11] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: Oh well

[20/10/2014 16:58:20] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: I think eclipse might still be scum

[20/10/2014 16:58:26] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: Or Dorian who subbed in for her

[20/10/2014 16:58:42] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: Her interaction with me D1 was revealing imo

[20/10/2014 16:58:53] Eukatastrophe: I was gutreading her as town tbh

[20/10/2014 16:59:00] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: I might prod Dorian soon to check though

[20/10/2014 16:59:05] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: How so?

[20/10/2014 16:59:20] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: I'm open for opinions even if they conflict with mine

[20/10/2014 16:59:25] Eukatastrophe: from her posts she sounded genuine

[20/10/2014 16:59:54] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: Ooh

[20/10/2014 17:00:16] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: I take it you are against discussing town reads?

[20/10/2014 17:00:29] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: How comfortable are you with claiming your role?

[20/10/2014 17:00:48] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: It's fine to say no

[20/10/2014 17:00:52] Eukatastrophe: to be fair I've never read eclipse correctly like ever

[20/10/2014 17:00:54] Eukatastrophe: I think I guessed that she was anti town in FFTA maybe?

[20/10/2014 17:01:02] Eukatastrophe: wow lag

[20/10/2014 17:01:17] Eukatastrophe: On 10/20/14, at 2:00 AM, Ashley Tay Wee Kiat wrote:

> I take it you are against discussing town reads?

as I said, I'm not sure about this

[20/10/2014 17:01:33] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: Well its fine

[20/10/2014 17:01:48] Eukatastrophe: also I'd rather not roleclaim to people at this time as a general rule

[20/10/2014 17:01:58] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: Discussing scum reads is more important

[20/10/2014 17:02:04] Eukatastrophe: I just wish I had them :V

[20/10/2014 17:02:12] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: Lols

[20/10/2014 17:02:39] Eukatastrophe: honestly I've discussed my townreads a non-insignificant amount already

[20/10/2014 17:02:48] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: Ooh

[20/10/2014 17:03:11] Eukatastrophe: but everything I have is super weak

[20/10/2014 17:03:16] Eukatastrophe: so it's like

[20/10/2014 17:03:33] Eukatastrophe: "yeah my gut says X is town"

[20/10/2014 17:05:28] Eukatastrophe: things will be more interesting once night results are in play imo

[20/10/2014 17:06:38] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: True

[20/10/2014 17:11:38] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: Oh well

[20/10/2014 17:11:48] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: Tell me more whenever you develop some scum reads

This is why I think that Euklyd is scummy. A long conversation with not much content garnered from it. Lots of waffling and not wanting to give information at all.

EDIT: No idea why my spoiler tag was not functioning properly earlier.

Edited by MancerNecro
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I thought Euklyd was the 5th

I got the Key Proto claimed to have (yes, I know the names of the Keys and I know the names of the owners with the names of the Keys)


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[spoiler=Prims Logs][18/10/2014 17:54:08] 【Prims】: js my character is Psycho Mantis, I do not mind you telling people this so feel free to use it as a chip to get info, but I'm not claiming my role

[18/10/2014 17:54:19] 【Prims】: only Refa knows my actual role, keep that in mind if I die
[18/10/2014 17:54:52] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: Okay
[18/10/2014 17:59:27] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: I might just keep your role to myself for now though
[18/10/2014 17:59:42] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat: I don't know the source content but is that character really significant?
[18/10/2014 18:02:04] 【Prims】: it could imply things about his role
[18/10/2014 18:02:08] 【Prims】: he's a psychic, sooo

To add onto this, I also knew who he was targeting. :> Also I can confirm that Prims did that with the express purpose of getting NK'd.

EDIT Actually Prims never claimed the redirection part to me, thanks Prims. ;/

[spoiler=Prims Logs]

[10/18/2014 2:55:33 AM] 【Prims】 I: pls (non-suspiciously) spread around that I'm psycho mantis, like casually drop it if i'm brought up
[10/18/2014 2:55:43 AM] 【Prims】 I: gonna see if I can get scum to think I'm some weird lie detector
[10/18/2014 2:55:57 AM] 【Prims】 I: i mean, it'd probably seem like i'm doing a silly gambit but I imagine there will always be the worry in the back of their mind
[10/18/2014 3:42:09 AM] 【Prims】 I: SB claimed voyeur to me. he should be on me tonight so we can learn about my decoy target.
[10/18/2014 3:42:31 AM] 【Prims】 I: don't tell him im decoy tho
[10/18/2014 4:07:10 PM] RayFa³: sure
[10/18/2014 4:23:52 PM] 【Prims】 I: who do i decoy
[10/18/2014 4:24:08 PM] RayFa³: idk
[10/18/2014 4:24:17 PM] RayFa³: i'm trying to figure out my own stuff
[10/18/2014 5:31:33 PM] 【Prims】 I: who do younot have claims from rn
[10/18/2014 5:32:32 PM] 【Prims】 I: im thinking about decoying walrein
[10/18/2014 5:33:13 PM] RayFa³: walrein/eclipse/proto/kay/mitsuki/jalmont
[10/18/2014 5:33:20 PM] 【Prims】 I: k
[10/18/2014 5:33:24 PM] 【Prims】 I: ill be on walrein i think
[10/18/2014 5:33:27 PM] RayFa³: sure
[10/18/2014 5:33:29 PM] 【Prims】 I: again, have sb voyeur me
[10/18/2014 5:33:35 PM] RayFa³: ok
[10/18/2014 5:33:43 PM] RayFa³: i'll tell him when he wakes up
[10/20/2014 3:45:52 AM] 【Prims】 I: so uh
[10/20/2014 3:46:07 AM] 【Prims】 I: have you told SB to target me
[10/20/2014 3:46:27 AM] 【Prims】 I: SB may have a vague idea of my role, otherwise I've only claimed to you, though Mancer knows my character
[10/20/2014 3:39:07 PM] RayFa³: he said he would
[10/20/2014 3:39:14 PM] RayFa³: why do you ping me 12 hours later
[10/20/2014 4:08:49 PM] 【Prims】 I: because skype is wonky, you only get messages if both people are online
[10/20/2014 4:08:56 PM] 【Prims】 I: as in, connected to the internet
[10/20/2014 4:09:03 PM] RayFa³: yeah but rein is on
[10/20/2014 4:09:06 PM] RayFa³: it doesn't make sense

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Actually I thought there were too many assumptions there but the point about "why give Proto the communication device" is a good point? If anyone did that, they should claim it to be safe though. I also got confused because I thought passing items had the lowest priority for some reason? which made me doubt Euklyd a bit.

##Vote: Proto

I thought we all knew who Prims was targeting considering he was extremely obvious about it in thread :V

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Wait Refa if you knew that Prims was targeting Walrein, why did you have Rapier track him anyway...

I asked Rapier to track P-whatishisnamethisisrea-roto lol.

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@SB, that is a good question I want answered nevermind (edit)

@SB and Refa, can we please lynch Proto after Euklyd claims about the Key?

it is not like we are anywhere near running out of the phase and we can wait

Kay still needs to address my question

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Passing items is the lowest in the priority list as far as I've confirmed with Rein, at least I was told that if somebody with items passed them around but died the same night, they wouldn't get to pass them and the items would be stolen.

Where Euklyd's role lies in the priority list is a different thing

Also SB answer the question who knew that you were targetting Prims and was that action endorsed by somebody?

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Pretty sure I didn't tell anyone about what SB's role was.

@SB, that is a good question I want answered nevermind (edit)

@SB and Refa, can we please lynch Proto after Euklyd claims about the Key?

it is not like we are anywhere near running out of the phase and we can wait

Kay still needs to address my question

Sure, but he's at 6/11 votes; it's not like he's going to be ACCIDENTALLY QUICKHAMMERED (Refa says with a bitter look in his eyes).

EDIT 5/11 votes.

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