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The logic is that as scum, he would already know that Rein gives scum fakeclaims. Whether or not your interpret it as a towntell is up to you, but the reasoning's there; but we also know that what we see with our eyes alone isn't necessarily the truth.

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BBM (1): Poly

Elieson (2): Randa, Prims

Kay (1): BBM

Refa (2): Xinnidy, Elieson

Walrein (1): Larsa

Xinnidy (1): Rapier

Randa (1): Mancer

Mancer (1): SB

Voteless (9): Refa, jalmont, Blitz, Proto, Euklyd, Kay, eclipse, Walrein, Larsa

There are about 22 and a half hours left in Day 1. 13 players voting someone will end the day early, otherwise it ends on schedule.

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Scum didn't get fakes in Badass, did they?

They didn't, but didn't cult (which was the only alignment where flavor could be used to catch them, which is the case here)?

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alright realtalk gametalk time this may be because I don't understand OC but I don't see the problem with having Real Votes, Real Discussion early on - sure, a weird conversation should be the "catalyst" but we have not managed to generate one so far. if there's in-thread content, that's something for everybody to talk about out-of-thread, which should theoretically get the ball rolling faster

i mean my only oc performance that wasn't shit was when i caught 2/3 the scumteam on NOC scumhunting cuz nobody was talking out-of-thread soooo

I am gonna ##Unvote ##Vote: Walrein. not because I disagree with his game theory but because he seems to be taking little part in it himself. I haven't talked to many people but the only person who told me about talking to Walrein only got a line out of him

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I agree with the above, and frankly like the idea. Imo, OC should be used to learn more on perspective and intent with the accompanying content in thread. So I definitely like the idea, I'm having trouble adjusting because I'm like WTF people talking to scumhunt, idk about that. Needs a basis imo.

i'll adjust though.

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I disappeared cause I went to bed, SB. I was so sleepy at that point in time. I have a good idea who is scum right now (I discussed this with several players, those players know who they are).

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prims you goon i haven't been "participating" because i haven't been home to do so

as for talking to people, i've had very pleasant conversations with Blitz, Mitsuki, and SB, all of whom seem to be upstanding fellows at the moment (though this could obviously change with more information)

I'm not buying prims's "townslip" and I recommend that if people claim to him, they should have more numerous and legitimate reasons for doing so. I personally am not sold on anyone as 100% town yet and will not be claiming until I am.

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##Vote: Mancer

I don't like how he really do anything in our conversation except ask me to claim and then pretty much disappeared after without really asking what I thought of the game? It feels more like he was concerned with collecting claims and stuff than actually finding scum.

Sheeping this vote, but he didn't get to the claim part. All he asked me for was my alignment, which is the equivalent of a non-content post in NOC.

##Vote: Mancer

The rest of you suck at PMing me - I'll answer when I can, because I've managed to get myself into multiple medical mishaps.

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Sheeping this vote, but he didn't get to the claim part. All he asked me for was my alignment, which is the equivalent of a non-content post in NOC.

##Vote: Mancer

What do you think about people asking dumb questions like that just to have something to talk about and break the ice?

I'm ok with SB's vote because the justification makes sense.

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Actually ##Vote: Eclipse

I find the comparison between non-content post and asking questions scummy, regardless of answer. Seems like scum making stuff up, also why would non-content posts be scummy on NOC when you don't actually know if there are posts (chats) with content?

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What do you think about people asking dumb questions like that just to have something to talk about and break the ice?

I'm ok with SB's vote because the justification makes sense.

Why don't you ask me via OC?

BTW, your vote is terrible for the aforementioned reason.

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