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Guitar Mafia - Game Over


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If people are seriously considering me scum after I was the swingvote for the dewound wagon D1 and hammered in the lynch then I have no words. There was basically 0 reason for Randa to rolecop me last night from a town PoV.

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Refa, if anything suicide dayvig is a balancing factor since dayvig + daycop would be really strong if I got a guilty.

i fundamentally disagree with that thought, it can easily result in, assuming a 10/3 or 11/2 setup, a d2 endgame. if you correctly cop the first two days and town succesfully lynches on its own day 1 scum loses day 2. im not sure thats balanced.

also since you're gonna stick with your claim im calling bs.


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What the fuck.

Please just daycop Randa and get this over with if you have the shot, although I kind of doubt it.

SB he would still claim a quilty on me regardless of whether or not he had it.

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OK, so if I'm understanding things correctly, this is a 1v1. Either Randa is telling the truth and did rolecop Prims (and got him as Lover Maker), or Prims is telling the truth and is not a Lover Maker. Will dayvig one of the two once I've gotten my thoughts sorted about and if I am correct about this being a 1v1.

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yeah refa pretty much a 1v1.

also sb i already had a mental breakdown in smt and in both of those i just flat out quit. i have not had a breakdown.

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I vig, I die, my flip looks like it would if I had gotten jankilled (again, one must wonder why that would be; isn't dayvig an obvious town role).

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And your target isn't janned? You're probably town off the claim timing anyway but I'd kind of prefer you not janitored, so please don't shoot.

No, my target isn't janned. Also if your only issue with me shooting is the janned thing, then well I'm still probably going to go for it.

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if he's probably town then why does it matter if he's janned? honestly this is terrible as a scum role, the only ways it wouldn't be terrible are dumb shit like Yakuza which would belong in a bastard game, not here

i would like to get randa out of the way today because what the fuck even is this claim

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@SB: I'm sorry, I just thought that town was about to want to hammer dewound anyway (and Prims did say we should just hammer him) so I just went for it.

Here are my thoughts from the day 1 reread:

Larsa's initial vote on Poly seems like a jokevote upon a reread (when I am actually fully conscious and not half asleep). Him explaining his vote on Poly does not mean that he had a non-joke reason earlier on. After the reread, Refa's inquiry into Larsa's vote seems fine and understandable. I don't understand how I interpreted that differently earlier on meh.

I don't like how Rapier's vote is on me for "not enough content" when he ignores like half of the content that I have in the thread. There are players who have done stuff that Rapier describes as scummy too so a vote onto someone for inactivity seems a little weird on my reread. Rapier harps on a lot of the same points that don't really contribute to the discussion at all too so I'm going to point a finger at him as being scum in this point.

I don't like Randa's early day 1 and his play doesn't actually improve at all throughout the day. He's being generally unhelpful (even after that early day 1 where he was apparently drunk or something?). His "long" post is just attacking me and listing quotes without any or much elaboration at all so it shouldn't be taken for content at all.

Gorf's vote on me is just plain lazy. Really hate it but it is null and inconclusive. Also, I found Randa being unhelpful on purpose, not that his content is lacking. I'm not cherrypicking on the amount of content that Randa has out but on the fact that he is being deliberately unhelpful. His vote jump onto dewound seems awfully subtle and lazy too. Don't know if that's town being lazy or scum bussing at that point.

Going to ##Vote: Rapier, ##FoS: Randa, ##2FoS: Gorf right now.

I have not posted really often at all this game, guys. Just because I normally spam up my games doesn't mean I do it every time. Players who said that I posted really often but had very little content should open their eyes up and actually notice the fact that I have very little posts this game.

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And your target isn't janned? You're probably town off the claim timing anyway but I'd kind of prefer you not janitored, so please don't shoot.

why is refa being janned what your concerned about, we would essentially know his role anyways. and suicide vig maf or itp would be horrible.

makes a mental note

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I didn't really read anything during the night phase honestly. I'm kind of hoping that someone just was like "I watched Prims, these two guys visited him" so I can be super lazy. Still bothered by Manixnonotmanix Mancer, but Imma gonna have to read up on dem associative reads. Noone else makes sense to me as a scumbuddy though so meh. Kind of at a loss at this point; someone had to have bussed dewound.

##Vote: Refa

The bolded part looks like a scumslip. How do you claim to know that there are two scum left?


I wasn't here for the phase end, but I still feel dumb for not noticing what was right beneath my nose when I addressed dewound. Oh well.

There's something interesting which I've noticed from dewound's actions on D1: He switched the Town's attention from Mancer toward me. His wagon already had 4/5 votes before dewound jumped in and started defending Mancer by attacking those who were in his wagon, especially me, and claiming the former was playing nicely from his reads. Later on we saw his case on me was just a ruse and his scumhunting was superficial, as he retracted his scumread on me as soon as it became convenient. I believe that was because his intent all along was to get votes out of his scumbuddy's wagon instead of scumhunting, even though it still cost scum one of their peers. I can see dewound and Mancer as scumbuddies.

Content on lynching him.


Randa's content is subpar but aside from quality I don't see anything inherently scummy on him. I believe this is the third game where I can't tell if he's acting scummy or town. I have huge issues on reading him and Bellysaurus and Shin properly. :/

For now I find it more wise to suspend my judgment. Still, maybe it'd be good to lynch Randa if only to get associative reads from him and Gorf, since the latter has been defending him for a long time because of "gut feeling" (this can be easily used by scum to make one of their buddies look more townie). I'm not opposed to a Randa lynch but I'd rather lynch Mancer this phase.


I'll read the thread after I'm back from my snack.

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##Vote: Refa

The bolded part looks like a scumslip. How do you claim to know that there are two scum left?


I wasn't here for the phase end, but I still feel dumb for not noticing what was right beneath my nose when I addressed dewound. Oh well.

There's something interesting which I've noticed from dewound's actions on D1: He switched the Town's attention from Mancer toward me. His wagon already had 4/5 votes before dewound jumped in and started defending Mancer by attacking those who were in his wagon, especially me, and claiming the former was playing nicely from his reads. Later on we saw his case on me was just a ruse and his scumhunting was superficial, as he retracted his scumread on me as soon as it became convenient. I believe that was because his intent all along was to get votes out of his scumbuddy's wagon instead of scumhunting, even though it still cost scum one of their peers. I can see dewound and Mancer as scumbuddies.

Content on lynching him.


Randa's content is subpar but aside from quality I don't see anything inherently scummy on him. I believe this is the third game where I can't tell if he's acting scummy or town. I have huge issues on reading him and Bellysaurus and Shin properly. :/

For now I find it more wise to suspend my judgment. Still, maybe it'd be good to lynch Randa if only to get associative reads from him and Gorf, since the latter has been defending him for a long time because of "gut feeling" (this can be easily used by scum to make one of their buddies look more townie). I'm not opposed to a Randa lynch but I'd rather lynch Mancer this phase.


I'll read the thread after I'm back from my snack.

:facepalm: rapier do you not remember eclipse's "scum slip" on you in qprouge. people derp

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That previous post was the post I wanted to make right when day 2 started.

I think I can infer that scum and our hypothetical doctor both targeted Prims yesternight. Also, guess who targeted Prims yesternight? Me. I'll let Prims decide whether or not to elaborate on my night action.

What's a Lover Maker, exactly?

Randa looks worse from the claim since role cops are an inherently scummy role imo. Town usually gets alignment cop since they're more useful. If Prims's daycop is one shot though, then it is still likely that both Prims and Randa are town. If one of them is scum though, I'm leaning towards Randa as scum.

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