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No shave November


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Yes folks it's that time of year. Where college students have an excuse to be lazy and not shave for a month then decide they like their new facial hair and just keep it for the rest of the semester only to have their girlfriend tell them to shave it off.

So to commemorate this great month I will post a weekly update of my beards progress, already at like 2 weeks, and I encourage you all to do the same.


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I've always wanted to try this but now I have a job that states I have to be clean shaven to work there, so I guess I can't.

That's the problem with being an adultish person. I bet they don't even let you have mullets.

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I want to be able to breath man! Too much facial hair makes me look like an ape.

It is clinically proven that facial hair makes a man look 72.8349% sexier. No mater how apish they may seem.

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I can't college rules state I have to be clean shaven, otherwise I'd be having a old fashioned handlebar mustache.

No offense but that is horrible policy. I mean my coach doesn't even give a shit if we have beards. And believe me he is very much about public image.

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It is clinically proven that facial hair makes a man look 72.8349% sexier. No mater how apish they may seem.

your pics are extra proof ;;;;;;;)))))))

Edited by Esme
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it's called Movember here and I can't believe it isn't anywhere else.

That's because it isn't not used anywhere else~! (I've heard Movember more than I've heard No Shave November)

Edited by Freohr Datia
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i will not be doing this as i have to look presentable for a thing in a week and i already have a few months' growth on my shit

chalk me up for having done no-shave september and october but i'll be trimming my glorious neckbeard up soon

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