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Fire Emblem: Wretched Whispers, Act 2: Warpath


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"A shame it is..." Shylah bowed her head. "The tides of battle claim many lives, and even the unseen costs are steep. It's been a pleasure to meet you, Magali- unfortunately, time dwindles away. I'm afraid I must be going..." She held the other dancer's hand briefly, looking at it. "We'll meet again- I'm certain of it. May you fare well in your travels." She closed her eyes and vanished, the white raven appearing once more- this time in Magali's hand- before screeching and taking off into the sky.
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Magali reached out her hand, letting Shylah speak her peace until the moment she spoke her farewell. "Ah, very well. Same to you, Shylah, I do hope we meet again. Good... bye?" Her final word paused in surprise, Magali looked at her hand after Shylah vanished from her sight. It's white... what a peculiar girl.

After watching the bird fly towards the horizon, Magali took some time to compose herself and look at her surroundings, she'd almost forgot the time, speaking and dancing with this new acquaintance. Maybe I could still have time to go somewhere? Magali dismissed her own thought, shaking her head to nobody in particular, and making her way to the barracks. The city is so empty, it might not be worth the trouble. At least I know the others should be there.

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The fight had barely gone on for a few exchanges of blows before Taima found herself flat on her back staring up at the sky. A muttered curse escaped as she slowly started to stand up. Nothing was going her way these days. She thought she'd been getting stronger only to lose to someone who'd be talking about how much better at fighting she'd been than him last time they'd fought. At this point it seemed like nothing she could do would make things better. She held out a hand to Mac. At least she could still be polite. "Good fight. Looks like you've got the edge now."

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"Whew! I wouldn't go that far, that was super close," Mac admitted, shaking her hand. "Felt more like I got a lucky punch in- like you'd win that fight more often than not. Maybe your head's just not in the game right now, because you seemed even tougher than before. Could be nice for you to rest for a little or something."

Sheikah stood up after the fight's conclusion. "Wow, good stuff... I'd definitely need to step it up a whole lot if I wanted to try comparing to either of you." She pat Taima on the shoulder. "Well, whether or not you want to rest up a bunch, we're not gonna be doing all that much fighting for a little bit... we're heading to Sloktan. Irskan ships and soldiers haven't been able to make it, which is probably due to Angalan interference, so the General arranged for an outside team to go with a vessel from Velms he chartered. We're escorting someone to speak with King Bernard in case there are attacks on the ship anyway." The boss sighed after that. "To be honest, with our luck I'm sure there will be... but the trip to Velms is pretty long, so we'll still have some time. It's no frontlining, but getting allies for Irska is still gonna be a tough job."

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  • 2 weeks later...

On the way back to Bonvale, Diana mostly kept to herself. There was some argument about something, possibly multiple, but she just kept well away from all of it. Internal conflict was not worth dealing with, particularly in this frame of mind.

When the group arrived at Bonvale, Diana had not determined any plan of action, so she merely wandered around the town. It's been tough lately... I should probably do something less taxing. Pondering poetntial activities while walking, she passed by the barracks. Maybe...

Diana stepped inside, taking a brief glance around. Hello? Can I speak to the person in charge around here?

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  • 3 weeks later...

After the Hollows looked throughout the city, Sheikah gathered them all around at the barracks. Along with them sat Sierra, as bubbly as usual, and Piers, who seemed generally uncomfortable.

"Listen up, everyone!" Sheikah started. "Our next job is something of an escort mission. Piers here is to head to Sloktan to speak with King Bernard to try and strike up an alliance." Piers nodded to acknowledge this, but aside from a quick glance at Wolfgang, he didn't seem too enthusiastic to be here. "For now," Sheikah continued, "there's some downtime in the war, so we need to seek allies when we have a chance to not be overwhelmed. Mina is already heading to Velms as we speak to try and get them to join as well- there's some sort of government that's forming, apparently, though we are yet to see how well this one lasts. Anyway, it's very unlikely our journey will be without trouble, seeing as many ships are attacked on the high seas. We've chartered a vessel with a man named Gregory to take us by sea. We're heading to Port Noble in the east to meet him, and it'll be about a month's journey to reach Tairell. And we have someone else accompanying us, of course."

"Hi everyone!" Sierra waved excitedly when cued. "I'm going to be traveling with you as the Irskan military's official representative for council with the King. Mister Piers has the political side covered, but I'm here to make it official and everything. And if anyone attacks us, I'll be sure to help too! For now I'm with you guys, so Sheikah is my boss too! When do we head off, boss?"

The wyvern rider didn't foresee this turn in conversation. "Um, well... we're to leave as soon as possible... if everyone's ready, we should head out this evening. Don't forget anything, of course, and then we can go, okay?"

((Do not post yet.))

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Chapter 6: Interception

The trip to Port Noble was uneventful, and Captain Gregory proved not to be too talkative. Sailing went smooth, until the morning of a day about three weeks through the voyage.

"Ahoy!" Gregory called to the Hollows. "One of my men has spotted a pair of ships approaching. They're coming quick, and from two sides, so it's unlikely we can avoid them even with my best sailing. I can hold my own, but they seem to bring great numbers, so you'd best be ready for confrontation!"

Sure enough, in about an hour's time the two boats arrived and halted Gregory's own, putting planks between the two of them. One boat proudly displayed the Angalan flag at high mast, while the other showed no loyalties. A young female mage and man on a wyvern spoke amongst each other aboard one of them.

"Good work spotting them, Travis. We should be able to take out this diplomat before he can cause real trouble for us," the woman spoke up.

"It was no problem. We will bring glory to Angala with a victory, and prevent them from fleeing to seek allies!" he announced. "I must head to my position for combat. Do your own part, as well, Rhya!" He flew off into the distance, the mage smirking.

"The glory of Angala... whatever you say. Regardless, he's competent and helping us. Get ready for battle, everyone- we will crush resistance before it can truly begin."

Privia roared as Sheikah mounted her, lance and tomes ready for battle. "There are many foes here, but we've encountered tougher before. Piers, you should get below deck... We can't back down, so let's move out!"

The noble didn't seem willing to argue, with the approaching shops drawing closer and closer, and left for the relative safety of the ship's interior. The battle was better left to the mercenaries after all.


Objective: Defeat all enemies!

Deploy in the blue zones (including any currently unplaced NPCs). If you can't fly, you can't deploy on the pillars.

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A trip out at sea! Melanie had never gone swimming, let alone taken a boat across any body of water. How exciting! Melanie made sure to collect all of her belongings and books before they headed off-- leaving anything behind would mean nothing to do while getting ready to sleep!

And there was definitely nothing to do. The allure of open water wore off after the first week, leaving Melanie little to do but talk to people and read her books, a few of which she managed to finish. She'd have to get more in the next town, or she'd have to start re-reading. Plot twists weren't as fun the second time around.

But at the end of three weeks, something was finally happening, though she wasn't sure it was something she'd enjoy. Anozzer day, anozzer fight, she supposed. Without much of a word to anyone, she set herself up with her tomes, ready to blast magic at whoever came near. With all the reading she'd gotten done in Bonvale, she felt a lot more confident in getting these spells done right.

Mel deploys at 17,13 unless that space is important to yer plans

Edited by Snake Mom
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Sierra certainly had been strange, Orpheus had never seen anyone with such a fondness for cats. Was that her secret tactic, would he benefit from taking his own feline into battle? Their task seemed fairly important for the war effort, but there was one thing Orpheus wasn't happy about.

Sea voyages.

The country lad had never travelled by boat across any body of water. At first he'd been excited, ready to become a salty seadog, to learn his port from his starboard. That was until he actually got on board. Within minutes he could feel his legs going, the boat rocked like some sort of cruel pendulum. All he wanted to do was hang over the edge and puke his guts out. His dreams of seafaring adventures had come very quickly to a a close.

Even after the three weeks he still wasn't particularly comfortable. The sooner he was back on dry land the better. The battle ahead would at least be something to focus on, other than the rocking.

(Orpheus deploys to 17,10)

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All the moving he'd done at the barracks was the last decent workout Peter had. Until now. It had taken him a few days to adjust to sea travel, and once his stomach had settled, he used the extra time to practice aiming (but not firing) his bow.

Peter took one look at the leathery hides on one ship, and smiled. Though the wyverns would be unparalleled in the air, if he could bring them down, they'd most certainly drown!

Peter to 19,13 (unless he needs to be elsewhere, in which case, give a holler!)

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Wolfgang wasn't all too enthusiastic about the group's trip on the ship. That meant many days spent off shore, and fewer activities to take part in. He spent most of his time on the ship reading books, with a couple of occasions where had he a small chat with Piers.

So when he finally got a chance to battle again, he was more than enthusiastic about slinging his spells at the enemy. At least I'm getting target practice now!

Wolfgang deploys at (17,6)

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there will be a post here later i was writing one but it's taking too long so gonna do the thing first and edit it in later

Vale deploys to (19,11).

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Magali was taken rather surprised by the plan to ally themselves with Sloktan. It was her homeland, that much she knew, but had no memories of --her parents abandoned during the catastrophic Great War, far from its end, and Magali only a newborn. There wasn't much she did know about Sloktan; it was intriguing to know how it looked after all those years. Perhaps it made a recovery after the Great War, considering they were respectable enough for Irska to consider an alliance.


Unfortunately, there was only so much she could entertain her mind with for three weeks before travelling by ship felt cumbersome. Magali didn't take it as poorly as some other members of the company, but often found herself snoozing to pass the time. It was so easy, too, with the rocking of the boat. At least Magali didn't get caught sleeping too many times.

Once the news about two ships drawing closer was passed around, Magali only had so much time to prep herself through a recent torpor, but as the sight of danger drew closer it was easier to find herself awake and alert again.

Magali deploys at (18,6).

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Wolfgang spotted a lone wyvern rider, eager to make them his first victim. He ran towards the wyvern rider, two orbs of energy at either side , and sent them flying towards the rider immediately.

Wolfgang moves to (17,3) and attacks Wyvern Rider E with Flux.

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