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Fire Emblem: Wretched Whispers, Act 2: Warpath


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They were under attack from all directions, as well as both sea and sky. Their group at the front of the ship seemed relatively large, especially compared to the bottom group. Not wanting to leave his good friend Calden vulnerable, Orpheus decided that he'd probably be more help at the back of the ship... whatever the sailors called it.

Orpheus moves to 15,6 and equips his Guardian Axe!

Edited by Shin
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Artemis hits and deals 15 damage! (34,11)

Wyvern C: 21/36

The party gains 2 exp.

Sheikah moves to (21,18) and attacks Wyvern C with Shine.

Sheikah hits and deals 11 damage! (54,31)
Sheikah hits and deals 11 damage! (54,67)

Wyvern C falls!

The party gains 5 exp.
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The plan seemed to be coming together, they just needed to hold a few points, just to keep things safe. Seeing Calden skulking around, Orpheus called out to his supposed friend, giving him a place to cover. He waved to the merchant, hoping to catch his attention.

"Hey, Calden! Mind covering the stairs with your pony? Wouldn't want anyone to slip past us!"

Calden (hopefully) moves to 19,5!

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Well, here it began. Moving nearby to one of the planks, in the hope she could help defend the entrance from the enemies preparing to storm the boat.

Celestia moves to 22, 10, equips SHINE, wonders where Latooni went, and pops speed chant.

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Need sleep + my laptop is a potato, will properly format + fix the sheet tomorrow when I get a chance.

Enemy Phase
Norman grunted as the mercenary whacked him in the shoulder, but managed to turn the tables on the approaching spearman.
Mercenary B hits and deals 16 damage!
Norman misses!
Soldier B misses!
Norman hits and deals 10 damage! 
Norman hits and deals 10 damage!
Meanwhile, Calden makes a friend.
Pirate C hits and deals 36 damage!
Calden is down!
Sheikah takes a heavy hit from a pirate, who is then healed from afar.
Pirate D hits and deals 21 damage!
Sheikah hits and deals 12 damage!
Sheikah hits and deals 12 damage!
Cleric B uses Physic on Pirate D!
Aside from the advancing wyverns and a swimming axeman, the Hollows didn't appear to be in too much trouble yet. The western boat remained completely still, awaiting orders from their leader.
Player Phase
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Wolfgang winced as he saw Calden fall in one attack. "Orpheus! We still need him alive to carry our weapons, don't forget that! Stop playing tricks in the middle of the battle!" he yelled at Orpheus before racing towards the pirate, aiming to eliminate him quickly before he did any more damage to the group.

But I guess he deserved it, since he was so incompetent that he couldn't handle himself at all over there.

Wolfgang moves to (19,4) and uses Flux on Pirate C.

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Peter makes the pirate go boom (57, 12) for 60 damage.

Lugos scores some meaty chip damage (57, 38), 16 specifically.

Wolfgang defies all expectations and connects his hits (75, 90) (44, 8) for 18 damage twice. (also math is hard)

WEXP, uses, and exp is updated, including C bows for Peter. Go Peter!


[1/29/16, 10:12:10 PM] scorrikitty: go peter!

[1/29/16, 10:12:33 PM] Reinfleche: wait he couldn't actually use killer bow before :v

[1/29/16, 10:12:42 PM] Reinfleche: ...

[1/29/16, 10:12:44 PM] Reinfleche: ok whatever

[1/29/16, 10:12:50 PM] Reinfleche: sb missed it once, i'll miss it once

executive decision it counts

Edited by Reinfleche
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((I'm a derp, bless you executive decisions))

"Ah... how unfortunate." Magali winced as the pirate came aboard and assaulted Calden's wagon, his axe dealing a crushing blow, to be sure. I... wonder if me and diana can fix that... Magali couldn't stop and stare now, nonetheless, and followed suit once Wolfgang went to help, meeting Lugos as his wyvern landed on the ship. From the look of it, he intercepted one of the enemy wyvern knights to some success. "Hmm, Lugos. Keep going, let's see if we can stop them from invading. We've got enough on our hands as is~." With a flick and a spin, Magali begun one of her magical dances, though quickly switched to an offensive stance amidst the dance, grabbing one of her staves and eyeing the invader on the deck. Just as she finished her dance, Magali attempted a final blow with her magic.

Magali to (20,4), dance Lugos, activate Rhythm and finish Pirate C with harm staff.

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Orpheus swore that Calden was a little sturdier than that, was the merchant really that fragile? Either way, Calden was down and they were surrounded by flying things. If only they had a way to get rid of them easily.

That's when inspiration struck him. That funny little book Calden had could probably do the job. Well, it wasn't as if Orpheus could use it, reading regular books was enough of a challenge but there had to be someone else who could use magic. Approaching Calden, Orpheus lowered himself down, reaching into the merchant's satchel.

"Just say something if you object, little buddy." Orpheus smiled, hoping his friend could hear. Regardless, Orpheus removed one of his tomes before beckoning one of the others.

"I've got Calden's wind book! It might help out a little!"

Orpheus moves to 20,5, takes Calden's Elwind and cantos to 21,5!

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