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Something that pings me is what kirsche brought up, tbh.

Randa has shown an understanding of the thread but so far, he's just countering several players' posts and stating that he doesn't like the Dormio wagon without actual scum hunting.

Like how he brought several reasons why Dormio might not be scum yet never commits to trying to find scum on Dormio's wagon or trying to scum hunt and direct town to move their votes to players who Randa actually finds scummy.

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Why aren't you voting Randa then?

(yeah, I see all of those other posts, but I'm too lazy to respond/analyze them at the moment and probably should be doing other not mafia things now anyways)

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Shouldn't you vote for somebody you find scummy rather than somebody who's being vague?

Do you find kirsche scummy for being vague?

Mancer pretty much stated that he though being was scummy. i dont know your point is or why this is a part of your case on him.

This post kind of tells me otherwise, Dormio.

and your quote is essentially proving that he thinks being vague is scummy.

ftr this isn't scum mancer, this is just confused town mancer imo.

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so i do agree with marf, that paperbkade's case doesn't really seem all that strong. i expect more from paperblade, granted he said its shitposting but still. i expect more.

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Randa, who exactly are you replying too? I can't tell. Also I can quit whenever I want, you guys. Seriously. Doing it right now. For reals.

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Refa, I probably worded what I said badly. Whilst it wasn't a hard claim, the fact that kirsche drew attention to himself like that doesn't quite make sense unless he has something to gain from it. I agree the ambiguity is a little odd, but I'm reading it as "I want to say I'm a miller without saying I am miller".

I don't like how Dormio isn't actually responding to people, he's skirting around the issue and denying things. I also dislike the use of self-meta as a defense - which seems to be his alternative to replying to stuff.

##Vote: Dormio

shin actually makes a valid point with the bolded part imo. particularly with self meta being dimb,

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Randa, who exactly are you replying too? I can't tell. Also I can quit whenever I want, you guys. Seriously. Doing it right now. For reals.

nobody. im just posting whatever pops into my head as i read.

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Dormio wagon is totally legit. Not just because everyone is voting for the same person as me (which never happens when I'm town, and never early on as any alignment), but because all of the cases have their own interpretations and reasoning. The main issue against Dormio is his kirsche case, for various reasons; Mancer had some issues with his side comments as well FWIW.

So refa, you dont think that everybody who has been voting dormio is doing so because they found his case on kirsche faulty? cause thats how ive read them.

That wasn't really Randa town reading Dormio but more of a counter point to the votes and wagons on Dormio (fmpov anyway).

no that was me town reading dormio. there isn't any logical reason to assume either kirsche or dormio are scum based on their actions.

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My bad then for interpreting your post wrongly.

I'm really tired right now so I'll head to bed and do a reread in the morning.

Something else comes to mind though, Randa, is the event that you were seen staring at Larsa due to an action of yours or something?

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Well, kirsche has not actually claimed to be a Miller. As Dormio said, he has only said that Miller is a great role.

kirsche could just as well be town bringing up the Miller as a joke. Hence, I feel that Dormio's overreaction to it is scummy.

technically i never claimed numbers in hard NOC's. doesn't mean everybody didn't understand that i was numbers based on what i posted.

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My bad then for interpreting your post wrongly.

I'm really tired right now so I'll head to bed and do a reread in the morning.

Something else comes to mind though, Randa, is the event that you were seen staring at Larsa due to an action of yours or something?

I think that was literally flavour and had nothing to do with the game, Mancer. @ Randa staring at Larsa thing

no it did. it was direct result of my (completely pointless) action last night. i was hoping prims would mention it in post game, but hey day 1 opener works.

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Votals 1.1: Early Morning Edition

Dormio (6): Mitsuki, Refa, MancerNecro, BBM, Paperblade, Shin

Randa (2): Reinfleche, kirsche

MancerNecro (2): Sunwoo, Quote

Da Bear (1): eclipse

Reinfleche (1): SB

kirsche (1): Euklyd

Paperblade (1): Bluedoom

Shin (1): Dormio

Not Voting (6): Da Bear, Junk, Polydeuces, Randa, Shinori, Larsa

There are 64 hours and 27 minutes left in the phase. With 21 alive, it takes 7 to deadline lynch.

Edited by Curly Brace
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Wait so do you agree with shin's vote?

also wtf 100+posts in a few hours.

if this is directed at me then the answer is sorta. kinda. i can understand the vote, but im not scum reading dormio so i cant agree with teh vote.

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I don't particularly care, since it's pretty much a throwaway case to put an end to the RVS anyway.

Speaking of which, there's a lot of content to go through now, huh?

BBM's meta is wrong because making some random case in RVS is something I do regardless of alignment.

It tends to happen more when I'm town as opposed to scum simply due to the fact that I roll town more often.

And BBM stated that the last time I did this, I was scum when I was not.

Anyway, that's not really all that relevant. What interests me the most out of the entire exchange are the two posts by Shin. (#51, #75)

#51 isn't very interesting, #75 is though. Because I think that it's a vote that's been made to make it look as though Shin was contributing early in the game with some unique opinions when really he just wanted to jump on the bandwagon.

He states that I am "[...] not actually responding to people, [i'm] skirting around the issue and denying things." as well as "using self-meta as a defense instead of replying to stuff" (paraphrased).

I feel that these statements are inaccurate. After all, if you just take a look at the second statement there, the only reason I invoked self-meta was because I wanted to correct BBM who first brought up my meta to begin with.

I think that these arguments were made only because there was a fairly strong anti-Dormio sentiment going around at the time which allowed for things like this to pass without much scrutiny.

If Shin feels that this is not the case, I would like him to explain how I wasn't responding to people and how I was using self meta as a defense as opposed to replying to stuff.


##Vote Shin

idk why but i just dont like this case. i dont feel like anybody ever thought shin was contributing to early game in a significant manner. and its not like saying "self-meta is a bad idea" is, for lack of a better phrase, a bad idea.

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pretty much caught up at this point and my conclusion,

##Vote: Paperblade

well he and shin could both be said to have opportunistic votes on dormio, ftr i would disagree that either vote was opportunistic given that we cant turbo/hammer, i feel that paper's was just overall too thin and didn't really have a lot to add to the discussion.

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holy shit 6 pages while I was sleeping calm down gays

I just kinda skimmed for the time being and Dormio's pinging me hard. I'll make a detailed case when I can get on my laptop later (not too much later but yeah).

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