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I have other shit to deal with right now, saying I have no content when it's been 30 pages is asinine because that's exactly why I have no content, I can't be assed to read all this with what little time I have to dedicate to this game

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Also, a minor point? I thought BBM was scum in SMT because he refused to say I was town because I thought he was trying to set me up for a mislynch later, how is this any less nitpicky? The only difference is I'm actually saying it here because I have nothing else to fucking going on

There's a lot of other stuff I could say right now but I'm going to hold my tongue.

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hi guys I think I have enough done on essays and applications and tests and shit to at least pretend to mafia now

pretty sure BBM is misrepresenting my reasons for not liking the people who did actually flip town
I wasn't saying the Main Proponents of the lynch were scum, but the people who jumped on the wagon and made the Randa lynch a thing as opposed to the far superior Shin wagon
and then they flipped town so there went that
and I was far to lazy/busy to look into the wagon further

Also sigh I forgot to say about Euklyd, the bit about Randa just feels very token because it's only sometimes that the main proponents of a mislynch are scum; it's much more often that it's people who jump on later for bad reasons that are scum. So it doesn't really feel very real of him to just dismiss looking at the Randa wagon for potential scum just because some people on the wagon flipped town.

pretty sure this is literally what I was saying
"it's not like Randa is going to contribute anyways"

Shin still feels like a scumlord, Mitsuki's SB case feels forced, Mancer is Mancer but probably scummy (but we're not lynching there anyways thanks Refa)
I can sympathize with Paper's "wow guys yes of course I'm not contributing I have things do be doing also holy shit 30 pages"
(I have townreads but I'm never sure if I should out them or not and that's a meta discussion we probably don't need to have right now)

I don't have a whole lot of New Thoughts to contribute yet
>implying that I occasionally do contribute in mafia games

People voting for Mancer: do you not trust that Refa's reasons are Good Enough, do you not trust Refa, or what?

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"wow euklyd only posts after BBM cases him what a scumlord" screw you too

also I thought we were going to be repeating the same lecture about regexes for the third class in a row for unix but we're doing something where I should be paying attention so /effort will come later

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Randa pls tell us who do you think is scum and should be lynched you're confirmed town anyway.

Euk why don't you make a vote or something you haven't made one since RVS! 8)

Kirsche what do you think of BBM townreading Paperblade on his D1 content? Also I thought about it but SHin did explain later in D2 that his ote was " part reaction test part elaboration" So whether you think this is BS or not is your call. Personally think that was an acceptable explanation, its not like he did a 180 here.

I can't feel Mitsuki's SB case becuase I think SB's points on Mancer are legit? He totally was playing the demotivation card D1 and contradicting his own reads constantly, and it really felt like he was throwing everything he could to make someone look scummy(in this instance, me.) Also I stated some of those points in my Mancer case D1 so this is biased I guess.

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Also its totally possible for SB to be town who did not read Mancer throgouhly instead of scum who just want to BS a case suddenly. There are people voting Mancer for FAR WEAKER REASONS.

So what makes SB a better vote than say, Shin or Junko?

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We'll logically we know at least one of the lurkers is probably scum. Which one i have no idea. Nobody does.

Also I'm probably not gonna read thirty pages to decide who to vote when I can't vote. But of what I remember mancer makes some sense as scum, but I don't get the same sense from him as I did in Hard NOC's. His post seem more, for lack of a better phrase, natural. They have a sense of raw chaos in them. Not the type that is used to intentionally confuse people but more so the type that occurs when you think things over repeatedly which scum doesn't usually have to do.

On the flip side I would logically be inclined to think eclipse is town, idk if my logic is different from everybody else's though, but I don't get the sense she is. There seems to be a sense of superficiality to her posts from what I've seen. She seems to be focused more so on telling people how to play better or in some cases just flat out saying play better and not really scum hunting. Also while she was all super preachy about me needing to expand on each individual thought she does the same quite ofen in her wall posts. It's just a here's my thought, here's why, no explanation on the why is scummy though. Granted I don't remember what the hell I posted nor am I reading that big ass post.

Then idk why but I think rein is scum.

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well I already said that you were town this time so that means I'm town right :):

It's a little difficult to read Paperblade right now because I think this is the first time I've seen him just legitimately not up-to-date with the game as either alignment, but his tone in the first few posts where he was caught-up read as town so I'm going to stick with that. Scum!Paper lurks and doesn't provide much content, but that's when he's caught up and is around all the time but just eschewing content; this doesn't give me the same vibe.

@Paper- I think it would be more helpful for everyone if you just posted everything you had in terms of reads even if they were gut reads or whatever. Can't be as bad as people lynching Randa without a claim.

as for Euklyd over other lurkers- honestly Poly is doing the exact same thing he's down as town for the last several games so I'm hesitant to vote for him. Shinori generally does get to content sooner or later so I'll wait for that. And then there are Bearclaw and Larsa who are... yeah.

And Euklyd posted. Okay I kind of misread what he was trying to say the first time wrt the Randa wagon but I think the essence of my original point still stands; going 'Randa wagon sucked but people who pushed it over Shin were town so oh well who cares' just feels like a really token statement to make. I also don't like how he talks about the Shin wagon as being far superior even though all he said about Shin was 'feels graspy but Shin is always scummy earlygame' and then never voted Shin. Gonna say that I'd also prefer townreads if there are reasons for them as well as a little more behind the Shin and Mitsuki suspicions if he has more time to devote atm?

Maybe we can get Gorf or J to sub in? HBC stands for Hitler's Band Club after all HEIL MYSELF

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Randa, Rein and Refa are basically confirmed town unless you think that there is a role that allows a slot with two different alignment or mafia-mafia in it or something

you should doc them so that the mafia doesn't twofer btw

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Randa, Rein and Refa are basically confirmed town unless you think that there is a role that allows a slot with two different alignment or mafia-mafia in it or something

you should doc them so that the mafia doesn't twofer btw

Wait what happened?
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Also why was me requesting a sub the thing that pushed my wagon off a cliff? That seems like really bad reasoning. Especially when the host says its for illness reasons. Also I need sleep.

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'- A demonic voice echoed throughout the village. "NOW IT'S REIN TIME (to let somebody else do all the posting for me)." Reinfleche and Refa are now a single playerslot!'

from D2 opening post, literally right below the line stating you were revived

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'- A demonic voice echoed throughout the village. "NOW IT'S REIN TIME (to let somebody else do all the posting for me)." Reinfleche and Refa are now a single playerslot!'

from D2 opening post, literally right below the line stating you were revived

Hey all I know is that I read my. PM and it said I was revived. Also I'm going to sleep for real this time.
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Also i'd like to, you know, not be rb'd again because i suspect this is going to be a thing after i said my role was provable.

So if there are any sg's they should target me.

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'- A demonic voice echoed throughout the village. "NOW IT'S REIN TIME (to let somebody else do all the posting for me)." Reinfleche and Refa are now a single playerslot!'

from D2 opening post, literally right below the line stating you were revived

Yeah, that's gone real well so far. Also I'm scum delaying content real post coming in a bit totally.

Also Mitsuki, don't put a Watcher on Randa. No offense to Randa, but I'd rather have a vanilla townie live over him because one of them keeps us further away from LYLO.

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yeah but if we don't watch Randa he's going to die tonight and then you're going to die tomorrow, whereas if we force them not to kill Randa they'll have to shoot Mitsuki first or go for secondary targets like kirsche instead

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Dear lord Im sorry I havent been here, I've had WAY to much going on irl right now. If I havent been modkileld, ill do my best to catch up tomorrow. I started ANOTHER job. So I havent had a day off in 14 days+ now. Im soooo sorry, ive just been getting home in the ams every night and have to get up 4 hours later. I haven't had time for ANYTHING.

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Dormio are you seriously policyvoting Paperblade over a textbook "scumtell" that doesn't even work most of the time

as for Euklyd over other lurkers- honestly Poly is doing the exact same thing he's down as town for the last several games so I'm hesitant to vote for him. Shinori generally does get to content sooner or later so I'll wait for that. And then there are Bearclaw and Larsa who are... yeah.

And Euklyd posted. Okay I kind of misread what he was trying to say the first time wrt the Randa wagon but I think the essence of my original point still stands; going 'Randa wagon sucked but people who pushed it over Shin were town so oh well who cares' just feels like a really token statement to make. I also don't like how he talks about the Shin wagon as being far superior even though all he said about Shin was 'feels graspy but Shin is always scummy earlygame' and then never voted Shin. Gonna say that I'd also prefer townreads if there are reasons for them as well as a little more behind the Shin and Mitsuki suspicions if he has more time to devote atm?

Maybe we can get Gorf or J to sub in? HBC stands for Hitler's Band Club after all HEIL MYSELF

I agree, I did not mention Shin since that extremely cursory post, in any of the many posts I did not make. There's not much point in me saying "guys I don't understand the randa wagon at all, why aren't we voting Shin he's way scummier" now, on D2
which happens to be like, the day that I am making posts during
(unlike CY'OR 1 I can't edit my old posts :(:)

re: townreads my townreads are more or less on tone (and other ~soft~ things) so there's no a whole lot of stuff to go on there
I am Pretty Confident that Refa is town (and was before the merger, even, but I can't prove that so feel free to criticize that as well) just because he seems to be playing a lot more actively than he does as scum
I'd like to say "I can read Refa" but in the past that's generally been "I can townread Refa unless he's super obvious scum" BUT I am Pretty Confident in this read

also I feel like SB is town on tone and his interactions with other players have generally read more as inquisitive town than whateverthehelladjective scum

also I can't understand my own notes apparently I thought Marth was scum but I can't tell/remember why ??? this sort of applies to Shin as well but it was a lot more definite

brb rereading stuff

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