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CYOU'RE - Game Over


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Day 3

Refa should really worry about cleaning up his not dying skills first.


Refa - Kiritsugu Emiya - Town Arsonist - killed Night 2


Rein couldn't hit a barn-sized lightning rod.


Reinfeche - Lord Jaraxxus - Town Hydra - killed Night 2


Paperblade's road to glory ends here.


Paperblade - Max Bialystock - Town Motivator - killed Night 2


But there's good news! Somebody breathed in Mancer's pathetic bombs and sent them right back at him.


MancerNecro - Necromancer - Mafia Gravedigger / Roleblocker - killed Night 2


- kirby's avalanche announcer

It is now Day 3. With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch. You have until 11 PM (PST) on November 25th to decide on a lynch..

Fighting For They're Lives: (13)

Alive Without They're Vote: (1)
  • Randa - Dogi, Town Doctor, lynched Day 1, revived Night 1
In Over They're Heads: (7)
  • Quote (Via) - Stefan, Town Vigilante, killed Night 1
  • Sunwoo (Boron) - Shulk, Town Jack of All Trades, killed Night 1
  • Shin - Dio Brando, Serial Killer, lynched Day 2
  • Refa - Kiritsugu Emiya, Town Arsonist, killed Night 2
  • Reinfleche - Lord Jaraxxus, Town Hydra, killed Night 2
  • Paperblade - Max Bialystock, Town Motivator, killed Night 2
  • MancerNecro - Necromancer, Mafia Gravedigger / Roleblocker, killed Night 2
Edited by Prims
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Refa SO BRO no wonder he didn't want a mancer lynch loooooooooooool

I'm sorry Paperblade for being mean to you I swear! ;-;

Holy shit I was right about Shin not being mafia but SK LYNCH D2 FUCK YEAH!

annnnnd THANK YOU I'LL NEVER BE BLOCKED NOW and the doc should stay on me IMO because of my obvtwon 8)

uh I'll read the thread now because asso reads are now a thing.

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Junkykins slot is obvtown for using 101 links to justify their scumreads. Eury as scum just makes walls filled with fluff and one-liners and doesn't actually have that many scumreads trufax. ALso Mancer used scum logic to try to justify mislynching them.

Dormio slot is obvtown because Mancer made a bad case on them and then waffled on his read. Then in the priority list he put Dormio in it with no SB(even thouh he scumread him) for really bad reasons. Looks like scum trying to keep their options open.

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I had no problems with Mitsuki's content earlier but her SB case was just bad and she scumread him because even thought he had a good case on Mancer she felt it was forced which feels like a mild chainsaw defence of her scumbuddy.

This is the same thing BBM did with my scumread on Mancer LD1 where he argued against my meta usage on Mancer and used that as a point to scumread me. It doesn't help that he dropped his scumread on me D2 because I (well failed) hammered Randa unwillingly yet eagerly. He doesn't directly invalidate my case but he uses the meta point argument which seems pointless to use to justify your scumread.

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Marth and Junkykins are both obvtown from Mancer's pushes on them, Marth was Mancer's big D1 push and the way Mancer approached Junko made it blatantly obvious he was trying to mislynch him instead of get cred from bussing.

Don't see how the interactions Marth pointed out make Dormio town though?

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Tbh I never had problems with eclipse's play(well except the annoying part where she votes people for bad play over scummy play) and even her interactions with Mancer are good so far.

There's p much scum among inactives which sucks considering the number of death's we've had. I wish we had more townsided kills so that we could get rid of people like Bear/Larsa/PolyDrICK

I can't read kirsche much since most of his content was geared towards getting Shin lynched which isn't telling of his alignment. This is the same with Euklyd

##Vote: BBM

Let's DO THIS!

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Not really thinking right now, but I will respond to two things.

First of all, the question from SB about why I chose who I did with my switch: Not telling.

Secondly, why did I drop MancerNecro? Because I felt that his effort was townie enough and I was too lazy to read further into his posts. Moral of the story, laziness is bad.

Now, I'm going to go be lazy and post tomorrow or something after collecting my thoughts.

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Shin scum expected/10 this is why you listen to me when I tunnel someone in a CyoR game.


Reread his D2 and his voting pattern was really bad. First he voted Euklyd for being a lurker and having a couple of bad posts, and his justification for Euklyd over the others is pretty meh: "Poly because he flakes as town, Shinori because he'll get more content, Larsa and bear because... yeah".

He switches to Shinori later because he thought he was white knighting town!Shin (why assume Shin is town when he's your second favourite lynch candidate? Really odd assumption) and because apparently one disagreeable action is worse than Euklyd's many? Obviously it was bad yeah, Shin was obvscum right from the beginning of D1, but is a non-logical emotional analysis of Shin cases really unexpected from Shinori?

Something particularly off is that at one point you even said "I'm townreading everyone but Mancer and maybe SB" but never really follow that up at all. I know you were demotivated, but you never really bring him up again in any of your following posts despite having the opportunity to. I'm guessing refa's to blame here but you could've still looked at his posts.

Is Shinori still your biggest scumread? What do you think of the Euklyd/eclipse interactions?

The points about Mitsuki are really good and would sheep, looks like my paranoia about her role might've been founded. Current priority is BBM > Mitsuki

There's still probably scum amongst the lurkers because I have a lot of townreads right now.

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So MEAN, Marthipan. I went to the trouble of reading the thread during the night phase and even wrote some words! Anyway Shinori and Dormio were the ones who bothered me.

Eclipse may say she can follow Shinori's logic, but Lucifer shouldn't be putting on layers just yet, because I can’t even see where the logic is.

He just says he can’t see the scum intent, why does he feel that way? And he says repeatedly he has to go back to reading, but if there’s a case you vehemently disagree with and their lynch is imminent, shouldn’t that be your priority? (especially since he doesn’t even make a proper content post).
I think he was perfectly happy to see Shin’s lynch, and so provided no reasoning that may have convinced people otherwise.

The way Dormio's timed the Paperblade case. While his N1 case was pretty good, he didn't say much on it D2, which isn't too bad on its own but then he comes up with a lot of stuff on N2 that could've been said on D2 when not a lot was going on and the wagons weren't big enough to get a deadline lynch.

I also feel he's trying to paint Paperblade in a negative light.
He says his SB vote came out of nowhere, after dismissing the posts talking about SB as "not-really-all-that-relevant".
Paper's lack of confidence in his reads looks bad, but my question is: if he's being cased for not being proactive, and he knows his scum meta is to have trouble making reads, why would he be so hesitant? My view is he's fully aware his posts are lacking, so if he was scum he'd just stop and save himself the stress. SF mafia forum is quite lenient to people who don't post at all.
The song lyrics have been stated to be some sort of PR so that last point is pretty slack.

don't know how Paperblade dying affects this read. I'll sleep on it

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One more thing before I retire. I don't think the Dormio-Mancer interaction was that good. Mancer made an early push on Dormio, calling his fresh-out-of-RVS kirsche case forced, then dropped it because he made one less forced case on Shin.

##vote: Dormio

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