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Day 2.4: I should be playing pokemon Edition

Shin (7): kirsche, MancerNecro, Euklyd, Da Bear, Rein/Refa, Dormio, Bluedoom (deadline!)

SB (3): Mitsuki, Shin, Paperblade

Paperblade (1): eclipse

Euklyd (1): dirge of swans

BBM (1): Eurykins

Shinori (1): BBM

Not Voting (4): Polydeuces, Shinori, #HBC Larsa, SB

There is 1 hour and 4 minutes left in the phase. With 17 alive, it takes 6 to lynch at deadline and 9 to hammer.

Edited by Curly Brace
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It is role related? If it was related to my actions tonight, then it would be dumb of me to not want to lynch Mancer.

Also it has nothing to do with my night actions tonight, which I may or may not even have.


Refa. . .there's no need to advertise stuff like this. ;/

SB most of my town reads are because of role shenanigans/rolespec. I'm also not sure what question of Marth's I dodged? Are you talking about the counterwagons one? I'd rather not be a wagon at all but Marth is content to tunnel me over it, but I have to pick a top scumread I guess?

I did think I was voting BBM though, so does that answer the question or do I need to spell it out?

I'm starting to think one out of Marth/SB is mafia but I'm not sure if that's just me being overdefensive

Having a scumread - hooray. But WHY do you think one of Marth/SB might be mafia? Not that happy with Marth for his late D1 things that annoy me on a personal level, but he's probably not being lynched today. I'm not really reading SB as mafia, either, but like BBM, I haven't read him in-depth.

Honestly if we're gonna use my scum meta go look at how I react to wagons in my scum games (British, Fakeclaim) vs. my town games (big NOCs, Awakening)

If it makes you feel better, I'm not relying on meta.

skimmed the thread and there are like no new wagons and nobody is voting Euklyd with me ;_;

How DARE you call my alt account a nobody!

Rein and Refa have my claim (I've had OC with them since N0), if I'm in danger they can out it for me but I'd rather that didn't happen. I might wake up JUST before deadline but it seems unlikely and I've got homework and shit to do. This feels like a bad place to leave off (might try and be back later? idk) but I have other stuff I need to do so yeah. Rip me.

That's interesting, and it shoots a theory of mine out the window.

man I forgot my PR in my last post almost as bad as you guys lynching Randa without a claim

I could see Shinori as being scum trying to white-knight town!Shin? He just keeps repeating I DON'T SEE THE SHIN CASE without really saying why and just keeps saying 'I don't even know why Shin is a wagon' despite quoting people posting Shin cases... It's kind of weird that the Shin case is so incomprehensible to him that he can't see it at all despite literally looking at it.

To be fair, I didn't think too highly of that case, either. Thus, I'm not going to fault Shinori for being against it.

Shinori you clearly aren't reading the game if you think Refa is scum

makes me wonder if you missed the Shin cases as well? esp since you want a tl;dr of post-p15

Do NOT like the tone of this. . .reads passive-aggressive for no apparent reason. Someone check Hell for me, I think it's snowing down there, because I can follow Shinori's logic.

started trying to read eury's wallpost but then I realized that it contains literally 36 links to click on


also Marth I'm pretty sure she makes stupidly huge wallposts as scum too

all that means is that she probably hasn't been 'guised

you may has been making a joke there I'm not sure ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Look, if you're going to throw mud at Eury, at LEAST read what she has to say.


I would've really preferred a Euklyd lynch over a Shin one, because his recent stuff hasn't changed my opinion of him, but I doubt that's going to happen, because a bunch of you are in uncool time zones. Would like Paperblade to elaborate on his statements more. There's enough votes that Shin's going to be deadline lynched (so at least there's no danger of universal loss), and I think the cases on him are dumb, so here's my protest:


##Vote: Euklyd

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Look, if you're going to throw mud at Eury, at LEAST read what she has to say.

when did I fling mud on eury

I'm pretty sure all I said was that

a) I wasn't reading her post (which is par for the course, not just for me)

b) that she makes huge posts as both town and scum

I'm also PRETTY SURE Marth said that– actually hold on I can quote him

Yeah Junkykins is town because look at how detailed that wall is

"eury is town because she put a ton of detail into that huge effortwall"

except, she does this as scum as well

if he'd said that "her tone reads as town and she has really good points on BBM wow that's townie" that's one thing

"wow that's a lot of detail" is something entirely different

how is that mudslinging


as far as the shinori thing goes I can understand how that might look passive aggressive

BUT as far as what I was saying goes, all that he said was that "I don't understand the shin cases" not why he disagreed with them, and then he said something that clearly demonstrated he wasn't reading/retaining everything that's happened in the thread

so yes I was wondering if he might have missed the shin cases

to clarify,

it's not "shinori doesn't understand the shin cases" -> "shinori isn't reading"

it's "shinori thinks that refa isn't essentially confirmed town" -> "he's clearly not reading everything" -> "maybe he missed some shin cases"

honestly those as reasons to vote me suck

of all the things to vote me for those are especially lame


for the record I am kind of demotivated wrt reading/analyzing the rest of BBM because he's gone to bed and won't be getting lynched anyway

(also just kinda demotivated in general but eh)

still kind of reading / kind of getting distracted but I don't see a lot of point in finishing before deadline anymore

I mean I'll try but it seems unlikely

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ACTUALLY you both are saying "I don't like the shin cases" / "the shin cases are awful" / what-have-you


what don't you get about them
and why is it okay to just say "I don't like/understand the Shin cases that wagon sucks" and not say why
clearly Shinori doesn't want Shin lynched why is it okay for him to say "we shouldn't lynch shin" and then not try to convince people why not to do so
(I can understand "we're an hour from deadline there's not much point in trying to swing a wagon this late" which is why I'm talking about Shinori here)

"I agree with him not seeing why Shin is scum" isn't much of a justification

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I've got twenty minutes. Let's see if I can explain myself better, because I think you're reading what I wrote from a completely different point of view.


I think it's really disrespectful to say "that's a long post, not going to read it, but you do that as scum anyway". If you want to respond to Marth's assertion that Eury has to be town because of it, that's fine. But to say that she's null for it, without reading it, reads like you're dismissing it entirely. It takes me at least an hour to quote-skim and put my thoughts out - if I did things Eury-style, I'd never get a post out!

I'm going to grab Shinori post. From his read on Refa (in a later post), it's clear to me that he's not fully caught up. From that post I linked, he didn't understand the logic behind the Shin wagon, even after grabbing quotes from it. There's a bunch of people that are on board for the Shin lynch, and I'm not one of them. Therefore, I have no problems with Shinori's sentiment regarding the Shin cases. I see "I read this and why is this a thing?" as opposed to "I didn't read them".


I'd rather have you lynched than Shin, and unless five other people log on within the next thirteen minutes (yes that took seven minutes to write) and change their vote, you're not being lynched. You're free to disagree with the reasons, but I feel that you're completely overblowing what is essentially a protest vote to the current lynch.



From what I read, the cases revolved around Shin's logic (this is off of memory, I'm running out of time), or in the case of Mancer, "not pushing reads". Shin hasn't been posting much, and I don't expect him to be as forceful as I am - unlike a couple of people earlier in this phase who I voted, he's willing to vote for his reads after stating them. I can follow Shin's logic, and my conclusion is that it could come from either side. There were a couple of things that I didn't like, but they weren't vote-worthy for me (go read my ISO, I mentioned them).

I'll gladly reread the Shin cases come D3. . .yes, D3, because I'm gonna be busy tomorrow night, but my memory says that they weren't strong enough for me to vote for him.

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I feel like if I actually type out a response to that I'd post it right after Manix says DEADLINE SHUT UP

tl;dr is "fair enough" and "Shinori speaking super strongly about how the Shin cases suck, but not actually making arguments to convince people, is what I was asking about"

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Night 2

Shin (7): kirsche, MancerNecro, Euklyd, Da Bear, Rein/Refa, Dormio, Bluedoom (deadline!)

SB (3): Mitsuki, Shin, Paperblade

Euklyd (2): dirge of swans, eclipse

BBM (1): Eurykins

Shinori (1): BBM

Not Voting (4): Polydeuces, Shinori, #HBC Larsa, SB

somebody threw a baseball at shin and he died


Shin - Dio Brando - Serial Killer - lynched Day 2

It is now Night 2. You have 24 hours to send in your actions.

Fighting For They're Lives: (16)

Alive Without They're Vote: (1)
  • Randa - Dogi, Town Doctor, lynched Day 1, revived Night 1
In Over They're Heads: (3)
  • Quote (Via) - Stefan, Town Vigilante, killed Night 1
  • Sunwoo (Boron) - Shulk, Town Jack of All Trades, killed Night 1
  • Shin - Dio Brando, Serial Killer, lynched Day 2
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I still feel like Paperblade needs to die.
I'm going to refer back to this post on why I think that Paperblade's D1 content is scummy.
So, then, what about the stuff he did on D2?

First, we start off with minor suspicion of BBM. (#564, #597)
What I really don't like about this is how Paperblade appends how uncertain he is about this suspicion to the post.
Like, why? Do you want to not look as bad when you throw this read away later?

Paperblade's next two posts (#599, #600) also strike me as bad.
The first is uninteresting as it's just rage and an attempt to justify a lack of content.
The second has a few more interesting aspects to it.
What I really don't like is the mention of having "nothing else to fucking going on".
It's like, in conjunction with the appeal to emotion, I see it as a really weak attempt to justify having suspicion on BBM.

I'd also like to note here that Paperblade never had any issue with BBM's posts until other people did.

Next up, we have #effort.

Where do I even start with this post?

Firstly, out of the 17 people that he listed, he states that he finds 10 of them to be townie to some extent, 5 are lurkers, and has no strong opinion on the other two and would rather look at other people's cases on them as opposed to coming to his own conclusions.

Like, what the fuck is that? Literally no scumreads?

The second half of this post, which is dedicated to BBM, reads as all sorts of weird to me.

Like I mean, given Paperblade's comment in one of his earlier posts (#73) about it being too early for meta shit, I'm under the impression that Paperblade isn't really all that big a fan of using meta.

And yet, in #effort, we have Paperblade using self-meta as part of his reasoning on why BBM could possibly be scum buddying up to him.

Also, lol@self-meta for casing.

Basically, I don't like the way he's going about building a case on BBM.

#652 amuses me too.

"Don't vote me, vote somebody else I don't really care who as long as it isn't me."

After a couple of not-really-all-that-relevant posts, we come to #686 where Paperblade votes for SB.

This is, again, after a few people have started to suspect SB. I really don't like this.

Like, Paperblade stated in #effort that he thought that SB's actions made sense as town and that he couldn't possibly be scum with BBM so where did this even come from?

I asked Paperblade about this and got a response in #696 which basically said that he thought that he was wondering if BBM or SB or neither of them were scum.

It's like, seriously? That's like, the worst opinion I think I've ever seen.
"SB might be scum but then it might actually be BBM who is the scum but then I'm not actually sure if either of them are the scum."

Most of the remainder of Paperblade's posts are basically just role speculation.

I feel that Paperblade was using that as an excuse to make it look as though he was providing content when, in reality, he really wasn't doing much of anything at all.

And I have no idea what the fuck the song lyrics are about but I feel like it's a waste of space and distracting and therefore scummy.

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I was really hoping to have the night off to do nothing tbh so uh... I'm not too likely to run throught too many ISOs. I'll look at the end of phase content first though.

Shinori saying that the Shin cases were the only things that he'd read was really ??? to me because idk why he would specifically focus in on that? Would like an answer to this. I agree with what BBM said in #724 about him too. His kirsche comment is kind of terrible too because kirsche was actually looking at Shin's posts and stuff and if Shinori claims that he's been reading the Shin cases then uh... why hasn't he read up on that?

I was tempted to just post the Eury's SFMM4 role pm for stuff related to her wallpost because that's kind of how I feel about it >.>. Her attack on BBM seems really similar to her play as Kelpie which bugs me (but considering SK shenanigans I'm not sure if this is helping? >.>) because it kind of looks like she's just sort of saying everything BBM did is scummy? There's stuff like having gut feelings, backing off a vote when the reasoning was proven wrong (and calling it backpedalling) and "not voting Randa despite being ok with his lynch" despite Randa flipping town. I tried reading the rest of the post but I lost motivation after Day 1 of BBM stuff so um... yeah...

Mancer is still basically the same, except he was less of a presence yesterday than before iirc? It feels kind of like he dropped off the radar when there was no chance we would lynch him imo.

Reread kirsche since Shin flipped uh... not scum despite his heavy focus on him and I still think he's okay. Wouldn't lynch.

I actually disagree with the whole "Mitsuki is town on role" theories because I agree "why would you ever not use watcher" and because of other theories as to how her role might actually work that I'm not outing because they're just guesses. But as far as actual play goes, I think her D1 was kind of weird in hindsight. She had like... 4 scumreads with Randa as lowest priority, then found reasons to drop all of them (while I can see the logic for Shin/eclipse, the reasons to drop Mancer seemed really weak to me) and it seemed like she sort of defaulted to a Randa case without really reading around anyone else? Her play D2 was also unexceptional in that she sort of built a case on me, and as I dismantled it slowly she didn't really look into anyone else or add any more points, she just kind of kept her vote parked there despite there being very little left to her case. I know she was busy and stuff but it feels like she's just been coasting on her claim and I think I remember her play in NotV2 being very similar to what she did D2 here.

First thing to Dormio: please explain your Caffeinator targets and why you picked them. I don't really have much to say on his early stuff because I thought it was townie but after N1 he basically dropped off the map? It basically looks similar to Mitsuki how he got kind of written off and then didn't really do much. Aside from a super short Junko case the only person he's cased in the last day is Paper and then said that he agreed with my case on BBM. Kind of suspicious here now.

Will try and read BBM/eclipse/Marf by the end of the night since I think that's everyone, but I might not get it done.

Mitsuki > Shinori/Dormio > Eury

This is ignoring whatever Refa has on Mancer.

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