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Paris Mafia - Game over, Mimes win!


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It's a tad grasping because I guess I can kind of see the rationale behind that, but the only scum-role I am seeing Prims as a possible thing is mafia. I can see why you, personally, think that is the case for Prims being Marf's buddy but for me I am not agreeing to that. If you feel Prims may be Marf's buddy, would you say you consider yourself an advocate for Prims being shot toNight?

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SB, I am not trying to force reads out of you, but I feel I do not know where your scum-reads or even your town-reads are. Can I get like at least one solid would not lynch/would lynch name from you? At the moment, I just feel you are being very safe in terms what you are saying.

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honestly my D1 sucked cuz I was on vacation and also sick lol

I was not even able to check SF during deadline because I had to ride a train home

I have to go places, I will post responses later.

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I would never lynch Refa, ever. I don't really have a scumread I'm confident in at the moment because Marth and Mancer's flips really screwed with what I was thinking, and I haven't read back through properly yet to form a solid opinion there.

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Hmmm, I'm trying to think of a way for how I can help you which in turn would help me develop a better read on you.

If I think of one, I'll get back to you but for now I am content to patiently wait for you to do something of your own volition.

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His play does not read of trying to get himself lynched. Like if he was a mime, logically, he could just continue his duck and dodge playstyle he had yesterDay and he would be golden. If you can explain the rationale of MimePrims going for Rapier's jugular toDay then I will listen but for now it's just a "I don't see it" read and I see no reason to interpret it differently.

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His playstyle yesterday wasn't getting him votes when it mattered though, and if you reread Marth's case on Prims doesn't it come across as forced to you? And I don't see why pushing Rapier is terrible for mime!Prims either, so can you explain that?

PoE is also a thing because there aren't too many other options FOR mimes, and both of them fit scumplay over mimeplay imo.

11. SB. - me
5. Refa - could've hopped on marth yesterday easily, even arguing against his lynch
7. Rapier - ^
9. HBC Gorf - same without arguing against the lynch iirc?
10. HBC J - townread but no explicit reason
4. Baldrick - argued against the marth lynch but it was really subtle so he could still be his buddy, playstyle is probably closer to scum than mime for reasons already stated
2. LordKagune - not posting fits maf more than mime playstyle, although he could still be
1. Prims - i already brought this up

I now feel a little worse about Baldrick after rereading 1-shot for meta because he came across as very relaxed and detatched from the game there, not really making a serious impact on things which is kind of concerning?

I feel like Gorf is town because his reasoning for not being a mime is legit, and I don't think scum would want to bring that up themselves as it would mean that they could stay ambiguous and town would be more wary of lynching them, especially after we ML'd a mime yesterday.

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So is that your list for who could be mimes? I am going to sit down and fully read your post after I am done visiting with someone, but from a cursory glance: confused.

*ninja post!*

Didn't you say previously that you would vote Rapier>Baldrick? Is the reason only meta for changing it since you re-read some of Bald's meta?

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If the logic that a case is bad doesn't make sense, why do you think it doesn't follow that the case is good?

If anything, it's "he should keep scumhunting instead of coasting on his earlier content"; it's scummier than coasting on no content, especially when you try to deflect suspicion with "well I was scumhunting before!". If I had voted Mancer because he was jumpy and hasty, that would be an easy vote. But that's not my reasoning.

Only newbscum would make the mistake of thinking active lurking will make them look good. He didn't claim his posts were good, and I don't think he thought they were good at the time either. Your vote is latching onto a textbook scum move and doesn't look deeply into his posts for intent.

The reasons you didn't like my Mancer case before didn't come into account when you were deciding how scummy he was? Did you just think "Mancer is being jumpy and hasty, therefore he is scummy?" (That's what you falsely accused me of doing before, and you said it was 'convenient for the mafia to do', so why did you think that?
You thought Gorf was scummy for having little to go on, but were null on Marth for the same reason?
My conclusion is that your reasoning is full of holes and contradictions.

If I was looking for an easy case, the first place to go to would be people without content.

Why do you only now think Gorf's non-committal is mimey? Why do you think the amount of attention he is getting from other people has anything to do with his alignment?


@J: Prims' rapier case is only two paragraphs out of the wall of text. What do you mean by Prims drowning Rapier? Are you suggesting Prims was trying to obscure the case in his text wall, or what?

@SB: if you are thinking Prims might have not wanted to be tied to the Marth lynch, what do you make of him sitting on his vote?

PEDIT: When have I ever not been relaxed I'm feeling kind of burnt out (shouldn't elaborate on this), which I think is why I was a bit quiet on D1. By "reasons already stated" do you mean Rapier's case?

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Baldrick: Prims was voting there but he wasn't really doing much pushing, so

"Reasons already stated" shouldn't be there, I just rearranged the mime-list from the bottom of the post so the sentence below that is what it's refering too.

J: Kind of? It's not an entirely meta-based thing as being a kind of non-factor despite posting a decent amount is kind of scummy, but yeah. I caught it rereading first and then referenced back to previous games for meta.

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Roger that, I can go ahead and do an official prod.

I'll give him a prod in real life but no guarantees.

I feel like it's my fault for introducing a player that has only a fleeting interest in the game.....


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*Baldrick: Prims was voting there but he wasn't really doing much pushing, so him sitting on the vote reflects kind of badly on him because it looks like he's trying push through the lynch without really sticking his neck out (not only because of associative reads, but also because of vigging/the scum NK).

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J seems to ramble on in his posts, it makes it hard to find where his main thrust of his arguments are. I think scum is more likely to hold their cards close to their chest like that. The bit about him throwing his vote around more as scum bothers me, because why would you be changing your playstyle like that when the aim as scum is to make people think you're town?

I don't have anything of interest to say about the others.

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@pg 5 refa is like oozing dat nervous town vibe wrt his paranoia about his early wagon shenanigans

Ugh reading three pages to decide who's scum is hard. Uhhhhhh

##Vote: Prims

Feels like he was dilly-dallying about and why aren't you voting mancer yet?

actually going by this wording you think its plausible that mancer's a mime.

Care to tell us why you think he's ' non-town' ?

refa and j arent jesters, but may be mafia
j is probably town in general

id lynch bluedoom


Mancer rubs me the wrong way because he's overspeculative which is kinda whack. For the record, I was serious about scumreading him and held off on voting to see how he'd react to the shitposting, the "lynching the jester" post was a joke though. It doesn't make sense for him to be paranoid about mimes so early in the game when nobody was being overtly scummy. Calling Refa's push forced reads pointlessly defensive; he doesn't draw conclusions on Refa's alignment from it and Mancer's own readings of people's posts could be perceived as forced. Also, why is Baldrick going after Refa early on suspicious but not me putting Refa at L-1?

Marf's vote on me is prod tier and struck me as opportunistic. How am I "dilly-dallying" and how was it coming from somebody with scum intent, not being obtuse?

@Gorf: is #112 really all you had to say at that point? pls post more opinion's

##Vote: MancerNecro pls respond

I'm sick and tired irl in real life right now, not that it really stops me from playing mafia but I need sympathy points so people don't mislynch me.


rapier's posts read as unbelievably dry @pg 7. scumhunting exists, but that's about as much as i can say about the subject. the only tangible stance of the three posts he made here is that prims is scummy but he'd rather lynch em JUST to be safe. no lean or indication of him thinking he's a mime tells me that he either wants to keep his options open or can't find the a confident enough conclusion to call em a mime. he's also kinda hinting at a mancer scumread but won't put a vote down or definitively call him scum even though the majority of his content was him responding to mancer. tis lame

Gorf can get vigged for refuge in audacity followed by voting me for... what seems like sheeping a vote based on refuge in audacity. I think. Psych did not fully explain why he did not like me. Either way it's not something you'd sheep when you could explain why I'm scummy yourself.

Rapier, where's your vote? Also who is scum and why. Actually this is a meta-point but I'm confused how between games you went from being hyper-aggressive early day 1 to thinking SF is too trigger-happy, explain where you're coming from?

Mancer's paranoia is scummy to me because there's no reason for him to be paranoid as town in that position, it reeks of him trying to sound superficially town. Especially weird given Mancer's history of being a bad actor. That said he's at least pro-active and I'm down to just vote off somebody scummy like Gorf or Marf even though jester paranoia is a thing. Actually confused where people are getting mime reads on Baldrick, he just seems more null to me.

##Vote: Gorf

Tbh I think I'm gonna stick my vote on you anyway because that Gorf vote just feels really bad and out of place. A sheepy vote from his has scum intent because ???

I don't get SB's or Prims' Mancer cases. Yeah he's being over paranoid but he does this as any alignment and you know that. The Jester point is dumb because its not like he's voting people who he thinks are Jesters AND you mention Jester paranoia as a thing in your posts too and that's quite hypocritical of you.

I feel like Rapier having a say in reads and defending Mancer only to then not drop a vote feels bad, but I'm running out of time so I'll get back to this in like 8 hours or something.


from reading i don't see what people see in scumbaldrick. he seems to be playin a pre' cool game.

rapier's vote on me is loltastic and mechanical all at the same time. i am BY FAR the easiest target at this point in the game because of the quality of my shitposting and, unlike prims and others who arent afraid to straight up acknowledge the fact that im merely shitposting and should die, rapier decides to embellish his read on me, all the while not having made a single stance on any other player in the game.

Master Belch's content is completely unexistant. He has been coasting along with the topic, sheeping other players and coming up with trivial content like this post, where he kind of acknowledges that his read on Mancer is not concrete at all (so where's the value on that?). Not knowing what to do is not an excuse for doing nothing, or just floating along with the tide; you can not use this as an excuse to not scumhunt.

>coasting along with the topic

at this point in time i had made a post where i solely sheeped j, a post where i called j a girl, a post mocking prims calling me scum for sheeping j, and my post explaining my mancer gut read. the ONLY thing that could possibly constitute this point being legit is the mancer thing, and at this time mancer's following wasn't even that strong.

>sheeping other players

good one :)

>comes up with trivial content

again, good one :). the dude completely disregards anything i said at all in my stance on mancer, and his logic is "god forbid i do that cuz he said himself his stance 'isn't concrete at all,' perfect reason not to analyze anything he said. lemme vote em!"

-refa votes bluedoom

##Vote: Bluedoom


now, lemme note the key difference between prims' stance on blue vs sb's: prims is spending a vast amount of his time posting making small jabs and shoves at bluedoom and is hardly looking elsewhere, whereas sb is actively developing reads and isnt concerned with trying to hint at getting blue getting blue getting blue getting blue. plus, prims' vote was opportunistic as hell. sb's was cuz of the development of the scumread.

##Unvote ##Vote: #HBC J

Was gonna say that Rapier spent time defending Mancer and not really have any scumreads but he made a better effort in his latest post with a Gorf vote even if I think the Gorf Cases are well... I dunno I don't agree with them and I don't think he's scummy for a blind sheep and joke content.

J is worse because in his last post he even hints at a Mancer scumread and he still didn't vote. In fact much of his content is mancer-related but there's still not a vote on this apparent scumread?

I can see the reason behind the votes on me but what do you expect me to respond to those votes? " I'm sorry gais but I'm town and getting scumreads with a few pages into the game is hard"

I'm nullreading Mancer and mostly ignoring the stuff like his over paranoid behaviour for now because I think its a null tell. If he's scum he'll pull out some other stuff like what he did in the ongoing game which I-shall-not-refer-to-after-this.

I do think Prims' ED1 stuff like him joking about turbo'ing you is scummy and admitting to screwing around is scummy since it helps with nothing in the game and seems like a good excuse to not do anything but I didn't actually read what Psych's case on him was. I still think its too easy to vote Gorf just because he made a blind sheep but I think J's " scumreading someone but not acting upon it" is worse.


this smells like a backpedal. the prims wagon at the time was occupied by bluedoom, myself (who prior to this post admitted that my vote on prims was a joke), and psych (who had zero case and was pretty much all but absent this entire game at this point). the wagon's got no steam. the bus isn't worth it and may make them more obvious if he continues pursuing it.

i read d1 and i got tired. but i feel good about what i want done. not gonna vote rapier till i get a feel for the votecount but atm im at:

town (descending order)

5. Refa
11. SB.

10. HBC J

4. Baldrick


2. LordKagune


7. Rapier


1. Prims

it is imperative that WE NOT LYNCH/NK KAGNUE YET. if he's mime he won't have any clue about the optimal strategy involved in using his rb, especially since he's missing from the thread.

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I always get surprised by you when you make large posts, Gorf.

The only read I do not see an explanation for is like Baldrick and SB especially considering you have those as highly ranking townies.

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