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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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because people still think you're a tyrant so i will take your job, show them the true meaning of tyranny, then you can heroically overthrow me and bring deliverance to the people of serenes forest

kind of like what Judas Ecutariot did last year except i'll succeed briefly!


Who the heck thinks I'm a tyrant?! lol.

I am pretty sure, even if you do replace me when I retire, you'd carry on my methods anyway! I did train you after all. Student must carry on the legacy and all that, it's foretold.

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6. Do you play any musical instruments?

7. Are you interested in history?

8. First and current impressions of Hattusili I?

9. Opinions on Shadow Dragon?

Edited by Hattusili I
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1. super swell and nice guy; a good guy with some iffy tendencies that, admittedly, he's trying to grow out of. yeah, my first impression of you was better than my current! :O

2. killing floor is technically a franchise now that 2 is released! ha!

real talk tho probably the dawn of war games.

3. uranus lmao

4. literally left field; my mom and i were walking home one day and she was like "what if you went to college and became an engineer?" and we laughed and six months later i was attending classes.

5. clara, duh.

6. Well damn, how'd it get worse!? Lol

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6. Do you play any musical instruments?

7. Are you interested in history?

8. First and current impressions of Hattusili I?

9. Opinions on Shadow Dragon?

6. i played the drums and then my wonderful german drum teacher got cancer and died and i lost the passion :(

7. i fucking love history

8. hell, i dunno, you seem like a decent guy more or less. i seem to remember making some fun posts at you or somebody named something like you about a year ago?

9. i think it gets more flak than it deserves but i don't think it's a particularly great game. i mean, i still enjoyed it enough to play it through a few times, but it was still a mediocre entry.

6. Well damn, how'd it get worse!? Lol

hell you know how bad i am about the specifics of my own opinions

i dunno, i still think you're a good dude but you have some pretty deep-seated flaws that aren't apparent at a casual glance. this isn't like a "the more i got to know you the less i liked you!!!!" situation or anything, i just thought you were a perfectly pristine dude when we met and you turned out to not be!

How many languages are you fluent in?

Which language do you want to learn most?

english and (passingly, at least) german

OH MAN this is a hard question all of them.

really though i wish i could get up the gumption to/duolingo would implement a program for korean, or maybe irish (duolingo has this program though so i have spent a little time on it, i just got swamped this semester and fell off the horse)

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7. i fucking love history

actually funny story my first job i ever held was as a tutor for history

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7. i fucking love history


10. Any historical topics you are particularly interested in?

8. hell, i dunno, you seem like a decent guy more or less. i seem to remember making some fun posts at you or somebody named something like you about a year ago?

Trick question, I was actually referring to the real Hattusili I.

We talked about Plato being a wanker or something shortly after I joined.

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10. Any historical topics you are particularly interested in?

Trick question, I was actually referring to the real Hattusili I.

We talked about Plato being a wanker or something shortly after I joined.

10. well i really love rome (especially the ERE) and i'm a growing fan of non-colonial african history (but that's a recent development, i'm not smart on it yet) but i'm big on basically every history.


shoutout to the hittites i guess! i didn't realize he was a real dude.

and that totally sounds like me, i miss no opportunity to call plato out. fucker.

Edited by Integrity
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10. well i really love rome (especially the ERE) and i'm a growing fan of non-colonial african history (but that's a recent development, i'm not smart on it yet) but i'm big on basically every history.


shoutout to the hittites i guess! i didn't realize he was a real dude.

and that totally sounds like me, i miss no opportunity to call plato out. fucker.

Rome would be my favorite topic too, so excellent.

The others I don't know much (or really anything) about and that's exactly what makes me more interested in them.

11. Do you believe it is technically correct to distinguish between Western Roman Empire, Eastern Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire?

If not:

12. Do you believe these terms should still be used for practical reasons?

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Rome would be my favorite topic too, so excellent.

The others I don't know much (or really anything) about and that's exactly what makes me more interested in them.

11. Do you believe it is technically correct to distinguish between Western Roman Empire, Eastern Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire?

If not:

12. Do you believe these terms should still be used for practical reasons?

11. i think that there is a distinction in that i associate the WRE and ERE with the period when both existed but rome hadn't fallen yet; e.g. ...i can't remember his name, sometime after marcus aurelius when rome turned into the tetrarchy. expanding on that, the ERE is the same ERE that was around then, but i prefer to style it the byzantine empire after roughly when the vandals sacked rome (when the WRE became essentially a non-entity).

with that said,

12. quite the opposite! i think the styling of the byzantine empire first as byzantine does not do its connection to Papa Rome justice, there's a lot of people who don't realize that byzantium was literally rome with a lot of greek influence (read, the rome all the educated romans wished they had lmao) so i would rather see the byzantine empire casually called the eastern roman empire, but still keep a time differentiation between "the ERE phase of the ERE" and "the byzantine phase of the ERE".

12x. i like your questions

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1. What is one historical figure you really admire?

2. What fictional world would you like to live in most?

3. What interview here did you enjoy the most?

1. this motherfucker right here

2. middle earth mang, i would never ever leave the shire

3. freohr's. hers was the only one i read every response to!

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english and (passingly, at least) german

OH MAN this is a hard question all of them.

really though i wish i could get up the gumption to/duolingo would implement a program for korean, or maybe irish (duolingo has this program though so i have spent a little time on it, i just got swamped this semester and fell off the horse)

German, eh? Is that your second language?

I'm also interested in all of them. ;w;

Oh, you have a Duolingo? How effective do you think it is?

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Hey Ike man do you even remember who I am after all this time?

ether i still miss your sultry voice in the skype parties after all this time

German, eh? Is that your second language?

I'm also interested in all of them. ;w;

Oh, you have a Duolingo? How effective do you think it is?

it is my second language! in fact, i'm a supplemental instructor for german at my school this summer and may end up pursuing a master's in the language. at this rate, japanese is going to be my third because i'm being a good brother and studying it on the side to support specta while she studies it.

i do! i think duolingo is very effective, personally. i want to really sink my teeth into a language i know nothing about (irish or turkish) and give it a real shot; i've only really used it as a reinforcer for german so far besides my level, uh, four swedish, but conceptually i think duolingo is incredible.

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4. If you had the choice, would you rather glimpse heaven or hell?

5. How are you different in real life vs the internet?

6. Favorite quote from my sig?

4. heaven, who gives a shit about hell.

5. literally the same, just a little slower to open up.


You can find someone of the same gender to be sexually attractive and be a straight person.

literally me, op
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11. i think that there is a distinction in that i associate the WRE and ERE with the period when both existed but rome hadn't fallen yet; e.g. ...i can't remember his name, sometime after marcus aurelius when rome turned into the tetrarchy. expanding on that, the ERE is the same ERE that was around then, but i prefer to style it the byzantine empire after roughly when the vandals sacked rome (when the WRE became essentially a non-entity).

with that said,

12. quite the opposite! i think the styling of the byzantine empire first as byzantine does not do its connection to Papa Rome justice, there's a lot of people who don't realize that byzantium was literally rome with a lot of greek influence (read, the rome all the educated romans wished they had lmao) so i would rather see the byzantine empire casually called the eastern roman empire, but still keep a time differentiation between "the ERE phase of the ERE" and "the byzantine phase of the ERE".

12x. i like your questions

11. It was Diocletian who established the tetrarchy.

I always use the terms Western Parts and Eastern Parts, never Western Roman Empire and Eastern Roman Empire, because:

1. The Romans considered their empire one empire, despite its division into western and eastern parts.

2. There was never a true definitive division.

3. The date usually taken for the fall of the Roman Empire (September 4th, 476: Odoacer occupies Rome) was, in terms of Roman constitutional law, technically the restoration of the legitimate Roman government in Rome, not the downfall.

4. If I recall correctly, the Romans used these terms, although rarely (which goes to show that they considered their empire one empire).

12. I think they're nice practical distinctions, but from the point of view of Roman constitutional law (and to a lesser extent historical accuracy) they're not technically correct.

12x. Thanks. I like your answers.

13. How much are you interested in Tolkien's writings? (Or does your interest not go beyond the movies?)

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I don't know if sultry is the word I would use. How've you been?

man my life's just falling into place in huge ways lately, it's been really amazing. how have you been?

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Well, similar in some ways, opposite in others. Things are falling into place but only to the extent that the things that got fucked up previously are starting to get fixed. Upward slope, I guess. Same the still insufferable assbutt as usual, all that jazz.

Either way, I'm glad things are working out for ya, Mr. Ike. Anything been catching your fancy, as of late?

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11. It was Diocletian who established the tetrarchy.

I always use the terms Western Parts and Eastern Parts, never Western Roman Empire and Eastern Roman Empire, because:

1. The Romans considered their empire one empire, despite its division into western and eastern parts.

2. There was never a true definitive division.

3. The date usually taken for the fall of the Roman Empire (September 4th, 476: Odoacer occupies Rome) was, in terms of Roman constitutional law, technically the restoration of the legitimate Roman government in Rome, not the downfall.

4. If I recall correctly, the Romans used these terms, although rarely (which goes to show that they considered their empire one empire).

12. I think they're nice practical distinctions, but from the point of view of Roman constitutional law (and to a lesser extent historical accuracy) they're not technically correct.

12x. Thanks. I like your answers.

13. How much are you interested in Tolkien's writings? (Or does your interest not go beyond the movies?)

11&12: also ERE makes a sick acronym that's fun to type

13. i think he was a very talented writer. he wouldn't make my top list anytime, but i respect his work.

7. Describe the last dream you remember(?)

8. What Tolkien character is most similar to you?

9. Favorite Silmarillion story?

7. i literally do not remember my dreams unless i had them last night, and i had no memorable dreams last night.

8. the only time i can think i've been anything like them is i'm literally samwise gamgee in that i carry a hot water pot dangling off my backpack and don't wear shoes. otherwise, hell, i dunno, bilbo baggins.

9. people who read the silmarillion are massive dorks

If there was a film you could go live in, which would it be?

hell, taking the cop-out answer and saying one of the lotr movies, and i would never leave the shire. i'd basically live the first hour of fellowship on loop forever.

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Hey isaac how would you describe YOUR voice??

nasally but not grating

Well, similar in some ways, opposite in others. Things are falling into place but only to the extent that the things that got fucked up previously are starting to get fixed. Upward slope, I guess. Same the still insufferable assbutt as usual, all that jazz.

Either way, I'm glad things are working out for ya, Mr. Ike. Anything been catching your fancy, as of late?

killing floor 2 just released on steam, that's basically my fancy as of late. otherwise, same ol' same ol'

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