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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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11: Parrhesia

10: General Horace

9: PKLucas

4: Loki Laufeyson

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3: Lord Raven

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1: VincentASM

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why did perth lose today

who is your favorite serenes forest dot net member who is me

when are you going to visit

am i getting kokoda this christmas


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what is your favorite thing to do?

what is your favorite fire emblem?

how cool is australia?

dumb question, but are toilets mechanically made to flush clockwise in the southern hemisphere?

who/what have you been listening to the most recently? (music if i'm being unclear)

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What's your favourite movie?

Where do you come up with questions for QOTD? (other than member suggested)

If you had the ability to destroy a website from existence, what would it be?

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Where over there in Aussieland would you most recommend tourists to try visit? =O

I discovered through Specta that you too have made a Flight Rising account toooooo~ Will you go get this cuddly thing?? =OO

What is the most cuddly thing you know??? =OOO

What is your favourite joke???? =OOOO

Why do you seem grouchy all day everyday?

He doesn't though!!!!! =OOOOO

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ground rules you can ask me unlimited questions but i can only guarantee i'll answer the first five


what's up

nm u

why did perth lose today

who is your favorite serenes forest dot net member who is me

when are you going to visit

am i getting kokoda this christmas


Because Perth are, let's be real, dogshit.

Probs you ;;;;)))

At the current rate I'm earning C@$H, probably in about 2035.

i should, uh, get on that, eh

hell, wouldn't you like to know ;))))))))))))

what is your favorite thing to do?

what is your favorite fire emblem?

how cool is australia?

dumb question, but are toilets mechanically made to flush clockwise in the southern hemisphere?

who/what have you been listening to the most recently? (music if i'm being unclear)

Write, when I'm in the mood, but nothing's worse when I'm not.

12 for gameplay with the disclaimer I've never actually been able to read the story. 9 overall I guess... ? Or 4, which I still have a soft spot for.

greatest country in the world

... toilets are meant to flush in, like, a direction? well mine doesn't seem to, that's for sure

always folk, nothing really new recently tbh

is racism embedded in your culture?

is it embedded in you?



Does the fact that I still call you Furret prove our everlasting friendship?

Why do you seem grouchy all day everyday?

it really doesn't, but I don't mind it coming from you tbh

broadly speaking i'm pretty happy these days but fuck if some things don't evaporate that

What's your favourite movie?

Where do you come up with questions for QOTD? (other than member suggested)

If you had the ability to destroy a website from existence, what would it be?

Right now my heart says The Usual Suspects.

Idk I just think of them in the 65-70 hour period between updates - specta is almost definitely the member who has most chipped in when I can't think of anything.

4chan i guess

how've you been doing, lovely

my life's been quiet mostly but I have the christmas break from work to look forward to \o/

What's the worst thing you'd be willing to do for a million dollars?

What was the closest you've been to getting seriously injured?

Opinion on the current political status of Australia?


probably when that guy put a knife to my throat

Worst PM in my living memory and I'm glad he's going to get brutally fucked in the upcoming election.

Do you sprite? I seem to recall a sprite portrait representing you floating about somewhere, or did someone else make it of/for you?

I did some okay splices back when I was involved with the ROM Hacking community. There's a couple of those portraits representing me allegedly I can think of, I made neither. I'm almost positive Lumi made both.


Where over there in Aussieland would you most recommend tourists to try visit? =O

I discovered through Specta that you too have made a Flight Rising account toooooo~ Will you go get this cuddly thing?? =OO

What is the most cuddly thing you know??? =OOO

What is your favourite joke???? =OOOO

He doesn't though!!!!! =OOOOO

The Sydney Opera House is fucking amazing. But as far as things that pass under the radar? The Italian Plaza in Leichhardt, Sydney, is just generally a really nice place to live assuming it hasn't changed too much since I left.

Hell, I will now that I know it exists

<3 ;.; Virgil ;.; <3

My favourite joke is Bernie Ibini's career hahahahaha shit. Also, genuinely clever puns.

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What's your preferred alcoholic drink?

What do you think of the temperatures we get?

How patriotic are you?

Hell, I love a lot of them. Depends on my mood, though. Right now in the summer I've discovered a taste for Somersby Pear Cider...

Too fucking hot.

STRAYA, YEAH CUNT out of ten

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1. What is your favorite song?

2. Which dead person's ghost would you most like to be haunted by?

3. What do you think it is about football that draws you to it?

4. Which Jeopardy! category would you be able to clear most easily?

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1) After the cruel failure of your last noble effort, do you have any future plans to campaign for election to an important political office?

(aka moderator of Serenes Forest dot Net)

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