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1) 12 other players you'd want to fill up a 13p NOC playerlist with you?

2) 12 other players you'd want to fill up a 13p OC playerlist with you?

3) any plans on hosting again?

4) did you ever read wadanohara?

5) do you read any of the touhou supplementary materials, eg akyuu's books, the newspaper articles, the mangas, etc?

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There was a Diplomacy game here back in 2010, but it didn't finish.

Awww, why didn't it finish? Did people drop out or something?

1) 12 other players you'd want to fill up a 13p NOC playerlist with you?

Assuming that they are all active enough to play competently:

Green Poet, Kay, Blitz, Euklyd, Wen Yang, Makaze, Prims, Balcerzak, Refa, Boron, Xinnidy, SB

2) 12 other players you'd want to fill up a 13p OC playerlist with you?

Green Poet, Kay, Blitz, Euklyd, Wen Yang, Makaze, Prims, Balcerzak, Refa, Boron, Xinnidy, SB

3) any plans on hosting again?

I'm already in the middle of hosting a game for beginners in another forum and the player performance is giving me headaches. Not sure if I'll host another game anywhere anytime soon.

4) did you ever read wadanohara?

Kinda...? I was in a Skype group where they streamed various stuff and we used to play/read Wadanohara. And then stuff happened and I had to leave the group, so I never really finished Wadanohara...

5) do you read any of the touhou supplementary materials, eg akyuu's books, the newspaper articles, the mangas, etc?

Only the mangas, actually. The fairy ones, SSiB, and IotM/IotE. I started both FS and WaHH but paused them once I caught up and never continued reading them since then.

I do occasionally check Akyuu's books / newspaper article on the wiki for entries on specific characters when I want/need to learn more about those characters.

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1.1) Alice or Echo?

1.2) Favorite chain? Echo doesn't count. Why?

2.1) Favorite utility Psynergy? Why?

2.2) Favorite puzzle in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn?

3.1) Favorite Smash game?

3.2) Who do you main? Why?

3.3) When can you fight me?

4.1) What languages do you know?

4.2) Favorite language? Why?

5.0) What question(s) do you wish people would ask you?

You're welcome to answer any unspoken "why"s as well.

Edited by Euklyd
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Awww, why didn't it finish? Did people drop out or something?

Something like that. Life hosted it and I think he moved halfway through the game and didn't have a good internet connection anymore or something, and people just stopped playing at some point from what I can gather.

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1.1) Alice or Echo?


1.2) Favorite chain? Echo doesn't count. Why?

I assume this question is asking about my favorite chain as a chain, and not as a character (since the majority of them don't even have personalities). In that case, Demios wins, no competition. Reasoning should be obvious... probably.

2.1) Favorite utility Psynergy? Why?

Tough question. Avoid is easily my most-used Psynergy, and I'd have dropped the game if Retreat didn't exist. But I guess I would pick Hover, probably because I like stuff related to flying. Hover puzzles weren't especially creative or anything, but I really enjoyed all the Hover exploitation in Jupiter Lighthouse (which is my #1 favorite Golden Sun dungeon btw). And the Hover Room (the one with purple tiles EVERYWHERE and a Phaeton's Blade) is the most vividly memorable room in the Golden Sun series for me. Plus, Hover lets my ship fly across the overworld map at 1.5 times normal speed and no random encounters, which is really awesome.

Sand is another option, which I think has a really cool idea and the puzzles involving sand (Ankohl Ruins) were pretty neat too.

Sadly, the most puzzle-oriented utility Psynergies (Douse and Frost, I bet) have very simple concepts which don't really impress me much.

2.2) Favorite puzzle in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn?

...I honestly can't recall any specific puzzles in Dark Dawn. It really wasn't a very memorable experience for me. I can vaguely recall this one puzzle that involves... stuff orbiting (?) around, which was really neat, but that's about it. Sorry.

3.1) Favorite Smash game?

Brawl. Yeah, I know, everyone hates Brawl, but I never played Melee, and I have a hard time getting accustomed to Smash 4 controls. Smash 64 and Brawl are the only ones I've actively played a lot.

3.2) Who do you main? Why?

Isaac, once he's released. Sheik, because she is my favorite character from the Brawl/4 cast. Zelda as well because I've been maining her in Brawl because of Sheik, which made me more accustomed to her in 4 than other characters.

3.3) When can you fight me?

Next month, I guess! Well, I could fight you now, but /lag, so maybe waiting for Canada would be the best choice.

4.1) What languages do you know?

To a reasonable extent? Just English, actually. I do know tiny amounts of Bengali, Malay, Arabic, and Japanese, but am nowhere near fluent enough in any of those.

4.2) Favorite language? Why?

Anything but English with its horribly convoluted grammar rules that have way too many exceptions and its inconsistent pronunciation. But if I had to pick one, I'd go with Japanese because I like watching animes and reading VNs, where the Japanese voicing significantly improves the experience.

5.0) What question(s) do you wish people would ask you?

Hmmm, not sure. Probably questions relating to stuff I like to talk about, like video games, anime, manga, Math, programming, sibling interactions, etc.

You're welcome to answer any unspoken "why"s as well.

I tend to answer those by default, actually

Something like that. Life hosted it and I think he moved halfway through the game and didn't have a good internet connection anymore or something, and people just stopped playing at some point from what I can gather.

Hmmm, I see. Well, a single player can be subbed out or treated as surrendering. In any case, I think it would be a good idea to try another game of Diplomacy now, five years later. Edited by Formina Sage
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Oops, forgot to answer this

So how do you feel about your shift from Engineering to Science?

I feel pretty great! tbh I've always actually wanted to pursue science, and I only picked Engineering for my undergraduate degree due to silly reasons like "Engineering degrees have higher chances of getting a good job" and "My uncle lives near the Engineering campus". And I really didn't like the engineering aspects much at all during my undergraduate experience, so I'm really glad I'm free from all the engineering stuff and going straight into pure science!
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oh shit I forgot to follow up on my carefully laid trap

To a reasonable extent? Just English, actually. I do know tiny amounts of Bengali, Malay, Arabic, and Japanese, but am nowhere near fluent enough in any of those.

Anything but English with its horribly convoluted grammar rules that have way too many exceptions and its inconsistent pronunciation. But if I had to pick one, I'd go with Japanese because I like watching animes and reading VNs, where the Japanese voicing significantly improves the experience.

6.1) okay but what about REAL languages

like C++ and Go?

6.2) favorite REAL language?

(this was my original question but I decided it'd be more fun to see how you interpreted it)


Brawl. Yeah, I know, everyone hates Brawl, but I never played Melee, and I have a hard time getting accustomed to Smash 4 controls. Smash 64 and Brawl are the only ones I've actively played a lot.

Isaac, once he's released. Sheik, because she is my favorite character from the Brawl/4 cast. Zelda as well because I've been maining her in Brawl because of Sheik, which made me more accustomed to her in 4 than other characters.

excellent choice (nobias of course)

7.0) thoughts on Sheik (and Zelda) in SSB4? aka thoughts on maining a TOP TIER?

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Oops, forgot to answer this

I feel pretty great! tbh I've always actually wanted to pursue science, and I only picked Engineering for my undergraduate degree due to silly reasons like "Engineering degrees have higher chances of getting a good job" and "My uncle lives near the Engineering campus". And I really didn't like the engineering aspects much at all during my undergraduate experience, so I'm really glad I'm free from all the engineering stuff and going straight into pure science!


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oh shit I forgot to follow up on my carefully laid trap

6.1) okay but what about REAL languages

like C++ and Go?

Ohhhhh! Whoops, sorry about that.

As for real languages, I'm only really proficient at C and C++, but I also know some MATLAB, Assembly, Python, HTML/CSS, Javascript, and PHP to various degrees based on the extent I needed them for my applications.

6.2) favorite REAL language?

(this was my original question but I decided it'd be more fun to see how you interpreted it)

C++, but I'm biased since it's the only one I'm actually good with. But I've been using it in all my programming contests, so yeah...


excellent choice (nobias of course)

7.0) thoughts on Sheik (and Zelda) in SSB4? aka thoughts on maining a TOP TIER?

Huh, is she top tier? I didn't know that, actually. I never got to play Smash 4 competitively due to lag, and nobody else I knew nearby had a 3DS with Smash 4. So yeah, it didn't really matter whether I was using a top tier character or a bottom tier character.


Nah, I have nothing against engineers and Engineering is still really close to Science as far as undergraduate education is concerned, so it's not like my Engineering education was a waste or anything. So no, I'm not mad at all. Edited by Formina Sage
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I don't actually see undergraduate physics and undergraduate engineering as very similar at all, and that's from someone whose engineering program is more theoretical and rigorous than most. All the science you learn in physics is for the sake of learning it, to understand it as best as you can so that you can build off it. The science you learn in engineering is all tied back to applications and what you can do with it. Even when you learn things from first principles it's so that you can exploit it to its maximum extent, and most things you don't even learn from first principles.

I think at the post-graduate level (particularly PhD) the gap is less, because they're both now concerned with pushing the boundaries of what we know.

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Oops, forgot to answer this

I feel pretty great! tbh I've always actually wanted to pursue science, and I only picked Engineering for my undergraduate degree due to silly reasons like "Engineering degrees have higher chances of getting a good job" and "My uncle lives near the Engineering campus".

Why do you think this is silly, btw?

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I don't actually see undergraduate physics and undergraduate engineering as very similar at all, and that's from someone whose engineering program is more theoretical and rigorous than most. All the science you learn in physics is for the sake of learning it, to understand it as best as you can so that you can build off it. The science you learn in engineering is all tied back to applications and what you can do with it. Even when you learn things from first principles it's so that you can exploit it to its maximum extent, and most things you don't even learn from first principles.

I think at the post-graduate level (particularly PhD) the gap is less, because they're both now concerned with pushing the boundaries of what we know.

Huh, really? Maybe it's different for Physics, but Computer Engineering isn't very different from Computer Science, at least, where I studied. I had a teammate in CS for programming contests and we talked a lot about stuff and the core aspects are pretty much the same apparently.

Why do you think this is silly, btw?

Because I think the choice of which field to study should be based more on what you want to engage in for the rest of your life, as opposed to stuff like the convenience of the location. I suppose job prospects isn't exactly a silly reason though, but I wouldn't consider it as more important than your relative attachment to the fields.

When's Kay gonna come back? :(:

Dunno... she's going through some irl issues now, so maybe she'll be more active after those are resolved?
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1. When did you first meet Blitz?

2. What were you and Blitz like as kids?

3. First and current impression of Blitz?

4. Between you and Blitz who has the better beard?

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are you stopping through Toronto on the way to Waterloo? (the answer has to be yes unless you're somehow going through Ottawa)

in which case ARE WE MEETING UP

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1) Why are you such a dumbass?

2) Beef or potatoes?

3) Who do you play the most in ULiL?

4) When do I get to call you Dr. Dumbass?

5) Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

6) When am I due to pay you back for all these free lunches?

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If you manage to get in contact with her, can you tell her that clipsey says hi?


the difference between comp eng and comp sci is that comp eng grads manage comp sci grads :):

Good thing I'm a Comp Eng grad then ;)

how do you know burning_Phoenix? Also, who is he?

Forgot how I knew him. He's some random dude that I talked to over some threads iirc. In FftF. Or IPC. He's not active anymore though.

1. When did you first meet Blitz?

2. What were you and Blitz like as kids?

3. First and current impression of Blitz?

4. Between you and Blitz who has the better beard?

1. 2003, either March or April. TWELVE YEARS

2. I was an annoying little brat that wouldn't shut up. Blitz was a gentle model student that aced everything.

3. First Impression - He's a nice guy for showing me where my classroom is

Current Impression - Really cool guy that somehow stuck with me all these years. And my protocrastination seems to have rubbed off on him, oops...

4. Blitzy barely has a "beard", so I'm gonna have to arrogantly claim my one wins.

are you stopping through Toronto on the way to Waterloo? (the answer has to be yes unless you're somehow going through Ottawa)

in which case ARE WE MEETING UP

Why would I go to Ottawa when there's a nice YYZ airport right there that's much more popular?

I don't think we can meet up while I go to Waterloo for the first time, because my schedule is super tight and I'm not sticking around Toronto for very long. Gonna leave the city as soon as I arrive. But Toronto is like, one hour away from Waterloo, so I can probably visit Toronto later on once I'm settled in at Waterloo.

Also, I didn't mention Waterloo anywhere in this thread, how did you find that out???

why have you not signed up for eimm Junko?

Because I'm protocrastinating and there's no fear of signups being full on Eientei.

1) Why are you such a dumbass?

Because I'm a potato.

2) Beef or potatoes?

It really depends on how they're cooked, but likely potatoes.

3) Who do you play the most in ULiL?

Sukuna Shinmyoumaru-chan~ <3

4) When do I get to call you Dr. Dumbass?

Once I get my PhD :P

5) Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Still not 1ccing GFW Normal or unlocking GFW Extra, but having 1cc'd all other games on Lunatic except SA and all other Extra Stages with all shots

In Malaysia, probably as a professor or something. And continuing to kidnap your musukos and musumes.

6) When am I due to pay you back for all these free lunches?

When I pay you back for all those free rides and accommodations and meals at your place.

1) why is Fera in the mafia forum just to ask you questions?

Because he can.

2) is Fera going to play mafia?

Nope! Maybe an EiMM, but nothing more serious than that.

3) are you going to play mafia?

Probably. Now that I got my visa, I think I have more free time to do stuff. Like get lynched D1 for advocating No Lynch. Edited by Formina Sage
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but beef is mostly better....

favorite country to be in Diplomacy?

least favorite country to be in Diplomacy?

favorite type of role for eimm?

if you were to buy a car, what would you buy?

fly or sail?

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but beef is mostly better....

Okay, if we're comparing best cases, then yeah, nothing beats those really good beef steaks. But in most cases, the beef can't compare to the potato components.

favorite country to be in Diplomacy?

I've only played Russia and Italy, but I'm speculating that I would like England the most.

least favorite country to be in Diplomacy?

Again, I only played Russia and Italy, but I suspect I would dislike being Turkey the most.

favorite type of role for eimm?

Protective roles, so I can help people

if you were to buy a car, what would you buy?

I still have a driving phobia, so I'll go with whatever my driver would prefer.

fly or sail?

Flying. Although I actually prefer the experience of sailing over flying, flying is just much more efficient.
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