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oh noes not a GP style wallpost.

You should read the VN of f/sn one day. The eroge stuff is pretty bad but otherwise it's good. (I actually didn't read if someone asked you that though yet so sorry if you did). Minor spoilers but i'll also say that in the VN shirou grows and i'll leave it at that. (I saw your thoughts on shirou)

Also so I actually have a question how is your day?

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:): I agree, Chemistry is good. I hate Bio with a passion. Physics is okay; I find it very interesting, but I don't like doing physics problems.

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The main reason I asked about your thoughts on ufotable UBW is because I personally think they're doing a horrible job of adapting the story (action sequences are mostly still awesome though) and you didn't mention Fate/Zero when you talked about your favorite animes. Buuut you later revealed that you did watch F/Z and prefer it to F/SN so my original intent was already fulfilled.

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Man you guys must've had shitty bio teachers.

Bio is only pure memorization when it comes to Actual Medicine Studies, such as learning all the bones and muscles, or learning all the different types of bacteria. Everything else is just an extension of understanding chemistry, molecules and ligand/receptor interactions.

Have you watched Kaiji or Mushishi?

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1) Hmm, not sure. Maybe I just like dramatic themes.

2) yus

3) iirc, the maximum amount of time the note allows a sentenced person to live before their death is 24 days? So it wouldn't be very effective in that capacity.

4) First impression, from CG mafia: takes RVS very seriously, like it's not actually RVS. I thought he was probably going to get an ED1 wagon on him because of this.

Current impression: approaches everything from a highly methodical and logical manner. Could use a bit more humor! :p

5) Oh, I don't hate it at all.

6) Nope.

7) Eh, maybe. I'm not really sure how EIMM works, and I didn't spectate the last one(s).

8) At first I'd wondered if I had played particularly well in CG mafia or something to make him want to play with me more. Or do Proto and I know each other from somewhere and he just isn't telling me? :p

9) I don't have much experience with OC/LOC, so I'm going to go with NOC.


I haven't, no, but I've heard of it and the art style is really appealing. I might give it a try sometime. Is it a title you'd recommend?


1) *backs away shyly*

2) I really had no idea how to approach it at the time, so I talked about how trends in consonant use (i.e. plosives vs. fricatives) indicated a changing flow in the poem's expression from "this is intense/important" to "this is not," and back.

I remember trying to analyze figurative devices like epanalepsis and antimetabole from other literature classes, but this fell apart when I realized I had no idea what half the words actually meant, so I defaulted to discussing consonants, as the nonsense words still had normal, understandable phonetic qualities.

3) Mm, I don't really program for fun. I'd say project I'm most proud of is a modified hangman game with artificially high difficulty, where the mystery word is constantly revised so that it's still consistent with revealed letters, but it only concedes letters as correct when otherwise impossible. With an expanding word bank, it was pretty difficult to write and make bug-free.

4) [spoiler=]Kiritsugu realized that the Grail could only grant his wish under a large-scale manifestation of his own methods, which he found both numerically inefficient and morally disagreeable (e.g. in the simulation, trying to save 300 people out of 500 still resulted in an unintended 300 deaths, in a manner so horrific that even he himself was repulsed by it). So it could be said that the Grail demonstrated to him that he had been neither pragmatic nor moral.


Great so far, thank you for asking. I did just get up but I have coffee and no obligations for the day, a very comfortable match.


Oh, I just mentioned F/sn because of how it's currently airing and all, and I was trying to recall the shows I'd liked out of the most recent.


Chem practicals are by far more interesting to me, as I get to interact with the materials rather than observing them most of the time, as in bio. They're also easier for me in that I can develop expectations as to what solution I should be getting and extrapolate correct answers, whereas bio practicals come down to detached observation, some guesswork ("is that sample actually moving/adapting in the way I think it is, or the way that I'm biased towards wanting it to appear?") and being able to recall how a particular ecosystem/body part/molecule functions rather than eliciting responses in them. Whether or not organic samples retain their integrity affects if they will yield accurate measurements, and discovering that they don't after you've already started can be frustrating.

It probably sounds from this that I'm really against biology, but uhh, it's not bad.


I haven't watched either of them, no. But after looking them up, they do sound interesting, particularly Kaiji.

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I haven't, no, but I've heard of it and the art style is really appealing. I might give it a try sometime. Is it a title you'd recommend?

YES! The dialogue is amazing, the gameplay's fun, and it's one of the few games where I did NOT feel guilty for buying it multiple times! The only "downside" is the fact that Second Chapter still hasn't been fully translated.

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YES! The dialogue is amazing, the gameplay's fun, and it's one of the few games where I did NOT feel guilty for buying it multiple times! The only "downside" is the fact that Second Chapter still hasn't been fully translated.

Hmm, sounds good, I'll look into it. Is there one particular translation/title in the series that I should be looking at?

Favorite band

Favorite song

I actually don't listen to mainstream American music all that much... or music in general, now that I think about it.

I mostly listen to utaite covers and soundtracks from things. My roommate plays osu a lot so whenever I listen in and hear something I like, I just find it online and start listening to that for a while, lol.

Favorite song... I'd say this.

Also what is your alignment in Rein's game

Paper pls, do you even need to ask

if my last ten-ish games are any indication, I'm literally not able to roll scum

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Hmm, sounds good, I'll look into it. Is there one particular translation/title in the series that I should be looking at?

I'd go with the Steam port, because the load times are shorter than the PSP version. You'll also want the save data from the first game, too. . .the second one will EVENTUALLY come to the US. . . :P:

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cracks knuckles

what would you be if you were a:


-fire emblem game

-fire emblem character

-mafia role

-video game (in general)




-type of bird

-any avatar you have ever seen on SF (besides your own)

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