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A Hero's Journey


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Great story Lyle! =) I'm excited! Time to see Zero in big time action with the new axe!

Thanks Bizz. ^_^ (I feel a little bad though. I feel like I'm portraying you as sorta ditzy...)

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New Episode: To the point.

Lalmeyde: *He spins his blade in his hands and examines Zero and Bizz.* Odion.

Odion: Yeah?

Lalmeyde: You take the guy. I’ll fight the girl.

Odion: Doesn’t that go against one of your high and mighty code of ethics?

Lalmeyde: No. Because I know that you’d be rougher on her than I would.

Odion: Good point. *He loads his crossbow and aims at Zero.*

Zero: *He jumps to the right to avoid the bolt. Then he swings his axe and hits the ground.* HAH!

Odion: !!! *The ground splits beneath him causing him to loose balace.* Shit!

Zero: *He charges Odion, swinging his axe down on him.* Take this!

Odion: *He blocks with his crossbow again, once again it shatters.* Dammit!

Zero: *He swings Gerofu again, this time Odion rolls out of the way.*

Lalmeyde: *He points his sword at Bizz.* At your ready.

Bizz: (This guy isn’t ordinary...I slashed him pretty good there, and he’s still standing. I’ll have to watch myself.) Whenever you are.

Lalmeyde: Please. You first. I’ll have to judge your strength if I’m to fight accordingly.

Bizz: Huh?

Lalmeyde: I don’t want to hurt you. But I must defeat you if your refuse to stand aside.

Bizz: B-but-

Lalmeyde: Fine. Then I’ll strike first. *He charges at Bizz and swings his blade before she can react.*

Bizz: *She tries to block his blade with her’s but she’s too slow. She closes her eyes and braces for the blow.*

Lalmeyde: *His blade stops a millimeter away from her throat.* Hm...

Bizz: *She open’s her eyes.* W-wha?

Lalmeyde: Looks like I need to hold back a lot. *He takes his blade from her throat.* Let’s try again.

Bizz: ....

Odion: *He dodges Zero’s wild flails with his axe, desperately trying to find a chance to reassemble his crossbow.* Shit! Stop it!

Zero: *Still swinging, trying to get one good hit on his opponent.* You wish! Like I’m gonna hold back on someone who’s trying to kill me!

Odion: *Still dodging Zero’s attacks.* I offered to let you go! All we need is Hexblade! *He jumps back and rests.*

Zero: *He also rests, but keeps an eye on Odion, making sure he doesn’t try to fix his crossbow.* I’ll never turn Hexblade over to you!

Odion: *He pants.* This has nothing to do with you! Just let us take him, and we’ll leave you and your friends alone!

Zero: Hexblade is my friend! *He charges for Odion again.*

Odion: (Shit!) *He pulls up his sleeves and reveal gauntlets. He lifts up his arms to block Zero’s axe with the gauntlets.* Rgh!

Zero: *The clash of metal resounds in the air.* Ha! You may have survived that, but did you forget my axe’s ability?

Odion: I didn’t forget. But it won’t shatter my gauntlets.

Zero: Oh yeah!? *He tries to activate the ability, but it fails.* What?

Odion: As I thought. It seems your axe only disrupts objects that are assembled. Like the earth here is gravel, dirt, and rocks, my crossbow was nuts and bolts, but these gauntlets are one solid piece of metal.

Zero: *Shrugs.* I guess. *He pushes down on Odion.*

Odion: Grr...*He stares at Zero, trying to think of a way to counter his attack and get out of this situation.* Dammit...

Lalmeyde: *He swings his blade, clashing with Bizz’s.* Come on. You’re making this far too easy.

Bizz: Ngh....*She barely blocks the blows from Lalmeyde’s sword.*

Odion: Hey! Lal! A little help?

Lalmeyde: *He turns his head towards Odion.* Hm? Can’t handle that one on your own?

Bizz: *She takes Lalmeyde’s distraction as an opportunity to strike. She swings her blade.* Hah!

Lalmeyde: *He turns hi attention back to her, parries the blow and knocks her to the ground.*

Bizz: Oof! *The blow to her chin was too much for her to handle and she stays down.*

Lalmeyde: Damn...I’m sorry about that. If you hadn’t surprised me that wouldn’t have happened.

Zero: Bizz!

Odion: Don’t get distracted! *He pushes up on the axe, and then jumps out of the way of the blow.*

Zero: Damn...*He stares at the two men that he now has to fight on his own.*

Princess Kilvas: Zero-!

Zero: Just keep an eye on Hexblade! I got this.

Lalmeyde: There’s still time to surrender. There’s no shame in it.

Zero: Like hell I’ll surrender!

Odion: ...Fine. *He holds out his hand again and his crossbow reassembles itself.* Then we’ll just have to take you out. It’ll be easier for us now that that girl is out of the way.

Zero: (If there ever were a time that you would show up Ocelot, now would be the time...) *He readies his axe.* Bring it!

Odion: *He loads his crossbow.* After you Lal.

Lalmeyde: *He charges in on Zero and swings his blade. Zero and him clash as sparks fly off their respective weapons.* You’re stronger than the girl. That’s true. But she seems to be better than you in all other areas. You won’t be a trouble.

Zero: Screw you!

Odion: *He fires a bolt. It hits Zero’s shoulder.* Don’t forget the numbers here.

Zero: Gah! *He grabs his shoulder.* Rgh...

Lalmeyde: Indeed. The numbers are currently two on one. Even if you had the same level of skill as us, you would still have no chance.

Zero: *He winces at the pain in his shoulder.* Damn...

???: What if it’s six on two?

Lalmeyde: Hm?!

Hexblade: *He knocks Lalmeyde’s blade aside with one of his. Then with two of his other blades, he attempts to pierce Lalmeyde. But Lalmeyde dodges. Hexblade wipes the smut off his forhead.* Good job Zero. I’ll take it from here. Tend to your wounds and Bizz’s.

Zero: ...Got it.

Odion: Well fuck.

Hexblade: That was a nasty little trick you had there. Creating an explosive in a bolt. That takes a lot of determination to do. To bad you were too slow on the follow through.

Lalmeyde: We were slow because we didn’t want to physically hurt your friends. Just you.

Hexblade: I see. And I’m actually grateful you didn’t hurt them. So grateful, that I’m even willing to look over the exploding bolt, and let you go if you promise to leave now.

Odion: Like hell! We came all this way, and we’re not-

Lalmeyde: Odion!

Odion: Huh?

Lalmeyde: We’ll take you up on that offer. The one advantage we had on you has been lost since your awakening. Do not think this is the end though. Next time we will defeat you.

Hexblade: One thing though. Why do the Galilean soldiers want ME dead?

Lalmeyde: I’m not entirely sure. All I know is that they put more money out for the prize. And after hearing how you beat Feil the ripper and Skral, many of the weaker units are quitting.

Hexblade: Interesting. Go now.

Lalmeyde: Sure thing. *He opens a portal and he pulls Odion with him.*

Hexblade: ....*He falls on one knee.* Ow!

Zero: Hexblade! Are you okay?!

Hexblade: *He looks to Zero.* A bolt just exploded on me. Of course I’m not okay!!

Zero: S-sorry.

Hexblade: It’s fine. *He stands up and hobbles over to the tree he was at before.* Princess, can you go find Freohr and Ocelot? Well, only Freohr if you can, but we need her healing prowess.

Princess Kilvas: S-sure! *She runs off looking for them.*

Bizz: *Finally getting over the mind numbing blow she took, she sits up.* Ow...

Hexblade: You both did well. You should be proud that you held out against them.

Zero: Thanks Hexblade.

Hexblade: No problem. *You can’t tell, but under his mask he’s smiling.*

To Be Continued.

Next Episode: What are the odds?

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New Episode: What are the odds?

*Zero and Bizz search the surrounding forest looking for Freohr and Ocelot.*

Zero: Where the hell are they?

Bizz: I dunno. It’s kinda weird that they didn’t hear any of that battle...

Zero: Maybe they got attacked themselves!

Bizz: Oh no! We have to go find them!


Ocelot: *He screams in pain.* GAAAAAAH!!!!

Freohr: *She blushes.* I-I-I-I’m s-s-sorry! I just don’t understand the question! What’s do you mean by ‘with other guys’?

Ocelot: Forget it. (I pretty much have my answer anyway.)

Zero: *He pushes through some bushes.* Ocelot!? What happened?

Ocelot: *He and Freohr look to Zero.* Eh? What happened to you?

Bizz: *She comes out of the bushes behind Zero.* We we’re attacked. Are you guys okay?

Freohr: You were attacked?! Let me help heal you! *She grabs her staff.*

Ocelot: We’re perfectly fine.

Freohr: *She holds a staff to Zero’s shoulder.* Here, let me fix that.

Zero: Wait. Hexblade needs healing more than we do. Let’s get back to him before you heal me. I’ll be fine.

Freohr: Oh! Okay.

*Back with Princess and Hexblade.*

Princess Kilvas: Um..

Hexblade: Yes?

Princess Kilvas: I don’t mean to offend or anything, but shouldn’t that have killed you?

Hexblade: Yes.

Princess Kilvas: ....Okay. Now why are you still alive?

Hexblade: Does it upset you?

Princess Kilvas: *She facepalms.*

Hexbade: There are many things about my skills that I can teach you. Some of them however, I’d rather keep to myself.

Princess Kilvas: Oh. Okay...

Hexblade: ...Fine. At the last minute I used my aura as a sort of buffer. As you can see, it didn’t keep me unharmed, but I managed to survive.

Princess Kilvas: Oh.

Hexblade: ...“Oh”? That’s it?

Princess Kilvas: Um..Yeah?

Hexblade: *He sighs.*

Zero: *He and the four of them come tumbling through the bushes.* Hey! You guys okay?

Hexblade: You have to ask?

Freohr: Oh! *She rushes over to him and raises her staff.* This should only take a minute.

Hexblade: That’s fine...

*The group sits in silence. They all watch as Hexblade’s wounds heal. Freohr finishes.*

Freohr: Phew...Are you alright now?

Hexblade: *He stares at her unresponsive.*

Freohr: ...Um...Hexblade sir?

Hexblade: *He shakes himself out of his daze.* Sorry. I was just thinking of something else. Yes, I’m fine now. Move onto Bizz.

Bizz: Actually, I’m pretty okay. Zero needs more help than I do.

Hexblade: Yeah, but I need Zero for a second. By the time Freohr is finished with Bizz, I’ll be finished with Zero.

Freohr: Um. Okay, but it shouldn’t take more than a second. *She holds the staff over Bizz.*

Hexblade: *He motions for Zero to come over.*

Zero: Um. Yeah? *He walks over clutching his shoulder where Odion shot him.*

Hexblade: *Without hesitation, he violently reaches into Zero’s wound and pulls out the bolt impaled in his body. As Zero screams in pain and the others stare at what Hexblade had done, Hexblade examines the bolt.*

Zero: OWOWOWOWOWOW!!! What the hell was that for!?!? *Tears well up in his eyes.*

Hexblade: What? It’s the same thing with that bullet Feil lodged into me. You don’t want that thing screwing up your arm.

Zero: You could have at least given me some warning!

Hexblade: Hm. I probably should have....Anyway, you’re next.

Freohr: *She heals Zero’s wounds with her staff.*

Zero: Good as new. Thanks Freohr.

Freohr: *She bows.* You’re welcome.

Hexblade: Say, how old are you kids?

Princess Kilvas: Why does that matter?

Hexblade: Fine. Keep your secrets. Though I don’t suppose any of you are legal.

*The girls stare at him and back away.*

Ocelot: What the hell are you implying?

Hexblade: Huh? I meant to drink ya idiots! After battle after battle I need a beer. I was wondering if you guys wanted one too. Geeze. That’s the last time I think about what you guys want!

Zero: (Has he ever?)

Princess Kilvas: Well, even if we were able to drink, how do you plan to find a bar here? Were in the middle of another forest.

Hexblade: *He answers by simply opening a portal.* After you.

*The group walks through the portal.

*Tellius. Lyle and Arc watch as Masu paces back and forth across the room.*

Lyle: Um...Masu?

Masu: *He stops and glares at Lyle.* WHAT?!

Lyle: *Taken aback.* Er. Nothing.

Masu: *He goes back to pacing.* Where the hell could she be?

Arc: Are you sure you looked everywhere?

Masu: Do I look like I’ve looked everywhere?!?!

Lyle: Well, Tellius is a big place Masu. She might have just gone out to explore or something.

Masu: But without telling us or anything? And Freohr’s gone too!

Arc: ....Who’s Freohr?

Masu: *He facepalms.* Princess’s attendant you idiots!

Lyle: Watch it Masu.

Masu: Or what?

Arc: Calm down you two. Well let’s consider the possibilities. If she’s not here, where else could she be?

Masu: Kidnaped? That’s all I can think of.

Lyle: *Shrugs.* Maybe she went to the planes? Sick of your crap Masu.

Masu: *His eye twitches.* Wait a minute...the planes? ....THAT FUCKING ASSHOLE DAMON!!!

Lyle: Eh?

Masu: He must’ve kidnaped her! That bastard! Lyle! Get us to the planes! NOW!

Lyle: O_o

*Bar in the planes.*

Hexblade: Hm..Kinda rundown, but good for a drink. *He walks up to the bar.*

*The rest of the group sticks together unnerved by the gloomy croud in the tavern.*

Ocelot: This place...

Princess Kilvas: Feels odd..

Hexblade: *He walks up to an empty seat at the bar and addresses the man next to him.* Hi. Is this seat taken?

Man: *The man turns to him.* Actually, my friend just-

*The two stare at each other for what seems an eternity. The eyes of Hexblade and Callisto lock.*

Callisto: *In another instant, he unsheathes one of his scimitars to strike at Hexblade, who blocks it with his sword.* I’ll be dammed.

Hexblade: A bounty hunter I assume?

Callisto: Not quite. I am Callisto. The leader of the galilean warriors, and the man who put the price on your head. You saved me a lot of money by coming to me Hexblade?

Hexblade: Actually, I’m not Hexblade. *His aura takes out one of his blades and tosses it across the room.* I’m actually Pentablade. But I get that a lot. One guy nearly killed me over the mistake in identity.

Callisto: Nice try. *He places his hand on his other scimitar.* I’m actually kinda glad I get to kill you myself.

Hexblade: Listen up! You know who you are when I tell you this! Don’t interfere! All he wants is to kill me. If I beat him, I can end all this now, but if you make yourselves aware to him, he can use you as a hostage!

Callisto: Hm. I wasn’t aware you were traveling with a group. Thanks for the info.

Hexblade: I figured it was better to let you know of their existence and have them stay put, then for them to charge in and get themselves killed.

Callisto: Indeed. It matters not. All I need to do is kill you. I couldn’t care less about your friends.

Hexblade: That’s what I hoped.

To Be Continued.

Next Episode: Crushing Defeat.

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Oh, don't say "perhaps"! I want more!

It's so exciting and I love this story!

I usually hate reading new books and stories. I always think: "It's probably boring". Instead, I read books which I like, over and over again. For now, there are only four series which I probably could read, but yet it's not possible.

I've already read the Harry Potter-books more than twise. Ijust don't feel for keep reading the Lord of the Rings. The third book about Eragon won't be possible to buy within another month. And the last book... I have no idea when the second one'll come up.

All I read for now is this story and I don't want t to end! It's great!

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New Episode: Crushing Defeat.

Callitso: *The two of them break their contact. The people in the tavern back off as the two stare each other down. Callisto twirls his blades, which are more like metal sheets than swords. But both are without doubt, deadly. He smirks.*

Hexblade: Hm? What are you smiling at?

Callisto: This whole situation. Quite funny if you look at it.

Hexblade: True. If I wasn’t the one on the receiving end of the death threats, it would be slightly humorous. One thing though: Why is it that you want to kill me?

Callisto: We fear that you’ll get in our way. You’re the only remaining Demonclaw Syndicate member that poses a threat to our cause.

Hexblade: Zat so? Well you certainly are misinformed.

Callisto: Am I?

Hexblade: Nuff talk. *His swords unsheathe themselves.* Let’s go.

*Callisto charges in, slapping away the oncoming blades with his own. Hexblade uses the two blades in his hands to parry the scimitars Callisto swings at him.*

Zero: *He places a hand on Gerofu, but is stopped by Princess’s hand.*

Princess Kilvas: *She shakes her head. Then wraps her arm around Linux again.*

Zero: ...Damn...

Hexblade: (This guy....) *He knocks back the baldes.* (He’s fast...I need all six of my blades to keep him occupied...)

Callisto: *He smiles again. Out of nowhere he ducks and slashes Hexblade’s torso.* Hah!

Hexblade: !!! *He jumps back.* You bastard....

Callisto: *He shrugs.* What? That’s all the infamous Hexblade has to him? Pathetic.

Hexblade: Please. Don’t overestimate yourself. You can’t beat me that easily. You got a lucky shot in. That’s all.

Callisto: True. But the next shot we get in won’t be lucky on our part. It will be a mistake on yours.

Hexblade: *A look of puzzlement and shock flash across his face respectively, as he raises a blade to block the obsidian fist that would have crushed him like a bug.* Rgh...

Ganymede: *The giant obsidian skinned man towers over Hexblade. His muscles like solid stone, and his fist larger than Hexblade’s hand. He smiles and shows his glowing white teeth. Or they seem that way from the dark black color of his skin.*

Callisto: This is Ganymede. One of my fellow members of the gallilean solders.

Hexbade: *Struggling under the pressure, the ground beneath him begins to crack.* What have you been feeding him?

Callisto: *He lets a slight laugh escape his body. But he poises his blades into a piercing position again.* It’s over for you Hexblade. You need to use both your hands to keep from Ganymede from crushing you.

Hexblade: I still have five blades.

Ganymede: *He swings his other fist at Hexblade’s side.*

Hexblade: *It takes two of his blades to block Ganymede’s fists.* Er. Okay. Three blades.

Callisto: *He starts slashing at Hexblade, who barely manages to block the blades with his own. Callisto laughs at Hexblade’s misfortune.*

Hexblade: (Damn...)*Clearly under strain from concentrating on keeping Ganymede’s fists from crushing him, and Callisto’s blades from hacking him to bits, the normal indestructible visage that is Hexblade starts to dissipate.*

Callisto: *He stops his blades and steps to the side.*

Hexblade: *He realizes too late why Callisto stepped out of the way, as Ganymede’s foot makes contact with his back, sending him flying into the wall opposite with a bone crushing crash.*

Callisto: *He smirks.*

Zero: *He starts to move toward Hexblade, but once again Princess stops him. This time Bizz helps. The three of them whisper to eachother.* We can’t just let him get beat up like that.

Bizz: I know...but-

Princess Kilvas: If these guys can do that to him, we don’t stand a chance.

Zero: (Damn...without Hexblade, we really are hopeless.)

Hexblade: *He stands up, dazed by the impact, as his blades wobble over to his side.* Ugh...that was some kick.

Ganymede: Thank you. *The voice of the giant is gravely and booming. Anyone would be intimidated or frightened of him just from that.*

Hexblade: Ho? The big beast talks? I thought he was just some grunt man. But he actually has a brain in that big rock he calls a head.

Ganymede: Your words only cut deeper than your swords because of their fallacy Hexblade.

Callisto: Enough. You’re out of tricks Hexblade. You can’t take us both.

Hexblade: ...I probably could. But not in this setting. Not with so many people around. Someone else might get hurt. I wouldn’t want that.

Callisto: So. You’re giving up? That makes things easier.

Hexblade: I admit defeat...But I’m not dying today. I only have one choice.

Callisto: Hm? *He realizes what Hexblade is going to do.* You-!

Hexblade: *He opens a portal beneath his feet.* Sorry. Keep safe you all! *He disappears into the portal which closes before Ganymede can crush Hexblade’s skull.*

Ganymede: GRAH! *He bashes the floor where Hexblade escaped.* That slimy scum! We nearly had him!

Callisto: Calm down Ganymede.

Ganymede: Why?!? We could have killed him now!

Callisto: I know that you idiot. But there’s one thing he forgot.

Ganymede: Eh?

*The group stares in silence, hoping to blend in with the croud.*

Callisto: He said he was here with a group. So, we kidnap someone.

Ganymede: Yeah. But how do we know who is in the group?

Callisto: It doesn’t matter. If we take someone, even if they aren’t in the group, the rest of his group will inform them, the next time they meet Hexblade. Whomever they are, he’ll come back to US for them.

Ganymede: Huh. Well, who do we take?

*The group continues their silence. All of them knowing that the inevitable will happen.*

Callisto: *After a brief examining of the people in the tavern, he points his blade.* You.

Princess Kilvas: M-me?!

Callisto: That’s right. You seem to be the most likely to be in Hexblade’s entourage. The wings, that little critter in your arms. It’s not normal for someone in this plane. Come willingly and you won’t be hurt.

Princess Kilvas: *Zero makes an attempt to stop her, but she’s too quick. Linux in hand, she walks over to Callisto.* Don’t worry about me guys, I’ll be fine...

Callisto: All you need to do is get Hexblade to come after her. We’ll take good care of her. *The three of them disappear in a portal.*

Zero: *As soon as they’re gone, Zero punches the ground and curses.* Dammit! That bastard Hexblade! Leaving us alone! Now those scum bags took Jen! He better make this right or I’ll kill him myself!

Ocelot: Zero. Calm down. Princess did what she had to do. We had no choice back there. Hexblade would have been killed if he stayed.

Zero: Then let him!

Bizz: How can you say that?! In that last fight you called him a close friend! Are you so quick to abandon him?!

Zero: Like he abandoned us!?

*The group stays quiet.*

Zero: *He breathes.* Now what? We have to find him.

Ocelot: He’ll find us. What should we do in the meantime?

Freohr: Perhaps we can explore? Or come up with a plan?

Bizz: We should do some training too. If we have time before he comes back.

Zero: Who knows how long he’ll be gone...

To Be Continued

Next Episode: Wandering.

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Oh, don't say "perhaps"! I want more!

It's so exciting and I love this story!

I usually hate reading new books and stories. I always think: "It's probably boring". Instead, I read books which I like, over and over again. For now, there are only four series which I probably could read, but yet it's not possible.

I've already read the Harry Potter-books more than twise. Ijust don't feel for keep reading the Lord of the Rings. The third book about Eragon won't be possible to buy within another month. And the last book... I have no idea when the second one'll come up.

All I read for now is this story and I don't want t to end! It's great!

Lol. I have other stories that you can read too if you want. XD

I'm kinda honored that my story is up there with Lotr and HP. (Though I'm not too big on the latter myself. At least not anymore.)

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Lol. I have other stories that you can read too if you want. XD

I'm kinda honored that my story is up there with Lotr and HP. (Though I'm not too big on the latter myself. At least not anymore.)

It's quite all right. Brisingr will be possible to buy soon, so I'm fine with this story for now. But sure, I might consider reading them sometime.

The acual reason I started to read this story was because Naesala's name was mentioned. Lol.

And after his chapter, it just got more and more exciting!


Oh, and nice chapter!

Edited by xanatha
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New Episode: Wandering

*Callisto drags Princess along, Ganymede towering behind her.*

Princess Kilvas: Where are we going?

Callisto: You don’t need to know where exactly. But seeing as thought you’re a bird, we figured you should be put in a cage. To prevent you from flying off and all.

Princess Kilvas: *She submits to the inevitable.*

*The three enter a large hall. At the end is a throne and next to it is a large cage.*

Callisto: Have you ever heard of a guy named: Neblium?

Princess Kilvas: No...

Callisto: Shame. This was his throne room before he died. We took over. The place is useful for our purposes.

*At the end of the throne room a woman stands. Europa. The fourth member of the galilean warriors.*

Europa: Who’s this?

Callisto: A hostage. Ganymede, get the cage door.

Ganymede: *He grunts and opens the door.*

Callisto: Get in. *He takes Princess and places her into the cage. Then he closes and locks the door.* Stay put.

Princess Kilvas: Not like I have a choice..

Linux: *He squirms out of Princess’s hands and walks to the edge of the cage near Ganymede. The hair on his back stands up and he growls.*

Ganymede: *He stares at the small creature. Then roars himself.*

Linux: *Clearly startled, the creature stubbornly resists his instinct to flee.*

Ganymede: Hm. Stubborn little critter. Well, I’ll break him. *He reaches to crush Linux’s skull.*

Princess Kilvas: Back off!

Ganymede: Shut up girl. Or I’ll kill you too. Dead or alive, we still have our hostage. They’ll come after you either way.

Callisto: Shut up Ganymede.

Ganymede: Eh?

Callisto: You’re intimidated by a rat? How pathetic.

Ganymede: *He growls.*

Callisto: Also, consider me stopping you from killing it as punishment for hurting my ears when you roared. Watch it.

Ganymede: ..Yes sir...

Callisto: Hm. Though, the three of us will be busy. And I don’t want to call IO back from his hunt of Hexblade just yet. We’re going to need guards to watch her.

Europa: Who do you have in mind?

Callisto: Simple. We use the bounty hunters. Ganymede, you go off to do what I told you. Europa, watch the prisoner till I get back. Don’t do anything unnecessary. I’ll go find people to guard her.

*Zero and company walk around their current plane, trying to find some sort of purpose. The dirt road is unpopulated by anything.*

Ocelot: ...So now what?

Zero: *Shrugs.* We wait for Hexblade I guess.

Bizz: When do you think he’ll be back?

Zero: With him, it could be anywhere from 2 minutes, to never....

Freohr: Never?! But I can’t stay in this plane forever! I have to go back home! I have stuff to do, people to see, not to mention that I’ll have to clean Princess’s palace entirely. No one’s there to do it right now, so the whole place will be a mess, and-

Ocelot: Freohr!

Freohr: Huh?

Ocelot: ...Shaddap!

Freohr: *She blushes and stares.* I’m sorry.

Bizz: Be nice to her Ocelot! That doesn’t help. You have to stop being so nervous Freohr.

Freohr: Oh! But- Um-

Zero: Don’t worry about it Freohr. Just calm down. We all have our flaws. You don’t need to worry about what we think of you.

Freohr: But I’m-

Ocelot: Yeah...I’m sorry.

Freohr: B-but-

Bizz: So now what? We have no money. No goal. No nothing.

Zero: It’s all cause that damn Hexblade left us in the middle of nowhere!

???: Did you say: “Hexblade”?

*The group turns to see a kind of lizard-man standing on a corner.*

Ocelot: *He jumps into the conversation before anyone else can.* Who’s asking?

Grod: I am Grod Garrod. A bounty hunter. He’s got a hefty price on his head. *He approaches them.* Any information on him would be....well appreciated.

Ocelot: *He walks up to Grod.* What’s in it for us?

Zero: Ocelot! What are you doing?!

Grod: You get to keep your limbs attached to you.

Ocelot: Zat so? Well I certainly would like that. But who’s to say you could even rip off my limbs?

Grod: I have a short temper brat. I’ll have no problem doing worse things to you than tearing you limb from limb.

Bizz: Ocelot! Stop!

Ocelot: No way! I’m down for this!

Grod: If that’s your last words! *He raises his arm and comes crashing down with his talon-hand.* Eh? *Where he struck there is no sign of Ocelot at all. A spurt of blood spouts from his shoulder.* What the?

Ocelot: *He stands behind Grod. His dagger in hand.* I am El Bandito Grande! Ocelot the Viper! And I shall defeat you here today!

Grod: Pft. *He turns to face Ocelot.* You just signed your death warrant “Ocelot the Viper”.

Zero: Dammit.. *He takes out Gerofu.*

Ocelot: Stop!

Zero: Huh?

Ocelot: I’m gonna take this guy on my own. I think I can do it.

Freohr: You’re crazy! It took nearly all of us to beat that Skral guy!

Grod: So? You were the ones who beat Skral? So you DO know Hexblade. Great. Now I know that this isn’t a waste of time.

Ocelot: Don’t worry Freohr. I’m not sure, but ever since that fight with Skral, I feel like I’ve gotten stronger. Or better. I gotta test it out though. I know I can beat this guy. Let me at him. I already got him once.

Grod: Hah! Then stop your chatting and lets fight! *He charges.*

Ocelot: *He disappears in the same matter as before, another stream of blood spouts from Grod’s back.* Heightened senses, heightened body strength. It seems that since we got to the planes I’m getting better at battle. I dunno what it is, but I don’t think it’s just me. Something about traveling through the planes makes us stronger.

Freohr: Actually...I noticed that too...I was barely able to see what went on in that fight with Skral, but when Hexblade fought Callisto and Ganymede, I caught everything.

Zero: (Are the planes changing us?)

Grod: Shove it. It doesn’t matter. I’m probably gonna end up killing you all.

Ocelot: Is that so? Then I better pull out all the stops!

Grod: *Another split second, and this time, the wound is severe, as Ocelot takes out one of Grod’s arms. The arm falls to the ground.* GAHH!!!

Ocelot: You’re finished.

Grod: *He snarls.* You....You...

Ocelot: Give it up.

Grod: *He bursts out laughing.*

*The group stares at the lizard-man, perplexed.*

Grod: You think you’ve won that easy?!?

Ocelot: Eh?

Grod: *The arm that was sliced off, grows back.* This is far from over Ocelot!

Ocelot: Shit...

To Be Continued

Next Episode: Auraless.

Note: I will not be making a feedback thread for this story. (Or any of my stories most likely.) But please leave any feedback on the story here. If you would like to discuss the story in the feedback thread, such as expected outcomes, and such, feel free to make a topic for the story in the Feedback thread. But only one feedback thread please.

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What's up with people and throwing me in cages? XD

Great part! I like your cliff hangers, and fights. =D

That's what happens when you label yourself: "Princess." It comes with the job. XD

Nice chapter!

Ocelot didn't prove to be especially good in his first chapter, but now he's great!


Lol. That might be a continuity error. XD

But I've explained the phonominon before. (I think...)

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Sorry, maybe it's just my memory...

Nah. I probably spelled it wrong or something.

In previous stories, I've explained that when a person travels into the planes, their abilities and strengths, naturally improve and they become more powerful.

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Nah. I probably spelled it wrong or something.

In previous stories, I've explained that when a person travels into the planes, their abilities and strengths, naturally improve and they become more powerful.

Oh, if that's what you mean. Sorry.

How stupid of me. You even, mentioned that in this chapter!

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