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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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Aside from my uncle's German Chocolate cake which is my favorite thing in the universe?




How can you not love those tasty little cookies?

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Cheesecake is literally my favorite snack/confection/anythingrelatedtothat. Ever. No, seriously, there's only one thing that's on par with my love of cheesecake. It's called an Oreo Stack, you can find it in some Barnes & Noble cafes and stuff.

[spoiler=It looks like this. Good stuff!]



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oh god there's so much

carrot cake

brownies, esp in brownie cakes

molten chocolate cake / volcano cake


boysenberry pie

and shoutouts to BAKLAVA for being fucking amazing and I wish I had tried them sooner

I'm sure I forgot some stuff

if I had to make a choice it'd probably be



let's go with carrotcake I guess?

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oh right those are a thing

sour candy in general is great sour gummies especially

I have like a 2 pound bag of sour patch kids that I've just been slowly nibbling on for several weeks it's the best

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Question catchup!

454. What is something that exceeded your expectations?

Tough question actually. I watched Scarface pretty recently and I usually find things that are a bit too violent difficult for me to watch/play and enjoy, but I found it quite good, so that could be something.

455. What are your favorite scents?

I have a really awful sense of smell, so I can't say that I really have one. Maybe roses, or something.

456. What are common themes in your dreams?

I don't remember very many of my dreams- the only ones I do are within the last year, or one from when I was six involving a dog swimming. I guess one thing is that they feel real to me, so they don't really have fantastic elements like people flying or anything, and usually involve people I know too.

457. What is the riskiest thing you've ever done?

Also kind of a tough question in that I can't really think of anything... any sort of situation that was actually dangerous I've been in is usually unintentional. If it's the most dangerous, I accidentally cut my hand open once by mistake and had to get like 40 stitches and can't move my thumb to its full range anymore.

458. What word do you always misspell?

I misspell many things, but not a lot of words consistently. I know there's one word O'm guilty of with this, but I can't think of it.

459. What plot twist did you totally not see coming?

[spoiler=Rocky]First thing that comes to mind is Rocky not actually winning in the first movie (which isn't really a plot twist I guess, just sort of an expectation I had), but also in Rocky IV Apollo Creed dying in the ring was fairly unexpected to me as well. I saw the movies pretty much unspoiled so I was caught off-guard, and they were well-done.

460. What is one of your favorite music videos?


461. Do you want to get any tattoos? Do you have any already?

Hmm, can't say I'm terribly interested. I don't have any.

462. What's something that's so bad it's good?

This isn't really a term I believe in... if something ends up being bad but having some good qualities it's usually because the good qualities are there, just not for all of it.

463. What's your favorite confection?

Caramel is delightful.

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dude idk everything

chocolate meringue pie maybe

Q464: You're stuck in the world of the last game you played - how boned are you?

or, in less crude terms, how do you adapt to it

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Pixelmon... (pokemon minecraft mod)

Well... unless I ride a Ninetales off into a ravine again, I say I'd do fairly well~ I come back to life again anyway

The only time there are evil baddies around to come attack me are from spawners that I find. The only ways I could really die in there are from being too clumsy (........... normally that would mean I'm screwed but hey it took me a long time to take my first death so ;~;)

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Tactics Ogre(PSP)

Dropped right into a race war... Uhh, I might be worse off if I don't join the (Walister) Resistance or something (Chaos Route says otherwise though), but I think I could put my strategizing to use for one of the 3 monarchs present... until the right time came.

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