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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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Yeah, I tend to hold grudges. It's pretty easy for me to drop them with some basic communication, so I'm only really holding on to resentment for people I will likely never see again. I am aware that this is probably unhealthy.

All of this.

And I really don't want to... ;~;

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No. There are a few outliers. The kinds of people I would kill if given the chance. But for just about everything else I am very forgiving. Even up to murder.

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No, I don't normally hold grudges... due to how long I know I can hold one and not really being worth the time.

Addendum: When I do, I don't sit around sharpening my knives, so to speak, it's more like, 'oh there's that person I hate/dislike' and usually carry on. Making the superficial banter if needed

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if the offense was bad enough then ya ngl

though I don't take it to obsessive unhealthy levels or think about it constantly like its usually seem to be percieved as-- its just after years of unfair treatment and having people try to throw it back and make you look like the aggressor or some other bs tactic I learned that some people just aren't worth forgiving like honestly I don't need to give them that benefit in order for me to move on \o/

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why everyone saying they cost time and energy as the reason they don't hold grudges when they really don't cost anything but are just straight up unhealthy

That depends. It costs a lot of time and energy to haul all that gasoline to the Westboro Baptist Church...

(For the record, NSA, I don't actually want to burn down the damn church. It's probably done more for gay rights than any other movement.)

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Nah. Usually when i get upset at someone, i go to bed and get up the next day windering why i was so mad at the said person, and just sorta forget all about the past events before i can develop a grudge for them

However, there are still exceptions. Some people just piss me off too much :/

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