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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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and smoke of cigarettes. Nah not really. However I always react "allergic" in my behavior, if someone lights a cigarette next to me.

At first my dad said that I couldn't be around smoke because people with asthma couldn't be around smoke, but then more recently he said I was allergic to smoke

Idk if maybe that just means that having asthma and being allergic to smoke go hand in hand???

im confuse

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At first my dad said that I couldn't be around smoke because people with asthma couldn't be around smoke, but then more recently he said I was allergic to smoke

Idk if maybe that just means that having asthma and being allergic to smoke go hand in hand???

im confuse

I became asthmatic in consequence of second-hand-smoke about 5-6 years ago. I often have breathing trouble at night; sometimes during the day. Need the spray to alleviate it.

My mum smoked since my birth and my dad started later.

Since that I despise everyone, who annoys me with the disgusting and harmful smell of cigarettes smoke.

The reason, why I avoid most parties.

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Some ingredients in most over-the-counter soaps and body washes. I have to use ~*~*~all-natural~*~*~ stuff that's actually all-natural and not just advertised as such.

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I became asthmatic in consequence of second-hand-smoke about 5-6 years ago. I often have breathing trouble at night; sometimes during the day. Need the spray to alleviate it.

My mum smoked since my birth and my dad started later.

Since that I despise everyone, who annoys me with the disgusting and harmful smell of cigarettes smoke.

The reason, why I avoid most parties.

I've had mine since birth from both my parents smoking though they stopped, idr when though since I'm sure even if they quit before my birth it would have been too late still... Buuuuuut they both went back to smoking eventually I think because they stressed each other out (they're divorced now)

My dad tries his hardest to keep his smoke away from us though. When it's warm enough out he always smokes outside and when it's too cold to be outside he keeps it to the garage and the garage is off-limits to us. Then once it's warm again he leaves the garage door open to try to air it out.

As much as I wish he would quit smoking, I try not to fault him or guilt him... Because I don't know what it's like to be in his shoes so I feel like I have no right to judge him or pressure him? I hate saying that though because it makes me feel like I don't care enough about him to try to get him to stop :C It's super conflicting... especially when my grandpa accuses me and my brothers for not caring enough to try convince him to stop~

Meanwhile my mom's been working on stopping it again, she seems to be doing a good job so far.

Edited by Freohr Datia
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I've had mine since birth from both my parents smoking though they stopped, idr when though since I'm sure even if they quit before my birth it would have been too late still... Buuuuuut they both went back to smoking eventually I think because they stressed each other out (they're divorced now)

My dad tries his hardest to keep his smoke away from us though. When it's warm enough out he always smokes outside and when it's too cold to be outside he keeps it to the garage and the garage is off-limits to us. Then once it's warm again he leaves the garage door open to try to air it out.

As much as I wish he would quit smoking, I try not to fault him or guilt him... Because I don't know what it's like to be in his shoes so I feel like I have no right to judge him or pressure him? I hate saying that though because it makes me feel like I don't care enough about him to try to get him to stop :C It's super conflicting... especially when my grandpa accuses me and my brothers for not caring enough to try convince him to stop~

Meanwhile my mom's been working on stopping it again, she seems to be doing a good job so far.

Since my 10th year of age I tried to dissuade my mum from smoking with words. It didn't help at all. She even made my dad to start smoking.

Then I tried to hold my nose (symbolic), whenever I go in the parlor and they're smoking at the moment. It didn't help either. My mum even was provocated by my behavior and compared it with a baby.

She wasn't aware of her egoistic behavior and couldn't realize the consequneces I had to suffer. I often had headaches.

Now my mum doesn't smoke that much anymore and is more tolerant towards me (even more tolerant than my dad). But it doesn't help me at all anymore...

Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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Some sort of metal, most likely zinc. Unfortunately whatever it is seems to be extremely common, so I have to be extra careful around metal objects. It only gets really bad once I've been in contact for an extended period of time though, still I have to wear a tucked in undershirt just to protect me from the button on my jeans, and belts are the bane of me.

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I'm allergic to nothing.

Meaning when nothing is happening, I'm sneezing.

100% of the time

Wait, if you're sneezing something is happening, so you won't sneeze. But if you're not sneezing then nothing is happening. So, does that just mean when nothing is happening you feel like you're about to sneeze, but never actually do? Oh god, that is the worst allergy I've ever heard of. All my sympathy goes out to you.

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nickel and a medical thing that I'm blanking on right now (distressingly?? how am I blanking on the name of a serious allergy shit)

Q564: Why was your favorite teacher your favorite teacher?

Edited by Specta
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Don't really have one. None of them were very exceptional and I've never stayed at a school for more than 2-3 years so I never see them after the year where I have them.

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I don't really have a favorite teacher either. Mostly because I try to maintain some degree of professionalism with all my teachers, and most everything I'm taking is stuff I have to take before I can get to the classes I actually want.

Maybe my 2D Design teacher, I like the subject, but then again she doesn't really teach me much either.

Edited by Honey Bunny
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It's been a while since I've had teachers ^o^ But off the top of my head I'd probably say my favourite was this one high school teacher who was just super hilarious. He always made jokes about everything, kept joking about another teacher he was real close to and who was easy to make fun of, expressed an extreme hate toward freshman students (which I'm pretty sure he did just to scare them/mess with them) and absolutely loved senior students

He was just incredibly comical and it really made his classes entertaining. It made him easier to pay attention to than any other teacher when he had to give long lectures.

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I had the same teacher from Kindergarten up to my senior year. She is a wonderful person.

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4th grade teacher had a nerf hoop in his classroom. we'd shoot around and talk basketball in the morning, and he'd put on one of those "now that's what i call music" cd's lol. don't really remember how good he was at teaching but he's still my favorite

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also the fricken sun D;

this feel. I know it. Shit be all


nickel and a medical thing that I'm blanking on right now (distressingly?? how am I blanking on the name of a serious allergy shit)

Q564: Why was your favorite teacher your favorite teacher?

She actually gave a damn and helped me with some crippling insecurities i had in high school. She showed me that i could go to college. She also helped other kids who were miles worse off than me. I saw these kids from damaged backgrounds or just barely escaped gang life, finally be able to rise up and believe in themselves. Cindy Dodge was a badass teacher. She gave the underdog a lot of hope.

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My grade six teacher seemed like he genuinely cared for each student, with focus especially on students who weren't doing well academically. Rather than just saying "I want you all to succeed this year" he worked really hard to make sure most of us did. Plus he hosted weekly group games with fantabulous prizes.

I remember thinking that was going to be my best school year, but then crap happened and alas. Still, it wasn't the worst school year thanks to him.

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