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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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jetstorm, a recolor of jetfire from transformers cybertron

Ya, I really don't know my transformers. I kind of know the guys from Beast Wars and Beast Machines, and that's about it. Edited by Severlan
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Let's see:

A few boatloads of CDs

Assorted cables (I don't even know what half of them are for)


Sound system


My old DS

2 Pens

My high school drama logbook

Some Dream Theater DVDs

2 d20s

Some letters from the bank

2 books by Yahtzee Croshaw

A Blind Guardian concert ticket

A notepad

A nail clipper

Game controller

Some dermatitis ointment

2 plushy animals

And this is not counting what's on the shelving above and below the desk. Thank god most of this stuff is compact and/or stacks well.

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everything in the world

ignoring the shit that I need to put back where it belongs

monitor/keyboard/speakers/pen tab/mouse, balthier figure, a ghost shaped ipod speaker, espeon plush, pictures of important people and cat, funko figures, crow statues, unicorn figure, maneki neko buddy, so many books, three knives, a candle, a cat bank aaaand a bottle cap that was funny

Q550: What do you wish you knew more about?

fun fact I found this one randomly written in my phone reminders and I don't know when I wrote it

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I wish I knew literally everything. A walking encyclopedia of information.

But to be specific, I would like to know every single thing about (British) policing, justice, and law. That should give me a good foot in the door for when I eventually do apply. University helped, but these kinds of things are constantly changing, updating, new things being added, removed etc. it's hard to keep track of it all.

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I am very well known as an uncultured swine

So there are many things I do not know

I guess it's not only that I wish to know more about EVERYTHING that makes me so uncultured, I wish I could find the motivation to get myself to learn more about it all

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in light of my physics test in like 12 hours, I am temporarily revising my answer to reflect a focus on Fluids and Thermodynamics

after that it's back to everything tho

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Probably politics, I have a basic understanding of stuff but there's a lot more to it. That or cheese making, cheese is pretty amazing.

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Gosh, I thought I'd be the first to say everything, but looks like everyone beat me to it. Y'all suck.

But uhh, I guess besides "literally everything" I'd really like to know forbidden knowledge.

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Gosh, I thought I'd be the first to say everything, but looks like everyone beat me to it. Y'all suck.

But uhh, I guess besides "literally everything" I'd really like to know forbidden knowledge.

Just buy the book and read it if you want to know about it so much.
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in light of my physics test in like 12 hours, I am temporarily revising my answer to reflect a focus on Fluids and Thermodynamics

after that it's back to everything tho

treat everything as an ideal fluid and you're golden. and never forget that entropy sucks.

seeing as the desire to know 'everything' is an obvious answer, and a bit of a cop-out honestly, similarly in 'wishing' to know more about my field of study, instead i'll opt for music theory. to me, 'wishing' i knew something implies either i cannot learn it or i'm too lazy to utilize the resources around to do so. 'forbidden knowledge' falls under the former, whilst learning music theory definitely falls under the latter haha. i really don't want to put in the time to learn music theory, i wish i just knew it...

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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