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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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or like omelet style. i don't know if it's technically different from scrambled.

AFAIK...with scrambled, after you put the eggs in the pan you keep stirring em with a spoon or whatever. With an omelet, you let it set in the pan for a little bit, then (well, there are multiple techniques) use a fork to make sure it isn't sticking to the sides of the pan and then sorta flip it over onto itself. An omelet has a sort of even, flat consistency while scrambled is in lumps and stuff.

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yeah i know. the initial step is still the same for both though (mixing whites and yolk in a bowl with a fork or whatever you choose). that's the scramble part, right?

Pretty sure scrambled refers to the way it looks rather than the scrambling of white and yolk.

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In terms of just eggs, I like them scrambled and plenty of black pepper. And then one day in 5th grade at a camp, I had scrambled eggs with sausage in them. That, my friends, was delicious. So...scrambled eggs with sausage AND black pepper. That's a winner. I also LOVE tea eggs.

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hello friends it is your usual qotdkeeper returning from qotdvacation I hope you missed me

Q582: Have you ever backed a kickstarter? If so, what was it for?

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Actually, yeah. There was one where Skullgirls was trying to get money to do the DLC characters. I paid $20 for it. Got a Ms. Fortune poster iirc, though I don't remember if I got it from this.

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