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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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Still easier than Danish...

Not by much though since its so similar.

For my answer I'm only gonna count the stuff I'm not already working on

so, dancing and lockpicking would be awesome

I am not good at all at mimicking motions so dancing has never been a talent of mine ;_;

Q446: Where is the place everybody knows your name?

Outside of your own home, is there some place where you're specifically known/remembered?

~shoutout to Integrity for question request~

Ummm...hmmm...my pharmacy and grocery store.

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Well maybe not caring about everything is a bit too harsh of a thing, this is in retrospect from last night. I also realized I contradicted myself pretty heavily by saying/assuming things would get done by not caring. However if there was a bare necessity option where I would only have to worry about one or two friends, family, and getting by for the next day, I'd honestly choose that than having to care about a bunch of hurtful things like pride, wealth, career, popularity and whatnot, which I really do currently care about, which harms me in the long run.

That being said, whether people would like me or not, or if I liked myself or not, it wouldn't matter, because I wouldn't care, now would it?

I personally see benefit in caring about wealth and career! Though I'd say there are several effects from all of those. Pride you could probably do most without... I just hope you're not mistaking pride for confidence. Wealth is kinda inbetweenish but you can't just go around not caring about wealth at all otherwise you're not going to be able to make a living because you lack the motivation to make the money you need to live~ Caring less about wealth, I could maybe see, but not caring at all doesn't sound at all helpful. I have absolutely no clue why you find it detrimental to care about your career because that's a very important way to make a living. Unless you're saying caring about that just stresses you out too much?? THEN I could see why you might not want to care as much about it. Worrying about popularity could probably do bad things to your head, yes... If it means you try to bring others down to bring yourself up. It's good to try avoiding peer pressure and just acting like your true self rather than concern about making everybody like you, as well.

That's.... basically what I said... or at least I thought that's what I said. Man idk anymore

But I still would not choose that for myself~ I'd just prefer to handle the way I care about things better, not to avoid caring at all. Personally I view not caring as the perfect way to get absolutely nowhere in life and that not caring won't help myself or the people around me who might care about me or get negatively affected by my lack of ability to do or care about anything. I'd especially hate to negatively affect those around me due to my trying to hide or run away from doing anything just to avoid the pain.

I'd encourage you to never try to get this skill, but I guess it's not like I should be making you do anything you don't want... But I really really don't think it'll be helpful. As I said before, finding a middle route sounds like it'd be way better.

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University because I'm Freshman-chan, the mascot of the anime club


did you lose a bet or something?

My answre's probably the local bakery (where people legit offer 'the usual' it is a good feeling) and the bank (where I go for work purposes and have, so far, not been mugged or stabbed en route).

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No. There's definitely only one r in Mightmare.

[spoiler=idk it looks like Mightmarre disagrees]ILKgror.png



tl;dr [21:52:14] Nightmarre is now known as Mightmarre

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I feel like a giant loser but everybody at my local library is on first name basis with me

Every single librarian

Also holla shitty "It's too early to be at school but here i am!!" mobile qotd update waiting for Japanese class to start

Q447: Do you use emoticons often? Which do you think you use the most?

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honorable mentions to
ヽ( ᐛ )ノ

EDIT: 눈_눈 may be a new favorite, we'll see

EDIT2: :^) and o7 are pretty okay too

Edited by Euklyd
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