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LunaticScreamer plays FE7if


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it's a dancer ring that enhance crit rate.

Also Lunatic...

do you think you can rip these battle sprites and map sprites?

I wish I was proficient in that kind of field, but I'm not sadly.

Also, the crit rate boosting ring...I think it's called Set's Litany if memory serves me correctly.

Once I wake up tomorrow, I should be posting 31 & 31x.

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I wish I was proficient in that kind of field, but I'm not sadly.

Also, the crit rate boosting ring...I think it's called Set's Litany if memory serves me correctly.

Once I wake up tomorrow, I should be posting 31 & 31x.

It's Thor's Ire if I remember correctly that increases crit chance. Set's Litany increases avoid.

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Update time!

[spoiler=ch31-31x: More ultimate weapons!]


What better way to make a broken character more broken than by tossing her the Boots. Now she's at 9 move.


Any flyers that want to come here may as well GTFO unless he/she has the Delphi Shield. There are a TON of bow using enemies here. Hell, there's six more down south.

Now, you think you could possibly wall up at the start, but there's a multitude of reasons why that's a bad idea.


This boss is the source of two of those reasons. First off, he's holding Katt's ultimate weapon and I want that badly.

The other reason revolves around reinforcements. After roughly 4 or 5 turns, siege tome Druids start appearing from the east. You are more or less screwed if they appear because you'll just be taking too much damage on a single unit to keep them alive reliably.

However, killing this boss not only nets you Katt's ultimate weapon, but it shuts off reinforcements.

Of course, he's at 30 effective speed (His bow is slowing him down by -3 AS). Nobody has enough speed to outpace that...except Alice.


This is why I gave her that Body Ring use. With it, she can quad hit the boss with her sword.

Still, even at max power, she only has a 75% chance of landing each hit. The boss has 120 hp for reference. Ideally, I'd like him dead in two turns, but with that kind of hit rate odds, it's not something I can rely on. Still, three turns to kill the boss is fine.

As for the rest of those enemies in her vicinity? Alice isn't going to give any fucks to them. Her defenses are simply too high for them to do any significant damage to her.

As for her first attack on the boss, she lands all four hits. Very nice!


Of course, everyone up by the throne room has some work to do to clear the area out. Nino begins by showing off the glitchy Bolting tome (the one with 3-15 range), but doesn't follow through with this action. Want to save it for chapter 32.

Other than that, it's mostly just getting everyone into position to engage the enemy forces next turn.


As much as the green army units here suck, they make excellent bait as the enemy loves to target them 90% of the time.


The other 10% of the time they're idiots as Eliwood finds out.


Oh yes, status assholes. Too bad they love to target the green army units with those uses. Even worse when the one that could cause me some slight headaches whiffs on its first attempt because one green army unit isn't having any of this status bullshit. Not right now at least.

You see, if a green army unit gets berserked, they're going to attack someone before you can get a chance to use Restore on them. Not that you'll be in any big danger worrying about a berserked unit, but something to keep in mind regardless.


There's a Silence asshole too, but luckily I have Canas & Priscilla next to each other so one can grab the Restore staff from the other to get rid of silence if needed. Canas does just that to help out Priscilla.


Meanwhile, Katt is there as the bodyguard for Canas & Priscilla, making sure nothing can reach them (except Longbow assholes who I keep forgetting about). Katt gets a level smacking a Nomad Trooper around for fun.


Situation the throne room groups are in on turn 2. The green army units did the most surprisingly useful thing for me on the west side, forming a wall to allow Legault to slip through and go for the first treasure room.


Milia breaks in her new weapon by smacking around a Sniper a couple times.


Legault breaks down a wall leading into a treasure room with his Silver Blade.


Meanwhile, Ash gets to work on weakening enemies on the east side, getting a solid level up for himself in the process.


Lyn's still finding use for her Mani Katti. This Nomad Trooper dies to more stealth crit shenanigans.


Hector finishes off the Sniper that Ash attacked, getting some extra resistance for his efforts.


Legault's going to be attacked by a Druid in the upcoming enemy phase so Limstella throws a heal his way and gets a defensive level up.

Alice continues to attack the boss, but misses one hit, leaving the boss at 5 hp. No worries, she'll just kill him on the next turn.


Enemies still with screwed up priorities!


Don't care. All this berserked one could do is attack his own green army units for minimal damage, attack my units for little to no damage or miss, or attack Merlinus and miss half the time. Limstella can always toss a Physic over to Merlinus if he gets hit one too many times.


Legault loots the first chest as turn 3 starts, getting this weapon.


Look who just happened to be in the treasure room to grab her ultimate weapon off Legault!


Oh yeah, Alice finished off the boss on turn 3, getting Katt's weapon which she sent to storage.

Also, note Alice's hp. The boss did 75% of that. This is two full turns of roughly 6+ enemies wailing on her. Alice is a one woman army I tell you, heh.


Lyn kills another Nomad Trooper with critical hit powers to max out. She could only get hp or resistance from a level up so this isn't too bad, all things considered.


Some of the enemies even have stat boosters. Karla gets this Dragonshield offing a weakened enemy.


Hector's not too far behind Lyn with maxing out his own level.


Eliwood uses an Elixir to heal up. Quite a few Druids in the vicinity and they hit hard.


Isadora breaks in her new weapon in the best way possible, critting a Druid to death. She's rewarded with a defensive level up for her efforts.


Did I mention Druids hit hard? Granted Katt has all of 14 resistance, but still.


Alice is now on her way to get a chest to the west, having that set of Chest Keys from the last chapter in her inventory. She also uses an Elixir to stay topped off on hp. Not like she really needs it, but whatever.


Gonna have to repair Excalibur for Nino in chapter 31x. She does have an infinite use tome for defending against minor foes, but her Excalibur is a bit more accurate and much more critty so it's worth a Hammerne use.


Karla's ultimate weapon.


My axe murder duo is slowly clearing out a path to the east.


East team kinda needs a bit of help. Tons of magic users on this side, but Eliwood removes one from the field, getting some more resistance in the process.


Everyone's hurting so Canas pulls out the Fortify staff for some always yummy AoE healing.


Priscilla gets a kill by murdering a very weakened Druid up north.


Isadora: Still dodging high hit chance attacks!


Random enemy suicides into Alice, dropping a Body Ring. Always useful!


Fucks given by Hector: 0


Sistina's best weapon which gets sent to storage immediately so she can grab it from there.


Sistina's best weapon has some higher stats on it, namely +10 skill & luck. Everything else is standard ultimate weapon fare (+20 max hp, +5 strength/speed/defense/resistance).


Things are going smoothly. Just a matter of cleaning up the remaining enemies now.


Karla gets a good level dropping a weakened enemy.


The usual Hawkeye crits someone to the moon screenshot.


A very stupid Nomad Tropper who thought Alice was an easy kill gets dropped for his idiocy.


Signs you're an idiot: Moving Merlinus forward when he's perfectly safe in the back. I had to reload three times before the Swordmaster decided to stop killing him. Milia gets started on correcting my stupid decision.


Eliwood decides to punish me further for my stupidity with his final level.


Meredia, not so much. More defense is always good.


Katt's ultimate weapon finally got delivered into her hands. Has the same stats as Sistina's ultimate weapon too.


One last shot of Fortify is all I need to simply power through the remaining enemies.


Karla's ultimate weapon: Still with high crit rates like her personal weapons!


At this point, there's only a handful of enemies remaining, meaning cleanup is simple & easy to do.


Not sure where this Thief was going, but Elina introduces him to the business end of her sword.


Free Restore staff from killing a Druid? Not bad!

That concludes chapter 31. Props to the one green army unit shown above for surviving that entire map. I'm impressed, even if he was in range for Fortify heals.


Chapter 31x is basically just a huge "buy shit!" map in preparation for the final chapters. Those 60 use weapons picked up in chapter 30 sell for 30k in mint condition if you want to sell them (I don't).


Something amusing I found. Karla can use an S rank Wo Dao, but not the D rank one. I'm not sure what to think of that, heh.


472k gold to spend. I'm goddamned rich aren't I?


Bartre's here for one sole purpose and that's to recruit Karel. As you can see, Karel has a useless sword on hand so he doesn't accidentally own his ass. His real weapon is of the highest caliber (+20 max hp, +5 all stats), but the catch is that Lyn can use it too. Problem though is that it's 12wt, meaning a huge penalty to Lyn's AS if she uses. Still, I have four Body Ring uses lying around so I might toss a couple her way to fix that.

As for Karel's growths, he's exactly like his incarnation from Binding Blade. Only one level, but he is going to make it count, trust me. Even without the level, his bases are rock solid and he can kick ass right out of the gate.


Besides everyone buying some specific weapons that might help in the next chapter and a shitload of Elixirs, Limstella fixed up the durability on the two things I want at full strength going into chapter 32, the Warp staff and Nino's Excalibur tome. Since Hammerne provides 100 exp per use, Limstella got her last two levels, capping magic in the process.

With that, chapter 31x comes to a close.

Death Count: Bartre (1), Rebecca (1), Matthew (2), Guy (1), Dorcas (2), Isadora (1), Priscilla (3), Merlinus (5), Katt (1), Canas (1), Lowen (1), Hector (1), Ninian (3), Legault (1)

Next time: Closing in on the finale!

[spoiler=Growths & Comments (Karel)]

Hp: 175% Luk: 110%

Str: 165% Def: 145%

Skl: 110% Res: 110%

Spd: 165%

What can I say? Karel starts out strong and he's going to make his one level count, that's for damn sure.

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Well now, chapter 32 went more smoothly than I was expecting. Let's have a look shall we?

[spoiler=ch32: Nearing the end of this bullshit hack finally!]


Lyn gets three Body Ring uses, bring her con up to 12. She can now use Karel's S-rank sword with no AS loss as well as her infinite use bow and the souped up 60 use Brave Bow. She's pretty scary in combat now, that's for sure.


Right off the bat, this gets dropped onto the team, Meredia's ultimate weapon. Lowest Mt of all the ultimate weapons, but makes up for that with 1-3 range. Pretty nice!


Nils is back and forced into this chapter. So long as he doesn't let any physical enemies near himself, he'll do just fine. He's even holding a Restore & Recovery for backup healing services should I need them (I won't). That Rescue staff ties into my plan for doing some long range ruin searching.


On this map are three ruins. One is located due east, the other around the center. Both have very important items I need, but there's a problem...I can't divide my forces and still effectively beat this map in a timely fashion. You see, Hector's route has a gaiden available if you can beat this chapter in 20 turns or less. If I were to divide my forces to get the two ruins, I'd never make it in time.

So, how do I reach them? My newly repaired Warp staff, that's how!


First though, there's a Brigand that's going to try destroying the ruins to the north. Nino crits this dingbat to his death with the hax version of Bolting, buying me several turns to reach it using Meredia later.


Limstella uses the Warp staff to send Meredia close enough to the ruin where she can visit it, pick up Elina's ultimate weapon and send it to storage, then fly back as far as she can. By visiting this ruin, five Sages appear, one of them with hax Bolting. She's not far enough way to be at risk of being fried by everything in a mile wide radius sadly.


What I can do though is have Canas take the Rescue staff off of Nils and use it to bring Meredia back to the team safely.


Next, Nils gives Limstella another turn so she can warp Alice up here. What she's going to do is kill the middle Hero, then attract the attention of that nearby group of Wyvern Lords over and kill as many as she possibly can. They like to link up with another group of five Wyvern Lords from the east before bum rushing everyone and that can be scary to fend off.


Also, attacking that middle Hero brings out five Nomad Troopers with one spawning right on top of Alice. Amusing.


End results of Alice's ass kicking crusade. She killed two Heros, three Wyvern Lords, and left two Wyvern Lords on half health. Much better than I was expecting. She gets a Physic heal courtesy of Limstella.


Don't you love it when enemies have a 0% hit rate?


If you're a Nomad Trooper and you're getting 0% chance to do 0 damage with a 0% crit rate, it's time to change professions.


Situation as turn 3 begins. One of the Wyvern Lords coming from the east suicided on someone.

More importantly...do you like Berserk staffs? I hope so because a Bishop near one of the ruins has one, using it to berserk Katt.

Also, note where Nino & Sistina are. This is going to be where they sit for 90% of the map, killing off a small army of enemies to keep some heat off the team going north. Elina sits nearby with her ultimate weapon equipped too for no real reason. Levels will be gained, that's for sure.


Case in point. Sistina & Nino are actually pretty safe on the forts, able to fire off Elixirs should hp be required.


One idiot Wyvern Lord left itself too close to Nino. She fries him with a critical Excalibur blast.


Isadora offs a Wyvern Lord that attacked her in the last enemy phase.


Lyn takes Karel's S-rank sword for a spin and completly decimates this General with a crit & normal hit.


Thanks to Nils, Limstella is able to rush up and get rid of Katt's berserk.


Nino pulls out her siege tome again and crits a Wyvern Lord to death. Sistina moves over quickly to switch her back to her Excalibur tome before resuming her guard duties on the fort.


Milia & Hawkeye get levels clearing out a couple enemies to the north. Hawkeye's level caps his skill.


Meredia rescues Nils, then ducks into the safe spot, surrounded by Lyn, Hector, and Isadora.


One Wyvern Lord decided to attack Nino. Not the best idea I'm afraid because she rips him apart.


That Sage from the southeast with hax Bolting has caught up, but sadly failed to hit Elina with his first attack. Capital work buddy!


Next turn begins (with an almost dead Canas there I might add). Lyn shoots down a Wyvern Lord with little effort here.


Karla prefers to go for multiple images of herself when critting. Sucks to be this Wyvern Lord who's about to go down hard.


Milia's finally decided to join the league of weapon spinning before you carve your enemy's face off. Good job girl!


More removing of berserk, but this is the last time that happens thankfully.


Tried to fry this Wyvern Lord with Nino from long range, failed, then proceeded to see Meredia crit this Wyvern Lord. To boot, I think she was still carrying Nils at the time (or did Hector take him? I forgot sadly). This one was easy to dispose of from there.


Sistina's still performing her duties adequately, gaining a level in the process.


Meredia visits ruin #2, getting Ash's ultimate weapon from it.


Elina's hp is running low after taking fire from the hax Bolting Sage & a Paladin so she uses an Elixir to stay healed up.


Isadora visits the final ruin which has a new party member that's never getting used, Renault. Not because he's terrible (decent bases, acceptable growths, doesn't need much effort to reach S-Light), but because my team's already filled for the finale. Still, he brings a Talisman, Energy Ring, and Angelic Robe to the stat up pile.


This Bishop had hax Purge on him (Same stats as regular Purge, just with 3-15 range). Alice kills him before he can spam it anymore.


Another turn later and Limstella uses the final charge of Warp to send Alice right smack dab in front of the boss. Actually...wait a minute. If Limstella was the boss in vanilla, who's it now? That looks like an Assassin. Somehow I think it's...


Called that. For anyone wondering what happened to Jaffar, well, here you go. That crit rate can be scary, but Alice has 40 luck with her hax sword equipped so that's no worry. What is troublesome is that evasion. Alice will barely be putting up better than a 40% hit rate against him. Also, she'll need to heal or hope a Physic user gets in range quickly. Jaffar does 13 damage each time he attacks. Only once to her, but it adds up with other enemies in range.

Basically, Alice is going to slowly whittle down Jaffar's hp while everyone else catches up.


Lyn & Renault sit on a couple forts in the northwest. You'll see why in a bit.


More enemy slayings, more levels!


Nino having a couple close calls. Low physical defense can be a pain and her resistance isn't enough to simple shake off all the incoming magic damage. She heals with an Elixir on the next player phase.


Healing was probably a good call if this is anything to go off of.


More levels as another enemy phase takes its course.


Just showing how low Alice's hit rate is against Jaffar. So long as she's getting at least one hit in with the enemy phase & player phase combined, she can ever so slightly beat out the regen Jaffar gets from the fort he stands on.


Well shit. Around 8-9 turns in, Valkyries appear. Was just a bit too slow with getting Canas into position so I had to run Hawkeye back and, with help from Nils, got in range to crit the Valk with his Devil Axe, allowing Meredia to kill it and have Canas take up the space the enemy was occupying and prevent reinforcements pouring in from there.


Meanwhile, a sole Falcoknight spawns in the northwest. There would have been three, but Lyn & Renault are blocking two of them from coming in.

Anyways, Lyn should be able to...hey wait, she oughta be doing much more damage than that to a flyer...


Enemy female units in FE7if = assholes. I have seen nothing that disputes this theory otherwise.

Luckily, Lyn only needs a crit with her souped up Brave Bow and she'll be fine. If not, Karla's there to help finish the flyer off.


On the downside, Katt couldn't quite kill off a hax Bolting asshole so he's going to run away and get healed by some Physic jerks. On the upside, Katt capped speed.


And now you see why I had Alice warped so far ahead. Clusterfuck city once again anyone? Had I come from the south, I'd have to deal with ALL those enemies on top of reinforcements that pop up in that general area. Not good!


With most of the enemy forces in the southwest dealt with, Nino, Sistina, and Elina are going to move up the central path and do one last small task. Elina gets this level offing a Bishop.


Katt at 22 hp = Hello two thirds of the enemies trying to kill her with low odds.

Oh yeah, she capped luck so she's harder to hit now. Capital work there enemies!


A critical staff whack is how two thirds of the opposition's lives ended when they tried to attack her.


Even hax Bolting asshole wants to try killing her, odds be damned.


Lyn needed help from Karla killing a Falcoknight reinforcement she failed to kill. Karla gets a solid level up finishing said Falcoknight off.


Fucks given by Hector: Still 0!


More enemies suiciding into Katt. Fine by me.


See what I mean? Also, she killed about three or four Wyvern Lords that went her way thanks to crits. Don't fuck with Katt folks!


Jaffar is dead. By the one who was originally a boss here too no less, heh. He forks over another Iron Rune. Can't complain about that.


Katt adds another capped stat to her list, this time defense.


Probably should equip Hector's Runesword so he can tank on the spot where Jaffar was until my other task is complete.


One more level for Katt? Sure, why not!


About damn time! Getting this wasn't the problem (A Druid by a fort dropped this Secret Book). The problem was people up north dying and forcing me to reload several times. Isadora bit it twice because Horseslayers from Wyvern Lords aren't nice, Hector hit the floor once because I still forgot to equip his fucking Runesword like an idiot, and Katt kicked off twice because enemies were chucklefucks hitting on low 20% hit rates like they were hotcakes.


Regardless, turn 14, all my tasks I wanted to do are complete. Hector seizes the gate and the team gets to go to 32x.

Death Count: Bartre (1), Rebecca (1), Matthew (2), Guy (1), Dorcas (2), Isadora (3), Priscilla (3), Merlinus (5), Katt (3), Canas (1), Lowen (1), Hector (2), Ninian (3), Legault (1)

Next time: Bonus exp stage!

[spoiler=Growths & Comments (Renault)]

Hp: 90% Luk: 50%

Mag: 55% Def: 55%

Skl: 45% Res: 50%

Spd: 50%

Renault's bases aren't bad, his growths are acceptable, and it isn't that hard to boost his light rank to S so he can use +5 all stat tomes. The problem is that he's basically outclassed by everyone at this point, ESPECIALLY Limstella. Only useful in a vanilla characters only run sadly.

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RIP Jaffar.

Again, you just raep the damn thing once again, it's amazing ! The number of playthrough you must have done must be scary.

And holy crap, 76 HOURS ?!

I'd like to know the story reasoning behind Jaffar and Limstella's switching. Shame any translation attempts at if haven't gone far if anywhere.

Ahah, just you wait, there's something even more mindblowing. :P:

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I wouldn't exactly call 32x super easy. Not as hard as completing chapter 32 in under 20 turns though. Might as well take a look at 32x then, am I right?

[spoiler=ch32x: Levels Levels Levels! Did I mention levels?]


Poor magic seal hasn't improved in the slightest.

Fun fact: I could bring in Nino with hax Bolting and kill the magic seal (hax Bolting has 3-15 range while the magic seal has a range of 10). That would end the map though and I don't want that. There's two chests and 99% of one enemy type I want to kill.

Before that though...make sure to bring your Chest Keys or Legault with a set of Lockpicks.


Lv30 Berserkers! They come in four flavors (Swordslayer, Swordreaver, Tomahawk, Devil Axe), are packing 30 str/28 skl/30 spd at a minimum, and some probably have more capped stats on top of it.

What's important is the damage and crit rates. You're going to owe your life to the Iron Rune, plain and simple. One crit from any Berserker is going to be a bad day, especially the Devil Axe ones. Those asshole can still likely one shot a good 80-90% of your team if the hit goes critical.


On the plus side? Levels! Since the Berserkers are lv30, a kill is worth at least 70-80 exp, even at lv10+ promoted.


If your lords haven't hit 20 yet? They will this map if you bring them.


Seriously, you'll probably find someone in your team getting a level every enemy phase if you can kill at least one Berserker a turn.


Free Secret Book? Sure, why not! This came from the sole non-Berserker on the map, a Swordmaster with a Regal Blade.


Honestly, the exp is a little ridiculous if you ask me. Just wait until you see what's inside the chests though!


Probably the toughest part of the map starts here. Berserkers start pouring in from all four staircases dotted around the map, including right near where you start.


It's like FE7if is trying to apologize for being so sloppy in its difficulty design this entire journey.


Hector: Still not giving any fucks!


Milia: Not so much! No reversal happened here. She joins the death count team from this lovely moment. Yay for savestates!


Much better!


Did I mention that I still have stat boosters to pass out and probably cap 75% of the team's stats? Because I do!


Elixirs are going to be your lifeblood in this map. Limstella or any other able bodied staffbot can't do much unless it's with Physic or the injured person gets close enough to the non-antimagic field to get a Recover shot.


More levels!


Milia gets healed. That way, she can eat a critical from a Devil Axe Berserker like she's about to take here.


Or would have, had the reversal not gone off.


All these level up screens have to be shown just so you can understand how much experience is getting dished out here.


Isadora maxes out. She won't be the last on this chapter though.


Elina gains another level after killing Berserker #infinity, then borrows Isadora's skill at dodging highly accurate attacks.


Not too long after that, she maxes out.


At this point, reinforcements are finally over with. Just a matter of dealing with what's left on the map.


Like so.


Ok, NOW Milia's thankful for being at full hp because this critical doesn't do a reversal on its owner.


Last couple of levels before Milia has an easy chance to go raid the two chests on this map.


The same sword that Jaffar was using last chapter. Think it has +20 max hp alongside the usual +5 to all stats deal. Not extremely heavy either as most sword units that would like this will only take a 1-3 AS loss from using it. Legault will be using this.


The other chest...oh my. This is the other personal weapon for Milia and boy is it a beast. A little weaker than her axe, but much more accurate and very critty. The only downside? It's heavy, clocking in at 15wt. This is why I gave all those Body Rings to Milia as she'll be able to use this weapon with only a -1 AS penalty.


Stats with her old axe equipped.


Wait a minute, why are all of her stats going UP?!? Hit rate, sure, because it's more accurate, but why's her evasion going up if it's slowing her...

...Checking her stats now!


Yes, you're seeing this right. This scythe, on top of the usual +20 max hp boost, is granting +10 to all of Milia's stats. You could say she's a little more broken than Alice at this point by virtue of that +10 speed. Even with the AS penalty, Milia's still effectively at 39 speed whereas Alice with no AS penalties is sitting at 35 speed.

Want to know something better though? Milia has an A support with...you guessed it, Alice.

At this point, I don't know if the FE7if creators really cared about balance.


As is usual in the world of FE7if, Milia breaks in her new weapon by pulling off a critical.


Back to leveling with one of the remaining Berserkers dropping Door Keys. Make sure not to throw this away if you don't have any spares or Legault with you.


Sistina joins the lv20 squad.


Opening the door to the magic seal makes Berserkers spawn for several turns if you still need experience.


Everyone that came on this map that could fight to gain experience is now lv20. Most started around lv11-15. Yes, the exp was that insane.


Chapter's over!

Death Count: Bartre (1), Rebecca (1), Matthew (2), Guy (1), Dorcas (2), Isadora (3), Priscilla (3), Merlinus (5), Katt (3), Canas (1), Lowen (1), Hector (2), Ninian (3), Legault (1), Milia (1)

Next time: Finale Part 1!

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Oh man... I finally have the scythe animation. I've been wanting this for years, but never had the willpower to beat that fucking Cog of Destiny chapter.

Who the heck is going to use that animation anyway?

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