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Pokkén Tournament DX - Decidueye didn't see that coming


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No, I said that the Pokemon I complained about are ones I hate/dislike. I know Pikachu has to be there, so I said nothing about that one. Lucario and Charizard I also expected, so I didn't complain there either. I'm also meh on Weavile and Machamp. But I don't at all like Blaziken, Gardevoir, Gengar, or Mewtwo.

I actually like Zoroark and Samurott, but they're not favorites. I guess I'd use them though. Florges is simply okay and I don't like Hydreigon.

I'm actually not really a fan of Sceptile. It's just okay to me.

Some of these Pokemon are bad to ME, I'm not trying to say it's fact. It's just my opinion. Why are you making such a big deal out of this? Is it not okay to be disappointed with the roster?

which makes sense considering hoenn remakes were the last games made as of now. that's largely irrelevant anyway since the roster is made to appeal to as many people as possible and if the most commonly liked pokemon are all from one generation, then most of the roster should be from that generation.

How does it make sense? Like I said, why should it matter that ORAS were the last games to be released? And I also disagree with that second statement. I'd rather have generation diversity than Pokemon from only one generation.

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I'm not bothered that much by whether you like the roster or not

But your insane insistence on "Hoenn bias" is the real issue.

Here's a Gen total:

Gen 1: Pikachu, Machamp, Charizard, Gengar

Gen 2: Suicune

Gen 3: Blaziken, Gardevoir, Sceptile

Gen 4: Lucario, Weavile

Gen 5: absolutely nothing

Gen 6: Pikachu Libre, Shadow Mewtwo (Libre first appeared in ORAS, Shadow in Pokken)

Keep in mind that Gardevoir was the sole one on the base roster from Hoenn. Is that bias against Hoenn?

Also, just opinion but how could anyone be "just meh" on Weavile. Weavile is an excellent Pokemon from the best types (Dark and Ice).

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:facepalm: I didn't say there was too much Hoenn bias now, only that there would be if one or two more Hoenn Pokemon got added.

Also, Pikachu Libre and Shadow Mewtwo are just variations of gen 1 Pokemon, they don't count as real gen 6 reps for me.

And Weavile just isn't a cool Pokemon to me. It is better than Sneasel designwise though. Also, Ice sucks defensively. It only resists itself.

Edited by Anacybele
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My list. Roster of 20 because the screen has enough for 20.

13. Swampert

14. Garchomp

15. Tyranitar

16. Scizor

17. Hydreigon

18. Metagross

19. Florges

20. Pangoro

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Now if only they would remove pikachu libre. Why do they have two pikachu's a single pikachu was already a mistake in my opinion but he's just shoehorned in because he's supposed to be the mascot so whatever. But why put in pikachu Libre instead of hawlucha. To sum up my opinion Pikachu sucks

What's a Hawlucha?

What are your thoughts on the currently successful Dr. Mario in smash, and its comparitive style of "clone-ish" appeal to the Pika/PikaL in Pokken?

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Corocoro has leaked and it revealed some new fighters early.

Saw something pointed out on another website in regards to this. Of the three Pokemon leaked, none have the specific hint character in their name, so whoever is shown off on the 15th is still likely something new, as well.

Edited by MarioKirby
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Braixen instead of Delphox makes no sense to me, but I still like it.

Also fjdkejhfrjfreifufrie GARCHOMP!! :D Finally someone else I'm a big fan of! Garchomp is my favorite Dragon type!

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I'm loving Braixen omg

I like Garchomp and think it's a cool fighter. Mewtwo was slightly not that interesting, but then I realised that Shadow Mewtwo fights solely as X, so this Mewtwo will fight as Mewtwo and evolve into Y for their special attack.

There are still 5 characters left counting the one on the 15th. I actually will now hold out hope for Dewott because it would work much better than Samurott.

If I had to fill in the last five: Dewott, Zoroark, Hydreigon, Sylveon, and Hoopa

Edited by Miss Kira
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I'm fine with Braixen.

I was actually kind of hoping for another not fully-evolved pokemon other than Pikachu.

We needed more small characters, and Pikachu and Braixen fill that role quite nicely.

And that Garchomp is...female, I think? Can't tell from the picture.

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Looks like Braixen is another zoner. Interesting that they went for the midstage instead of the final evo. Feels like the anime definitely had a say in it.

Garchomp looks so cool and I can't wait to try it out. It's a power character, like Machamp and Charizard.

Really glad we get regular Mewtwo in addition to Shadow Mewtwo. Curious to see how they differentiate them.

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I don't like Mewtwo's addition. Well, more so Shadow Mewtwo. Just like I don't think we need two different Pikachu, I don't think we need two different Mewtwo either. They take up time and space that could've been used for actual different Pokemon.

Anyway, five spots left now? I'm gonna guess/hope for Lopunny, Infernape, Keldeo, Zebstrika (this one would be the Pokemon coming on the 15th because it has the hint character in its name), and Scizor.

Edited by Anacybele
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I'm glad regular Mewtwo is in the game, but I'd totally trade Shadow Mewtwo for Hoopa - Unbound as a boss.

I'm more fine with Pikachu Libre because Cosplay Pikachu existed before Pokken and Pikachu was in the base game.

I adore Braixen though. I actually like it more than Delphox design wise.

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