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Valentines Day


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Nailed it. Single people don't need a day set aside to make them feel out of place every year.

Just like people who don't celebrate Christmas don't need a day set aside to make them feel out of place, right?
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I have never had a bf so I don't care about this stupid holiday and I will ether be at home with my dog who if anyone asks I will say is my valentine or helping my mom with her work and thinking how dumb people can be. I never have really liked this holiday and while yes I would like to meet someone nice some day I don't mind being single, but this time of year really stinks because every one thinks you should be with some one.

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Valentine's day is like the 2nd omst commercial holiday after Christmas. It's kind of funny.


Man Chocolate and Flower prices get so inflated a single rose will run you like $5 here in the city ugh.

should have expanded my statement

chocolate sales post valentines day hype

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I don't particularly mind it. I haven't exactly been with anyone for quite sometime but it doesn't mean you can't make a point of spending it with the people that matter the most to you even if its just family and close friends. Seriously, it doesn't have to be all lingere and chocolates.

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should have expanded my statement

chocolate sales post valentines day hype

I should probably buy more chocolates after Valentine's Day, huh.

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It's what you make it.

I have never had a bf so I don't care about this stupid holiday and I will ether be at home with my dog who if anyone asks I will say is my valentine or helping my mom with her work and thinking how dumb people can be. I never have really liked this holiday and while yes I would like to meet someone nice some day I don't mind being single, but this time of year really stinks because every one thinks you should be with some one.

When you stop giving such a fuck what other people think, especially if they're that judgemental, you'll do better for yourself. Takes a while to learn. Just don't be bitter about it.
Edited by Tryhard
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I always see so many people say "I shouldn't have one day of the year to tell me when to love my significant other, I will just do that every day of the year" but I personally don't think that's the point of the holiday... In my point of view, it's to celebrate love, not to say "you have to love somebody on this day"

And wow, any bullying that's going on... I wouldn't really say it's the day's fault for that ^o^ It's the way people treat it that is at fault for that.

When I was single I would feel pretty lonely on valentine's day watching so many people around me with a boyfriend or girlfriend or even husband or wife, but I never took an anger out on the day. And it never made me hate the day. Maybe I'm just too much of a romantic~ idk

In the end though I'm sure it all boils down to:

It's what you make it.

As for what I'd do on Valentine's Day... well, actually I never thought of it ;u; idk if I should make any special plans or just make it another lovey dovey day~~

Edited by Freohr Datia
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I don't particularly care for Valentines day, it has too painful memories of trying to get and failing to hold onto a bf.

And now I'm perpetually scared to go look for one again.

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Ehh i always found the holiday rather useless, even when i had a mate. I would sometimes discourage my partners from getting me something. Yet it always failed...

This year, im going to play MM3DS with my niece and eat Girl Scout Cookies. Police. Fuck dem.

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Ehh i always found the holiday rather useless, even when i had a mate. I would sometimes discourage my partners from getting me something. Yet it always failed...

This year, im going to play MM3DS with my niece and eat Girl Scout Cookies. Police. Fuck dem.

Hey man sounds like a good V-day to me I actually completely forgot that MM3D comes out this weekend.

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Ehh i always found the holiday rather useless, even when i had a mate. I would sometimes discourage my partners from getting me something. Yet it always failed...

This year, im going to play MM3DS with my niece and eat Girl Scout Cookies. Police. Fuck dem.

What kind. 'Cause Samoas and Thin Mints are top tier in my opinion.

My only gripe about Valentine's Day is that it falls on a Saturday this year. Saturday nights are pizza nights and I have no pizza.

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Well, over here in Brazil we have a similar but even more polarizing day, which would be translated as "Lovers Day", but sometimes we do borrow some elements from Valentine's Day, or even celebrate both days.

As someone who never got to celebrate the Valentine's Day, I always thought that the celebration wasn't just about having a girlfriend or a boyfriend, but having someone dear to you like a sibling of a close friend to celebrate with. It's about love, after all. So I guess people shouldn't feel lonely for not having that "special one", but instead going out with your friends to some new place and having fun, some kind of mutual gift. At least that's what I always got from this holiday.

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What kind. 'Cause Samoas and Thin Mints are top tier in my opinion.

My only gripe about Valentine's Day is that it falls on a Saturday this year. Saturday nights are pizza nights and I have no pizza.

Thin Mints.

Well, over here in Brazil we have a similar but even more polarizing day, which would be translated as "Lovers Day", but sometimes we do borrow some elements from Valentine's Day, or even celebrate both days.

As someone who never got to celebrate the Valentine's Day, I always thought that the celebration wasn't just about having a girlfriend or a boyfriend, but having someone dear to you like a sibling of a close friend to celebrate with. It's about love, after all. So I guess people shouldn't feel lonely for not having that "special one", but instead going out with your friends to some new place and having fun, some kind of mutual gift. At least that's what I always got from this holiday.

Thats a nice way of looking at it, but i still feel like its kinda useless. Sending people goofy Valentines is kinda fun and thats a bowl of cheerios i wont allow people piss in. *busts out Hitler BE MEIN card*

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I'll never understand someone who would bully another for not having a mate. Literally, I just can't. Maybe it's because it has never ever happened to me (I never had a girlfriend, though). Although, I think it's worse if someone would actually get offended by such an "insult".

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Valentine's Day is so dumb; it's not like Christmas or Easter where everybody can feel appreciated.

I can't speak for everyone, but I certainly did not feel appreciated this past Christmas.
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Thats a nice way of looking at it, but i still feel like its kinda useless. Sending people goofy Valentines is kinda fun and thats a bowl of cheerios i wont allow people piss in. *busts out Hitler BE MEIN card*

Maybe useless, but I guess some more celebrating wouldn't hurt that much too.

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