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Who could Ike's wife be?

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Funny thing is, someone actually drew Ike in a literal Zero Suit. It's actually pretty sexy-looking. ^^

I really never understood why some people don't like RD Ike's design. I mean, I get that not everyone is into muscles and all, but one reason I love RD Ike is that his manliness and muscularity set him apart from a lot of the other male lords. The only one who has anything close to a similar build is Hector. All the others are bishy-looking or just scrawny compared to RD Ike.

Don't get me wrong, I think PoR Ike looks cool too. I just like RD Ike better because more uniqueness and muscles. And dat face. :3 And both his outfits are just plain cool, especially dat Vanguard armor (badass, and it's my favorite color!).

Edited by Anacybele
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Did you all forget that Sanaki paid Ike with Ragnell in RD? She literally said that it's his down payment. Whether Ike chose to give it back to her again despite that is all up to imagination.

The fact that Sanaki specifically calls it a "Down Payment" is the reason I firmly believe Ike returned Ragnell later, actually.

In economic terms, a down payment can be seen as more of an insurance, so when you use the term on an object or anything that can't be considered money (which Ragnell definitely qualifies as), it's more like "Take this object, but beware, it carries a terrible curse. Once I pay you in full you return this to me."

It makes no sense to me that Sanaki would let Ike keep Ragnell, as it's one of Begnion's most importants national treasures. Ike knows this, which why it makes no sense he would choose to keep it either. I think it would be OOC for him to do so. As someone stated a while back, he's not the type that keeps trophies.

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Ike returning it doesn't help single out any of the potential mothers besides Sanaki as any other woman would need to ask her to take it while it's actually Sanaki's property.

I don't approve of an Ike/Sanaki pairing (at the least it would require several years unless we want it squicky), but if we're going with the blade returned she's got a big leg up on being the parent as it's, technically, her sword.

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The only one who has anything close to a similar build is Hector. All the others are bishy-looking or just scrawny compared to RD Ike.

Chrom too.

Not a fan though but hey. I guess variety makes it so everyone gets what they want at some point

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Chrom isn't nearly as muscular as Ike. But he's closer than everybody else sans Hector though.

The fact that Sanaki specifically calls it a "Down Payment" is the reason I firmly believe Ike returned Ragnell later, actually.

In economic terms, a down payment can be seen as more of an insurance, so when you use the term on an object or anything that can't be considered money (which Ragnell definitely qualifies as), it's more like "Take this object, but beware, it carries a terrible curse. Once I pay you in full you return this to me."

Ah, I see, I see. That does make sense. :P

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Chrom has some muscle to him, but I don't think he's as bulky as Hector or Ike. And besides, Chrom came after Ike, so when RD Ike first appeared, he was the only muscular manly lord except for Hector.

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You know, given how ridiculous Ike looks in Awakening, I think he's an AU Ike. And that AU Ike is Priam's ancestor.

I mean come on.

I think this is less a flaw in Ike's design than a flaw in Awakening's character designs overall, since he's wearing the Hero class armour and not a unique outfit. Same with, among others, Micaiah. I mean jesus, what were they thinking with her????

I could go on forever about the awful character designs in awakening, my god..

I agree with Ana about liking his RD design. I'm really glad that's what they went with for sm4sh. I'm not so much into the muscles but I think it was a good change in design, and for the most part it was logical. Who wouldn't gain muscles like that after swinging a sword around for 3 years? He's a professional, after all.

Um. Design stuff aside. I kind of always assumed AU Ike was a thing, but not so much that it's a different Ike, if that makes sense? I had it in my head that he had a kid after entering the Outrealms, not before, and thus I'm on board with the village maiden deal. If it isn't Mist/Boyd's kid, which... I'm going to cling on to as a possibility, even though it's heavily implied that's not the case...

Actually, did we discuss that here? I seem to remember talking about the wording being Priam is a 'scion' of Ike or something, but was that the same wording used in the Japanese version, or just the translation?

Also tacking on here:

@Kon: Thank you for the compliment!! I'm glad you thought my analyses were interesting ;w;

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It was discussed before. The problem with it being a village maiden is that it leaves nothing to discuss. Ike left, went through the portal, found a cute girl, settled down and taught their kid Aether and turned over Ragnell when the time came. Only real discussion point would be if Ike left Ragnell behind or not with the latter being a fairly obvious choice.

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Chrom's village waifu is a descendant of Ike's village waifu.

Also, Summer Scramble!Chrom shows that the guy is in pretty good shape. Certainly comparable to Ike. Probably in between PoR Ike and RD Ike as far as stature is concerned.

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Yea. Priam knows Aether in some form or another.

And here's the thing. When you get down to it ANY girl 'could be' the mother since the only actual requirement is being female. Even Mist could be the mom since she's the most likely person to have Ragnell, would want to find her brother, and if Aether has a genetic component would have the highest chances of inheritence. Yet I don't think anyone is going to argue she's Priam's ancestor because she both got married and is his sister.

VIKA could be the ancestor for all the 100% conclusive evidence we have despite there being absolutely no reason to believe she is beyond hack-pairings. This is simply whittling it down to the person who is most likely.

Now tell me, if Ike didn't leave Ragnell to his wife/child, didn't teach the kid Aether, and the mother or kid didn't look for him, who could the mother NOT be?

Is Lethe the mother and Ike left her the sword despite her inability to use them as a keepsake? Sure. Maybe. Except the same criteria could justify Calill as the mom. Priam doesn't actually know Aether and/or can learn it from a scroll? Okay. But nothing says Fiona's kid couldn't do the same. Any pairing can be justified with 'evidence' that can apply to multiple girls. There is no reason why Ike could NOT have married Laura, left her Ragnell and a scroll, then ran off after all.

So yea. I'd say that a woman who could use Ragnell and likely has experience with blades including, potentially, it's sister blade, spent a lot of time with Ike, probably saw Aether the most and probably has the most capability to recreate it from memory/experience, is not tied down after the game, is stated to have wandered, and even has a cut support is certainly very likely.

He knows Luna and Sol, not Aether. If they were that determined to make Priam look more like Ike's true descendant they would have actually given him Aether. Aether has been proven in that game to not be Lord-locked, since DLC!Ike has Aether as a Hero, so that argument does not make sense.

Sanaki is the only one that would have the Ragnell, since it belongs to her as Altina's ancestor. I wouldn't be surprised if the Alondite was returned to her as well, since no one else has any legitimate claim to it.

He could, oh I dunno, not have a wife/child in the first place?

Please quit insisting that Mia is the only feasible option, because she isn't.

Ike returning it doesn't help single out any of the potential mothers besides Sanaki as any other woman would need to ask her to take it while it's actually Sanaki's property.

I don't approve of an Ike/Sanaki pairing (at the least it would require several years unless we want it squicky), but if we're going with the blade returned she's got a big leg up on being the parent as it's, technically, her sword.

Ike returning the Ragnell is the only action he would make. Do you have me on ignore or something?

Seriously, I've already explained why Sanaki could not be the mother and gave alternatives for obtaining the Ragnell, legitimate or not.

I think this is less a flaw in Ike's design than a flaw in Awakening's character designs overall, since he's wearing the Hero class armour and not a unique outfit. Same with, among others, Micaiah. I mean jesus, what were they thinking with her????

I could go on forever about the awful character designs in awakening, my god..

I agree with Ana about liking his RD design. I'm really glad that's what they went with for sm4sh. I'm not so much into the muscles but I think it was a good change in design, and for the most part it was logical. Who wouldn't gain muscles like that after swinging a sword around for 3 years? He's a professional, after all.

Um. Design stuff aside. I kind of always assumed AU Ike was a thing, but not so much that it's a different Ike, if that makes sense? I had it in my head that he had a kid after entering the Outrealms, not before, and thus I'm on board with the village maiden deal. If it isn't Mist/Boyd's kid, which... I'm going to cling on to as a possibility, even though it's heavily implied that's not the case...

Actually, did we discuss that here? I seem to remember talking about the wording being Priam is a 'scion' of Ike or something, but was that the same wording used in the Japanese version, or just the translation?

Also tacking on here:

@Kon: Thank you for the compliment!! I'm glad you thought my analyses were interesting ;w;

All of the Awakening designs were pretty ew, unfortunately :/

I'm still all for Priam not being related to Ike at all or flat out being a non-canon character entirely, to be honest

They really were interesting! I even went through your tumblr to find any of your other analyses, because I really liked reading them \^o^/

It was discussed before. The problem with it being a village maiden is that it leaves nothing to discuss. Ike left, went through the portal, found a cute girl, settled down and taught their kid Aether and turned over Ragnell when the time came. Only real discussion point would be if Ike left Ragnell behind or not with the latter being a fairly obvious choice.

Why is Ike marrying someone and passing down the Ragnell the only choice?

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To say all the Awakening designs are ew is terribly unfair. DLC Leif and Ephraim are amazing. DLC Marth looks kinda bleh, despite it being Kita Senri's work. Bow Knights also look great.

Also Priam not having Aether was a design choice to give Female Morgan an incentive over Male Morgan. Just sayin'.

Edited by Ownagepuffs
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Why does Ike have to leave the Ragnell to some woman anyways? He has no reason to even want to keep the Ragnell since it doesn't belong to him. And if you want to be really technical it was Zihark that "taught" Ike Aether, since he's the one who gave Ike the Occult Scroll in the first place.

A minor correction here, but I'm pretty sure that it was Stefan who gave Ike the Occult Scroll.

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A minor correction here, but I'm pretty sure that it was Stefan who gave Ike the Occult Scroll.

Oh, dammit, you're right. Why did I write Zihark when I meant Stefan DX

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To say all the Awakening designs are ew is terribly unfair. DLC Leif and Ephraim are amazing. DLC Marth looks kinda bleh, despite it being Kita Senri's work. Bow Knights also look great.

Also Priam not having Aether was a design choice to give Female Morgan an incentive over Male Morgan. Just sayin'.

The legacy characters are a little bad because they have generic class designs. Of course, DLC Micaiah is hot, but she didn't really need to have the same dress as Tharja, since that dress fits only Tharja herself.

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The legacy characters are a little bad because they have generic class designs. Of course, DLC Micaiah is hot, but she didn't really need to have the same dress as Tharja, since that dress fits only Tharja herself.

Micaiah didn't need the Dark Mage outfit to be hot. She already looked smokin' in her FE10 outfits.

If there's one thing Micaiah has over almost every other FE girl, is fashion sense.

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I don't think Micaiah is hot in any of her designs. Kind of cute in RD, maybe, but her Awakening art is awful. That outfit is awful, the round balloon boobs are stupid, and that pose is stupid too.

I don't think all the DLC art is bad. I agree that Ephraim is amazing, for example. Leif looks pretty good too.

I still believe Priam has Aether lore/story-wise and that IS left him with Sol and Luna in-game for gameplay reasons. It seems that they didn't want Aether to be accessible to male Morgan, only female Morgan. They also probably wanted Aether to be Lord only outside of DLC. Ike has it in Spotpass and DLC because he's Ike and he learned the skill in his games.

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He knows Luna and Sol, not Aether. If they were that determined to make Priam look more like Ike's true descendant they would have actually given him Aether. Aether has been proven in that game to not be Lord-locked, since DLC!Ike has Aether as a Hero, so that argument does not make sense.

You realize that Luna and Sol is pretty much exactly what Aether is, right? It's most likely that they didn't give him the official skill to keep it restricted to the nobles, but for all practical intents and purposes Priam knows Aether. Besides, let's assume he DIDN'T know Aether, what would that prove? That the mother didn't teach him Aether despite Ike being the only one who knew it anyways? Doesn't help anyone. The mother being able to figure out Aether is the only thing of value possible regarding it.

Sanaki is the only one that would have the Ragnell, since it belongs to her as Altina's ancestor. I wouldn't be surprised if the Alondite was returned to her as well, since no one else has any legitimate claim to it.

He could, oh I dunno, not have a wife/child in the first place?

Please quit insisting that Mia is the only feasible option, because she isn't.

Alondite being returned to Sanaki holds no impact either way. What's important was that someone used it and gameplay-wise Mia is both the most likely wielder and most likely Ike support. Sure, gameplay and story segregation and all that, but if you're seriously going to insist that Mia could NOT have wielded Alondite when she, along with several others, clearly COULD have you're really grasping at straws. All that needs to happen is for any of the women who can reach SS swords to wield Alondite to show Ike they are capable with the blade/could maintain the blade to bump up the likelihood that he would leave the blade with them. I seriously doubt anyone would want to leave Alondite with, say, Meg (no offense to Meg. Just an example of a normal 'civilian' here) instead of having it enshrined again.

Also, I am NOT insisting Mia is the only viable option you dunderhead! I'm saying she's the most likely of the Tellius girls! If you can provide some legit theory as to why another girl could or could not be his spouse go right ahead. And yes, Ike needs to have a wife/child in order for Priam to exist. There is absolutely nothing to suggest Ike adopted especially with the family resemblance.

Ike returning the Ragnell is the only action he would make. Do you have me on ignore or something?

Seriously, I've already explained why Sanaki could not be the mother and gave alternatives for obtaining the Ragnell, legitimate or not.

Yet somehow you don't seem to grasp this basic concept. If Ike returns Ragnell, Sanaki becomes the owner. In order for ANYONE else to get Ragnell they would have to ask her. Sure, she *might* accept and give it to them, but that doesn't change that it's her property in the first place. The ONLY woman returning Ragnell benefits in terms of figuring out who the potential mother is is Sanaki because it's the only one it could possibly have an impact ON! Every other girl would be stuck having to ask her. You can't seem to grasp this.

I'm not saying Sanaki is the wife. It puts an unneeded strain on Ike's remaining at the least. What I am saying is that the only person returning Ragnell benefits is Sanaki. Unless you can think of some reason why he might give it to Tanith or Heather or someone without them being his wife/mother of his kid, this will remain true.

Also, if you're going to insist Ike returned the Ragnell, doesn't that outright ruin the chances of anyone else getting the blade?

I'm still all for Priam not being related to Ike at all or flat out being a non-canon character entirely, to be honest

Then feel free to leave as the entire topic is dependent on Priam being Ike's canon child.

Why is Ike marrying someone and passing down the Ragnell the only choice?

Because if Ragnell doesn't get passed down Priam can't have it. It's stuck in Tellus. Someone has to carry it through the portal. Either Ike did and gave it to someone or his wife (I hate using that term for this since it's entirely possible he left not knowing he'd be a father) carried it over, or his child carried it over. Otherwise Ragnell is in Tellus and Priam can't have it.

It's like explaining it to a child. It doesn't matter if the mother is Mia, Ilyana, Sanaki, or Vika. In order for Priam to have Ragnell it needs to go through the portal. It cannot go through the portal unless someone carried it through. If it's in a temple it's not going to suddenly grow legs to walk through the portal.

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Alondite being returned to Sanaki holds no impact either way. What's important was that someone used it and gameplay-wise Mia is both the most likely wielder and most likely Ike support. Sure, gameplay and story segregation and all that, but if you're seriously going to insist that Mia could NOT have wielded Alondite when she, along with several others, clearly COULD have you're really grasping at straws. All that needs to happen is for any of the women who can reach SS swords to wield Alondite to show Ike they are capable with the blade/could maintain the blade to bump up the likelihood that he would leave the blade with them. I seriously doubt anyone would want to leave Alondite with, say, Meg (no offense to Meg. Just an example of a normal 'civilian' here) instead of having it enshrined again.

This doesn't make sense. Also, if Mia and Ike had both swords, why does Priam only have one? If anything, only Alondite would be passed down because it just belonged to the Black Knight while Ragnell was a national treasure.

Also why did you bring up Meg? She can also wield Alondite so by your logic she's just as likely as Mia to be Ike's wife.

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You realize that Luna and Sol is pretty much exactly what Aether is, right? It's most likely that they didn't give him the official skill to keep it restricted to the nobles, but for all practical intents and purposes Priam knows Aether. Besides, let's assume he DIDN'T know Aether, what would that prove? That the mother didn't teach him Aether despite Ike being the only one who knew it anyways? Doesn't help anyone. The mother being able to figure out Aether is the only thing of value possible regarding it.

It's also got Adept in there too. It attacks twice for one attack. So no, Priam does not know Aether. He knows what makes Aether, but he can't do it. He can't do true Aether. Besides, everyone knows that Priam doesn't know Aether because only females can learn Aether from parents. Now if Priam were a chick? She'd know Aether.

Alondite being returned to Sanaki holds no impact either way. What's important was that someone used it and gameplay-wise Mia is both the most likely wielder and most likely Ike support. Sure, gameplay and story segregation and all that, but if you're seriously going to insist that Mia could NOT have wielded Alondite when she, along with several others, clearly COULD have you're really grasping at straws. All that needs to happen is for any of the women who can reach SS swords to wield Alondite to show Ike they are capable with the blade/could maintain the blade to bump up the likelihood that he would leave the blade with them. I seriously doubt anyone would want to leave Alondite with, say, Meg (no offense to Meg. Just an example of a normal 'civilian' here) instead of having it enshrined again.

That assumes a lot don't you think? Mist makes a lot more sense to wield it from a story perspective. The blades are sibling blades, and one sibling wields one and the other... Wields the other one. Hell, the blade even gives +5 defense which makes Mist even more well rounded than she already was. You don't use it for the attack, you use it for the defense and the two range. Ike probably wouldn't leave the blade with anyone at all.

Also, I am NOT insisting Mia is the only viable option you dunderhead! I'm saying she's the most likely of the Tellius girls! If you can provide some legit theory as to why another girl could or could not be his spouse go right ahead. And yes, Ike needs to have a wife/child in order for Priam to exist. There is absolutely nothing to suggest Ike adopted especially with the family resemblance.

Really? Because I'd say Aimee is the most likely one to do so. I can see Ike eventually breaking down and giving up. And Aimee is a merchant and she travels anyways, so she can travel and provide Ike with a job (her bodyguard), food, and potentially shelter. Aimee makes more sense than Mia.

Because if Ragnell doesn't get passed down Priam can't have it. It's stuck in Tellus. Someone has to carry it through the portal. Either Ike did and gave it to someone or his wife (I hate using that term for this since it's entirely possible he left not knowing he'd be a father) carried it over, or his child carried it over. Otherwise Ragnell is in Tellus and Priam can't have it.

It doesn't even need to be the real Ragnell. Honestly Priam could just be some insane lunatic that believes in the legend far too much. I can believe a character is two ticks closer to crazy than Owain. With as bizarre as the cast is in Awakening, I can see that being more of the truth than anything else.

It's like explaining it to a child. It doesn't matter if the mother is Mia, Ilyana, Sanaki, or Vika. In order for Priam to have Ragnell it needs to go through the portal. It cannot go through the portal unless someone carried it through. If it's in a temple it's not going to suddenly grow legs to walk through the portal.

It doesn't need to actually be the same Ragnell. After all, in Awakening, we can find Roy's Blade despite the fact that Roy probably didn't leave an infinite amount of his blades around in another world. Or at least I'd hope not, he probably could have used those.
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It doesn't need to actually be the same Ragnell. After all, in Awakening, we can find Roy's Blade despite the fact that Roy probably didn't leave an infinite amount of his blades around in another world. Or at least I'd hope not, he probably could have used those.

Gameplay/story segregation. Getting regalia through sparkles/barracks is purely a gameplay thing that has no bearing on the lore.

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You realize that Luna and Sol is pretty much exactly what Aether is, right? It's most likely that they didn't give him the official skill to keep it restricted to the nobles, but for all practical intents and purposes Priam knows Aether. Besides, let's assume he DIDN'T know Aether, what would that prove? That the mother didn't teach him Aether despite Ike being the only one who knew it anyways? Doesn't help anyone. The mother being able to figure out Aether is the only thing of value possible regarding it.

By that reasoning, Basilio and Flavia possess Aether too, seeing as they learn Luna and Sol as well. It would prove that Priam doesn't have Ike's signature skill, that's it. Besides, how the hell would someone who's never been able to use Aether teach it to their child?

Alondite being returned to Sanaki holds no impact either way. What's important was that someone used it and gameplay-wise Mia is both the most likely wielder and most likely Ike support. Sure, gameplay and story segregation and all that, but if you're seriously going to insist that Mia could NOT have wielded Alondite when she, along with several others, clearly COULD have you're really grasping at straws. All that needs to happen is for any of the women who can reach SS swords to wield Alondite to show Ike they are capable with the blade/could maintain the blade to bump up the likelihood that he would leave the blade with them. I seriously doubt anyone would want to leave Alondite with, say, Meg (no offense to Meg. Just an example of a normal 'civilian' here) instead of having it enshrined again.

Also, I am NOT insisting Mia is the only viable option you dunderhead! I'm saying she's the most likely of the Tellius girls! If you can provide some legit theory as to why another girl could or could not be his spouse go right ahead. And yes, Ike needs to have a wife/child in order for Priam to exist. There is absolutely nothing to suggest Ike adopted especially with the family resemblance.

The Mia bias is strong with this one. Gameplay wise even Meg has the potential to wield the Alondite, along with literally everyone else who possesses an SS rank in swords. I'm not saying that it isn't possible for her to have wielded the Alondite, I'm saying that she is most certainly not the only or even most likely choice. Why the fuck would Ike care about properly caring for the sword. Literally every single member of the army knows how to take care of their weapons, it's impossible not to. And why is only the Alondite returned to Sanaki? They are sister swords, there is literally no reason to leave one and take the other.

I would appreciate it if you didn't insult me. There is literally thousands of years between Ike and Priam, so any resemblance is coincidental at best., never mind the fact that blue hair and a muscular build means absolutely jack shit in a series overrun by blue-haired dudes.

Yet somehow you don't seem to grasp this basic concept. If Ike returns Ragnell, Sanaki becomes the owner. In order for ANYONE else to get Ragnell they would have to ask her. Sure, she *might* accept and give it to them, but that doesn't change that it's her property in the first place. The ONLY woman returning Ragnell benefits in terms of figuring out who the potential mother is is Sanaki because it's the only one it could possibly have an impact ON! Every other girl would be stuck having to ask her. You can't seem to grasp this.

I'm not saying Sanaki is the wife. It puts an unneeded strain on Ike's remaining at the least. What I am saying is that the only person returning Ragnell benefits is Sanaki. Unless you can think of some reason why he might give it to Tanith or Heather or someone without them being his wife/mother of his kid, this will remain true.

Also, if you're going to insist Ike returned the Ragnell, doesn't that outright ruin the chances of anyone else getting the blade?

Again with insulting my intelligence. You're being incredibly rude. Sanaki is the true owner of both the Ragnell and the Alondite, so returning them to her in entirely logical. As they do belong to her she can do with them as she pleases, including either gifting one or both to an exceptional swordsman/woman or just keeping them in Begnion because BOTH ARE SACRED TREASURES. EVEN THEN, that does not mean that it is impossible TO STEAL THEM, because IT'S NOT THE FIRST TIME SACRED TREASURES WERE STOLEN.

Then feel free to leave as the entire topic is dependent on Priam being Ike's canon child.

Priam isn't even Ike's child to begin with, he's supposed to be a descendant/scion/whatever. And even that's up for debate, as there is no way to validate Priam's claim.

Because if Ragnell doesn't get passed down Priam can't have it. It's stuck in Tellus. Someone has to carry it through the portal. Either Ike did and gave it to someone or his wife (I hate using that term for this since it's entirely possible he left not knowing he'd be a father) carried it over, or his child carried it over. Otherwise Ragnell is in Tellus and Priam can't have it.

It's like explaining it to a child. It doesn't matter if the mother is Mia, Ilyana, Sanaki, or Vika. In order for Priam to have Ragnell it needs to go through the portal. It cannot go through the portal unless someone carried it through. If it's in a temple it's not going to suddenly grow legs to walk through the portal.

If the Ragnell Priam possesses is the real deal or not. Priam lives in a world where there are literally infinite copies of Ragnell, through the Infinite Regalia Outrealm.

Jesus Christ this is the third time you've hurled an insult at me in a single post! I have repeatedly explained that there are numerous ways for Priam to gain possession of the Ragnell. If it is genuine, he or an ancestor could have pilfered it, or an ancestor could have been given the Ragnell by Mist, who likely would have received the blade in Ike's absence. And in the case that it is not the genuine article, it could have been one of the Infinite Regalia copies.

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You realize that Luna and Sol is pretty much exactly what Aether is, right? It's most likely that they didn't give him the official skill to keep it restricted to the nobles, but for all practical intents and purposes Priam knows Aether.

Anybody with access to the Great Knight and Hero classes can learn Sol + Luna; are they Ike's descendants as well? It'd be more telling if Awakening!Ike also had Sol/Luna instead of Aether.

It proves either Priam is not Ike's descendant, or Aether is a skill that doesn't need to be taught to be passed on.

And yes, Ike needs to have a wife/child in order for Priam to exist.

You can't seem to grasp that Priam might be lying or mistaken, or a direct descendant of Mist.

In order for ANYONE else to get Ragnell they would have to ask her..

You can't seem to grasp that Priam might have obtained Ragnell some other way than it being passed down father to son, or it might not be the true Ragnell.

Then feel free to leave as the entire topic is dependent on Priam being Ike's canon child.

You can't seem to grasp than Ike might not have married and the answer is nobody.

In order for Priam to have Ragnell it needs to go through the portal.

You can't seem to grasp that Ragnell might have been taken through the portal by somebody who's not the father of Ike's children and a direct ancestor of Priam.

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Gameplay/story segregation. Getting regalia through sparkles/barracks is purely a gameplay thing that has no bearing on the lore.

You missed my point. The fact of the matter is that the characters can find weapons that reference other Fire Emblem games. The fact that they can means that it's also possible that Priam's Ragnell was found as well. Just because your characters don't find any other Ragnell swords doesn't mean that there aren't other Ragnell's based off of the story of the Radiant Warrior.

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