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Least Favorite Unit (Chrom, Lissa, etc) In Terms Of Personality.


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Sully, for making sexism up where it does not exist and for stealing the name of a beloved Pixar character.

you know the amusing part is? you could very well argue sexism being in the backstory of several fire emblem universes, tellius and judgel come to mind, yet we have sully and kjelle who insist that men in the army are sexist but we never see this in game or in story, meanwhile Mia's entire backstory as why she who she is is because she wants to prove she can match any male, if not surpass them, and takes quick offense when Largo terribly miswords his C rank support with her, implying this stuff was common for Mia, this is a good example of showing this trait in my opinion, and FE4/5 is one of the darkest toned fire emblems in the entire series, and like with Mia we not only have a character who's in a similar tone, who's names are escaping me so please help me, we also see women being treated like crap, because they are women, its awful but its part of good story and background exposition.

of course you could just say this is awakening being a big believer in telling but not showing, sorry for the wall of text there, i got carried away.

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you know the amusing part is? you could very well argue sexism being in the backstory of several fire emblem universes, tellius and judgel come to mind, yet we have sully and kjelle who insist that men in the army are sexist but we never see this in game or in story, meanwhile Mia's entire backstory as why she who she is is because she wants to prove she can match any male, if not surpass them, and takes quick offense when Largo terribly miswords his C rank support with her, implying this stuff was common for Mia, this is a good example of showing this trait in my opinion, and FE4/5 is one of the darkest toned fire emblems in the entire series, and like with Mia we not only have a character who's in a similar tone, who's names are escaping me so please help me, we also see women being treated like crap, because they are women, its awful but its part of good story and background exposition.

of course you could just say this is awakening being a big believer in telling but not showing, sorry for the wall of text there, i got carried away.

It's so much less forgivable, though, because the game SHOWS at every corner that no one is fucking sexist. It never comes up ONCE without Sully bringing it up. The Mia example was a good one, though I regrettably haven't played the Jugdral games. Fortunately Sully only shows up without your input in the first few chapters, so you don't have to listen to her rant on and on.

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I guess I do the impossible, then.

Good! He needs fans to help with his egomania. Will say most of my hate probably stems from playing on hard or above and having him die over and over after misplacing units, though.

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you know the amusing part is? you could very well argue sexism being in the backstory of several fire emblem universes, tellius and judgel come to mind, yet we have sully and kjelle who insist that men in the army are sexist but we never see this in game or in story, meanwhile Mia's entire backstory as why she who she is is because she wants to prove she can match any male, if not surpass them, and takes quick offense when Largo terribly miswords his C rank support with her, implying this stuff was common for Mia, this is a good example of showing this trait in my opinion, and FE4/5 is one of the darkest toned fire emblems in the entire series, and like with Mia we not only have a character who's in a similar tone, who's names are escaping me so please help me, we also see women being treated like crap, because they are women, its awful but its part of good story and background exposition.

of course you could just say this is awakening being a big believer in telling but not showing, sorry for the wall of text there, i got carried away.

Where exactly is sexism within FE? The Jugdral games have major asskicking independent women. Tellius has also plenty of examples where women are leaders, plot important and competent. The only women who are abused and mistreated in FE4 are Tinny and her mother, but that's because they were labelled as traitors, not because they're women.

I'd say Vaike is my least liked character. Or Yarne. Not sure which.

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The only unit I straight-up don't like, no complexities involved, is Tharja. While this is technically true of Lon'qu as well, I can tolerate him. Guess who Noire's father is?

I don't really like Owain when his sword hand is twitching (blergh), but I like him when he calms down for a moment and talks like a normal person. Like in his Future Past Convo with Gregor, or his A-support with his father.

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Where exactly is sexism within FE? The Jugdral games have major asskicking independent women. Tellius has also plenty of examples where women are leaders, plot important and competent. The only women who are abused and mistreated in FE4 are Tinny and her mother, but that's because they were labelled as traitors, not because they're women.

It's never highlighted but there are certain hints.

For example Hardin became the ruler of Akaneia after marrying Nina, even though you would think that Nina would become the ruler due to being the actual princess of Akaneia while Hardin is from Orleans. Also, while she was a slave, Linde did not just have to hide her identity, she had to specifically disguise as a boy. Edit: And in Mystery of the Emblem, Lang was specifically kidnapping all the young girls of Grust. While it's never spelled out what they do with them, for some reason Maleisa's grandmother thought that she might be able to keep her save if the soldiers thought that Malesia was only 10 years old.

Edit: In Jugdral, some dialogue in chapter 6 indicates that women suffer particular bad abuse from the occupation army.

Lakche: “I’m… I’m so sick of running! Those animals out there have killed too many of my friends! The imperial troops chased us girls… taking us out one after another. If it weren’t for Prince Shanan rescuing me, I wouldn’t be here now! I will never, ever forget what those girls had to go through!”


Rana: "It’s dangerous just to be a girl anymore!

And apparently women can't rule Grandbell since Alvis became ruler over Deidre. And King Azur told Alvis specifically to take care of the country until Deidre's eventual son was old enough to rule.

In Telius, while an enemy, Tauroneo asked Ike if he had any remaining relatives since he wanted to ensure that Greil's skills live on. The moment he heard that Ike only had a sister left, he decided to switch sides, not considering the possibility that Greil's daughter might be a sword fighter as well.

Also, in his support with Lethe, Muarim asks her if it's is common for females in Galia to be commanders, a question that wouldn't make any sense to ask if there true gender equality in the environment that he grew up in. Considering that Muraim grew up as a slave among Begnion nobles and that we only know male senators and that Astrid is in an arranged marriage (as are her sisters), this heavily indicates sexism in the Begnion upper class.

Edited by BrightBow
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I actually liked Virion... *gets shot*

I hate:

>Tharja. Stalker, domestic abuser, creep... Did you see her Summer Scramble (turn 3)convo with Olivia?

>Nah. She's annoying.

>I also have a mild disliking of Vaike, but he's ok.

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Hmm... I find it somewhat hard to think of a character that I actually dislike in Awakening. If I had to choose, though, I'd say that Miriel is the one that I dislike the most. Not a bad character by any means, but I simply find her boring and rather monotone.

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very least favorite is Severa for obvious reasons. then Tharja because she's abusive (hexing your husband and daughter?) then Vaike then Owain just because they're dumb and cocky tbh. and Gerome sometimes rubs me wrong but other than that i love all the Awakening characters.

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