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How would you rate the FE community from 1/10?


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I see you're ignoring GFAQs. Glad to see you're still ignorant of its horrors.

I see you're ignoring Freohr Datia. Glad to see you're still ignorant of her blindness.

Edited by Freohr Datia
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I love how people jump into some sort of bandwagon hate for no good reason. I make topics, big deal, you're free to ignore it, rather than find me annoying over things I bet you yourselves have little to no clue as to why you do it. It's also not very accurate in this case, considering fftf isn't necessarily part of the FE community...about 10% of it has to do with it, for whatever's worth.

EDIT: I should probably be taking this with a grain of salt. And I do, actually. Well, far, FAR more often than not. :Tinny:

Edited by The Alice
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I love the BNP

Shout-out to the one time you literally told someone to 'go back to China' because of a casual observation that some of the rules of the English language are obtuse or contradictory

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Shout-out to the one time you literally told someone to 'go back to China' because of a casual observation that some of the rules of the English language are obtuse or contradictory

Im really glad i didnt witness this. I only heard about it and saw the thread in question, but man. Thats just so disgusting.

So? That isolated incident doesn't substantiate your claim.

Oh, and by the way, I vote Conservative.


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The FE community as a whole? 5/10 from me.

I don't think FE community is terrible and I've seen worse. At the same time I'm not exactly proud to be associated with it.

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i love ukip and the euro will be the downfall of us all #goldendawn #impeachmerkel

"I'm not racist" you claimed

"this is that time you did a racism" i replied

"that doesn't count"

like having an 'isolated incident' of "Go back to China" is kind of, hell, telling? (It's not isolated, either~ Just the best example, and the one I most clearly remember.)

And yes the English language is almost certainly a massive bitch to try and learn. Wonderful once you're fluent, but...

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See above for why I think it's a 2/10.

I actually seperated Non-FE things from the actual FE discussion...

i would like to take the opportunity that english does in fact suck, though

puto de mielda por eso lo estas escribiendo [?

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que lo esté escribiendo no significa que sea bueno. es útil saber inglés, y la verdad es que en este foro no hay otra opción, pero el idioma en sí está lleno de inconsistencias y reglas que contradicen otras reglas. por ejemplo, es imposible saber cómo se pronuncia una palabra solamente leyéndola. como mucho podes tener una vaga idea al respecto. la gente se queja de la cantidad de conjugaciones de verbos en los idiomas romances pero por lo menos son totalmente consistentes.

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