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What would you say are the easiest Fire Emblem games?


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depends on what it's based on

on the easiest difficulty, awakening by far, Chrom doesn't even take damage early on, although FE8 normal mode promoted units are pretty hilarious too, never forget the 7 strength sniper in chapter 9. FE12 normal mode is actually pretty easy too. I remember in a SOYO draft Dracoknight Linde pretty much curbstomped it with like 12 strength

FE9 otherwise. there's like one challenging chapter in the game.

Edited by General Horace
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depends on what it's based on

on the easiest difficulty, awakening by far, Chrom doesn't even take damage early on, although FE8 normal mode promoted units are pretty hilarious too, never forget the 7 strength sniper in chapter 9. FE12 normal mode is actually pretty easy too. I remember in a SOYO draft Dracoknight Linde pretty much curbstomped it with like 12 strength

FE9 otherwise. there's like one challenging chapter in the game.

Bold: That's one of the main reasons why I went with FE8.

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Western FE9 is the easiest for me, because even hard mode is a cakewalk.

The enemies have crappy stats. Some second tier units are prepromoted and have worse stats than first tier units.

FE8 Eirika's route is also very easy while Ephraim's route has some tricky chapters (11, 14 and 16).

So it's more challenging than FE9.

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I'm surprised by people saying FE9 or FE10 though. The latter I consider one of the toughest in the series, and while FE9 isn't the hardest, it's no cakewalk.

FE9 is actually a cakewalk tbh.

HHM, EHM, FE6 HM and FE5 are all clearly harder than FE10 HM. FE10 HM isn't harder than FE4 or even FE6 on Normal Mode. It's not one of the hardest games in the series at all. It's a pretty easy game, FE8 and FE9 are the only ones that are definitely easier. Everything else is arguable at best.

You get so many amazing units at various points in the game that can handle maps virtually by themselves, there's almost no challenge to the vast majority of maps. Most of the time it's just a question of how you position your most OP units to make as many enemy units suicide into them at once as possible.

Edited by Yojinbo
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FE9 is actually a cakewalk tbh.

HHM, EHM, FE6 HM and FE5 are all clearly harder than FE10 HM. FE10 HM isn't harder than FE4 or even FE6 on Normal Mode. It's not one of the hardest games in the series at all. It's a pretty easy game, FE8 and FE9 are the only ones that are definitely easier. Everything else is arguable at best.

You get so many amazing units at various points in the game that can handle maps virtually by themselves, there's almost no challenge to the vast majority of maps. Most of the time it's just a question of how you position your most OP units to make as many enemy units suicide into them at once as possible.

EHM and fe5 are easier than fe10 HM by far lol. EHM is the 3rd easiest game too. HHM I'll give though, only reason fe5 is considered hard is because of bullshit moments and when you know those are coming. The difficulty vanishes mostly
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FE4 is not easy for someone going in blind. We've explored the game to death by now. The game throws some serious curve balls at a blind player.

I actually had a mind to mention Genealogy for one of the easiest FEs, but refrained. Maybe for the reason you stated.

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i wanna see a playthough where the blind player just fucks up everything in FE4, getting awful pairings or none of them at all, not passing down the legendary weapons that can be passed down, then trying to do the second gen with all of it.

complete with them going "oh my god i don't understand why do people say this is so easy, am i that fucking bad at fire emblem?"

for the cherry on top, if they somehow make it to the end game, they finish the fucking up by accidentally killing Julia and overriding their save files or save states.

while its easy for me to beat FE4, i also remember that i'm an autistic 22 year old adult who's dedicated 12 years of his life to mastering strategy games.

not everyone has my time and experience that i've put in, and i'm certain that most people you all know in real life couldn't beat FE4, or other games in the series.

ya'll got to remember that we ain't the average gamer.

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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i wanna see a playthough where the blind player just fucks up everything in FE4, getting awful pairings or none of them at all, not passing down the legendary weapons that can be passed down, then trying to do the second gen with all of it.

complete with them going "oh my god i don't understand why do people say this is so easy, am i that fucking bad at fire emblem?"

for the cherry on top, if they somehow make it to the end game, they finish the fucking up by accidentally killing Julia and overriding their save files or save states.

while its easy for me to beat FE4, i also remember that i'm an autistic 22 year old adult who's dedicated 12 years of his life to mastering strategy games.

not everyone has my time and experience that i've put in, and i'm certain that most people you all know in real life couldn't beat FE4, or other games in the series.

ya'll got to remember that we ain't the average gamer.

To be fair, at least FE4 gives you the subs if you don't do the pairings who as a whole are pretty solid. It is difficult on a first run though no denying that.

Edited by Jedi
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i wanna see a playthough where the blind player just fucks up everything in FE4, getting awful pairings or none of them at all, not passing down the legendary weapons that can be passed down, then trying to do the second gen with all of it.

complete with them going "oh my god i don't understand why do people say this is so easy, am i that fucking bad at fire emblem?"

for the cherry on top, if they somehow make it to the end game, they finish the fucking up by accidentally killing Julia and overriding their save files or save states.

while its easy for me to beat FE4, i also remember that i'm an autistic 22 year old adult who's dedicated 12 years of his life to mastering strategy games.

not everyone has my time and experience that i've put in, and i'm certain that most people you all know in real life couldn't beat FE4, or other games in the series.

ya'll got to remember that we ain't the average gamer.

Chances are that if someone plays FE4 blind and screws EVERYTHING up, they won't even be able to get past Gen 1 since they'll likely give up on the game out of frustration. Don't forget FE4 has its fair share of traps that can prevent you from progressing if you don't back up your saves.

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Chances are that if someone plays FE4 blind and screws EVERYTHING up, they won't even be able to get past Gen 1 since they'll likely give up on the game out of frustration. Don't forget FE4 has its fair share of traps that can prevent you from progressing if you don't back up your saves.

FE4's design is so weird now that I look back on it lol.

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exactly that's what I'm saying about FE4 being "easy".

i judge easiness by "what are the odds that someone could beat this blind" which for me it'd be either 2 or 8 because infinite grinding and even its hardest difficulty isn't that hard.

awakening's normal mode is hilariously easy true, but its lunatic mode is legibly difficult, or at least way more then 2 or 8 dispite also having infinite grinding.

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There've been more than a few topics on GFaqs of people starting FE4 blind and being overwhelmed as early as C1. The game is something to be eased into.

To be fair, at least FE4 gives you the subs if you don't do the pairings who as a whole are pretty solid. It is difficult on a first run though no denying that.

The non-utility subs are bad, mainly because they don't benefit from inherited items. Hawk is hella good though.

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Even if you fail to pair up anybody in Gen 1 successfully you'll still get Celice, Oifaye, Leaf, Shanan, Aless, Laylea, Janne, Hawk and Altenna and Hannibal. Even for a complete newbie it's not possible to screw up Gen 1 to the point where Gen 2 becomes unbeatable. In that case It's more likely that he won't be able to beat Gen 1 in the first place. FE4 blind can be pretty hard and unforgiving tbqh so I don't see how it could possibly rank among the easiest games. Even if you know the game inside out there are challenging parts that just don't exist in FE8, 9 and 10.

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On the easiest difficulties: Who the fuck cares? Plenty of them are piss easy.

On the hardest difficulties: Path of Radiance. It's easy enough that I once blew through half the game on normal mode...then I found out I was actually on hard mode.

Also, while I wouldn't call it the hardest, I think Sacred Stones' difficulty is often understated.

FE10 is one of those games where a little bit of foreknowledge goes a long way. Blind runs of hard mode can be tough, but if you've got a sense of who to use and who not to use, your best units carry the day.

This logic can be applied to any FE game.

HHM, EHM...are all clearly harder than FE10 HM.

No. FE7's enemies are way too weak for any mode in that game to be more difficult than Radiant Dawn's hard mode. Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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speaking of FE7 hard mode enemies, i wish i still had the picture, but it was titled 'intensely hard chapter 32 generic enemy" and it had stats in the 13's.

i am willing to admit if you limit 8 to ironman, no seth, no grinding, ephraim route, it can be somewhat of a challenge, more so cause of FE8's small cast, so losing a unit due to the RNG or unlucky crit could set you back.

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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Berserk Staves alone mean FE8 probably isn't the easiest. I remember having some trouble way back when..

Stone (+ Shadowshot) too, to some extent.

edit: eh, I guess this means I'd go with FE9 myself. Maniac is a bit obscure for most, unless we add some qualifiers.

Edited by XeKr
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If FE3 Book 1 is counted as its own separate game, it's the easiest in my mind by far. Otherwise I'm going to have to go with FE9. Assuming they are judged by their hardest difficulties, of course.

Edited by Topazd
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Once you've played it a few times. and with good pairings, FE4 is a snoozefest.

Still say awakening normal is the easiest though.

But we're assuming blind. I'd love to see the through the eyes of a little Japanese kid way back in 1995 play FE4 blind. No knowledge of anything. How was the game for them?

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Once you've played it a few times. and with good pairings, FE4 is a snoozefest.

Even with good pairings FE4 can give you a hard time in the second generation. Blume in Ch.7, Ishtar in Ch.8, Arion in Ch.9, Ridale and Sleep Staff madness in Ch.10 can all fuck you up pretty badly regardless of what you did in Gen 1. Not a lot of FE games throw enemies like that at you.

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True, true...

But there is tons of broken stuff to deal with that...

yeah, but saying its the easiest?

you are funny man, funny funny little man.

tell me, how does one effectively deal with Arvis in FE4?

go on, i'll be here all week, tell me how having all of your broken weapons make him any easier, not to mention, how would you obtain this stuff that a newbie or a blind runner might not know of?

dealing with him is harder then anything some of the other games throw at you, not to mention FE4 is very easy to become unbeatable if you make too many mistakes.

accidentally kill Julia and didn't manage to get a single holy weapon to the end game? congrats now Julius is just about unbeatable.

and that's just the latest it can become unwinnable.

get Rachesis killed before she can convince her brother to not slaughter you with his 38 skill and critical hits, not to mention his 25 defense and 34 magic defense? gg no re.

just because its easy for you and me, doesn't mean that everyone else lacks the life that we don't have.

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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You can always just berserk the Hel mage to deal with Julius. The peg sisters though ....

i almost forgot about them, those three are on par with your units just about(assuming you have created super babies and didn't fuck up, or have only replacements) and without holy weapons you might as well stop playing.

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Areone is one of the tougher bosses in the series. He will pretty much rape your face if you engage him without a holy weapon. Just to ruin your life he also comes with Prayer, 5 leadership stars, and Awareness. Thracia is by far my favorite castle in FE4 to capture, because Areone makes it clear that he won't give it up easily.

Alvis is another one designed to incinerate all hope of anyone without a holy weapon. 70 Atk hitting res? No thanks, Jeff.

Peg sisters are more powerful than the dread lords, in my opinion. Dear god fighting them made me want to hurt an innocent animal. 25 AS, 1-2 Range healing offense, pursuit, continue, awareness, critical. Wow.

Oh yeah, and Julius doesn't even seem like a tough final boss at first. Then you realize he halves damage from everything which puts him at effectively 80 HP, 50 Def, 70 Res. Crazy. Yeah, I can't say FE4 is easy to someone going in completely blind.

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