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Masquerade Part 2.2: Klaatu, Barada... Necktie

Nanami Touko

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Meredith is taking far too much of a liking to that lance!!

105 hit
roll: lol,10

39 damage

Creation Tank H  E X P L O D E S

Group gains 3 EXP, Meredith gains 2 Lance WEXP

(also you're good to go in WW, Eclipse.)

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"Tch." Kadin looked back to the ever-reviving creatures. They were gaining some ground, probably thanks to these eyeball-esque monstrosities intent on staying in their path. "Continue on. They'll catch up to us if we don't move."

Maja only nodded, intent on getting as far as she could, but did take a glance to a hurting Makin. "H-hang in there, boss, you'll be fine." She had already made a sprint around the hill and brought out her help staff again, yet there seemed like help was coming for Makin already. Is that Raith? Oh, he can use staves too, that makes sense. Spotting another wounded ally at the platform dividing the bridge, Maja quickly shifted her attention.

Maja to (4,11), help Lanos.

Kadin to (8,10).

Edited by Xinnidy
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These eyeball things were starting to get a little unsettling. Not that the rest of the corpse party was any better, but there was something to be said about a ghoulish creation that defied all expectations by not attacking you. But towards the east, trouble seemed to be brewing. The distance made it hard to tell but... Are they...? In any case, he didn't have time to be thinking about that, nor did he care to after he heard Makin cry out in pain.

Without delay he was by her side, setting to work and healing her wounds. "You'll be fine, I've got your back," he muttered, as he worked his way with the magic. Surprising to even himself, he was a lot better at this than he remember himself being. Still, prevention was the greatest cure, and he'd prefer Makin to not get injured at all, but at least this way she was ready to fight again without delay.

Raith moves to (8, 12) ; heals Makin

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All of the running! Will you be free of this hell, soon!?

NPC Phase!

Makin smiled as much as she could as she was once again healed, hoping that these hits really wouldn't scar that badly. "I-I could kiss you-- w-well I can-- Ugh, l-later, Makin!" she chided herself, trying to remain serious in the situation, as Maja had once again ran in. She groaned, and put herself in front of the girl again, shivering all over. "M-Maja! Stop run-running ahead like th-th-this!" It was hard to sound commanding when your teeth were shaking, but it was the best she could do. For the sake of keeping her adrenaline running, Makin took another swing at an eyeball. It didn't work the best, as usual, but they did take damage, so maybe they could be killed. If she could see the other side of the bridge, she'd have seen that yes, they definitely could be.

Makin to 4,10, attack Creation Tank E

87 hit
roll: 48,27
9 damage

Group gains 1 EXP, Makin gains 1 Sword WEXP

Isabelle drove that cart away from the creature attacking it as quickly as she could, Vriska hiding behind one of the eyeballs, and Ingverd putting himself between the wagon and the creatures. "Alright, looks like it's just me... Well, come on, then! You're not getting past me! I'll keep the rest of us safe if it kills me!" The bravado made him smirk, but as quick as he was, he didn't know how well he'd do against these things...

Wagon to 7,6, Ingverd to 8,6, Vriska to 8,5

Enemy Phase!

The man stirred in his chair, growing irritable. They are not a part of the experiment...

While the monstrous hulks had been about to strike at Ingverd, the ones across the way about to continue their chase, they all froze, completely still, for but a moment. One by one, they began to turn and move towards the shout that had barely echoed across the bridge.

They must not interfere...

While the ones on the side of Ertel and Leiha turned to leave, the rest entered back into their caves, even the ones that had newly risen.

Other Phase!

"Lovely! Looks like we have playmates!" Ertel laughed, with a lilt in his voice, rushing straight at the creature with reckless abandon, and cutting deeply into it!

Ertel to 23,11, attack Creation A

107 hit
roll1: auto,86
15 damage

Creature counter:
35 hit
roll: 52,34

roll2: auto,5
45 damage

Creation A is felled

"I CAN'T WAIT!!" He screamed as he easily tore into that monster, bringing it back down to a pile of squirming flesh in an instant.

Player Phase!

Turn 9/11!



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Kendeall grumps to (4,4) and channels his inner Jade Curtiss with his Splash tome. Then complains about being too old for it after.
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Valha snarled at yet another missed swing. "Come on!" she shouted, not having to be angry at the monstrosity for too long as it was slain before her. But what she saw out of the corner of her eye scared her more than the fiends ahead- white wings. There's persistence, but... this is too much. Leiha... Still, she couldn't ignore the threats pressing nearby, and advance to strike one of the behemoths.

Valha moves to (3, 8) and attacks Tank G with the Armorslayer


"This isn't a game, Ertel," Leiha growled, stalking forward behind him. She had made use of the rest of the potion quickly, feeling even stronger, but her wings were not yet ready to fly still- that would need some time. "Attention is not what we need, nor is pushing past these meaningless things. Is this why you failed before? Hunt them down!"

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Lanos grumbled as the spyeders made walls out of themselves for everyone without wings, effectively slowing them all down. As he flew over the cliff who he saw in the distance both made his blood boil and chilled him to the core at the same time. Why here and why now of all times...? But he wasn't going to disregard everything else and do something stupid and instead took out his weird mix of emotions out on one of the strangely formidable creatures.

Lanos moves to 2,9 and attacks the spyeder with the Red Rust Sword.

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With worry and bated breath, Valha strikes hard against a Spyeder, the razor edge of her sword carving through the rocklike flesh rather effectively!

91 hit
roll1: 44,32
roll2: 32,46
34 damage

Group gains 1 EXP, valha gains 2 Sword WEXP

Lanos strikes with the same worry, still managing to weave past some trees to deal damage!

67 hit
roll1: 49,98
roll2: 30,24
20 damage

Group gains 1 EXP, Lanos gains 2 Sword WEXP

Trist gets hit lance back! WILL HE KEEP IT!?

97 hit
roll: 81,84
9 damage

Group gains 1 EXP, Tristram gains 1 Lance WEXP
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"I'm flattered, really, but I'd rather not in front of our dear friends," he said, motioning to the giant eye-spider-things scattered about the field. He granted Makin a parting peck on the cheek however, before moving to (7, 7) and healing "The Wagon".

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Ferdinand was caught off guard by two creatures ganging up on him, slamming him into the ground. As he fell, the last thing he ever thought about was how intelligent these creatures were...

But he didn't lay there unconscious for long, as Maja ran towards him to heal him, and he slowly regained strength as he got up and tried to remember what was going on. Huh? I...snow? Right, we were being attacked by grotesque creatures. How I managed to get knocked out, I'll never know. But... oh no! Maja is exposing herself to these things!

"Thank you, Maja, I'm sorry for falling so easily. I'll try covering for you now... I'd rather not see those creatures....feast on you." he told Maja.

Ferdinand moves to (4,9)

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"You t-t-tease." Makin was just a bit upset at Raith, but she could keep her head in the game, for now, and worry about that later.

Raith heals a wagon, however that works.

Group gains 2 EXP, Raith gains 2 Staff WEXP

Sonia does not want these things to start attacking.

63 hit
roll1: 37,86
12 damage

Creation Tank G is killed

Group gains 3 EXP, Sonia gains 2 Light WEXP
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The game of "pass that lance" continues. Oh, right, flavor!

Meredith gladly gave Trist his lance back, and smiled when she saw the effect it had on the monster. He galloped forward a bit, and nodded. It was her turn to stab the creature.

Meredith moves to 3,4, steals the Holy Lance from Trist Yet Again, and stabs spider-thingy F with it

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Clearly, the speyeball did not bother with Vesta's etiquette lesson.

What a punk, I oughta show him...

Vesta grumps her way to (4,5) and shoves an axe at speyeball F

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