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So I just happen to be the complete opposite, then!

yeah i'm a pretty aggressive dater. i kinda dig it too, cause most girls i've met seem okay at first but then after one, two if they're lucky, dates, i usually end up completely losing interest and then proceed to drop contact with them. and trust me, some of these dates had some rather nice endings too, still didn't really feel the chemistry.

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yeah playful flirting is basically a big key to gaining attraction. being able to flirt well with confidence will absolutely spark interest in whoever you're trying to attract.

This is true

Girls like watashi like to feel wanted and flirting means you're investing your attention and ye

Of course I have no idea about dating guys because I have zero interest in the subject and am not a guy myself

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are the candles for the sacrifice or the romantic moment with your love interest

you make an extra romantic sacrifice to your romance god of choice to gain an extra romantic moment with your love interest

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Girls like watashi like to feel wanted and flirting means you're investing your attention and ye

now see, this is actually kind of a grey area. girls like to feel wanted and enjoy receiving attention but at the same time, they also like the thrill of the chase. if they find out that a guy likes them too soon, they generally start to get bored and lose interest because their thrill died out quickly. it's actually kinda the same with guys, or at least with me. it's the element of uncertainty AKA push and pull method from btoh sides that initially attracts people together

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Girls like different things just like guys like different things, each person is different in their approach to romance

some people like the chase

I prefer direct approaches I either like you or I don't there's no cut and dry way to get me to like you if you try you probably will just fail horribly and get me to hate you honestly; and I don't even pick up flirting

and then some people don't want romance ever

there is no 100% win way

there is no winning

you're best off just making a blood sacrifice to your romance god of choice and pray

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Name one highly successful human who is genuinely nice (as in not in a Machiavellian way).

Hint: Moving the goalposts for success defeats the point.

idk the current pope seems pretty bro /late af

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no offense, i just want to say that i think love confessions should be the least of your worries if you're going to get upset over what people call you online.


no, hell, you're right, we should never assert a preference to be called by *checks notes* the username we've had for the best part of two years

i haven't even been fuckin' upset lmao where are you even getting that

"hmmm how do i inform people i would prefer to be called by a certain username"

"yes i think never mentioning it would be the best way of getting this point across otherwise people will think i'm getting upset over the internet"

god forbid anyone simply respect someone else's wishes

god forbid anyone respond to people refusing to respect their wishes by throwing a ridiculous tantrum- oh, wait, no, it says here the response was 'this is a bad post', hmm, carry on

jfc smh

Haha but seriously nerds it isn't a hard concept to grasp effort post alert

I prefer to be called by a certain nickname by most people. I do not give a shit if certain people call me Furet or Furetchen or Furret or Ferret or what the fuck ever. Aka my friends who aren't trying to get a rise out of someone who had a reputation for a hair-trigger temper in like, 2010. But it's when people are just using it to try to aggravate me - unprovoked - that bothers me. I don't care how they're trying to antagonise me. I just care that they're trying to antagonise me. And I don't give a fuck who you are, when people are trying to get a rise out of you, for, hell, no reason, it doesn't matter whether they're succeeding or not (I am not, in fact, stress eating and hugging a body pillow because some Americans don't like me for some reason?) but in general it's not really a good look?? And I'm sorry if somehow making some sarcastic comments back comes off as 'being upset' or 'salt' or what the fuck ever because you can't read human emotions I guess lmao but that's really your problem not mine

love and cuddles

MODEDIT: don't be obnoxious

i love you too integrity

not passive-aggressively

Edited by Parrhesia
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Maybe I made you look upset... >u> (because, hell, even I thought you were upset and can't read human emotion)

Oh somehow I missed a page of posts

Not sure if you're serious or if you're nitpicking (pretty sure it's the latter), but he basically said "when/why did he become "paressia"?".

Uhh I agreed with neckite too and you just ignore me and home in on him?? So rude

98%? How do you calculate it!?

He's my living calculator <3 Among so many other things~!

Edited by Freohr Datia
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man parrhesia for a dude who's talking about how mad he's not you're putting on a good show of being mad


Mad skills clearly.

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no, hell, you're right, we should never assert a preference to be called by *checks notes* the username we've had for the best part of two years

i haven't even been fuckin' upset lmao where are you even getting that

"hmmm how do i inform people i would prefer to be called by a certain username"

"yes i think never mentioning it would be the best way of getting this point across otherwise people will think i'm getting upset over the internet"

god forbid anyone simply respect someone else's wishes

god forbid anyone respond to people refusing to respect their wishes by throwing a ridiculous tantrum- oh, wait, no, it says here the response was 'this is a bad post', hmm, carry on

jfc smh

Haha but seriously nerds it isn't a hard concept to grasp effort post alert

I prefer to be called by a certain nickname by most people. I do not give a shit if certain people call me Furet or Furetchen or Furret or Ferret or what the fuck ever. Aka my friends who aren't trying to get a rise out of someone who had a reputation for a hair-trigger temper in like, 2010. But it's when people are just using it to try to aggravate me - unprovoked - that bothers me. I don't care how they're trying to antagonise me. I just care that they're trying to antagonise me. And I don't give a fuck who you are, when people are trying to get a rise out of you, for, hell, no reason, it doesn't matter whether they're succeeding or not (I am not, in fact, stress eating and hugging a body pillow because some Americans don't like me for some reason?) but in general it's not really a good look?? And I'm sorry if somehow making some sarcastic comments back comes off as 'being upset' or 'salt' or what the fuck ever because you can't read human emotions I guess lmao but that's really your problem not mine

love and cuddles

MODEDIT: don't be obnoxious

i love you too integrity

not passive-aggressively

I'm not reading all that

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I'm not reading all that

i put it into lovely bite-sized chunks which ike promptly ruined by taking the entire plate and dumping the entire thing into a sandwich and shoving it into your face just because of, hell, some 'rules' do we really need structure, hell, the neanderthals were better than us, fuck Hobbes

also btw that isn't even ironically a block of text lol it's literally 350 words

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[3:20:48 AM] King Nova: See ok

[3:20:53 AM] King Nova: Their brain is SO BIG

[3:20:56 AM] King Nova: it obscures their vision

[3:21:00 AM] King Nova: so they can't find any fedoras

he said where fedoras but okay lol

also lol late but i think furet is easier to type than parrhesia.

actually parrhesia is pretty easy to type

no furet is easier

but thats 'cause im so used to it. parrhesia is new. but then again i dont like being called the username i had years ago either because it reminds me of how i used to be too, but i'm not as well known so i dont deal with that haha.

Edited by franku
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