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There has to be something Morally Wrong/Odd about siding with Hoshido


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I'm not going to go off topic,I hope...

This is what I hope might happen... Though it won't. XD

Hoshido is a peace-loving goody-goody nation,but,their biggest weakness is their biggest power. The dragon blood. After the Royals dying,their bodies give birth to a dragon,more powerful than any of the Royals, leading to mass war against itself. Every dragon-royal now dead,except Bebe(black-haired mother of Kamui), and Kamui left... How will their country survive,and kill the dragons which will spawn from their deaths, if they don't take Nohr, all they needed was an incentive,so to protect their people,what they had to do was initiate a war. She told her husband(Kamui's dad,let's call him Bob.) Bob,that they needed to kill Nohr, so what did they do? They sent their young child,and Bob, to Nohr, with intention to kill off Kamui, making it look like Garon did it. However,Bob was caught and killed. Kamui was taken by Garon,much to everyone's surprise, and when Bebe found out that Kamui was a Dark Prince(coming from the whole dragon death thing?),she needed him back,if they were able to conquer Nohr,with the help of Kamui,they could yet save their country. However,Garon found out about Kamui's powers,and he decided it was time to go to war and kill those meddling Hoshidans for once and for all. Exodus(third country),the super-power,who ruled their lands fairly, with both peace and glory, found out,and decided to destroy both sides, for their own gains...(Ergo the nosferatu).

This won't happen,knowing IS,also,my ideas have tons of flaws most likely,but it would be a twist,and fun. Or,what do you guys think?

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You know, in the real world, we have a word for what Emmeryn does. That word is appeasement. Appeasement led to some... nasty things in our world. Oh, and the EvW thing was a joke.

It wasn't appeasement, it call dropping balls. France and England drop their balls hardcore against Hitler. While Emm has the Japanese Pacfism-symptom.

Sigh... Only if the Ming Dynasty wasn't such a ass and beat the Manchu, EvW will be more fun and balance. At least they are willing to learn from the West unlike the brain-dead of the latter Qing.

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It wasn't appeasement, it call dropping balls. France and England drop their balls hardcore against Hitler. While Emm has the Japanese Pacfism-symptom.

Sigh... Only if the Ming Dynasty wasn't such a ass and beat the Manchu, EvW will be more fun and balance. At least they are willing to learn from the West unlike the brain-dead of the latter Qing.

At least Emm admits that Ylisse did wrong, unlike certain Nanjing deniers. Also, Japan's situation would be similar to Ylisse's if South Korea was routinely killing Japanese civilians. Emmeryn is pretty much reacting to the problem by burying her head in the sand. Sounds like appeasement to me. And where do the Ming and Qing come into this?

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I'm not going to go off topic,I hope...

This is what I hope might happen... Though it won't. XD

Hoshido is a peace-loving goody-goody nation,but,their biggest weakness is their biggest power. The dragon blood. After the Royals dying,their bodies give birth to a dragon,more powerful than any of the Royals, leading to mass war against itself. Every dragon-royal now dead,except Bebe(black-haired mother of Kamui), and Kamui left... How will their country survive,and kill the dragons which will spawn from their deaths, if they don't take Nohr, all they needed was an incentive,so to protect their people,what they had to do was initiate a war. She told her husband(Kamui's dad,let's call him Bob.) Bob,that they needed to kill Nohr, so what did they do? They sent their young child,and Bob, to Nohr, with intention to kill off Kamui, making it look like Garon did it. However,Bob was caught and killed. Kamui was taken by Garon,much to everyone's surprise, and when Bebe found out that Kamui was a Dark Prince(coming from the whole dragon death thing?),she needed him back,if they were able to conquer Nohr,with the help of Kamui,they could yet save their country. However,Garon found out about Kamui's powers,and he decided it was time to go to war and kill those meddling Hoshidans for once and for all. Exodus(third country),the super-power,who ruled their lands fairly, with both peace and glory, found out,and decided to destroy both sides, for their own gains...(Ergo the nosferatu).

This won't happen,knowing IS,also,my ideas have tons of flaws most likely,but it would be a twist,and fun. Or,what do you guys think?

I think it's an interesting theory, but not something I'd want in the game. This would make the choice between the nations obvious to only the players with the thickest of skulls. Do I join the family that raised me, or the one that intentionally sent me off to die when I was a helpless infant? Garon may have only spared you because he wanted your power, but he still spared you, that would earn more loyalty with me than my own mothers decision to kill me.

I still stand by my original statement, neither nation as a whole has the moral high ground here. Every nation has assholes, Nohr happens to have one sitting on a throne. A lot of non asshole people are still going to die when the two nations clash, so I don't think you can claim any moral superiority by choosing one or the other.

Edited by Buttocksinator
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I think it's an interesting theory, but not something I'd want in the game. This would make the choice between the nations obvious to only the players with the thickest of skulls. Do I join the family that raised me, or the one that intentionally sent me off to die when I was a helpless infant? Garon may have only spared you because he wanted your power, but he still spared you, that would earn more loyalty with me than my own mothers decision to kill me.

I still stand by my original statement, neither nation as a whole has the moral high ground here. Every nation has assholes, Nohr happens to have one sitting on a throne. A lot of non asshole people are still going to die when the two nations clash, so I don't think you can claim any moral superiority by choosing one or the other.

There has never been a war in history where non asshole people have not died. Despite this, in some wars one side can claim significant moral superiority. See WWII, ACW for examples. You do, however, bring up a good point about Garon sparing Kamui.

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At least Emm admits that Ylisse did wrong, unlike certain Nanjing deniers. Also, Japan's situation would be similar to Ylisse's if South Korea was routinely killing Japanese civilians. Emmeryn is pretty much reacting to the problem by burying her head in the sand. Sounds like appeasement to me. And where do the Ming and Qing come into this?

When you said East vs West is a joke, I agree. Nohr vs Hoshido is pretty much powerful country against a weaker country. Had the real world history be a little different such as the main Eastern power, China be a bit more up to their game (The Han getting their ass kicked by the Manchu and then Qing got owned by the West ). Maybe than Nohr vs Hoshido will be more balance and less Eastern is always the weaker side. It pretty depressing since I am an Asian myself.

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I thought part of the Emm and Ylisse not wanting to go to war was because they were so bled dry by the war before it that they were really in no condition to fight another one. They say stuff about how their Dad effectively led a holy war that led to conscripting farmers and such and crops failed and farms went under etc.

But I digress. I hope there is something morally wrong or questionable with Hoshido I don't want it to be their just the innocent victims of oppressive "evil white guy imperialism" we see so overplayed in other mediums. Plus if the whole game is centered around making hard decisions it kinda defeats the purpose if one side is wholly good and one side is wholly evil. What would be cool is that if it appeared that Hoshido were the good guys but some sort of political backstory or villan was revealed working behind the scenes manipulating everything.

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There has never been a war in history where non asshole people have not died. Despite this, in some wars one side can claim significant moral superiority. See WWII, ACW for examples. You do, however, bring up a good point about Garon sparing Kamui.

That parallels with the point i'm making, neither side is being characterized as "the bad side", Garon may be, but he is one character. Most of the other Nohrians seem like alight folks from what i've seen. Most video games try to do that and it ends up taking me out of the experience a bit. The decision to support Nohr/Hoshida is made more meaningful by the moral ambiguity.

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So this Garon gent is getting a lot of flak for no reason I can see. Damn near everyone says he's just a bad dude all around. Outside of being ugly, what exactly has he done to earn the dastardly title everyone lobs on him?

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If Hoshido/Nohr are as Black and White as the trailer suggested there is no real reason to choose Nohr over Hoshido unless you like being the grim and edgy side or if you like the characters more.

There has to be a moral reason for siding with Nohr other than 'loyalty' - which doesn't really hold water since you'll only be as familiar with the Nohr characters as the game permits you to be. FE14 already looks far less saccharine and glurgy than FE13 so I have faith that FE14 will be less self-indulgent.

So this Garon gent is getting a lot of flak for no reason I can see. Damn near everyone says he's just a bad dude all around. Outside of being ugly, what exactly has he done to earn the dastardly title everyone lobs on him?

In FE, ugly villain = pure evil.

Unless you're Sonia.

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So this Garon gent is getting a lot of flak for no reason I can see. Damn near everyone says he's just a bad dude all around. Outside of being ugly, what exactly has he done to earn the dastardly title everyone lobs on him?

I actually think he's more like Walhart was in Awakening. An ambitious ruler who wants to expand his empire but behind the scenes he's doing so because of some unforseen threat (Grima/apocalyptic future event) and the only way to stand a chance is through unification or one strong kingdom. Its just that maybe his means of doing so might not be the most moral i.e through unchecked conquest and wars.

But he could always be just evil which is boring.

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So this Garon gent is getting a lot of flak for no reason I can see. Damn near everyone says he's just a bad dude all around. Outside of being ugly, what exactly has he done to earn the dastardly title everyone lobs on him?

Reasonable conjecture. Garon is invading Hoshida and his country is described as "glory seeking". Taking over a country on the grounds of gaining more power and influence isn't exactly morally wholesome. Now it could be that there is another reason for the invasion, but we don't know that as of yet.

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When you said East vs West is a joke, I agree. Nohr vs Hoshido is pretty much powerful country against a weaker country. Had the real world history be a little different such as the main Eastern power, China be a bit more up to their game (The Han getting their ass kicked by the Manchu and then Qing got owned by the West ). Maybe than Nohr vs Hoshido will be more balance and less Eastern is always the weaker side. It pretty depressing since I am an Asian myself.

Yeah, Imperial Japan would be a pretty crappy country to have as the representative of all Asians. However, the Qing came closer to modernization than you might think. If Cixi didn't have so much control, they probably would have modernized.

I actually think he's more like Walhart was in Awakening. An ambitious ruler who wants to expand his empire but behind the scenes he's doing so because of some unforseen threat (Grima/apocalyptic future event) and the only way to stand a chance is through unification or one strong kingdom. Its just that maybe his means of doing so might not be the most moral i.e through unchecked conquest and wars.

But he could always be just evil which is boring.

I actually hope Marx turns out like Walhart. We could have it that there is a fundamental threat to the existence of humanity and Nohr is in a position to stop it, but Garon is too busy seeking glory to challenge it. That's why Marx needs to overthrow his father; to stop the threat. Who could the threat be? Well, they threatened both Europe and Japan and failed against both. They are the Mongols.

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I actually hope Marx turns out like Walhart. We could have it that there is a fundamental threat to the existence of humanity and Nohr is in a position to stop it, but Garon is too busy seeking glory to challenge it. That's why Marx needs to overthrow his father; to stop the threat. Who could the threat be? Well, they threatened both Europe and Japan and failed against both. They are the Mongols.

Mongol risen zombies from space?

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I feel with the speculation regarding Aqua being Hoshido's prisoner, this topic needs to be bumped.

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Honestly i don't know how much of a "villain" they'll make of Hoshido in the Nohr route. If I recall correctly, you're gonna revolutionize Nohr from the inside in the Nohr Route. If anything, they'll be the first "villains", probably the first 8 chapters or so, and then focus will shift back to internal Nohr affairs. That is, based on what I've heard from previous news. Either way I think that Nohr, or at least Garon, is the overall villain. He's our Gharnef for if.

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Aqua being reverse-kingdom Kamui has potential to make Hoshido a lot more morally gray, especially when the timing of the kidnappings are given. These parallels are making me think that no matter if you choose Nohr or Hoshido the ruler will be the antagonist have quite a bit of explaining to do.

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Agreeing with the OP, I believe that they should make Hoshido morally grey, but idk if they will.(http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MarySue)

I mean, for a "peace-loving" country, they seem to have a pretty impressive military.

Oh, and they have ninjas. Ninjas. Professional killers. I mean, "peace-loving" is sounding less and less true each time.

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Frankly, I find it curious how a manakete being born into a non-manakete family works. Would be sort of funny if it turns out that Kamui isn't blood related to the Hoshido royal family either, especially if you chose to not side with them during the route split. Would make their claims towards you quite hollow, wouldn't it?

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If there is a Mongol horde, there better be some throat-singing in there.

As well as nightmarish waves of horse archers.


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Frankly, I find it curious how a manakete being born into a non-manakete family works. Would be sort of funny if it turns out that Kamui isn't blood related to the Hoshido royal family either, especially if you chose to not side with them during the route split. Would make their claims towards you quite hollow, wouldn't it?

I believe it was confirmed that Kamui, Aqua, Nohr Family, and Hoshido Family all have Dragon-blood, but Kamui is the only one with the ability to shapeshift.

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