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Anyone feel like Kozaki is the perfect Fire Emblem character designer?


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I think we can let that slide considering most of the previous artists showed little to no awareness of what actual medieval armor or clothing looked like.

I did not specify in my original post I admit. I dislike the GK helmet purely on aesthetics, I don't care about realism(to a point, anyway) as long as it looks good.

Edited by L95
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I feel that it's also important to note in the discussion that Kozaki only designs the characters, the armor is all done by the art director Toshiyuki Kusakihara (as mentioned in interviews). So I'm just going to comment on Kozaki's designs. I enjoy the clean look of his characters and feel that he mixes stylised with realism quite well (you can tell it's anime inspired but he clearly knows a load about anatomy too).

His art for me stands out enough that we can recognise it's his- so I find the accusations that his art are generic modern anime and manga, rather harsh. One criticism is perhaps the same-face syndrome that happens when artist's draw character that look really alike because of the need to draw that ideal beauty face. The brilliant Scott McCloud makes a great point about this:


Overall I enjoy Kozaki's art but I don't think making every Fire Emblem after 13 look like 13 is a good idea (especially in the armor department, even if that's another artist), variety's always been a series staple and I don't a change of artstyle will make the series less popular in future.

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^^^ But flyers have consistently covered the entire leg in 1 maybe two pre gamecube games, most had the skirt long boots thing. And some calvary had the same as thing as sully. went and checked mist as a valkire in fe 10 and Fe 9 doesn't cover the entire leg you can barely see it in battle in FE 10 though,

So the only Fe game so far that i know that has calvary cover all their leg is thracia and i haven't cheked Gadien. Checked gadien so yeah

thracia is the only one.

Edited by goodperson707
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Kozaki's quality is way too inconsistent for me to really like him. I mean, some of his characters are pretty solid, and FEif's designs so far are a lot better than in Awakening (Camilla withstanding), but some of his designs are just ridiculous

I mean, at least he ranks higher than Shirow Masamune, but that's not saying much

For the best character artists, that would be Senri Kita and Sachiko Wada. Their designs are just so good ;-;

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^^^ But flyers have consistently covered the entire leg in 1 maybe two pre gamecube games, most had the skirt long boots thing. And some calvary had the same as thing as sully. went and checked mist as a valkire in fe 10 and Fe 9 doesn't cover the entire leg you can barely see it in battle in FE 10 though,

So the only Fe game so far that i know that has calvary cover all their leg is thracia and i haven't cheked Gadien. Checked gadien so yeah

thracia is the only one.

I actually joked about how a rider of anything in fire emblem can be distinguish: http://danwensrandoms.tumblr.com/post/115684823704/this-is-how-i-imagine-the-support-convos-will

In short the girls never wear pants/trousers when they ride something (or swing swords around in some cases) with the exception of Tharcia 776 (which out of the old fire emblems has my favourite artsyle). So to say that fe13 and 14's armor design is the only one in the series that carries on this trend would be somewhat unfair. Though I can see why people would see it as more fanservice-y thanks to well em Nowi and Camilla's outfits which in all honesty is not entirely representative of an otherwise gaze-light main game- not counting DLC since that's completely made for the sake of fanservice for guys and girls.

The variety is still there (some skimpy, some not) but I do think that FE armor design in general can do with a little revamping so that it's not so gender-specific. Designs tending towards wholly impractical and silly looking designs where the female counterpart only has the difference of having no pants or more boob-window (or both), aren't really much different from the same old pandering stuff we get in other rpgs (albeit slightly toned down compared to non-Nintendo games).

Fire emblem has always had some examples which countered that trope so it'll be a shame to see that ignored because of some silly ones. Sexy characters are fine of course though designers often don't understand that those characters don't want to get stabbed in the heart when battling or feel awfully uncomfortable whilst riding (in regards to armored costumes). Which is why the design tropes are so easy to make fun of in the first place :P.

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I actually joked about how a rider of anything in fire emblem can be distinguish: http://danwensrandoms.tumblr.com/post/115684823704/this-is-how-i-imagine-the-support-convos-will

In short the girls never wear pants/trousers when they ride something (or swing swords around in some cases) with the exception of Tharcia 776 (which out of the old fire emblems has my favourite artsyle). So to say that fe13 and 14's armor design is the only one in the series that carries on this trend would be somewhat unfair. Though I can see why people would see it as more fanservice-y thanks to well em Nowi and Camilla's outfits which in all honesty is not entirely representative of an otherwise gaze-light main game- not counting DLC since that's completely made for the sake of fanservice for guys and girls.

The variety is still there (some skimpy, some not) but I do think that FE armor design in general can do with a little revamping so that it's not so gender-specific. Designs tending towards wholly impractical and silly looking designs where the female counterpart only has the difference of having no pants or more boob-window (or both), aren't really much different from the same old pandering stuff we get in other rpgs (albeit slightly toned down compared to non-Nintendo games).

Fire emblem has always had some examples which countered that trope so it'll be a shame to see that ignored because of some silly ones. Sexy characters are fine of course though designers often don't understand that those characters don't want to get stabbed in the heart when battling or feel awfully uncomfortable whilst riding (in regards to armored costumes). Which is why the design tropes are so easy to make fun of in the first place :P.

i think the designs would be good if they changed but what i don't like is people saying the designs weren't fanservicy in previous games and bare leg riders were mentioned and as i checked every game and you pointed out every game but thracia has at least one partly bare legged rider. And even thracia I'm not completely sure about as i haven't found a pic of Miranda as a mageknight as she has a bare leg in her art. And your tumblr i was not able to see completely( low internet ) but what i saw was so true. Though i am glad that gender lock classes seem to be a thing of a past. Edited by goodperson707
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I actually joked about how a rider of anything in fire emblem can be distinguish: http://danwensrandoms.tumblr.com/post/115684823704/this-is-how-i-imagine-the-support-convos-will

In short the girls never wear pants/trousers when they ride something (or swing swords around in some cases) with the exception of Tharcia 776 (which out of the old fire emblems has my favourite artsyle). So to say that fe13 and 14's armor design is the only one in the series that carries on this trend would be somewhat unfair. Though I can see why people would see it as more fanservice-y thanks to well em Nowi and Camilla's outfits which in all honesty is not entirely representative of an otherwise gaze-light main game- not counting DLC since that's completely made for the sake of fanservice for guys and girls.

The variety is still there (some skimpy, some not) but I do think that FE armor design in general can do with a little revamping so that it's not so gender-specific. Designs tending towards wholly impractical and silly looking designs where the female counterpart only has the difference of having no pants or more boob-window (or both), aren't really much different from the same old pandering stuff we get in other rpgs (albeit slightly toned down compared to non-Nintendo games).

Fire emblem has always had some examples which countered that trope so it'll be a shame to see that ignored because of some silly ones. Sexy characters are fine of course though designers often don't understand that those characters don't want to get stabbed in the heart when battling or feel awfully uncomfortable whilst riding (in regards to armored costumes). Which is why the design tropes are so easy to make fun of in the first place :P.

Good post. I agree with the points made there. It's a thing I've been trying to get across for pretty much ages. I understand it's fantasy and allowed to play around with the realms of practicality for the sake of aesthetics (hell, one of my favorite personal aesthetics is big layered long dresses with really heavy armor over it like EO Hoplites), but putting the majority of women in miniskirts regardless of personality was something I've objected to way prior to FE13's existence more or less on principle - skirts are not inherently a bad article of clothing, but it is less practical to fight in, offers less basic protection, and also I dislike how it just somehow represents the female gender. As if we didn't fight for the right to wear pants only to be almost uniformly put back into skirts or less again. I'm not asking for there to be absolutely no skimpy characters or characters in skirts, either. The repetition of skirts and thigh-highs really get fucking boring, though. It's like that sameface screenshot a couple posts up: it's trying to make everything conventionally attractive but in the end it just results in less variety. Pants can be fashionable, too. Fashion designers on the runway design pants specifically to be aesthetically appealing, so why can't a character designer?

A general rule I use is, the less defense your class has, the less I give a shit about how much you wear. Mages wear, well, whatever? Whatever. I'd like to see some female mages wearing pants (such as Miriel, credit is given when due) just for variety in design's sake, but it's not like I'm gonna care too much about them in skirts. Swordmasters want to show some leg? I'm not opposed. Berserker want to wear something akin to a sports bra? Go ahead. One thing about the berserker class is that it's supposed have a sense of primal power akin to the Hulk, and if female berserkers were to be introduced I'm not going to campaign for them to be covered up. But Wyvern Lord doing the same? Do you want your leg to fall off chafing on that scaly-ass wyvern? Are you a tank or not?

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I just need to see some new distinct hair colors because I still keep seeing a family feud between the blondes of Nohr and the redheads of Hoshido, but as for most character's design they are pretty solid. Bottom half armor aside for females, I'm digging most character armors especially the ones from Hoshido.

The seinen feel is good, but I still prefer the GBA sprites, but that's just out of nostalgia. Kozaki is doing well as the artist and if he stays I don't really mind. At the very least, he should improve on designing female armor since I like seeing guys and gals in cool armor fighting off baddies without an odd panty shot looming into the distance.

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I haven't seen anyone mention hair color yet. Awakening's hair was extremely bland compared to past FEs and it makes me sad.

In the Iwata's Ask for Awakening, Kozaki said that he didn't want to design people with unnatural hair colors such as green unless it was necessary, IIRC.
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I think in that case you should look for another series.

What because he prefers not having too much anime hair? If he said or implied that he hates anime hair and all characters who have it. or that games with less anime hair are superior, you might have a point but i dont see that anywhere. his tag and name have freaking makalov for instance.

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It's not ideal, but it is a really cool artistic style to say the least. It's not like super anime-ish, and it's not generic...I can't tell exactly what it's missing, but I do find it a very good fit for the series.

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What because he prefers not having too much anime hair? If he said or implied that he hates anime hair and all characters who have it. or that games with less anime hair are superior, you might have a point but i dont see that anywhere. his tag and name have freaking makalov for instance.

pretty much this, i have a fondness for crazy or funny anime hair, but natural stuff is my preference.

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I personally really love Kazuki's style, even the designs I don't like. It's a hell a lot better than FE11 and FE12 at least. 8U Katarina looks like cheese until Kazuki drew her as a Tactician.

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I personally really love Kazuki's style, even the designs I don't like. It's a hell a lot better than FE11 and FE12 at least. 8U Katarina looks like cheese until Kazuki drew her as a Tactician.

So you think Katarina's design is pretty gouda?

All joking and obligatory to each their own opinions aside, I find his designs a little too inconsistent. A lot of his armor/clothing designs have too much going on for my tastes, but I generally enjoy the way he designs faces. I think he's good enough and I do really like most of the FE: if cast we've seen thus far.

So to answer the initial question, no, not perfect, but definitely not the worst. I like most of his stuff, it's just never my favorite.

Edited by The Legendary Falchion
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Kozaki is probably the artist I have the most mixed feelings about. I really like how he does faces, and most of the main characters he's designed have looked quite good, IMO (Chrom, Lucina, Marx, Ryo, etc), but then you get stuff like Nowi which makes me kind of wish he'd go away.

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