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TearRing Saga: New Translation Finished! (v1.04)


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Yes, there is! I'd like to have a name-equivalence-chart put on the main portion of the site, but until then, you can see it here.

Looks pretty great, I like how you further distinguished classes with the same name like calling the enemy version of Thief, Rogue.

Are you planning any other additions, or patches in the future?

As for the map sprites, I was thinking just the idle sprite, but that works too.

I was wondering, are full portraits like this one, accessible within the game? Or do you need an artbook of some kind to see the full body, similar to the portraits in Path of Radiance?

Edited by Emperor Hardin
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Looks pretty great, I like how you further distinguished classes with the same name like calling the enemy version of Thief, Rogue.

Are you planning any other additions, or patches in the future?

As for the map sprites, I was thinking just the idle sprite, but that works too.

I was wondering, are full portraits like this one, accessible within the game? Or do you need an artbook of some kind to see the full body, similar to the portraits in Path of Radiance?

Thanks! I realized that they were coded as different classes while editing, so I figured it'd be easiest on players to separate them (since one is a marauder-type and one is a footsoldier-type).

Yes, but only very very minor ones. I want to fix the line breaks in the item descriptions and the messed up save-screen location names. One thing someone else mentioned too is that there are no descriptions for the options in the Settings screen.

They're not stored in the game, no. I've been able to find a good handful of them online, mostly on the FE Wikia. The Official Complete Guide has the characters' whole upper bodies, and while it's much higher-res, it's not a whole lot more art than the sprites show:

m1vlZTy.jpg?1 vs. ZFcRB8t.gif

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Getting back into this after a break (Pokemon, finishing FE6 draft), found another error.


If it matters, I visited this point before Chapter 16.

EDIT: I also think you've mislabled the Reeve and Salia codexs. Other resources say Salia's is the one that boosts physical parameters, whilst Reeve boost magical, yet they're labled the other way around in your patch. Plus it would make sense for Reeve's to boost magical...

Edited by Irysa
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  • 2 weeks later...

hello, Aethin.

I'm playing with your patch (v1.01).

The game refuses to continue the dialogue at this point:


The "O" button or Start does not work.

here is my memory card: https://www.mediafire.com/?gne8666j6thky4e

I saved with the four heroes around the boss. Just go and attack.

Nooooo I thought I fixed that! Mumble grumble...

I'll add that to the fiddling I need to do. Thanks for the memcard, that helps a lot.

EDIT: Okay, this time I've definitely figured it out. Turns out my fix to that script file was accidentally never pushed to my updates folder. My bad.

On a side note, did you happen to use a cheat code or something for that save file? Because you seem to have two of everything... It'll prove invaluable for aligning the text of the item descriptions, no doubt!

Also, to Irysa, I've switched the codices' descriptions to correct them, and I'm looking into the dialogue option boxes right now.

Edited by Aethin
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Nooooo I thought I fixed that! Mumble grumble...

I'll add that to the fiddling I need to do. Thanks for the memcard, that helps a lot.

EDIT: Okay, this time I've definitely figured it out. Turns out my fix to that script file was accidentally never pushed to my updates folder. My bad.

On a side note, did you happen to use a cheat code or something for that save file? Because you seem to have two of everything... It'll prove invaluable for aligning the text of the item descriptions, no doubt!

Also, to Irysa, I've switched the codices' descriptions to correct them, and I'm looking into the dialogue option boxes right now.

No problem.

Everything else runs just fine.

For the items question, use this memory card: https://www.mediafire.com/?og17hdbzv0yf8ky

Contains all 128 weapons and all 77 items without repeating in the convoy.
Just go in Manage > Item > Convoy
Edited by DanZ
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Hello everyone! Sorry for the delay; I've been vacationing in Puerto Rico, where my focus has been in relaxing rather than TRS-ing. I'm flying home this afternoon, though, so expect results soon™.

sorry, but im new to this. When i use the Japan bin, the quotes are still in Japanese,only in-game is translated. May i have your guide?

The main steps to follow are:

1) On the Japanese BIN, kill Gerxel/Kalbazan and make a save state after his death quote closes.

2) Load the English BIN and the savestate. There may be a conversation or two in Japanese after you load the savestate (because the messages were already loaded into memory), but after they go end, it should be all English.

Sorry about the messy workaround.

No problem.

Everything else runs just fine.

For the items question, use this memory card: https://www.mediafire.com/?og17hdbzv0yf8ky

Contains all 128 weapons and all 77 items without repeating in the convoy.

Just go in Manage > Item > Convoy


Wonderful! Thanks for that!

Wasn't fast enough to get a screenshot of it, but when I grabbed Dakuron (think that's how its spelled?) I got a bunch of garbled text in a blue box appearing.

Hmm... I'll have to check the system messages to see if there's a line with a weird character.
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(Double-posting because I'm the boss around here. :LyonEvil: )

A new patch (v1.02) is out!

It definitely fixes the following:

  • item descriptions
  • Gerxel's death quote bug
  • clarity of certain setting options
  • switched description of Salia and Reeve codices
  • switched description of Shadowflame and Fierce Breath

I attempted to fix the following, and it seemed to work for all the cases I tried:

  • place-names on save files

Not fixed because I couldn't figure out how to:

  • some of the conversation choices and pop-up text (sorry, Irysa)
  • description text for settings options

Not fixed because it would've been a tremendous pain in the ass to figure out:

  • Versus Mode's menu translation (it's still playable and understandable, but it's crappy)
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idk if this is a patch specific problem, but I taught Leonie canto and she can't move after attacking despite it being in her skill list. Any ideas Aethin?

edit: lol figured it out, even though you can teach canto to anyone, it will only activate on mounted units. derp. that's probably normal, but annoying nonetheless.


edit: tower floors all seem to have this subheader that goes up as you go up the stairs, not sure if thats normal (ie, 5a, 5b, 5c, etc)


important as well, the game hangs on this sequence after the third routesplit, when holmes is remembering stuff about katri


the cutscene can be skipped to progress but checking with the japanese one confirms its meant to keep playing past that point


EDIT: Finished the game, was really really good. The ending in particular impressed me a lot. Thanks so much for doing this translation patch Aethin!

Edited by Irysa
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/19/2017 at 7:10 PM, Irysa said:

idk if this is a patch specific problem, but I taught Leonie canto and she can't move after attacking despite it being in her skill list. Any ideas Aethin?

edit: lol figured it out, even though you can teach canto to anyone, it will only activate on mounted units. derp. that's probably normal, but annoying nonetheless.


edit: tower floors all seem to have this subheader that goes up as you go up the stairs, not sure if thats normal (ie, 5a, 5b, 5c, etc)


important as well, the game hangs on this sequence after the third routesplit, when holmes is remembering stuff about katri


the cutscene can be skipped to progress but checking with the japanese one confirms its meant to keep playing past that point


EDIT: Finished the game, was really really good. The ending in particular impressed me a lot. Thanks so much for doing this translation patch Aethin!

Oh dang--I could've lived with a typo or two, but that hangup definitely warrants a fix. Fortunately, I bet it's the same glitch that was causing Gerxel's death quote to soft-lock, so it should be easy to rectify.  I'm not exactly sure what's going on with the Tower of Morse, though, seeing as those "labels" aren't part of the regular chapter image... but I think I might know where it's grabbing the image from.

Thank you very much!  You've been very helpful for the latest fixes. It was a lot of fun to translate and edit, too, even as long of a journey as it was!  I'm also really looking forward to doing Berwick next. Hacking prospects are looking better by the hour, too.

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First off, I quite enjoyed the patch and it really made me appreciate the game and its story more to the point that I went from neutral to loving this game. So thanks for your work.


I want to ask you about some rather significant differences in events in the old patch and your patch. Let's use one example of Richard and Tia in the end game.


In the old patch, Richard betrays Tia and hands her over to Guenchaos. But after doing so, he has a change or heart and tries to save her.


In the new patch, the whole betrayal is a gambit to get Guenchaos to lower his guard. It fails but whatever. There is no mention of this gambit in the old patch.


Now that's quite a difference. So what's the truth in the japanese version? If the old patch had it wrong and changed it, I can probably guess the reason was the deteriorating quality of the patch towards the end. If it's the new patch that changed the text and old one was more accurate, is there a reason why you've changed it and are there more significant differences? I did notice some small insignificant changes both those aren't worth mentioning.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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9 hours ago, Ranger Jack Walker said:

First off, I quite enjoyed the patch and it really made me appreciate the game and its story more to the point that I went from neutral to loving this game. So thanks for your work.


I want to ask you about some rather significant differences in events in the old patch and your patch. Let's use one example of Richard and Tia in the end game.

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In the old patch, Richard betrays Tia and hands her over to Guenchaos. But after doing so, he has a change or heart and tries to save her.


In the new patch, the whole betrayal is a gambit to get Guenchaos to lower his guard. It fails but whatever. There is no mention of this gambit in the old patch.


Now that's quite a difference. So what's the truth in the japanese version? If the old patch had it wrong and changed it, I can probably guess the reason was the deteriorating quality of the patch towards the end. If it's the new patch that changed the text and old one was more accurate, is there a reason why you've changed it and are there more significant differences? I did notice some small insignificant changes both those aren't worth mentioning.

Thanks!  Yes, you're right, there were several significant changes that I made...


Richard's betrayal was one of the biggest plot points I changed in the whole game. In the original Japanese, Richard's anguished betrayal of Tia is real, and he has an off-screen change of heart to go and save her. I changed that scene in two major ways, for various reasons:

  • I felt that Richard's sudden betrayal was moronic/too convenient.  He's been established as an asshole and a slippery guy, but not an idiot--and betraying Tia to join Guenchaos seemed excessively dickish, even for Richard. Plus, there's no getting around that Tia would've told him exactly what Guenchaos intended to do (revive Kalbazan), which would certainly be an obstacle to Richard's dreams of world domination. (The only argument I can see for keeping the original scene is Prince Ronald of Istoria's offhand comment that Tia is the one really wearing the pants in their relationship--which instead has become a red herring for tricking the player into thinking Richard is serious.)
  • Richard has possession of the Bhaumastra during the betrayal, but doesn't use it on Guenchaos in battle (instead opting for a silver sword). Why he doesn't is beyond me, so I changed the scene to say that it wouldn't work for him (and indeed, it doesn't transform on-screen until Tia gets it back). 

Other plot points I remember changing, off the top of my head:

  • Runan does recognize Enteh from the beginning, but he makes the same mistake as her, thinking she doesn't remember him. That way, his frustration with her during their squabble at Razelia is a bit less rash/unreasonable on his beart.
  • When Enteh goes and tries to free Katri from the Cult, instead of trying to bargain for an exchange, she instead tries to free Katri by herself, bluffing to use Mousa against the Cult (having the "foresight" to give her Ring to Runan beforehand). It's still a pretty dumb plan, really, but it's not as astronomically stupid as just waltzing up to the enemy base and demanding the release of prisoners without a plan to avoid being captured yourself.
  • The whole deal with Zachariah's motivations, as well as reordering a couple of events in the Salian Civil War to make the narrative sleeker.
  • Any time a scene made me shake my fist at the heavens and growl "Animeeee...!" I changed a few lines. For example, when San and Frau are talking to the barmaid in Senay, who tells them they should drink milk to grow up big and strong, there's a comment from Frau that "My boobs are already bigger than San's, aren't they?" or something along those lines. I changed that lines to talking about height differences instead (which, in my opinion, fits better anyway). Looking back, that change seems a lot like plain ol' censorship, although I didn't intend it to be. Since I had total control over the script, I just wanted to bleach out those particularly idiotic mouth-breather fantasies from my translation.
  • Along the same lines as the last bullet point, Guenchaos was changed from a cackling old maybe-pedophile to a serious, brooding man resigned to a fate of despair. (At one point, I considered having him break from his calm demeanor in a brief fit of rage when Tia lectured him in the Final Chapter, but I decided against it.)
  • In the Japanese version, Father Law never dies. He's injured in Maerchen's attack, nursed back to health, and then returns to Mahl. Holmes asks him if he wants to see Katri, but he refuses, saying that he doesn't want to get between her and her real parents. The "Father Law" who joins Holmes on his journey and gives lots of backstory is the Sage Morse in disguise. In the Epilogue, when Holmes (who already suspected something was up) meets up with Law (the real one) back in Mahl, he asks him "Remember the time when we went to Granada and stuff?" and Law has no idea what he's talking about. Furthermore, the final backstory about the emiyu that Holmes reveals was apparently learned in an unseen conversation between him and Morse. In the new translation, I changed the situation quite a bit: Law died in Maerchen's attack, and ever since then, his body has been possessed (from across dimensions) by Morse, who's doing what he can to help Holmes while not giving himself away, and he's trying to avoid Katri because she'll eventually realize something is up. The reason I made this particular change was to:
    • make the "Law was really Morse!" reveal a little less out-of-the-blue;
    • provide opportunity for Holmes to ask Morse about the emiyu race that is both on-screen and after the Final Chapter (since it didn't make sense for Holmes to have known all that beforehand, given his lines);
    • give Morse a reason not to help out in the final battles (i.e., he's got his hands full keeping Law's body "alive"); and
    • I originally wanted to make the Law-Morse switcheroo more easy to follow. Whether I did achieved this last goal is, of course, up for debate.
  • Lionheart's age discrepancy was fixed.
  • In the Japanese version, Shigen Sr. wasn't so heroic; he was simply used and then disposed of by Guenchaos. Instead, now he was killed for figuring out a little too much and trying to assassinate Guenchaos, and it was specifically finding out about him that sparked Shigen Jr. leaving the Cult of Gerxel.


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I think you probably could have been more open about that but I guess I can understand why you wouldn't (immediate backlash and all)



I have mixed feelings about this actually; I have to admit your changes do make a lot of sense, but could you at least clarify what the hell Alfred was doing there in final originally then if he wasn't part of some plan with Richard and Tia? Did Richard betray him too? is it just not explained?


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10 hours ago, Irysa said:

I think you probably could have been more open about that but I guess I can understand why you wouldn't (immediate backlash and all)


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I have mixed feelings about this actually; I have to admit your changes do make a lot of sense, but could you at least clarify what the hell Alfred was doing there in final originally then if he wasn't part of some plan with Richard and Tia? Did Richard betray him too? is it just not explained?


Yeah, the risk of backlash is basically the reason why.  As for Alfred, his presence is entirely unexplained. He was definitely traveling along with them (as seen in Chapter 21), but he's conspicuously absent during Richard's scene. I imagine we're meant to assume he was off twiddling his thumbs, and then Richard went to grab him after his change of heart.


I'm a bit more on the liberal side when it comes to translation. Maybe it's because I've been seeing myself as a fan-localizer more than just a fan-translator. Naturally, I want to leave things as they are whenever possible, but I don't really believe in "artistic integrity" as most people seem to. If a plot event, expositional monologue, or cliche is bad, I'll correct it, original text be damned. Think of the Black Knight's survival in Radiant Dawn--which is better, the original "Ike only fought a shell of him due to a warp powder malfunction," or the English version's "He let Ike win"?

At the risk of sounding devious, I also figured I could get away with it, since previous Anglophone players of TRS1 are generally few and far between. Also, since Kaga &co. are generally good world-builders and writers, I knew going in that if I changed anything, they'd be pretty minimal changes. I won't disagree that some of my own personal flavor bled into the final product, but I don't think I could've avoided that entirely, given that I edited the entire script myself. (Quite a lot of my changes I even ended up reverting, like all of the name changes I was considering.)

Moving forward into Berwick Saga, I can't guarantee that nothing will be changed at all in the translation process, of course, but I also feel more aware of my own personal style, so I think I'll be able to keep my personal feelings more in check. Ultimately, the last thing I want is for people to be unhappy with the final product.


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All of those are sensible decisions you'd expect from a localization work. Maybe some of those would have been re-discussed with the creative team, but unless Kaga feels like participating, common sense is as good as you'll get. I wouldn't worry too much about the "censorship" part, since those would most likely be approved early in the loca process. Japanese dev teams are aware of different western sensibilities and don't often want their translated work to misrepresent them as creeps.

To be honest, it is a bit presumptuous on principle to try and do localization work with no feedback from the rest of the game's team, like trying to work through a mathematical equation with approximations. In practice though? As long as it focuses on enforcing consistency and JP>EN conventions (toning down the underage sexual undertones, here), I think it's pretty great, refreshing in fact.


I'm... a bit more confused by Shigen's dad though, of all things. All the other changes related to keeping a consistency in character, tone or facts, but this one seems to only add drama and stakes to a rather throwaway line, and changes Shigen's motivation a lil' bit: "My dad was a victim of the Cult he served" seems to make Shigen realize that the Cult is deaf to the suffering of his people, making him quit. "My dad was a rebel and died confronting the Cult" seems to me like he left more out of love or duty to his dad. I respect that change, but I can't help but be curious about the thought process behind it.

Disclaimer: TRS being what it is, I might be forgetting or misremembering things about Shigen and his dad plot point. I don't recall him mentionning it outside of Sierra's conversation in Blaad, though.

Edited by Miacis
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