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TearRing Saga: New Translation Finished! (v1.04)


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[spoiler=Round 3]

Chapter 6:

Runan: Enteh? {double-space} What's the matter?


Codha: You dare complain about a single girl! {line doesn't clear} Roger: Milord!

Codha: her and the rest of {awkward text stop} your family's blood will be on your hands.

Codha: you will combine your troops and and reinforce the defenses

Narcus-Codha: I'm here to to see the hostages.


Eugen: with the enemy's ballistae aimed us at from on the other side,

Narcus: And don't forget give the flute to the princess.

Chapter 7:

Gladiator Trainer: All right, {double-space} let's begin.

Arena Man: Welcome to to the arena!


Queen Liza: and bring and end to the darkness

Queen Liza: I shall donate it all to your funds. {line doesn't clear} Runan: But...

Runan: If you insist. {line doesn't clear} Queen Liza: Now, as for troops...

Runan: we shall leave tomorrow morning. {no text stop after sentence} Queen Liza: I see...

Sasha: I've already made up my mind so I'm {awkward text stop} coming with you whether you like it or not!

Arkis: Besides, Lina's still a kid. {line doesn't clear} Esther: Her name's Lina, huh?

Vega: There no hostility in your sword.

Runan: Chancellor Marlon, thank {double-space} you for everythin you've done for us.

Chapter 8:

Holmes: {unnecessary line skip} Look, how many times do I have to tell you?

Holmes: I told her not to used that staff!


Holmes: girls like you who {awkward text stop} channel the power of the Guardian Dragons.

Chapter 9:

Mahrrllbl soldier: {unnecessary line skip} Prince Ronald!

Ronald: He cannot cannot handle the consequences

Ronald: it is she who holding him in the palm

Richard: she is embodies our hope


Seamus: Gerxel is nothing but an evil war deity worshiped by our long-dead ancestors back when they still lived in tribes and roamed the Valley of Zoa like marauders. Run-on sentence and very unsubtle exposition. Needs some reworking.

Dagon: Those who refuse to march will be executed for their insolence. {line break} .

Seamus: {unnecessary line skip} Gerxel be damned,

Seamus: {unnecessary line skip} Glory be... to Canaan...!


Runan: Narcus?! What you doing here?

Runan: Why would ask that of us?

Runan: Father told me about them when I was a child No period.

Chapter 10:

Carnel: I'd like keep my head on my shoulders.

Pavlov's green-haired lackey: Would suggest stopping for today.

Billford: I cannot provide for the both us...


Pavlov's purple-clad subordinate: L-Lord Pavlov had her taken out {awkward? text stop} to the courtyard!

Leonie: {unnecessary line skip} Mother... Father...

Dying Pavlov: such a hodgepodge of an ar {line break} my?!


Someone: the rumors about their actions since are not good... {line doesn't clear} Pah, those Gerxel lunatics

Runan: Mintz, you want to take return Canaan

Chapter 11:

Bandito man: more than that to get past all of us! {line doesn't clear} Samson: Getting past you will be easy.

Katri: I think you parents did love you.


Letena: You told me ealier.

There is an instance where Katri's meatstaff is called a Revenant Staff, and then Zombie Staff afterwards.

- Shame for the item names. Hopefully you guys can find some useless system messages to trim out for space.

- Yutona's "tona" is culturally neutral, but the Yu really isn't... A simple change like Yuthona might work to push the balance back into western territories, and isn't dramatically different pronunciation-wise. Otherwise, if the exact pronunciation is the absolute priority, I find even a Yewtna spelling would be less out-of-place.

- "Letena" is a bit of a barebones variant of that character's name. Not asking for change in any way, just curious for why that choice in particular.

- I imagine the issue is from the Japanese script itself, but before the Thriller map, Juni goes from "geez, I'm barely halfway done with the plundering here" to "welp, time to go pick some flowers in the mountain". It just comes out of nowhere and nobody acknowledges it, even Holmes who was just chewing her out moment ago.

- "Retreat is for the weak." "Parents can eat shit."

@ tumblr post because I like forum posts more:

I've seen lots of non-professional writings that weren't "a first pass", and still had about the same amount of typos if not more. It kinda goes along with long texts, really. Nothing to (half-)apologize for, aside from depriving the bit part of its revival.

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I like the change of Blazing Wind into Lethality because that makes it much clearer what the skill actually does. Rennie -> Leonie is hard to get used it, but welcome because Rennie and Renee sound like the same name.

Why not just call the stat boosters Seraph Robe, Goddess Icon and whatnot (Arms Scroll works for WLV+)? Is it the character limit issue?

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Why not just call the stat boosters Seraph Robe, Goddess Icon and whatnot (Arms Scroll works for WLV+)? Is it the character limit issue?

Wouldn't that be kind of awkward, considering that they all have a potion as an icon?

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Wouldn't that be kind of awkward, considering that they all have a potion as an icon?

Well, this translation did render the saint skills as Astra/Luna/Sol, for example, or Gale as Vantage, even if their symbols look nothing like these skills in the previous FE games. That's a precedent.

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  • I originally had them as [statistic] Potion (with Agility corrected to Speed), but our hacker told me that since that the total system text has limited space (it's stored in the actual PS1 executable, apparently), he had to revert a couple of the longer changes, those names included. I like the idea of having, say, Angelic Potion, Energy Potion, Spirit Potion, etc., though.

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If it's like other PSX games, it's probably stored along with a lot of the system messages (like "[weapon] was killed!"). There's not much to do about the character limit other than trim the overall kernel script. The best finds for that purpose are unimportant messages like debug content that can be removed altogether and save a ton of space. It's just that they need to dig into it and that takes some time.

It's such a minor detail that I think it's not that worth it. It's not like a major location or character name had to be changed due to space.

I doubt only the stat boosters are system text that could benefit from a better translation with more characters. I think the world map city names are stored in there too(?)

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Hello everyone! I took a few days off to focus on scholastic pursuits, but now I'm back.

- Shame for the item names. Hopefully you guys can find some useless system messages to trim out for space.
- Yutona's "tona" is culturally neutral, but the Yu really isn't... A simple change like Yuthona might work to push the balance back into western territories, and isn't dramatically different pronunciation-wise. Otherwise, if the exact pronunciation is the absolute priority, I find even a Yewtna spelling would be less out-of-place.
- "Letena" is a bit of a barebones variant of that character's name. Not asking for change in any way, just curious for why that choice in particular.

- I imagine the issue is from the Japanese script itself, but before the Thriller map, Juni goes from "geez, I'm barely halfway done with the plundering here" to "welp, time to go pick some flowers in the mountain". It just comes out of nowhere and nobody acknowledges it, even Holmes who was just chewing her out moment ago.
- "Retreat is for the weak." "Parents can eat shit."

@ tumblr post because I like forum posts more:
I've seen lots of non-professional writings that weren't "a first pass", and still had about the same amount of typos if not more. It kinda goes along with long texts, really. Nothing to (half-)apologize for, aside from depriving the bit part of its revival.

-That's my hope, too. The item descriptions, for example, could probably be trimmed down a good deal.
-I don't disagree that the "Yu" is a bit off... but I'm not particularly interested in changing it, at least not at this juncture. Consider it my patch's "Jerrot."
-I was also considering Letina, Latina, Lethina, Lettina, and the like, but I decided on Letena because it was the closest to the official Leteena that also looked like a normal-ish name.
-Good continuity catch! I can fix that pretty easily by making it "After I'm done, do you wanna..."
-"Parents can eat shit" really does need to be replaced. It's even listed in my translation notes, but I was drawing a blank on what other strong language I could replace it with. "Retreat is for the weak" is also concerning; something more like "Cowardice will not be tolerated," would be better.

I'm also going to update the OP with all of your notes. Thanks again for the help!

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I seem to be having a problem. I just beat the final boss. He'll say "How can this be" then I won't be able to move the text along. It's just kinda stuck there, so i can't even watch the epilogue or anything.

That's terrible! I'll tell our programmer at once!

D'you think you could upload your save file somewhere for us? That way we can get to the specific problem quickly.

EDIT: Does he say "Why have you forsaken me..." before the game locks up?

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I'm not sure exactly how to do that but when I get home I'll certainly try. Also he says "how can this be" when it hangs up. It literally happens right after the heroes do the super beatdown on the boss.

Gotcha, thanks. If you know where your PS1 memory card file is stored, that file should be sufficient.

I double-checked the script, and the next line after that has an invalid command in it:

HOW CAN THIS BE...?<wait><\n>
WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME...<pause=1e> GERXEL...?<wait><\n>
I AM YOUR...<pause=1E> LOYAL SERVANT...<wait><0x00><0x0>
I thought it might get up to "Why have you forsaken me..." before crashing, but I can only assume that it tried to load the entire line and can't find the (non-existent) command, which is to wait 1e frames instead of 1E frames.
In other news, I figured out what went wrong with the chapter numbers. Since there are two versions of Ch. 26 (depending on whether you seize the northern or southern fort in Ch. 25), the filenames for the chapter titles don't line up with the actual chapter numbers after that point, which tripped up the person who made the titlecards.
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Big news, everyone! Some good, some sad.

(Before anyone panics, the project has not been dropped. Everything will continue as planned.)

The project's hacker had to drop the patch due to scheduling constraints/life responsibilities. Thankfully, he passed on all of his hard work to me to continue, and fortunately it's quite easy to use. An endless amount of thanks to LCKhoa (and the hacker before him, Alamone) for all the work they've put into the project.

The good news is that I now have direct control, meaning I can make a bit more technical changes that I've wanted to for a while--like a new design for the chapter titles, a new opening scroll, etc.


A general question--What are you guys' thoughts on the typesetting of the scrolling text (as shown above)? It'd be pretty easy to change, so feel free to speak your mind.

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The font of the text scroll looks mighty fine, but the color of the text (not its outline) could be lighter. First chapter title seems perfect aside from a slightly thick W. Second one is iffy to read against that background crest.

Good to know that the project is still going and that the coder tools are user-friendly! Keep up the good work. Now here are a bunch of typos.

[spoiler=hic sunt dracones]

Chapter 12: None that I could find! :Hugh:

Chapter 13:

Maerchen: Be a good boy now and surrender now!

Renee: NNo! Stay back!


Lionheart: no word from Renee about here whereabouts?

Tia: Please don't be upsed with him.

Leteena Event #2:

Ezekiel's wife: {awkward empty text stop} x9000

Letena: He's trying to hard to be helpful.

Chapter 14:

Ocus lady: we've been overrun by bandits and deserting soldiers. {no text stop after sentence} I was on my way to Senay

Ocus lady: Please Mr. Hero Take back the town for us! (Missing period)


Old man in a house: the King were killed

Holmes: Some townspeople this was the place to go

Chapter 15:

Holmes: Say, Attrom, didn't you used to live there? More commonly written as didn't you use to, especially in American English. The interronegative of used to remains awkward in written format and should be replaced. "You used to live there, didn't you?" for a lazy example.

San: I'm already taller than San. Should either be Frau or this is misplaced text.


Old Blaad priest: Hey Lyria, {unnecessary line break} you seem so energetic.

Old Blaad priest: looking after the sick, {unnecessary line break} you didn't do any of that! {could have used a line break} Just carefree singing! {unnecessary line break} Dummy! Included picture reference. Last line also sounds silly.

Lyria: But father said singing is a {awkward text stop} dangerous business.

Lyria: become a priest and help out people, {unnecessary line break} so I can't do anything but come here.

Lyria: I will become a priest who cans sing!

Old Blaad priest: Umm...All right. Ellipsis could use some space.

That conversation in general looked and sounded kinda drunk, tbh.

Ligria interlude:

Item shop lady: Listen, wouldn't you try {line break} Sounds like a nice deal, right? I don't even know.

Armory man: [moonspeak] Yes/No choice window is still in Japanese.

Top-right(?) Ligria archer: more and more mogalls have {awkward text stop} been pouring out

Katri: But how long with these battle continue...?

Blaad forge: If you bring me a Longbow and an elixir. I will make a Dragon Bow for you. Wrong item names, and a misplaced period.

Chapter 16:

Lyria: Did you sea that?!

Chapter 17:

Shirou: So, {unnecessary line break} shall we depart for Selba?

Marshall: attack from forces to the the northeast east and south.


Robert Frost's literary legacy: So quit being a wimp!. Superfluous period


Eugen: Lord Runan of Razela

Lionheart: I met [the 12 Heroes] in the flesh. in the flesh.

Barker: I cannot comprehend why my father hopes to gain by taking control

Barker: you're the only one I trust enough {awkward text stop} to voice these concerns to.

Raphael: My wounds are [...] healed thanks to you, Claris. He called her by name the line right before. Awkward.

Raphael: Even though we were on opposite sides... Might be just me, but opposing sides feels more appropriate.

Maruj: Prince Arless's wife, Lady Selene, was me aunt

Chapter 18:

Zieg: But we don't most of it out fast, you could die...

- Two more strange names. Sir Logg, and Claris. I'd need Logg's kana to suggest something for him, but Clarisse is the common variant that should be pronounced the exact same, and doesn't sound like a trendy brand name.

- Mintz-Leonie conversation in chapter 17 has Mintz kinda jumping from trying to leave Leonie out of danger to "sure come along." I feel it could be rephrased to flow more smoothly.

[About my previous points]

Leteena is also a name, which is why I was asking. It seemed normal enough to me, but yeah, just curiosity.

I was pointing out sentences that made me laugh, not ones that sounded bad, so I wouldn't worry too much about Holmes's parents line. "Cowardice will not be tolerated," does sound much less stupid than the alternative though.

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The color is pretty hard to see over the background for the top left. Top right looks fine.

The font of the text scroll looks mighty fine, but the color of the text (not its outline) could be lighter. First chapter title seems perfect aside from a slightly thick W. Second one is iffy to read against that background crest.

Good to know that the project is still going and that the coder tools are user-friendly! Keep up the good work. Now here are a bunch of typos.

- Two more strange names. Sir Logg, and Claris. I'd need Logg's kana to suggest something for him, but Clarisse is the common variant that should be pronounced the exact same, and doesn't sound like a trendy brand name.

- Mintz-Leonie conversation in chapter 17 has Mintz kinda jumping from trying to leave Leonie out of danger to "sure come along." I feel it could be rephrased to flow more smoothly.

[About my previous points]

Leteena is also a name, which is why I was asking. It seemed normal enough to me, but yeah, just curiosity.

I was pointing out sentences that made me laugh, not ones that sounded bad, so I wouldn't worry too much about Holmes's parents line. "Cowardice will not be tolerated," does sound much less stupid than the alternative though.

Noted re: the images. I'll fix up the colors.

A chapter without typos?! Inconceivable!

- Logg's Japanese name is ログ (and Claris's is クラリス, if you're curious). You're right that Claris is nonstandard; sometimes it gets hard to recognize strange from not when doing this name business. I'll consider "Clarice," I think. With that said, though, for the future, I'm not seeking name change suggestions--only for the reason that if everyone puts in their two cents, then we get a whole new Serlis/Celice/Seliph and Belf/Vergil debacle.

- Noted! I'll give that conversation another once-over. When I started playtesting, I noticed that the story moves a lot faster in-game than I expected from reading the script. We wouldn't want to lose anybody on the way with inconsistent dialogue!

[prev. stuff]

"Leteena" is a name? Google only gives one non-TRS or junk-site result for me. That said, searching for [word] name generally gets you a bunch of auto-generated webpages anyway.

Oh, good! Glad to know you liked them.

As always, thanks for the help!

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I'm going to play TearRin Saga for the first time. Which one of the two translation patches do you recommend? Is this one too incomplete or is it already superiour to the old one?

Definitely this one. I just beat it so I know it's complete. The only glitch is the one little hang up at the end which is either gonna be fixed soon, or can be went around easily by switching to the Japanese version right before beating the final boss. The old patch has all the story text turn into a bunch of rambling bullshit around midgame that is actually really funny to read, but is completely nonsensical, and kind of hard to read.

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It's raining items! Hallelujah! It's raining ITEMS!

(This happens when Anna wants to tell you the buyer unit doesn't have enough mastery to use that weapon.)

[spoiler=Fourth time's the Miracle Charm]

Chapter 18:

Runan: hadn't already pulled out mmost of the soldiers

Stephanie: the Champions of are moving to attacks

Martha: and not a single letter or scrap of news from you. {no text stop after sentence} Mintz: C'mon, don't be like that


Summoner Boss: Bring retribution upon thes {line break} e fools...!

Barbarossa: there are {line break} {space} soldiers who remain

Barbarossa: I would've like to have lived

Eugen: what one would expect from the a warrior called the Shield

Eugen: die alone, without a soul to {awkward text stop} remember their names.


Guenchaos: Cunedd.I am ne {line break} eded elsewhere. Lacking a space after the period.

Chapter 19:

Raphael: Forive me, Elder

Raphael: I cannot stay here {text stop} .I owe a great deal

Cunedd: Lead my soul into your embrace. {line break} ..

Raphael: use it to it's greatest potential


Claris: he could not not hope to fight him alone.

Claris: That's good... {line break} then I will give the Ring O' Reeve

Holmes: you're only living member of the Salian royal family

Going to Leda:

House old man: Hey did you know {awkward text stop} that somewhere northeast of this fort, lies a cave in the Erial mountains where the barbarians dwell? {no text stop after sentence} It's dangerous but I hear that {awkward text stop}

Chapter 20:

Holmes: decided to break the the ancient commandments and summon dragon Kranion to attack Salia. Just Kranion might be enough?

Chapter 21:

Katrina: Sennet, You have to decide yourself.


Kranion's title: ng Star

Neyfa's title: Cleric Could be Shaman of WInd. We know of her powers by now.

Are Katrina and Silva's titles supposed to be blank, too?

'Dakruon obtained' message: {garbage characters}


Holmes: at Morse's own {line break} {space} Altar of Resurrection

Chapter 22:

Bud: Hi Narcus!Welcome back! Excalamation mark could use some space

Zachariah's henchman: more enmy forces {awkward text stop} have arrived to the northwest

Zachariah: Ahab saw your Brand and called you a demon. I wouldn't capitalize that. The only brand ever mentioned is that of Yutona.

Holmes: You want to go Castle Salia, right?

Chapter 23:

Ahab: It took a little roughing up, but eventually got a confession

Ahab: let us to Castle Salia

Holmes: It's not like you're the only reason I'm doing this, anyway. "for"?

Narcus: tell me what's going ton. .

Reunion 2:

Rishel: He was was banished

Martel: we all looked up to Aunty Liza and our father as great knights of Salia too much, we couldn't not become knights. Clumsy structure.


Rishel: I can feel its supreme power just be holding it.

Julius: he has no honorthat we should leave

Julius: please return to Canaanhall.


Mintz dying: I've nothing, to regret... Nitpick, but an ellipsis/nothing would be better syntax.

Anna's little weapon mastery freakout

Samson's promoted title: ∅

Former Lightning spell: Thoron Former God Hand spell: Also Thoron

- This might be another case of Holmes having lazy-scenarist-induced memory problems. After Chapter 21, Holmes makes this big deal about trying to remember where he last saw Tia, despite having an optional dialogue with Richard in that very chapter.

- I don't know if it's from some other fantasy universe, but Earthborn is a coolass name for golems.


Heh, I forget that name changes are a bit of a sensitive subject in this community. I can stop making suggestions if you'd prefer, or stop mentioning names altogether. So far it's been less "this is a poor romanization that needs to change" (Seliph/Celice/Serlis) and more "that kinda looks strange with that specific spelling" (Mulder/Moulder) but I understand it's high controversy / low priority compared to typos and missing text.

(And I appear to have skipped on cross-checking "Leteena" being common before posting. My bad.)

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It's raining items! Hallelujah! It's raining ITEMS!

(This happens when Anna wants to tell you the buyer unit doesn't have enough mastery to use that weapon.)

[spoiler=Fourth time's the Miracle Charm]

Chapter 18:

Runan: hadn't already pulled out mmost of the soldiers

Stephanie: the Champions of are moving to attacks

Martha: and not a single letter or scrap of news from you. {no text stop after sentence} Mintz: C'mon, don't be like that


Summoner Boss: Bring retribution upon thes {line break} e fools...!

Barbarossa: there are {line break} {space} soldiers who remain

Barbarossa: I would've like to have lived

Eugen: what one would expect from the a warrior called the Shield

Eugen: die alone, without a soul to {awkward text stop} remember their names.


Guenchaos: Cunedd.I am ne {line break} eded elsewhere. Lacking a space after the period.

Chapter 19:

Raphael: Forive me, Elder

Raphael: I cannot stay here {text stop} .I owe a great deal

Cunedd: Lead my soul into your embrace. {line break} ..

Raphael: use it to it's greatest potential


Claris: he could not not hope to fight him alone.

Claris: That's good... {line break} then I will give the Ring O' Reeve

Holmes: you're only living member of the Salian royal family

Going to Leda:

House old man: Hey did you know {awkward text stop} that somewhere northeast of this fort, lies a cave in the Erial mountains where the barbarians dwell? {no text stop after sentence} It's dangerous but I hear that {awkward text stop}

Chapter 20:

Holmes: decided to break the the ancient commandments and summon dragon Kranion to attack Salia. Just Kranion might be enough?

Chapter 21:

Katrina: Sennet, You have to decide yourself.


Kranion's title: ng Star

Neyfa's title: Cleric Could be Shaman of WInd. We know of her powers by now.

Are Katrina and Silva's titles supposed to be blank, too?

'Dakruon obtained' message: {garbage characters}


Holmes: at Morse's own {line break} {space} Altar of Resurrection

Chapter 22:

Bud: Hi Narcus!Welcome back! Excalamation mark could use some space

Zachariah's henchman: more enmy forces {awkward text stop} have arrived to the northwest

Zachariah: Ahab saw your Brand and called you a demon. I wouldn't capitalize that. The only brand ever mentioned is that of Yutona.

Holmes: You want to go Castle Salia, right?

Chapter 23:

Ahab: It took a little roughing up, but eventually got a confession

Ahab: let us to Castle Salia

Holmes: It's not like you're the only reason I'm doing this, anyway. "for"?

Narcus: tell me what's going ton. .

Reunion 2:

Rishel: He was was banished

Martel: we all looked up to Aunty Liza and our father as great knights of Salia too much, we couldn't not become knights. Clumsy structure.


Rishel: I can feel its supreme power just be holding it.

Julius: he has no honorthat we should leave

Julius: please return to Canaanhall.


Mintz dying: I've nothing, to regret... Nitpick, but an ellipsis/nothing would be better syntax.

Anna's little weapon mastery freakout

Samson's promoted title: ∅

Former Lightning spell: Thoron Former God Hand spell: Also Thoron

- This might be another case of Holmes having lazy-scenarist-induced memory problems. After Chapter 21, Holmes makes this big deal about trying to remember where he last saw Tia, despite having an optional dialogue with Richard in that very chapter.

- I don't know if it's from some other fantasy universe, but Earthborn is a coolass name for golems.


Heh, I forget that name changes are a bit of a sensitive subject in this community. I can stop making suggestions if you'd prefer, or stop mentioning names altogether. So far it's been less "this is a poor romanization that needs to change" (Seliph/Celice/Serlis) and more "that kinda looks strange with that specific spelling" (Mulder/Moulder) but I understand it's high controversy / low priority compared to typos and missing text.

(And I appear to have skipped on cross-checking "Leteena" being common before posting. My bad.)

Oh dear, that is not supposed to happen! (Though it's not entirely out-of-character for Anna...)

As for the numerous character title errors, I think I've fixed them all. There's no character limit on any particular person's, but there's limited space to hold the entirety of them, and if there's an overflow, it goes haywire. I had a hell of a time getting Shigen's and Plum's not to show up as multiple people's; funnily enough, Neyfa's title is supposed to be Shaman of Wind, but the game kept grabbing the tail end of Plum's Rainbow Cleric instead. Unfortunately, Katrina and Silva (and Resshea, for that matter) don't have titles.

You're right about Holmes's memory lapse--I'll figure out some way to fix that conversation.

In Japanese, the base golems are Golem and their upgraded equivalents are Stone Golem. When picking names, I first thought of Clay Golem & Stone Golem, then (after FE14) Clayborn & Stoneborn, and then decided that Earthborn was way cooler than Clayborn. Glad you like it! (Just a side note, since the summoning staves can summon both basic and promoted monsters, I decided that Revenants and Entombed would be collectively zombies, Bonewalkers and Wights would be skeletons, and Earthborn and Stoneborn would be golems. That way, I could concisely name the staves.)

Thanks for understanding. It's basically the lowest item on my priority list at this point. I don't want to say not to suggest things, but most of the names I gave quite a bit of thought, so I'd probably only want to address the wackiest. (There are two in particular--Xyon/Shion/Sion/Zion for シオン and Perishte/Pericyte/Parasite for ペリシテ, both men--that I'm still pretty on the fence about.)

In other news, I can probably get a new patch fixing the first 20-ish chapters out within the next couple days, so there's that to look forward to.

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Umm, the game keeps crashing immediately after the opening narration. It happens both on WiiSX and my computer. Did I mess something up?

That very well might be the case, but I don't know what you could've. Since you got to the point where the game actually starts up, you obviously did stuff correctly...

What computer emulator are you using? I've only ever tested it on psX emulator, so I don't know about compatability with any others.

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