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TearRing Saga: New Translation Finished! (v1.04)


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Speaking of Kranion, SF still hasn't fixed that fact that she is called "Granion" everywhere on the site...

Yeah... when I've finished, I'll definitely want to have the entire TRS1 section redone.

The old patch is full of similar mistakes; for instance, Neuron is called "Newolong," and Guenchaos is called "Gwenchaos," "Guenchaos," "Guien Khaos"...

For those who are curious, I've completed up through Chapter 3, which amounts to 10% of the script by data size--a little more than I expected, honestly. But it turns out that there's a slight downward slope in the kB of text per chapter as we progress in the game, which could explain it:


...except for the fact that this graph isn't precisely accurate, since some pieces of chapter script are stored in the same place, e.g., the 16 kB file gevmsg19.mes.txt contains text corresponding to chapters 2 and 16, but it only counts for chapter 2 on that graph.

Regardless, I think the data-percentage value is the most indicative of my progress-to-date. I'm also on summer break now instead of in the middle of university finals, so my working speed can only go up from here!

Edited by Aethin
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On one hand, Mousa does preserve the reference, but I think Muse is nicer to... look at/hear? And Muse still brings to mind thought because they're goddesses of literature or something?.

This, mostly on the idea for using Muse

that and i don't know, i just like the word Muse.

INCLUDING WITH THAT it's also some what close to the original characters

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  • 2 weeks later...

I voted Muse. It makes more sense to me.

On a related note, I had edited and translated the last few untranslated/unedited scripts that were up on open translation last year... I wasn't sure if any progress was really being made on the matter, so I'm glad to see this topic and progress is being made to update it.

I actually dropped by since I was going to post a separate topic asking if Berwick Saga is being translated, and if not, that I was seriously considering translating it as a long term project. But, it sounds like people are working on it already. If they need any help (which I doubt as it sounds like they got things covered), then please let me know. : )

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Hey, very interested.

I'm not sure if you've said anything about it, but any idea what was causing the crash at the top Tower of Morse only on the previous translation? Though I know you've only done up to Chapter 3 so far but maybe it will be an issue further down the road.

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I think the crash was fixed in another version but THAT version causes the ending to crash. Current translation is super buggy.

As for Muse/Mousa, I always just go with what sounds better and Muse sounds better. That being said, there's a reason I don't do translation stuff.

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Last I heard, the project's hacker has "fixed most of the bugs," so it's probably all taken care of, but I don't actually know for certain. I'm just an editor. I can ask, though!

EDIT: Well, if it was fixed in an earlier version, I'm positive it's still fixed.

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After everything I've heard about TearRing Saga's translation, I'm so glad to hear that it's being redone... and even more so that someone is working on Berwick Saga. I thought I would have to learn Japanese if I ever wanted to play it myself.

I wish you all the best of luck, and I look forward to seeing the results.

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Mousa works better IMO.

In part because it's a huge-ass friggin' DRAGON.

and I know I'd rather think of some sea-crocodile dinosaur when I read a dragon's name rather than some goddess of lyrics and music and poetry.

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Just so everyone knows, I've closed the Muse-Mousa question; my final choice is Mousa. Sorry to disappoint those who preferred Muse.


Here's something a little more open-ended: There are four swords made from the shattered ユトナの聖剣 (Holy Sword of Yutona), named after the four kingdoms:

聖剣リーヴェ holy sword of Reeve

聖剣サリア  holy sword of Salia

聖剣レダ   holy sword of Leda

聖剣カナン  holy sword of Canaan

Currently, on the FE Wiki, they're listed as Seiken Reeve, etc., and in the old patch, they're Reeve Calibur, etc.

Do you guys have any thoughts on how these swords could be named in a not-so-corny way in the translation?

At the moment, ___ Calibur seems acceptable, but it lacks a sort of succinctness that the names of other swords in the FE series have.

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I kind of liked how Seiken sounded tbh.

If you don't necessarily want the country in the name of the sword, you could just name the swords after famous ones in history/myth? Like Joyeuse, Colada, Tizona, Durandal, Excalibur, etc.? That's generally what they do in FE.

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___ Caliber/Calibur {if it's not derived from something else, then I think "caliber" is the correct spelling} sounds better to me.

The "Calibur" was shortened from Excalibur, actually.

I kind of liked how Seiken sounded tbh.

If you don't necessarily want the country in the name of the sword, you could just name the swords after famous ones in history/myth? Like Joyeuse, Colada, Tizona, Durandal, Excalibur, etc.? That's generally what they do in FE.

Following along this line of thought, I've begun to consider various mythological names related to either lore surrounding the weapons/their origins or their effects. Fortunately, Hindu tradition has gods of all the four elements and weapons (astrani) associated with each of them.

  • 聖剣リーヴェ Varunastra; the weapon of Varuna, the water-god, since Reeve is the kingdom associated with water
  • 聖剣サリア Agneyastra; the weapon of Agni, the fire-god, since Salia is the kingdom associated with fire
  • 聖剣カナン Vayvayastra; the weapon of Vayu, the wind-god, since Reeve is the kingdom associated with wind
  • 聖剣レダ Bhaumastra; the weapon of Bhumi, the earth-god, since Leda is the kingdom associated with wind

I also considered naming them Caliburn[us], Caledfwlch, Calesvol, and Kaledvoulc'h, which are all just old names for Excalibur, and all the swords are found basically sword-in-the-stone style. (Just so everyone knows: don't bother ranting at me that Excalibur usually isn't the sword in the stone. I know that.)

Three of these four kingdoms also have spears associated with them, but they are entirely unimportant:

  • サリアの槍 Falarica? Luin [Celtchair]? Aréadbhair?; (it's basically a better version of this game's Brave Lance, so I was hoping to use something fire-related instead for Salia).
  • カナンの槍 Solspear; since it has the innate Sol/Nosferatu ability (I can't just go with Sol, since there's also the Solblade)
  • レダの槍 Rhongomiant; the holy spear of King Arthur, since it's effective against monsters and halves all damage (there's already a weaker weapon called Blessed Lance, so I can't use that name)

None of these names are set in stone; I'm just brainstorming. At the moment, I'm leaning toward the four Excaliburs or just keeping Seiken ___. I'm still open to other ideas people might have!

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I've had a change of heart, more or less.

After consulting with various groups on the interwebz, I've decided to go basically vanilla and call the swords Reeve, Salia, Canaan, and Leda (their sword-ness being made clear from contex) and the spears Salian Spear, Ledan Spear, and Canaanite Spear. (This also frees up the former "Solblade" to be just Sol again.)

This was a nice talk; let's do it again some time.

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  • 11 months later...

So i hope this isnt counted as necroposting, but im just wondering if this thread is dead? I would love to see this translation go through

The thread is dead, yeah, but the link in his signature links to his mostly active tumblr blog for the translation.

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Notes about the translation:

  • Some skill and class names will be changed if they have direct Fire Emblem counterparts. For example, the battle skill 竜聖の技 ("dragon-holy skill") has the effect of triggering five attacks instead of one. As such, it will be translated as Astra.

It's weird that TRS is now becoming FE's clone again, after all those law case suits.

Like how DC invented Shazam and then renamed him Captain Marvel (or the opposite way you like).

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  • 1 month later...

I assume it's licit for me to resurrect my old thread, so here we go!

The translation is complete, and I've sent off a patch to the hacker! Should be out within the next few days, if I understand him correctly.

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I assume it's licit for me to resurrect my old thread, so here we go!

The translation is complete, and I've sent off a patch to the hacker! Should be out within the next few days, if I understand him correctly.

Welp, I needed an excuse to play TRS again, thanks for giving me one

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I assume it's licit for me to resurrect my old thread, so here we go!

The translation is complete, and I've sent off a patch to the hacker! Should be out within the next few days, if I understand him correctly.

Whoa sweet! Thanks for your hard work.

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I assume it's licit for me to resurrect my old thread, so here we go!

The translation is complete, and I've sent off a patch to the hacker! Should be out within the next few days, if I understand him correctly.

Now this is nice to hear. Thanks a lot for all your hard work, especially considering how incredibly obscure this game is.

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