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TearRing Saga: New Translation Finished! (v1.04)


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I actually did use psX but the same thing happens there. Maybe it has something to do with the bios? I have scph1001, but not scph1002 because I have no idea where to reliably find it. But you only need the former to run the game, right?

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I actually did use psX but the same thing happens there. Maybe it has something to do with the bios? I have scph1001, but not scph1002 because I have no idea where to reliably find it. But you only need the former to run the game, right?

I run it on HLE bios, which basically means playing it without a bios, so I doubt that's it, but it couldn't hurt you to try.

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I actually did use psX but the same thing happens there. Maybe it has something to do with the bios? I have scph1001, but not scph1002 because I have no idea where to reliably find it. But you only need the former to run the game, right?

What program did you use to patch it? Also, did you patch it on an ISO that already had the old patch on it (not sure if that would matter, don't know the specifics of how PPFs work myself)
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What program did you use to patch it? Also, did you patch it on an ISO that already had the old patch on it (not sure if that would matter, don't know the specifics of how PPFs work myself)

Ppf o matic.

I'm pretty sure the file was japanese; I looked specifically for it. The menu screen works just fine, but after I press new game and read the narration, everything goes black and just stays that way.

I run it on HLE bios, which basically means playing it without a bios, so I doubt that's it, but it couldn't hurt you to try.

I guess so. I just really want to play this game. Edited by Zigludo
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On 8/16/2016 at 5:43 PM, Zigludo said:

Ppf o matic.

I'm pretty sure the file was japanese; I looked specifically for it. The menu screen works just fine, but after I press new game and read the narration, everything goes black and just stays that way.

I guess so. I just really want to play this game.

It might be a different case but I also had the same problem. I had used the patch over a previously patched game and mine would start and black screen crash the same as yours

Edited by thegreathare
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It might be a different case but I also had the same problem. I had used the patch over a previously patched game and mine would start and black screen crash the same as yours. I found a untouched japanese and was able to properly patch it from there. Hope this works

Geez, turns out that really was the case. Thank you all!

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[spoiler=No funny gifs this time]

Chapter 24:

Eugen: we're returing to our homeland

Lentzenheimer's father: Your mother for scolded you for it


Runan: Let is hasten onward

Chapter 25:

Narcus: You want me to go back out there?!. A period after the ?!

General boss (Jeff...?) dying: please forgive m {line break} e...!

Chapter 26A (invisible snipers):

Rina's grampa: What kept you so long?!\ A backslash after the ?!

Arkis: there's a war our there

Arkis: Everything's just moving to fast

Rina's grampa: I've been telling her that she's still not ready to fight in a real battle, but she'll learn a lot more at your side than just from drilling exercises from an old man like me. A bit of a run-on sentence, awkward from-from.

Villager girl: "If you want to hate someone," hate Lord Runan for abandoning you," Unneeded inverted commas

Villager man: You've put their lives at stake in battle Context suggests a your lives


Eugen: we fled to Admiral Vals's in Granada... Just Vals? Unsure, this part of my English is shaky.

Runan: For future of both our kingdoms

Holmes Party Intermission:

Sierra: Warriors like you from of the Cult

Sierra: What made want to abandon

Lionheart: she was with childbut...

Ligria trainers:

Mountaineer trainer: Y'know, when you're in the {line break} mountains {line break} it's hard to keep

Mountaineer trainer: {line break} Hey, {line break} why don't you train with me?

Mountaineer trainer: you gotta take {line break} advantage {line break} of boulders and gullies

Mountaineer/Frontiersman(?) trainer: Bandits and beasts hiding in the hills {line break} Can't hold a candle to you now!

Holmes History Intermission:

Holmes: that the Cult belives in, isn't it. Period should be a a question mark.

Law: accept the Zoan's surrender. Zoans's? Unsure

Holmes: I see so after that, Carluon led


Holmes: Carluon established the the Holy Empire of Reeve

Law: ruled over Lieberant, or as you called it, Holy Empire of Reeve, which spanned Needs a the.


Holmes: Sage Morse was the Eisenbach and Guenchaos's teacher?

Chapter 27:

Holmes: Load all the cargo on to the Sea Lion!

Chapter 28:

Challan dying: that I would die to mere pirates... {line break} !

Chapter 29:

Xyon: For my Prince and country, you must fall!

Theodora: Sophia as declared independance!


Shigen: Everyone has their own reason they fight. Awkward.
Holmes: Everyone's been sucked in to this war...

Vals's new girl: I'll have to adjust the recipe. Vals: {empty text box}

Vals: It's time you learnt what real work was.


Holmes: Maybe you haven't heard this about my {line break} father, {line break} but he's got lady friends

Shigen: With a one like Shigen

Holmes: Let's keep this our secret, all right? At least till he's a bit older. Correctly used, but clashes with the language register used in context. until/'til means the same but pertains to the same register


Esther's promoted title: c

Letena's title (Holy One of Light) sounds awkward.

A few more debatable points/continuity errors/weird names today:

- Is "Lord Brother" a thing that's supposed to be somewhat common in older English cultures? It sounds incredibly awkward to me, and the Rina/Kreiss conversations has her throwing them around like onii-chans cheap cigars.

- During the slave trader scene with Juni and Xeno:

Xeno: That dress there... That's Juni's, I'm sure of it!

I don't think Juni wears dresses, seeing her sprites and her whole backstory.

- During that same scene, I still cannot understand why Juni is so incredibly mad at Xeno, or why Shigen calls it "a misunderstanding." I get why she's embarassed, but I dunno, it just felt oddly forced.

- Law: Carluon passed away at the unfortunately young age of sixty.
In the Middle Ages / anime fantasy, isn't that actually really damn old...?

- Quick Name Opinionz:

Xyon seems fine to me, really. Pike is weirder.

Jugud looks very transliterated.

+ The talk between Holmes and Law about Zoans and their culture was good. Holmes's speech to the people was magical. Also Super special stealth attack!

Edited by Miacis
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"Lord Brother" is semi-commonly used in other medieval fantasy as well, so I assume it's a fairly standard thing, perhaps even with some historical basis to it.

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Hoooooooooolyyyyyyyyyyy shiiiiiiiit.

This game turned out way better than I ever expected it to. The characters were all great, the in-story supports were awesome, and the two lords were great. That goes double for Holmes, who actually managed to turn out amazing despite his low growths. My man had 21 strength at level 22, which baffles me. He, Narron, and San were the real MVPs of my playthrough, tbh. He really helped with trivializing a lot of the later game maps because Kaga doesn't seem to understand the concept of making warp skip proof maps. Plus, he managed to oneshot the traitor (don't want any spoilers) when I thought I would be going through hell trying to kill him. If we're considering this an entry in the Fire Emblem series (which we really should, let's be real) Holmes is easily my favorite character in the series.

Runan was cool too, but I wasn't as blessed with him. I don't usually like the stern lords, but Runan manages to have a lot more personality beyond that. Even though he's a leader and honorable and all that stuff, I never felt like that completely dominated him as a character. He shines most whenever he meets up with Holmes, in my opinion. Even when Runan has to be serious, Eugen is always there to be the more hotblooded or scheming one of the two of them, which only served to draw Runan away from being just another generic lord.

I'm on map 35 right now and I already feel like it's going to be a shitshow, but I'll definitely play through it all no matter what. This is the only game in a long time that's had me hooked from morning to night. I'll probably be finishing it tomorrow, at this rate.

Wish me luck!

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Alright, I'm trying this out and it looks great.
Btw, I hard patched this onto my japanese ISO with ppf-o-matic, so is there anything that might screw the game over? Like a gamebreaking glitch or something?

Also the dropping items with Anna are beautiful

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Hey, this'll sound like a weird request, but I'll ask anyhow. Can I send one of you a savestate of when the final boss says "THIS CAN'T BE"? My emulator on the wii is prone to freezing at random but I really don't want to just search up the ending online. Could someone just advance the one line of dialogue, overwrite the savestate, then send it right back to me? I'd do it myself but my computer is too garbage to even run emulators.

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[spoiler=Final set of typos]

Chapter 30:

All trainers use the old skill names, except for the Draco one.

All trainers ask Didn't you learn the [X] skill from me? to characters who don't actually have that skill.

All trainers: You seem to be {line break} another seeker

Sol trainer: When you understand its flow, {awkward text stop} something-something-I-forgot-to-screenshot-it

Morse Tower:

Splash screens have some weird numbers under the Encounter title.

Reunion 3:

Guenchaos: Come with me quietly, Fire Shama¦n, Where ¦ represents the textbox's border.

Claris: Send a messenger to Sir Holmes {line break} !

Claris: Tell him that Lady Katri has been {line break} {space} taken!


Runan: Enteh, but I was I was absolutely furious

Runan: And then, after you were freed, continued hiding under the assumed name of Enteh... "you"?


Kreiss: What is it Letena. Should be a question mark

Letena: I am return to Verje

Choice box: Alright, if it's for Lettina...

Ezekiel: Remeber this!

Chapter 31:

Law: will need all four Shamans in order perform the resurrection.

Zieg: willing soldiers for the cause, aren't they>

Chapter 32: None! :Hugh:

Chapter 33:

Holmes: I came here a few years ago looking for the {line break} sword, {line break} {space} actually, {line break} {space} but all we found was a rusty {line break} {space} piece of metal stuck in a pedestal. {no text stop}

Claris: The sacred blade has been revived by your courage the love of Lady Katri.

Chapter 34:

Resshea: the nurse was slain by her pursuers. {line doesn't clear} Barker: So what happened to this mercenary woman?

Resshea: sent to his side in the hops or tearing Canaan apart

Julius: Could kill your father without the slightest hesitation?

Resshea: We are both already made our choice.

Barker: I should be one one to do it.

Barker: Despite that, {line break} Today's arduous situation {line break} happened because of I, Barker. me?

Barker: For the sons of Canaan, {line break} for the future of Canaan, {line break} Here and now, I want you


Eugen: Lord Runan, {line break} The royal palace of Reeve rests

Runan: I visited it many times with lord father... Capitalization consistency with Lord Brother...

Eugen: {text start} No sir, I know not {line break} whatever it is I possess. {text stop}


Ernst dying: No... Not yet... {text stop that blocks the autoscrolling}

Verna: what out fathers could not." Those were his words. {no text stop} something-something-I-forgot-to-screenshot-it

Verna also has an empty text box during that conversation... somewhere. (I was not well-awake for that part and forgot to take context screenshots, apologies.)

Verna: we believe our we will be able to take the capitol

Chapter 35:

Gladiator trainer: All right, {double space} let's begin.

Blonde Carnel villager: You think you can just waltz on in to my house?

Blonde Gladiator NPC: So if we help them out, I'm sure we'll {awkward text stop} something-something-I-forgot-to-screenshot-it


Eugen: a good mopping now this oily slug's gone

Tatus: You an insolent bastard!

Regicide/Patricide intermission:

Title card calls it the Canan Royal Palace.

Chapter 36:

Verna: Pardon my intrustion...

Runan: to the ruins of the Castle Nolzeria, right?

Runan: I'm going to go get make sure Enteh is all right


Kate: You didn't have come back here!

Old villager on the way to Water Shrine: The each of the four shrines was built

Chapter 37:

Nevkha dying: You cursed heathens.. {line break} .

Chapter 38:

Richard: Leda is mine, and you're {awkward text stop} going to help me claim it.

Chapter 39:

Kate: I've something unforgivable...

Eugen: It was foolish of me to trust a person with such a history as he did. as his?

Chapter 40:

Eugen: {text start} Is his breath {line break} that frightful? {text stop}


Carla's title: d

Gerxel's title: Master of Arms lol


Gerxel: HOW CAN THIS BE...? {text stop that blocks the autoscrolling} But you already knew that.


Holmes: The Yutona's mother herself...


Holmes: Wait, what {line break} You're going all the way back to Wellt? Missing punctuation before the line break.


Silva: That's the second-in-command's duty. {no text stop} Mintz: S-Second-in-command?!

Mintz: I'm just more into women... {double space} my age.

Sennet: I want visit her at the Temple of Mars.

Katrina: You need to learn to be lead on your own.


Tatus; It's a bit short notice

Rishel: a big family reunion with Aunt the rest of Mother's side

Kreiss: I would die before I led anything happen


Holmes, after leaving Katri: {empty text box}


Holmes: It's a lot to absorb, but it all really interesting stuff.

Runan has an empty text box right before Holmes says:

Holmes: Eventually, their leaders decided to venture into the forbidden mountain himself in order to plead

Holmes: the demanded to be recognized


Holmes: Finally, it's just the two of us {line break} Just like old times.

Holmes: We'll, let's get on board.


Katri: You said they it make him feel more at ease, but he looked really mad...

Shigen: I was hoping it's force Holmes to finally make a move

Enteh: The told me that my mother

Death quotes:

Lyria: Was my singing wothless...??

Scenes that I did not proofread on this playthrough:

- Ruka/Raquel storyline.

- All of Lionel's and Lee's lines.

- In map 21, the San-Silva, Frau-Verna and Raffin-Resshea conversations.

- Rebecca's lines.

- The entirety of the Crossdressers map.

- Julia facing off against Lentzenheimer.

- Late Sierra recruitment.

- Epilogue results of Xeno/Juni romance/dance scene.

- Epilogue results of recruiting Leonie early (so she doesn't fall in love with Mintz).

- Epilogue results of... whatever the fuck makes Lina stay with Arkis.

- Most death quotes.

And one last bunch of my opinions:

- Gerxel's KUKUKUKU... laugh before Black Rain is hella japanese.

- Runan calls Stephanie a "POW" instead of a "prisoner of war" which seems anachronistic and the only instance in the script where an initialism is used. The text box for that line easily fits the full word.

- Didn't the map set in Nolzeria have a title like "Streets of Love and Sorrow"? Kind of a clunky title, but I find it more flavorful (and appropriate considering the whole Runan-Enteh events) than a generic "City of Death."

- I like the new Seiken names, but if there is any alternate spelling that can make Vayvayastra not look silly, I'll take it.

- I don't want to run this "Lord Brother" thing into the ground, but man, the Resshea-Barker-Julius conversation also has a high density of them. It doesn't help that they use that title to refer to Arless, Barker and Julius. I'm sure there are at least a couple instances where it could be replaced with either "our Lord Brother" or "he" (when mentionning Arless), nothing (when addressing Barker/Julius), or the person's name (for both), and it would help at least clear out some confusion.

- Miradona: [...] I know that Heaven will bless you.

Far be it from me to enforce SNES-era censorship, but that's the only mention of "Heaven" as being an actual (sentient...?) entity in this game's mythology. Its meaning is quite religiously charged in Western culture, so unless that specific Christian meaning was a part of the source text, maybe something more typical fantasy not-Heaven would flow better? "the heavens," "the blue skies," "the light," I dunno.

+ Very good shit overall, though! I'll make sure to go back to it later, when a new patch version is out. Hopefully that all helped. Yutonaspeed to you, Aethin, and thanks for the excellent work!

Edited by Miacis
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OK I am at the final chapter and i've heard theres a glitch not allowing you to finish. What are some ways around this? I play the game on a GPD XD, any help is appreciated!

btw love this game, the team behind the patch did a fantastic job! This is easily in my top 3 fire emblems.

Make a savestate right before you kill the boss. Switch to the original japanese version, kill him, let some text scroll, make another savestate, then switch back to the translated version.

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Awesome, thanks! Will this work even if the roms have different names? The one I'm playing I renamed Tear Ring Saga while the untouched one will be in japanese.

Yeah it should work.. I renamed mine to Tear Ring Saga while I left the japanese file name untouched so it should be fine.

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I thought that came out in another month?

Yeah, Vincent already made an update on the issue:


With that said, the main download link has reached it's limit, I can't get the first mirror to work and the second mirror currently doesn't work at all. Maybe it would be the best to wait a day or two.

Edited by BrightBow
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I've been streaming this and it's typo-free for the most part. I don't want to get screencaps now but there are a lot of errors in enemy labels (namely towards the start of the game) and the Nomadic Trooper label is really fucked up (look at Lionheart stuff). Furthermore, the game text says "Leonie" but the in-game stuff says "Rennie," and when your Mastery increases it says "WLV up by one point!" in the level up screen. I think there's a few other issues with consistency between one source and another for names, on that note, but I'll note more as I find them.

Another thing I'd like to point out is that Rishel's tome Sunflame gives Def+10, but the description says Mag+10.

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Hello, everyone!

Regarding TearRing Saga 3 Vestaria Saga, I'm super-excited about it too! I wish I could've caught the announcement earlier when the downloads were still available. C'est la vie.

Regarding this project, I've had to put it on the back burner for the past few weeks due to grad school staring up (hence the "couple days" being more like severa weeks), but things are calming down now. I had been mass re-re-editing every file with a typo noted by Miacis (to whom I owe infinite thanks for all the help), but I think in the interest of looking productive to everyone else, I'll do more miniature updates--the first of which will be to just fix the known typos, the final chapter glitch, and update most of the graphics-based text.

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Hello, everyone!

Regarding TearRing Saga 3 Vestaria Saga, I'm super-excited about it too! I wish I could've caught the announcement earlier when the downloads were still available. C'est la vie.

Regarding this project, I've had to put it on the back burner for the past few weeks due to grad school staring up (hence the "couple days" being more like severa weeks), but things are calming down now. I had been mass re-re-editing every file with a typo noted by Miacis (to whom I owe infinite thanks for all the help), but I think in the interest of looking productive to everyone else, I'll do more miniature updates--the first of which will be to just fix the known typos, the final chapter glitch, and update most of the graphics-based text.

You're alive! I was getting worried lol. Sucks about being swamped but glad to hear the ending glitch will be fixed. Thanks a bunch for all you hard work you;ve done!

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