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TearRing Saga: New Translation Finished! (v1.04)


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I came across some other small errors. After map 34, the conversation between the three pegasus knight sisters, the transition from Martel to Frau talking doesn't clear the previous text. After that, there's "You were still to young then." - should be too, not to.

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Hooray for necroposting! But hey, I'm the OP, and I have an update!

The first post has been updated to reflect PATCH VERSION 1.04. Note that I've abandoned PPF patches; we now use the much more robust xDelta patches!

What's been fixed in this patch:

  • all known conversation typos
  • text freezes in Barbarossa's death quote and Holmes's flashback
  • skill/stat descriptions have been updated
  • Archogre vs. Greatogre has been resolved to "Greatogre"
  • Item/Skill names:
    • Vayvayastra → Vayavyastra
    • Blessed Sword → Slayer Sword
    • Short Spear → Pilum
    • Plainsman → Grassrunner
    • Brenthunder → Dire Thunder
    • Crush → Kishar's Wrath
  • all remaining instances of "Leda Liberation War" fixed to "Ledan Crusade"

What's not been fixed:

  • Esther's promoted title is still blank (would require massive workarounds to fix)
  • When getting the Dakruon, the pop-up message is still gibberish (don't know how to fix)
  • When assigning a unit to the armory, the pop-up message is still gibberish (don't know how to fix)

Finally, if you haven't seen it yet: I've figured out how to get past the limited tutorial in the Beta Version of TearRing Saga! For details, see this thread.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

So uh, @Aethin seeing as Vestaria Saga has that fancy localization now, are you going to update your  patches for consistency with it, like Lord>Liege for  example, or are you going to keep the Fire Emblem names?

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry to everyone about the delay--I moved to Japan two months ago, so I've been a bit busy getting settled and establishing a normal schedule again here.

On 8/17/2018 at 5:48 AM, Jay_ said:

Hey what do I need to use for the output file when patching?

You can just type any new file name ending with .bin and it'll make a new (patched) file with that name.

On 8/17/2018 at 10:28 AM, MCProductions said:

So uh, @Aethin seeing as Vestaria Saga has that fancy localization now, are you going to update your  patches for consistency with it, like Lord>Liege for  example, or are you going to keep the Fire Emblem names?

At the very least, I'll look at the new names and see if they explain any things I didn't understand. Other than that, I'm more inclined to adjust the Berwick names than the TRS names, but still not very much *shrug*

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 6 months later...

Hi all,

New here and excited to have found this community.  I need help  I'm having problems patching the game using xdelta UI program.   The first 2 steps are easy I select the patch and source file  but in the output file it says to write a name with .iso extension so I just wrote TearRing Saga.bin  but when I click on Patch I get this error message:


xdelta3: Target window checksum mismatch: XD3_INVALID_INPUT


Anyone able to explain what I'm doing wrong please? 


Thanks in advance for any help!

Edited by alus415
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23 hours ago, alus415 said:

Hi all,

New here and excited to have found this community.  I need help  I'm having problems patching the game using xdelta UI program.   The first 2 steps are easy I select the patch and source file  but in the output file it says to write a name with .iso extension so I just wrote TearRing Saga.bin  but when I click on Patch I get this error message:


xdelta3: Target window checksum mismatch: XD3_INVALID_INPUT


Anyone able to explain what I'm doing wrong please? 


Thanks in advance for any help!

Hello! This is just a guess, but I think the problem might be a missing path to the output file. Try copy-pasting the path of the source file and typing a new filename from there, like in the attached image. If that doesn't fix anything, send me a PM, and I'll help you sort it out.

apply xdelta patch.png

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I just wanted to thank you for your hard work on this. I've been meaning to branch out to Kaga's post-FE stuff for a while and today's the day I start doing so with this game. Very excited to see what it has to offer!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think I'll have to give this a whirl. I played an older translation and remember there being a freeze in a tower late in the game where you had to unpatch the game and then repatch it. Also from reading some of the comments seems the script was improved. Definitely enjoyed my playthrough of this years ago.

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  • 11 months later...
On 8/25/2020 at 3:01 AM, Soki_25 said:

I have an issue with map 30. When turn 2 enemy phase starts, all units and movement freezes, music stills plays normally but nothing responds any work arounds?

That happened to me when I played it years ago, I wonder if it's an emulator or rom issue.

Edit: mine was on the final map, whatever that was.


Edited by Alph
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  • 2 years later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hey, just came across this game from a chance FEWiki search; huge fan of the FE games and didn't know about TRS at all until now. I'm trying to download everything so I can play on my macbook air but I'm extremely un-techsavvy. Is there any way to do it without having to download tons of additional stuff and writing stuff in "command lines" or whatnot?

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  • 7 months later...
  • 11 months later...

Hello !

I'm a fan of Kaga's work, so I want to play TearRing Saga. However, I have incredible FOMO and therefore, missing a dialogue, a piece of lore or whatever in a game with so many super interesting characters annoys me greatly.

Is it possible to get a complete TearRing Saga script in English? I don't care how good it is, as long as it's all there, I'll take it!

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