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Day phases are not 72 hours in general. Regardless, today is a special exception.

Phase end time is 3 PM tomorrow- that's 20 hours and 7 minutes from the time of this post

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wait shit I was thinking of that as 3 p.m. pacific time but it's really noon

dunno if I'll even be around then

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Probably won't be around for phase end tomorrow, I'll see if I can do stuff on my phone though if I'm around.

yo was this supposed to be in this thread?
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Since weather is in my area, and it's pretty serious weather, if you're talking to me and I poof for any period of time, assume that the storm knocked out my power/internet. It's happened roughly 6 times late last week, and 4 times in the past 3 hours.

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Poly (3): Gaius, Euklyd, Crysta

SB (2): Paperblade, Green Poet

Paperblade (2): SB, Poly

Mancer (1): Snike

Green Poet (1): Junko

Proto (1): Proto

Excellen (1): Elieson

2 hours.

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Phase end time is 3 PM tomorrow- that's 20 hours and 7 minutes from the time of this post

20 hrs and 7 minutes from that post is 6pm my time, and it's 12:04p by me right now. P.sure there's slightly under 6 hrs left, not 2

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I'm taking this into the thread instead of PM since quite a few people seem keen on lynching me and there's probably no talking them out of it.

A recap of what has happened.

>I and blitz start conversation in PM. Out of the blue, blitz turns aggressive on me and does his best to incriminate me by arguing i'm inactive(false), and that I'm not saying anything and am keeping back. Which is also false.

>me and elieson start conversation over his roleclaim. He gets frustrated because I want him to explain more clearly what he means with it. Later he lashes out at me because "I'm not telling him anything" and I call him out on the fact that going around claiming arsonist/hook/doc is trolling and not a town move. Elieson asks me why he should read me as town.

>eurykins thinks I'm trying to keep myself sidelined.

Now watch me get lynched by the blitz/elieson scum team, supported by gaius and eurykins. Over nothing.

Since this is essentially a tossup between elieson and blitz:

##Vote: Blitz

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It still took you quite a while to tell me anything on your mind that wasn't directly related to my role, and you did go back to it again and again so like i asked you in the log please tell me why you're town

Sent Yesterday, 10:52 AM
If this is the only way to really communicate with you in OC then so be it

Has anyone talked to you?

Excellen Browning:
Sent Yesterday, 11:13 AM
Yes. Or rather, I've gone out of my way to talk to people. A bunch of people I've sent messages haven't responded yet, though.

Anyway, i want your opinion on proto as well as your roleclaim

EDIT; also my skype is johan.niel

Sent Yesterday, 11:28 AM

Pick one. Regardless, I'm Simon Belmont

Proto and I talked in OC but it was all rather useless. His big spec post is eh, probably townie on effort alone though. His OC is far from impressive, from what I can gather based on hearsay from a few others (blitz/euk)

Excellen Browning:
Sent Yesterday, 11:43 AM
I don't see how two of those roles work. Explain, please.


Sent Yesterday, 11:52 AM
Arsonist- night X :set up a prime on USER / night X+# Activate it, killing them. I can theoretically prime many people and pull the trigger to kill them all simultaneously

Delayed hooker-Target User on night X, on night X+1, user gets hooked

Doc-I can't protect anybody until somebody dies by means other than a lynch

Excellen Browning:
Sent Yesterday, 12:00 PM
What makes you a jack arsonist, though?

Sent Yesterday, 12:52 PM

I claimed Jack!(Abilities)

I'm in fact one of those only.


Excellen Browning:
Sent Yesterday, 01:54 PM
Just to make it clear, you're a jack of all trades with one of these abilities, or you're actually one of an arsonist, hooker or doctor?

Sent Yesterday, 03:54 PM
I originallu claimed jack with those three shots

I am instead a full time A/B/C

Sent Yesterday, 03:55 PM
Are you gonna give me anything to work with for yourself or am I gonna spend the next week clarifying my claim

Excellen Browning:
Sent Yesterday, 04:42 PM
You could stand to lose the aggressive undertone.

Also, why do you expect me to just blab away at you?

Sent Yesterday, 05:17 PM
No reason I'm just tired of explaining my role to what is now seven people sry

it's more I'm just trying to explain it really cut and dry and people just don't seem to be getting it

I'd just appreciate if you shared anything since phase is about to end and I know nothing about your slot, including your pserpsective on the game and/or role

Sent Yesterday, 05:19 PM
I just heard Proto wants himself lynched, and that you might know about it

Like...don't you think that would've been worth sharing (if you had heard about it)?

Excellen Browning:
Sent Yesterday, 05:40 PM
I claim to know nothing. It's all just conjecture on my part. The people who told you about proto might have told you my reasoning behind the idea as well, though.

Essentially, I'm calling proto's post about SB's role claim into doubt. If I had to summarize the content, it'd be like so: "I know partitioner is a townish role, but please remember he could totally turn out to be maf guys!" which is just a fishy statement, and I wonder why he posted it. He knows better than to post it if he were town, and as maf, so right now I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt on it. There's also his metagame to consider. But egads.

You do realize you've claimed full arsonist(wolf) and doc to me, right?

Sent Yesterday, 05:48 PM
I claim to know nothing. It's all just conjecture on my part. The people who told you about proto might have told you my reasoning behind the idea as well, though.

fwiw only one person mentioned this to me but i'm blowing it our of proportions in hopes that somebody reacts because nobody gave a hoot about my claim...until literally your reply just now.

Essentially, I'm calling proto's post about SB's role claim into doubt. If I had to summarize the content, it'd be like so: "I know partitioner is a townish role, but please remember he could totally turn out to be maf guys!" which is just a fishy statement, and I wonder why he posted it. He knows better than to post it if he were town, and as maf, so right now I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt on it. There's also his metagame to consider. But egads.

It just seems like a lot of fluffy rolespec but I can say with confidence that in every game i've played with Proto in, i've been incorrect on my read, and I think he's scummy for putting out such a needlessly fluffy post so....he's town I guess idk

You do realize you've claimed full arsonist(wolf) and doc to me, right?

Only if you realize that I just told you I'm one of those three roles, and it's up to you to interpret arsonist as wolf (when it could be that i'm town's Vig-ish role), so I might not even be Doc or Arsonist.

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##Vote: No Lynch

I'm not really on board with the reasons behind the lynch and feel like Excellen wouldn't vote Blitz here with >10 minutes left to deadline (now 4) so yeah. I have no good alternatives though aside from a last minute yolowagon.

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SB next time just IM me you're clearly on skype and I got back to you 3 minutes before you had your messenger tell me to NoLynch

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